Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 596: Royal orphans

Ning Cheng has been waiting very impatient, just about to leave, but see Chu Yunqi personally holding a white man over.

This is the first time that Ning Cheng has seen Bei Yue, and the impression is not profound. His arrogant eyes glanced at Gu Beiyue and saw Gu Beiyue's shoulder and leg injuries, and did not feel relieved. I thought, this is estimated to be hurt when the Chu family arrested people.

Gu Beiyue lowered his head, and the whole person was pumped out of strength, standing stunnedly, and his body was weak enough to fall at any time.

"Medical doctor?" Ning Cheng is very disdainful, can not see how Han Yu will have a good relationship with this kind of person.

Han Yu has got the eye of the dragon and the night. It is good, but someone who can be a friend with her must have something extraordinary. In front of this Gu Beiyue, like a doctor, it is a weak scholar!

"The people you want bring." Chu Yunxiao said faintly, nothing was revealed.

Ning Cheng naturally understands that he does not want to disclose his identity when he wears a mask. He nodded and did not speak much. He personally took Gu Beiyue’s collar and pulled it away.

Who knows that at this time Gu Beiyue suddenly raised his hand and violently pushed away Ning Cheng, "I can go!"

His voice was very low, with emotions, and he did not see the usual gentle calm.

Ning Cheng looked at the hand he was pushed away, it was incredible, he was cold, "Come on, otherwise I will let you roll away."

After he finished, he went straight to the door. Gu Beiyue looked back at Chu Yunyan, and his eyes were so powerful that he could kill people. Chu Yunqi subconsciously retreated and couldn’t help but think about his actions today. It is right or wrong.

Gu Beiyue’s right hand hangs and his shoulders are penetrated. This hand can’t be lifted. He uses his left hand to hold Dantian, who still has pain and cuts, and he keeps up with Ning Cheng step by step.

The most urgent thing he needs now is to lie down and rest to avoid strenuous exercise. However, he is stubborn and he is getting bigger and faster. Even quickly caught up with Ning Cheng, and even surpassed Ning Cheng.

He doesn't want to waste, he still doesn't waste!

His life is still there, the mission of the movie family is there, and his promise of Gu Beiyue is here!

Looking at the weak figure who went to the front, Ning Cheng scorned and laughed. He despised the bones of this weak scholar. This bone is not hard, but it is awkward.

So can you? How long can you be? A few steps to get the strongest? joke!

If it is not threatening Han Han, like this useless thing, he would rather not waste time.

"Come, come back and take care of it, without the order of the general, no one is near!" Ning Cheng coldly ordered.

When the follower appeared immediately, when Gu Beiyue turned to talk with Ning Cheng, he followed the palm of his hand and went to the neck of Gu Beiyue. Gu Beiyue could not hold it and stunned.

Ning Cheng took Gu Beiyue, and he will not know whether Gu Beiyue will talk to him. In Chu Yunqi's view, the temper of Ning Cheng will not be more nonsense with Gu Beiyue. Even if the two people really talk about it, their scruples in their hearts will not reveal their respective identities.

Looking at Ning Cheng, Chu Yunyu spit a long turbidity.

He only needs to wait now. When the cavalry battalion of Ning Cheng arrives, he will join forces with Chu Jiajun to beat Xi Zhoujun. When the Emperor of Heaven and Earth breaks the last breath, the sorcerer wins the throne.

Without the intervention of the Ningjia, the preparation of Chutian in the Westing City before the witches had to help the Prince to successfully win the throne, it was nothing more than overnight.

"After years, we must live in Xijing City!" He said seriously to General Chu.

General Chu had not answered the words, and a soldier rushed over. "The generals, the Western Zhou sent to the embassy, ​​at the gate of the city, said that there is something to do business!"

Chu Yunqi and General Chu face each other, and the two armies have been confronting each other for a long time. What do you want to talk about on the Western Zhou Dynasty?

Summation is impossible. Is it difficult for Queen Xue?

Soon, General Chu will meet with the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Chu Yunxi sat down to listen.

Seeing the full house servant, the Western Zhou Dynasty envoys to the Chu Generals made a look, and General Chu let everyone retreat.

"There is something to say now." General Chu was very rude, and he did not even let the courtier sit.

To know the rules of the empty continent, the two armies will fight, not to kill, to be courteous.

The Western Zhou Dynasty envoys slandered the Chu family rebel army. Seeing the generals of Chu was so unconscionable, it was even more contemptuous. He replied high in the land. "General Chu, this ambassador is here to upload two sentences for the emperor. First, General Chu. To surrender, the emperor will read on the merits of the generals of the Chu army for many years, and deal with the generals of Chu, if..."

The first sentence of the Western Zhou Dynasty’s ambassador was not finished, and General Chu interrupted it coldly. “Go back and tell Emperor Kang Cheng that this is nonsense!”

The Western Zhou Dynasty enemies were angry in the heart, and said again, "The second sentence, the emperor said, if the Chu family does not want to expose the archery technique... Oh, immediately put the Queen of Xue, or the consequences will be conceited!"

This is the real purpose of the Western Zhou Dynasty sent to the ambassador. At the beginning of the Thousand Buddha Caves, the Chu family exposed the archery technique, and the archery technique was known to the celestial secrets.

Under the circumstances that the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem knew the Thousand Buddha Caves, he knew that the Chu family was after the Youzu!

When the words of the Western Zhou Dynasty’s emperor were finished, the grand hall was quiet, and the Western Zhou emissus began to lift his chin at first, threatening the posture. However, as the atmosphere in the house became more and more quiet, the Western Zhou Dynasty minister was inexplicably afraid.

He saw General Chu’s face sullen, inadvertently turning back, and seeing a single-eyed Chu Yun’s face cold.

What do they mean?

"General Chu, the emperor... The emperor said, this victory and defeat are all based on the ability. As long as you put the Queen of Xue, the things of the sorcerer he only do not know." Western Zhou ambassador's tone is not consciously soft.

However, General Chu and Chu Yunqi still looked at him coldly and quietly, without any sound.

The Western Zhou Dynasty’s ambassadors are more and more fearful, and they are busy making rumors. “General Chu thinks about it!”

He said, he was going to leave, but unfortunately, he had not yet taken the door of the guest house, and a sharp arrow passed through his heart.

The two armies fought and did not kill the minister. This is an unwritten rule. No matter how big the battlefield, no one has killed the ambassador!

When the Chu family killed the news of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the whole cloud was shocked.

The emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty violently thundered. "A good Chu family, a good family! You won't slaughter your Youzu Manchu, you can... oh..."

The emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty was so angry that he could not speak. When the pilgrimage swept the full table, the Manchu martial arts all fell on the ground, and they did not dare to speak.

Finally, the Western Zhou Emperor took the case and started, "Come to the people, the secret of the Chu family is announced to the public!"

When the words came out, the whole world was shocked. Is there any secret in the Chu family? The emperor said this, does it mean to give up the Queen of Xue?

Who knows, the news of the Western Zhou Dynasty has not been scattered

When the cloth went out, the Chu family was the first to sue the world in the name of the Western Qin royal family. It opened the secret of the Chu family to be the sorcerer of the seven aristocrats, and also disclosed the truth of the demise of the Western Qin royal family, and declared the Chu family to look for the royal orphans. Guangfu Xiqin is his own duty, and invites the world to be a hero, and make a total plan!

When the matter came out, no one would talk about killing the ambassador. Because killing the ambassador is in the face of such a big event, it is simply not enough.

This news caused a major earthquake in the Yunnan-China continent. Regardless of the big forces or the small people, all of them are paying attention to this matter. The views of the Chu family are almost completely subversive!

Of course, everyone is most concerned about the family of the Yuzu, but the orphan of the Western Qin Dynasty!

There are still descendants of the Western Qin Dynasty. Who are they, and where?

I have to say that the Chu family's practice gave the Kang Cheng Emperor a very fatal blow. The Emperor Kang Cheng held the handle of the army and it was useless to turn it down.

However, the most angry in the world is not Emperor Kang Cheng, but Qin Wanglong is not night!

How much thought he spent on concealing this matter to save the dumb mother-in-law, how much effort and carelessness, and finally even more than Han Han fell out! Nowadays, Chu Home will publish it to the public, so that people all over the world know that there are still descendants of the Western Qin Dynasty.

When Han Han was discussing this matter, the dragon's face that was not melted in the millennium could be dripping out of the water!

The Chu family had long known about the affair, but the West Qin royal family had the existence of the orphans, which made Han Han very shocked.

"So, the son of the movie family is very likely to know about this matter, and he has been looking for the orphans of the royal family." Han Yu said thoughtfully, the first thing she thought of was the movie son.

If she did not determine the origin of her father and mother, she would be scared when she heard the news because her suspicions were not small.

"What about the royal family orphans? Daqin's glory is also a thing of the past. The Chu family must really find the orphans of the royal family, and not kill them soon!" Gu Qixiao said disdainfully.

The plains of Chu Xifeng and Tang are very silent from this time. The two men look at Qin Wang from time to time. Seeing the face of Qin Wang is so ugly, their hearts are even more confusing.

They are very aware of the death of the mother-in-law, and it is clear that Qin Wang always suspected Han Han’s life. But I don't know what the mother of Qin had said before the death of the mother-in-law. Now the family of the Shu family has made this happen. They don't rethink Han Han's life.

If this woman is really an orphan of the Western Qin Dynasty, then Qin Wang is not...

Thinking about this, Tang was far from a heart and thumped. He didn't dare to look at Qin Wang again, but Chu Xifeng was even more nervous, and he bowed his head directly, fearing that he would reveal what was there and be noticed by the people present.

"Whether the royal family is not a royal family, the Chu family is now desperate." Han Yu said seriously.

Seeing that the dragon is not late in the night, she looks at her head. "Dragon is not night, what do you think?"

Long did not answer her at night, got up, and said coldly to Chu Xifeng, "God order, tomorrow afternoon... send troops!"

The word "sending troops" is very light and light, and seems to be careless. However, all the people present were shocked because this is a military order! This means that since the fall of Daqin, the biggest battle of the Yunkong continent has begun!

After the dragon was finished, he went out and Han Han quickly chased it out. This guy... seems to be not quite right!

what happened?

(End of this chapter)