Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 598: Disaster, take a horse

What's the big deal?

The big thing is in front of you, what big things can you do?

General Chu was very disgusted with this sentence. When the soldier slammed the ground, he slammed his foot. "What? What is not enough? This will kill you and sacrifice the flag!"

The matter is too big. The soldiers are not afraid of fear. They quickly sue. "General, all the troops in the Western Zhou Dynasty are concentrated in the north, attacking the Yunyun County. The two kings of the Qin King from the south-central part of the country have arrived, attacking the Shuijun County. They are already fighting!"

Upon hearing this, General Chu seemed to have suffered a major blow. He repeatedly stepped back a few steps. Finally, he helped to stabilize his foot on the wall. His face was completely white, and Chu Yun stood on the sidelines and stunned.

The three armed forces are linked, and the three armed forces are linked!

It turned out that this is the real link between the three armed forces. They and Ning Cheng are both played by the dragon and the night!

The east side of the West Third East Third County is bordered by Tianning. From the north to the south, it is Yunyun County, Fenglin County, and Lishui County. The northernmost part of Youyun County is the three-way battlefield, and the southernmost part of the south of Lishui County. Bordered by the south central.

General Chu is sitting in the middle of Fenglin County. It is also the main battlefield for the war with the Western Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, the Chu soldiers are concentrated here. The defense of the two cities in the south is not as strong as here.

I didn’t expect Dragon’s night to collude with the Western Zhou Dynasty. I concentrated on the West Zhou’s troops to attack the northernmost Yunyun County, and concentrated the forces of the two central and southern forces to attack the southernmost Lishui County, and he himself only used five thousand soldiers. In the middle of Fenglin County.

This is the real link between the three armed forces. Long Feiye did not take Ning Cheng into consideration!

"He doubts that he would rather live? How could it..." Chu Yunqi asked incredulously.

General Chu has no time to understand whether Long Feiye really doubts Ning Cheng, or do not have arrangements, he is now the most urgent is to find a way to crack the dragon to the night to give him the bureau!

Originally, I have decided to open the city gate to fight, but now he must be cautious and cautious, otherwise Chu Jiajun will lose all this time!

"All the archers are on standby! All others will be kept under the city!" After he ordered, he turned and hurried down the tower, summoning all the advisers into the general camp.

The general camp was stationed at the lower right of the city gate. After a while, all the advisers in the Chu family were all over. After learning about the military conditions in the two counties in the south, they were all shocked and unbelievable.

On the table of General Chu, a detailed map of the West Zhoudong County was laid out. His hands were on the map, his brows were dignified, and his face was contemplative.

This is a bureau! A very beautiful game!

Set the West Zhou force against the Yunyun County, focus on the South force to deal with the Lishui County, this is to bully less, to the best, this is 100% will win! And with five thousand soldiers fighting against Fenglin County, this is a containment and a threat.

If General Chu transferred troops to the north, or supported the south, then Fenglin County was threatened; if the troops were not transferred northward and southward, the two counties of Yuyun and Lishui could not be saved.

This three-military linkage directly drove the limited forces of General Chu to death. It can be said that before the war, the Chu family lost the two cities!

I did not expect that Tianning Qin Wang never took the soldiers to fight, and for the first time involved in the war, he was able to lay such a beautiful game. In shock, these counselors are secretly admired.

If the dragon is not a game for the Chu family, the general Chu will sincerely praise the dragon for the night. It’s a pity that this bureau was set up for Chu Jiajun. At this time, General Chu looked at the map of Dongsan County.

Heart, the more you look, the more violent. I have been confronted with the Western Zhou Dynasty for so long, but today I am planted in the hands of the dragon and the night. How can he not be reconciled?

After waiting for a while, the counselors did not say anything. When General Chu raised his head, he yelled and yelled. "What are you doing? You will not raise your meal, you will talk!"

When the voice fell, the audience was still silent. In this case, who can take the idea?

In fact, everyone knows that in the face of the dragon and the night, there is only one solution, that is, to give up the two cities and concentrate on one! However, no one dares to say it on the scene. With the ingenuity of General Chu and the wealth of combat experience, he should have known the answer long ago, and he is not willing to face it.

The silence of one room, the shadow of Chu Yun’s eyes flashed through the complexities of the silk, and it seemed to be repeated, but in terms of squadrons and layout, he was not as good as Chu’s general. He said nothing here. After hesitating for a moment, he left from the side, no matter what decision General Chu made last, he must contact Ning Cheng as soon as possible! Because now only Ning Cheng can save them.

Seeing that Chu Yunxi left, General Chu was sober.

He held his fist and slammed the table several times. Even if he was unwilling to make up his mind, he said loudly, "General Ningda will support my ancestral family. You said, which city is it?"

Upon hearing this, the counselors were shocked again. They did not know the relationship between General Ningda and the Di people. It was even less clear that Ning Cheng had long colluded with the Chu family. They are shocked that Tianning’s General Ningda will actually be rebellious at this time?

Of course, the presence is not an idiot. After learning about this incident, I remembered the game under the King of Qin. They had some suspicions in their hearts. I wondered why the King of Qin had transferred troops in advance and the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty alone surrounded Dongsan County. I was afraid that it was long suspected. General Ningda!

"General, when is this, why not tell me?" Someone is dissatisfied.

Such an important thing, General Chu should inform everyone in advance, let everyone be prepared! You know, they are all betting on the Queen of Xue!

General Chu glared at him. "Is it time to discuss this? I will ask you what! What city to protect?"

General Chu had thought that the cavalry of Ning Cheng would be in front of the army of the dragon and the night. He thought that Chu Jiajun and Ningjia cavalry battalions could play the Western Zhou Dynasty in a few days, waiting for the dragons and non-night soldiers. Then compare with the dragon non-night. In any case, even if they are tied, they will not lose! But all of this has been disturbed by the dragon and the night!

"Conservative, in the next proposal to concentrate all forces, to protect Yunyun County. First, our army and the Western Zhou army battle more times, familiar with the Western Zhou army's combat style, not easy to be ambushed; second, Yuyun County is the closest to the three-way battlefield, as long as Once the cavalry battalion arrives, you can unite the cavalry battalion in the shortest time and march south!"

"Not impossible! Now Qin Wang has been under the city, and has not given up the truth of the north of Fenglin County, must adhere to the county. Otherwise morale will be damaged, it will be difficult to recover!"

"Looking down, it is better to let Dongsan County directly into Tianning! As long as the soldiers of General Ningda do not stop, let the three counties get Tianning, why not?"


There are different opinions, each has its own ideas, and each has its own merits. General Chu listens to the opinions of the people and then ponders them.

However, he did not have much time to consider, and soon the soldiers rushed over, "Report! General, Tianning Qin Wang led the troops to the city, named to be singled out with you."

Single headed?

Almost everyone in the audience took a sigh of relief. They brushed the generals toward Chu and saw that General Chu had a black face.

"Dragon is not night, you are deceiving too much!" General Chu’s fist hangs down several tables and almost collapses the table.

On the battlefield of the Yunnan-Chongqing continent, the two armies will only have the final moments. When the outcome is obvious, there will be a "master heads-up".

In order to make a quick fix, the winner will give the defeating party a chance to single-handedly. If the winner of the victory party wins, the other will allow the entire army to surrender. If the winner of the victory party will lose, the other will have a three-day escape time.

Today, the two armies have not really played against each other, the dragon will be singled out of him at night, this is ** naked, look down on him, ** naked insult!

The first time the dragon was not armed with a war, it was not a rule, but a bad rule!

"Damn! Damn!"

General Chu came back and forth to pacing, although he was very anxious, but unfortunately, he still couldn’t decide which city to protect.

At this time, Chu Yunqi hurried over and said, "Ning Cheng's soldiers will have to arrive at Youyun City at least three days."

Three days...

"The cloud can't hold on for three days." Someone gave a positive answer.

"General, Qin Wang both raised the challenge, it is better to think of a way to delay the time?" Some people suggested.

General Chu also played the "three-day" idea. He would not directly single-handedly with the dragon, so he would lose. He must come up with a way to delay the time.

Regardless of the outcome, as long as the delay is three days, everything will turn.

Just when General Chu was hesitant, Chu Yunxiao whispered three words in his ear, "Han Han!"

General Chu Chumei, Chu Yunyan passed a sneer and said, "You will know when you go to the city."

General Chu did not delay, and quickly went to the tower.

This time, he saw the soldiers brought by the dragon and the night on the tower of the city clearly! Five thousand cavalry, orderly out of the city just below the city, although there are only 5,000 people, the momentum is not inferior to the 50,000 army.

The person who is the leader is the dragon and the night, but he is carrying a woman in his arms, the woman is not someone else, it is Qin Wang Han Han!

General Chu could not help but shake his head. "Oh, the beauty of the water!"

In the history of the civil war in the sky, as far as Daqin is near to the Three Kingdoms, no matter which country will be there, no one has taken a woman with a soldier, let alone the same woman and a woman!

You know, women are clothes for men, and they are cumbersome for soldiers! However, the first time the dragon was on the battlefield, he actually married a woman! It’s ridiculously ridiculous!

Long non-night with a hand on Han Han's small waist, holding a sword, sitting on the big head, the pro-handsome five thousand soldiers!

He did not wear armored robes, but a black dress, noble and innate, domineering and natural, he is quiet, but not angry, the gas field is enough to shock the entire battlefield. Han Han, who is in his arms, is dressed in black, even if he is in the arms of the dragon, he does not hide his cool face. She faces the patient, facing the battlefield, and screaming at the cold light.

This woman is not beautiful when she is serious, but she is awe-inspiring and does not dare to offend. Seeing General Chu appearing on the city tower, she screamed, "Come on!"

Long Fei night sword directly pointed to the top of the city building, cold and cold question, "Chu general, should not fight?"

(End of this chapter)