Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 602: Suddenly changed, the sky emblem

General Chu’s proposal was approved by Chu Yunzhen. However, when General Chu was going to go out to negotiate, an unexpected news came.

"General, Xijing City came to report, the Emperor of Heavenly Emblem smashed!"


Chu Yunqi was very shocked. He had to know that Witch had come to the letter the day before, saying that the Emperor of Heaven and Earth was not so easy to break. How is it today...

There are several eunuchs and doctors in the Tianhui Emperor's house who are all four emperors. The witches want to arrange for people to find opportunities for the Tianhui. So I can only wait...

"What time is it?" General Chu asked quickly.

"The fastest time for the flying eagle to pass the book is an hour, it should be before an hour." The attendant truthfully told the truth.

"What did you mention in the letter?" General Chu asked again.

"General, there was a note over there, no letters." If there is a letter, the attendant has already appeared!

General Chu’s heart passed a touch of uneasiness and looked at Chu Yunyu. Chu Yun’s eyes are bright and dark, "Slightly wait."

The sorcerer’s work is not so unreliable. I am afraid that I will report the news when I am in a panic. I will soon write a letter explaining the details.

When the Emperor of Heaven and Earth went, the situation in Tianning suddenly changed, and the situation in the entire western region will also undergo tremendous changes. However, no matter how it changes, it will always be good for them. At this time, they don't have to rush to get out of Gu Beiyue's business. They must calm down and first understand the situation before considering how to deal with Qin Wang.

"At this point, Ning Cheng should also receive the news, and Ning Guizhen should also have some action there." Chu Yunxi said, personally wrote a secret letter to Ning Cheng, and wrote a letter to Wu Han. Sealing the letter, immediately sent people to fly the book to the north. No matter who the letter is, they are asking for help.

Once the prince is in the position, the empress of Chu can listen to the military and issue military orders, and dispatch Tianning’s troops stationed in the west to support the Chu family. It is not necessary to wait for the army of Ningjia to come. Although there are not many troops in the west of Tianning, the mosquito legs are fine. The current situation of the two cities of Youyun and Lishui is really urgent!

The Flying Eagle Book is the fastest way to pass letters on the mainland, but after two hours, Chu Yunzhen did not receive a reply from Ning Cheng.

They didn't receive news from Xijing City until the day was bright.

General Chu was finally upset. "Is there something going wrong in Xijing City?"

"Not at all! The forces cultivated in the West Jingcheng by Tianyin are enough to fight against the four emperors, not to mention that Ning Guifei is not a good deal!" Chu Yunxi said seriously.

General Chu had a complicated look. Although he was very unwilling to doubt, he couldn’t help but ask, "Big Brother, Ning Cheng...will..."

After the words have not been finished, Chu Yunzhen denied it. "Impossible! The old man even gave him to Gu Beiyue. He could not sell Chu at this time!"

Ning Cheng was sincerely fond of the Western Qin Dynasty. When Chu Yunzhen determined the status of Ning Cheng, he told Ning Cheng that the Western Qin Dynasty had not been annihilated and told him that there was Feng Yu’s birthmark behind the prostitute. Ning Cheng was happy for three days and three nights. Repeatedly praised the original strategy of the Yizu.

His heartfelt heart is absolutely false. He has no reason to refuse to cooperate with the sorcerer. There is no reason to hang on to the Chu family at this festival. This is no good for the recovery of Xiqin Day!

Chu Yunxiao waited... Soon, it was dawn.

However, whether it is Ning Cheng or Wu Yi, there is still no reply.

General Chu is very upset. "Big brother, will you rather find out what..."

Chu Yun

I stared at the map and still didn't say anything.

At this time, Han Hao just woke up from Long Fei’s arms, and they still didn’t know that the situation changed greatly overnight.

She remembered that after camping last night, they sat around the fire and talked, chatting and talking, she was tired, and finally did not know how to fall asleep.

After waking up, Tang Li and Chu Xifeng were gone, and she and the dragon were not in the camp.

Long is not knowing that she is awake at night. At this time, she is staring at the stove. The flame is jumping in his deep eyes, as if his thoughts are elusive.

Han Hao lay in his arms, did not see his eyes, only saw his chin, from this point of view his chin and throat, especially sexy.

When the man was quiet, it was like a statue carved out of a ghostly workmanship. It was perfect without a trace of embarrassment. Han Han would not be bored even if he saw him many times.

Looking at it, she whispered unconsciously. "Dragon is not night, how did I meet you?"

How can you meet him in the three-thousand-year time span, the vast sea of ​​people? How lucky?

The dragon that was walking away from the night knew that Han Han woke up. He looked down and gently licked her bangs. "What do you say?"

"Nothing." Even if I didn't hear this, I asked him if he would not answer her.

Han Hao got up lazily, and the dragon didn't have much to pursue in the night, just faintly said, "The sky emblem is smashed."

He is very calm, but Han Han is shocked. "What? What?"

"Last night. Chu Xifeng has already rushed over, the situation ... afraid is not optimistic." Long non-night replies.

Han Yu understands the strong relationship, so she will be so shocked.

Although they are on the battlefield side, they are always paying attention to the movements in Xijing City. After all, Long Fei night is wary of General Ningda holding the Xijing City.

Although Ning Guizhen has been unknown, it does not mean that she has no power in Xijing City. Therefore, the dragon is not only wary of Chu Qing songs, but also guard against Ning Guifei.

The day before he was placed in the palace, he wrote a letter saying that the Emperor of Heaven and the Emblem could live at least this year. How was it last night?

"There must be someone to do it!" Han Yu is very sure.

As soon as the voice fell, Tang suddenly rushed in and was shocked. "Brother! We were pitted! General Ningda did not send troops to Dongsan County! His two great army had already gone south, and he also dispatched half of the cavalry battalion. Going east, just on the road, it seems to be against Long Tianmo!"

"What about the situation in Xijing City?" Han Hao asked urgently.

Long Feiye and Ning Cheng said that the three armed forces were linked together. He and the Emperor Kang Cheng sent troops to Dongsan County in advance. The suppression of the Chu family was one of the purposes, but the main purpose was to attract the troops of Ning Cheng.

Long non-night nature should be wary of Ning Cheng’s idea of ​​playing Tianning. In Xijing City, Long Feiye is also prepared.

Ning Cheng transferred troops to Xijing City, but it is still predictable. He is still only mobilizing troops, and has not yet controlled Xijing City, so Han Yu is most concerned about the situation in Xijing City.

Tang was anxious and worried, "Chu Qingge and Ning Guifei colluded!"

When the words came out, even the dragon was unexpectedly late, he asked coldly, "Really?"

"That's true, brother, these two women can't be underestimated! They have two hands together, plus Ning's soldiers, our people can't control Xijing City." Tang is very helpless.

"How could this be? Since they colluded, Ning Cheng should be transferred to support Chu Jiajun!" Han Yu puzzled.

Ning Cheng has so many soldiers on his hands, but now he

Did not dispatch a soldier and a pawn, all are in the territory of Tianning.

What does he do with the Chu family? The power of Chu Qingge in Xijing City is bigger than that of Ninggui, and Chu Qingge is willing to be controlled by Ningjia? Can you see that General Chu is trapped in the East Third County?

All of Dragon’s Night’s main energy is placed on the East Third County side, just waiting for Ning Chenglai!

"I can't figure it out anymore! But the situation reported by Chu Xifeng is like this, Chu Xifeng will not make a mistake!" Tang said seriously.

At this time, the dragon that had been silent had opened its mouth. "Chu Qingge betrayed the Chu family and voted for Ning Cheng, and Chu Yunqi was also deceived."


Han Wei can't believe it, but the speculation of Long Fei night can explain all their doubts.

Chu Yunqi is still waiting for Ning Cheng’s support in a foolish way. They are waiting for Ning Cheng to transfer troops, but Ning Cheng hooks up the Chu Qing song, and he should be outside, and control the Xijing City without any effort, and he will control Tianning. .

"So, Ning Cheng, the two great armies were not sent to Xijing City, but to the south to beware of the Chu family and ours?" Han Hao finally understood everything.

There is only one road in the south of Ningjiajun. The distance from the south to the second to the west is less than one day. It is the boundary between Tianning and Dongsan County. If you go east, you can quickly reach Suxiguan. Once you control the Suxiguan, It also controls the southwest defense line of Xijing City.

Ning Cheng handed Xijing City to Chu Qingge and Ning Guifei. He sent troops to arm defense. This is not to provoke the dragon to stay in the night, nor to rescue the Chu family, and to dominate the rhythm of Tianning!

So mean!

"Brother, let's do Dongsan County? Let's immediately transfer the troops! Let the Baili Army also send out the troops. From the waters of the Lishui River, to the speed of the soldiers, you can reach Xijing in a few days! Let's fight with the water soldiers. They are caught off guard!" Tang was very excited.

However, the dragon is cold and the night is cold.

Tang is excited from this, this is simply impulsive. The squadron is the trump card in the ace of the dragon and the night. Where can it be easily exposed?

Tang did not dare to speak again.

The dragon's eyes are twinkling with a hint of coldness, even if the mood is not good, but everyone knows that he is unhappy at this time.

He is countless, and he does not count on the Chu Qing song to betray the Chu family. Ning Cheng will hook up the Chu Qing song. I have to say that this is the first time he lost his life in his life, planted in Ning Cheng!

Even now, even if he gave up the East Third County to transfer troops, it is too late!

The dragon was sullen in the night, and Han Han’s face couldn’t see where it was. She hated and said, “I’m really looking at the woman of Chu Qingge.”

If this time the Chu Qing song did not betray the Chu family, Ning Cheng even if there is a great ability, it is impossible to win the Xijing City!

After all, Chu Qingge is very important.

At this time, the dark guard came over and sent the latest letter from Chu Xifeng. The dragon opened the night and glanced at it. He handed it to Han Yu. The letter said that Ning Cheng had placed more than ten red cannons on the Tianning East Line. Let Long Tianmo be drowned!

These red cannons must be from the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, that is to say, no need to worry more, Ning Cheng is indeed the family of Di Ning!

Han Yu and Tang Li are not reconciled, waiting for the dragon to mobilize the soldiers to save the situation. The dragon is not expressionless at night, can't see whether it is annoyed or unwilling.

His emotions are untouchable.

He only coldly confessed to Tang Li, "to remind me to remind Chu Yun, tell him that the king gave him ten days to consider, if he does not surrender after ten days, the king's first knife will be cut in Chutian hidden hands!"

(End of this chapter)