Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 603: Owe a hug

On the 10th, the soldiers of Youyun went south, the soldiers of Lishui went north, the soldiers of Ningcheng came to the west, and the Chu family had no support, and there was no retreat. It was the time of despair!

This is a threat, and it is a surrender.

"Do you want to eat the Chu family's strength?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

Ning Chengkeng had a Chu family. Now Chu family has no way to go. If the dragon is not in the night, Chu Tianyin is a must, and the Chu family is recruited. Perhaps the Chu family can really be used by the dragon.

You must know that the Chu family's squadron can be an enemy. If you can accept it, your strength will not be the same.

"Yes." Long did not recognize the night. On the financial resources, he may not lose to Ningjia, but the strength is indeed his shortcoming. He also vigorously cultivated his troops and expanded his armament.

Although the overall situation has been set, but it is only the end of a bureau, another bureau will soon begin. In this bureau, his only opponent is the Di people.

As soon as I heard that things had a turn, Tang was overjoyed and was about to leave. Han Yu added, "By the way, tell Chu General, if he wants to surrender, the king will keep his hand forever!"

The opposite of this is that if General Chu surrenders, Han Han can cure his hand.

This style is the same as the dragon, not the night.

Tang looked at Long Fei Ye and Han Wei, could not help but think, how did he not find these two guys so right?

Tang left soon.

Long Feiye and Han Yu only waited, waiting for the development of the situation in Xijing City, while waiting for the news of the Chu family.

How does the Chu family choose?

Han Yu thought, on the kind of character of Chu Yunyi, there is no loyalty word, but it is to deceive the world with the nephew of the Western Qin Dynasty. In the case of weighing the pros and cons, he can only choose to surrender.

Thinking of this "betting" word came out of Han Hao's mind, so she finally remembered the gambling contract before the dragon.

The gambling is the identity of Ning Cheng.

She slowly turned her head and looked at the dragon for the night. This guy seems to have lost... No, no, no, it seems, but it is lost!

Lost, he has to hold a little thing.

I don't know what Dragon is thinking at night, he looks at the door.

Han Yuming Ming is the winner, can win the righteousness, but unfortunately, in the face of the dragon and the night, she will always be more taboo.

She coughed a few times and opened the topic. "What is the name of Long Fei, Ning Guifei?"

"Ning'an." Long did not answer at night.

"Original..." Han Yu said with emotion, "The executive president who replaced Ouyang Ninguo is called Ouyang Jingan, Ning'an is quiet, that is, the word quiet. Oh, this name is really interesting."

Han Wei thought that Long Fei would mention the two names Ning Cheng and Ning Nuo, but he was only "hmm" and didn't mean to talk to her.

Han Hao leaned over and sat next to him. "Ning Cheng and Ouyang Ningnuo are also interesting. Ning Cheng Ning Nuo, together they are promised. Hey, you said, why didn't we think about it before?"

Yunkong Chamber of Commerce and Ningda General's House, a merchant's house, a military family, has never had any connection. Anyone who looks at the two families who have never been in contact for eight generations, who is so bored, put together four names. What?

Long Fei night is still expressionless, ignore her.

Han Han made it even tighter and looked at him. "So, Ning Cheng is a Di."

"Yeah." Dragon is still no expression at night.

Han Yu wondered, this guy has no reaction at all, it is hard to be

Did you forget their bet?

Say it is necessary to hold a little thing when he loses!

Han Wei waited for a while, seeing that Long Fei didn’t mention the gambling contract, she said very directly. “Dragon is not night, let’s bet, you lose, you have to fulfill the bet!”

The dragon's mouth was obviously twitching. In fact, Han Hao had just asked Ning Guifei's name, and he knew what the woman wanted to do.

He was in a bad mood when he was admitted to the army. People who knew each other at this time knew to stay away from him and not to provoke him. This woman fell down and forced him directly to him.

Long looked back at night, coldly asked, "Han Han, the king lost the first time in his life, you are not afraid that the king is angry?"

Who knows, Han Han replied, "Do you mean losing to me or losing to...Ning Cheng."

The face of the dragon and the night was dark in an instant, staring at Han Han, without saying a word.

However, Han Han is not jealous. Looking at his expression, there is a kind of laughter, but fortunately she endured.

She did not dare to mention the things of Ning Cheng, and quickly summoned the little things from the storage space, and then took them out of the sleeves and put them in the palm of their hand to the front of the dragon. "Before you said, you Have to hold it."

If the person in front of you is not Han Han, if you change to someone else, the dragon is estimated to have already flew away. However, he just looked down at the little things at this time.

Small things start from entering the storage space to drink poisonous water, and often eat too much to fall asleep, if it is not called, it rarely wakes up.

It has already opened the pattern of eating and sleeping and eating, so that it can recover quickly.

I also hope that I can recover quickly, not only to restore the poison in my teeth, but also to restore the detoxification function of the blood, as well as to restore the function of transformation, so that, like the son, it is really capable of protecting the numbness.

At this moment, it is stupid and will not wake up.

It rolled over in a lazy way, four feet in the air, twisted and twisted, stretched his hands and feet, and then stretched his eyes while opening his eyes.


This face is familiar with it.

The little things have been sleeping for a few days, but there is no way to wake up immediately. It blinks with small claws and takes a closer look.

I saw this face is very handsome, the five senses are perfect, three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, it is simply carved out by God.

Junmei is handsome, but unfortunately the expression is not so good, too cold, cold, especially the look, a little temperature.

When the little things look at them, they blink their eyes and look more and more and feel that this face is familiar. It seems to have seen it often.

Suddenly, it stopped his hands and widened his eyes and looked at it!

His Royal Highness!


The little things are finally awake!

To be exact, its seven souls and six scorpions are all awake, and a white fluffy fur is scared like an explosion, and all the roots are standing, and each one is shaking!

Hey... why is this happening!

The little things are reflexive and want to escape. It’s just too late. The dragon’s hands are much faster than its movements. He has already caught its tail.

Long non-night hates this kind of sharp cry, and the tail of the little thing will be thrown outside the door. Fortunately, Han Han has a foresight to hold the neck of the little thing, and asks the dragon non-night "What are you doing?

Little things don’t understand what ramie says, and don’t know the big gambling of ramie and dragon.

Ramie this is what it is doing


The dragon has lost it so many times, and the ramie has not stopped. Is this time difficult to compare with the dragon?

The heart of the little things began to jump through the madness. In fact, it can’t be guessed that the numb and the dragon will compete and who will win.

To be exact, it should be that it can’t be guessed that the Dragon Congress will not let the mother.

Because they are comparing each other, no matter how much the contest, the dragon will definitely win, if it loses, it must be allowed.

If the dragon does not give in this time, will he or she insist on it?

If the ramie persists, the dragon will still not give in, will they both quarrel?

If they both quarrel, is it the culprit? Does it want to fight the dragon a lot? Or... still consciously getting out?


The little things quickly fell into the battle of heaven and man, and Han Yu looked seriously at the dragon night.

"No tricks." Han Yu seriously reminded.

The dragon was silent for a long time, and finally pulled the corner of his mouth, "owed."

If it is another request, it is harder, he will satisfy her, but with such a mouse, he is really...

"Can this still owe?" Han Han asked an eyebrow.

"I owe it!"

Long non-night is so embarrassed for the first time in his life, he actually let go of the little things.

In fact, Han Hao has long laughed in the heart, this guy can let go, not throwing out small things is a good start!

In fact, she did not want to force him.

Han Han was not forced, and the dragon sat aside at night, emphasizing, "I owe it."

Han Hao held the little things in his hands, like touching the hot water bottle, gently stroking and heating. "Well, I always remember, you don't want to be jealous."

The tea that the dragon had just arrived at the night couldn’t drink, and she returned to her with a heavy heart. “It’s not going to.”

would not.

He always said and believed in her.

He really didn't say anything, but when he embraced the little things, the little things were no longer small things, and Han Han was not the current Han Han...

Han Hao took a small thing and sat beside him. The dragon didn't look at the little things at night, but he didn't drag the little things away from Han Han as he did before.

It seems that since then, Han Yu has been acquiesced in holding small things. Since he has made concessions, Han Hao will not force him if he is good.

As for the little things, it huddled in the hands of ramie and was suspicious.

God, it only sleeps for a few days, and the dragon’s love for ramie is going to the extent of the sky? They didn't even quarrel, and the numbness caused the dragon to leave it, and acquiesced that it was on the ramie.

You know, this has always been something that it dare not expect and can't imagine.

It’s hard to be done, what did it miss in the past few days? It’s hard to be done. What happened between these two people these days?

The little things looked up cautiously and sneaked at the dragon. Although the dragon didn't drive it, the cold face was hard to scare.

Being too close to him will always be frostbitten by his coldness. The little things struggled with his hands and slipped into her sleeve to hide.

It sighs gently in the heart, hey, how to see it is still the most comfortable to see the son.

I don't know where the son is now, such a cold day, so I miss the gentle voice of the son, a warm smile!

Son, where are you?

Little things miss you...

(End of this chapter)