Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 614: Concealed, lies constantly

The only thing Gu Beiyue can confirm is that Chu Yunqi did not inform him of his identity. Otherwise, Ning Cheng will not be so ignorant, and will not let go so easily.

The loyalty of the former Di Ning family to the Xi Qin royal family is comparable to the movie family! The Di Ning family has never been involved in politics, only business. However, what about Ningjia today? Ning Cheng ambushed in Tianning as the general, one-third of the military powers commanded the cavalry regiment of Tianning, and colluded with Chu Qing to praise the emperor to make the princes. What do you want to do? Is the current Di Ning family still the former Di Ning family?

Gu Beiyue’s eyes are faint and complicated.

"Gu Dafu, what's wrong with you?" Han Yu saw his strangeness.

"No, it’s just an accident. I didn’t expect this short month. The western variable is so big." Gu Beiyue seems to talk about it casually. In fact, he wants to explore Han Han and understand the current situation in the west. After all, the situation has changed during this period. Great, he was held for so long, and he didn’t know anything at all. In this case, it is inevitable that he will face the dragon and the night.

Unfortunately, Han Wei did not say much, just sighed gently. "Others don't care, it's important to keep your injuries. You have to raise your body. Let's say, do you prescribe medicine, or I will find someone else to open." ”

Gu Beiyue smiled. "I am driving myself."

He immediately said a few medicines to let Han Han remember, after Han Han wrote down, he immediately went to find medicine. She hasn't been idle since she hit the other house. The dragon is not in the eyes, but in the heart, he can't wait to keep the woman in the room forever. Unfortunately, he also understands that Han Han is a woman who is not sleepy.

It was confirmed that Han Han left, and the dragon was not in the night to review the North Moon House, and Gu Beiyue was waiting for him.


Long Bei night immediately continued the problem before, if not interrupted by Han Han, Gu Beiyue has already answered.

Many questions come down to one sentence, "Why are you deliberately approaching Han Han?"

Gu Beiyue actually waited for Han Han to go out, so I had a good chat with the dragon and the night. Even if the identity of the movie family was known, he could calmly calm down in the face of the dragon.

Looking directly at the dragon's cold eyes, Gu Beiyue replied indifferently, "because she is a poisonous sect."

The dragon is not complicated by the complexion of the night, and it is difficult to see that the North Moon does not know another identity of Han Yu? Although he was full of doubts, he still did not move his voice, and he continued to talk about Gu Beiyue without saying a word.

However, the calmness of the dragon's non-night surface caused waves in Gu Beiyue's heart. He asked, "Is it true that the Royal Highness of Qin has known this?"

When did Long Feiye know the secret of Han Yu’s poisonous sect? Is the dragon non-night from the Mu family to know the identity of the Han dynasty? If so, does he also know the identity of the Han Yuxi Qinhuang orphan?

You must know that the secret of the Western Qin Dynasty royal family is also hidden in the drug city Mujia.

A few years ago, he was also an accidental opportunity to turn to some suspicious clues in his grandfather's relics. He followed the clues and traced them to the drug city. It took a lot of effort to trace the body.

When he found out, Mu Xin had been missing for a long time, leaving only some rumors that Mu Xin and the descendants of the poison sect were infected.

This is a rumor for others, and the only clue for him. It is a pity that he has been searching for this clue, and he has been looking for it for many years, but he has never lost his heart.

those years

He almost thoroughly understood the poison sect. He knew that the poisonous sacred sacred sacred sacred door was the door of the sacred door. Only the blood of the venomous ancestor could be opened.

After that, he basically gave up, until Han Yu’s appearance made him see the hope again. At the beginning of Mu’s general, he met Han Han. He was only attracted by the woman’s temperament. What really caught his attention was the poison of her golden needle and the strange needle.

Even though the poison sect he knows does not have this kind of acupuncture technique, he still believes that this woman is related to the poison sect. Because the poison sect is the origin of the cloud and air toxic world, these highly sophisticated detoxification methods are very likely to be the secrets of the poison sect.

Since then, he began to trace the life of Han Han. The background of the Han family is clear. If there is a secret in Han Han, it must come from Mrs. Tianxin. Therefore, rather than saying that he is investigating Han Han, it is better to say that he is investigating Mrs. Tianxin. And when he traced the relationship between Mrs. Tianxin and the drug city Mujia, everything will be clear.

Han Jia Tian Xin is Mu Jia Mu Xin, Han Yu is the daughter of Mu Xin and Duan Zongyi. Han Yu is not only a descendant of the poisonous ancestor, but also an orphan of the Western Qin Dynasty.

In order to confirm this matter, he deliberately introduced Han Han to the poison scorpion tiankeng, Xuan Jinmen a test, true!

He found these, relying on the clues left by Grandpa that year, how did the dragon and night find it?

Looking at the dragon's calm and cold face, Gu Beiyue's heart is chaotic.

He is afraid!

This is his most feared thing.

If Long didn't know Han Han's life experience early in the night, then his favor for Han Han, but use? I thought that Qin Wang’s favor was almost shocked by the whole cloud, because almost everyone could not believe that Tianning’s cold Wang Long would really love a woman and indulge a woman.

"This king has long known that she is related to the poison sect." Long Fei confessed generously.

Gu Beiyue wants to tempted him to know what he knows about the Western Qin Dynasty. He has carefully taken it back a few times, and he must be cautious and cautious. Because the dragon is not so good temptation. In the event that the dragon was not known at night, the Xiqin royal family was suspected of being suspicion.

In the end, Gu Beiyue chose to silence, not to say anything.

Seeing the silence of Gu Beiyue, the dragon is not in the heart of the night. He wants to test and test Gu Beiyue. Besides knowing that Han Han is a poisonous sect, he still knows that Han Yu is a descendant of the Western Qin Dynasty. He has been calculating for a long time, and he does not know how to test it, because Gu Beiyue is such a fine person that he is not good at temptation.

In the unlikely event that Gu Beiyue does not know that Han Yu is an orphan of the Western Qin Dynasty, he must be suspected of being Han Han. If Gu Beiyue already knows about this, he will try again and he will definitely expose himself.

The dragon does not speak at night, waiting for Gu Beiyue to say it himself. In this way, the two people who are in the bones are silent.

Silence is only a moment, and the dragon starts to open at night, because he can't delay for too long, Han Han will come soon.

Although he was the first to open, he did not reveal anything, just cold and cold, "Gu Beiyue, you have not answered the question of the king!"

Gu Beiyue sighed that the dragon was not unfathomable at night. When he asked, he could not understand his mind completely, and he could only continue to answer. "His Royal Highness, it is not deliberately close to Wang Xiiang, knowing the life of the goddess, but it is accidental. ""

"How is an accidental law?"


"Xuanjinmen, can you remember under the Highness?" Gu Beiyue asked, while he was concentrating on the words in the heart, and every word that answered Long's night must be cautious.

Opening the topic is the best way to try to think about time. Unfortunately, the dragon does not say anything at night, only to point a little, Gu Beiyue can not get too much time.

"The blood of the poisonous sects can open the door of Xuan Jin, and the poisonous poisonous beasts are mainly pro- sects, so there is a saying that can be said that the person who can open the Xuan Jinmen is the owner of the poisonous beast. Xuan Jinmen suddenly opened, and it was very strange in the next. Later, I thought about it carefully. I remembered that Wang Hao’s mother’s fingers were not bleeding, and she accidentally knew the secrets of the goddess.

Gu Beiyue said, and explained, "His Royal Highness Princess, in the tiankeng, originally wanted to take poisonous beasts and toxic drugs as medicines. In the case of Wang Hao, I wanted to marry the maidens to help the poisonous beasts, but unfortunately in Xuan. The discovery of Kinmen made it difficult for him to retreat. Because he knows... The poisonous beast has already recognized the Lord, and no one can take it."

"Xuan Jinmen..." The dragon whispered to himself, like wondering what.

"Exactly! That was really unexpected." Gu Beiyue hesitated for a moment, after all, he was trying to find out the dragon and the night, he said, "Although it is an accident, you can think about it in detail and realize it. Wang Hao Niangniang's poisonous skills are superb. If you don't follow Han Dafu, you can only learn from Mrs. Tianxin. The Han family is a medical family, and the poisonous sect has nothing to do with it. Mrs. Tianxin is mysterious and must be the daughter of the poison sect!"

Long Fei night was quite an accident. He didn't think that Gu Beiyue was because Xuan Jinmen knew the life of Han Yu poison. So it seems that Gu Beiyue misunderstood Mrs. Tian Xin and did not know that Tian Xin and Mu Xin are the same person.

At the beginning, the mother-in-law also said that the only person who knows Mu’s true identity is her. Gu Beiyue does not know that Tianxin is a heart, and it is even more impossible to know the relationship between Mu Xin and the Western Qin Dynasty.

From another angle, if Gu Beiyue knows that Han Yu is an orphan of the Western Qin Dynasty, he will have some action, and it is impossible to move yet.

After the dragon is not in the heart of the night, he still asks Gu Beiyue. "You have a ulterior motive in the drug ghost hall!"

"His Royal Highness misunderstood, admiring Wang Yu's mother-in-law poisoning, respecting Wang Yan's maiden, not he thought, entering the drug ghost hall for the convenience of practicing medicine, and the second is to reward the Wang Hao Niangniang for saving people. If the Queen is not saved, the last time is under I have long died in the hands of Queen Li."

"After the Taining Queen Mother, are you still watching the movie people?" Long Fei night satir.

Gu Beiyue passed a touch of vigilance and smiled helplessly. "There is no idea for the royal king of Qin. I am dying with the shadows. Now I am left with the weak and sick one, the shadow family... Oh, it is gone."

"Is it? The shadows and the two families played a good show in the same year, and kept the blood of the Xiqin royal family. The Chu family of the secluded family has declared the world to find the royal family and the Fuxi Qin. The Chu family ambushed the Western Zhou Dynasty and took power to rebel. Your shadow family ambushed Tianning, deliberately entered the drug ghost hall, what is the intention?" Long non-night cold cold asked.

Gu Beiyue's brow was locked, and his heart was stunned. I didn't expect him to be detained. During this period, Chu Yunqi actually took out that year! It’s **** it!

In this way, how many related and irrelevant people will be searching for the whereabouts of the Western Qinhuang orphans?

He endured the pain in his shoulders and legs, and his legs couldn’t stand. He could only stand on one leg and leaned against the bed. The dragon had no sympathy and no mercy at night, only cold and cold...

(End of this chapter)