Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 620: Who is the fool?

When the drug boy opened the kit, everyone was shocked.

Because the capsules are all round and round pills, there are at least a hundred of them, each of which is only as big as a small fingernail. Han Hao almost thought it was a box of chocolate beans.

The most shocking thing is not the number of pills, but the smell of these pills. As soon as the medicine box is opened, it emits a very strong medicinal aroma that fills the entire cave.

The layman, like the dragon, can only smell that it is a kind of medicinal taste, but the insiders like Han Wei and Gu Beiyue can smell this smell very complicated, and it is formed by a mixture of countless kinds of medicines.

Identifying drugs, pay attention to "viewing and smelling", first look at its color, then smell its breath, and taste its taste. The small drug children require them to stand outside the distance of five steps, and they are not allowed to taste. "View" and "sniff" to identify.

The cave is dim, and all the medicines in the kit are a shape of one eye. It is a small one. Don't say five steps, it is not necessarily clear within three steps.

This level, to put it bluntly, is to identify a large box of pills through the sense of smell. The odors of these drugs are combined to form a strong medicinal taste.

Han Hao sighed in his heart, it was so difficult to be the first level, what would be the next two levels?

"You still have the opportunity to repent. If you go back, if you want to go back, once you start, there is no turning back." The little drug boy reminded.

Han Hao did not move, staring at the pill box, the dragon is a layman at night, he is not sure how difficult this is to Han Han, he looked at Han Yu and chose to be silent.

Gu Beiyue's eyes are complicated and connected. Medicine and medicine are connected. He knows how difficult this is. Even if Han Han identified all the pills in the past 100, and they were correct, their odds were not great.

Because time is too late!

There are three major barriers in the drug hole. One is more difficult than the other. They only have one hour. They must identify one hundred pills accurately. The powerful pharmacist can’t do it for one or two hours. All of the time is spent here, even if they win this level, they lose.

How clever is Gu Beiyue, he soon understood that the so-called drug-seeking hole is just a conspiracy, a conspiracy to leave Han Han!

"Wang Hao Niangniang, let's go back, this is..."

Gu Beiyue’s “conspiracy” has not yet been said, Han Han suddenly said to the little drug boy, “Do not regret, start!”

When the words came out, the most proud thing was the old man who was peeked at the side of the drug. He always smiled and snickered.

He knew that Han Han’s temper would not regret it!

This temper he likes!

He waited to see how many herbs he could identify in an hour. He wanted to identify fifty-seven kinds in one hour. Although the first pass failed, it also broke the record of seeking a drug hole. Things are the pride of his life!

He ponders the ability of Han Han, and if he plays it, he should be able to identify about 30 kinds. Although he was not as powerful as he was, it was not bad at the age of Han.

I saw a small drug child taking a pill from the pill box and showing it to Han Han in the palm of his hand.

Gu Beiyue shook his head again and again, and even the dragon that was always sure of Han Hao was also stunned by the heart. The identification of a single pill, when should this be identified?

"To determine what medicine this is, you can tell me. If you look at it clearly, you can't regret it." The drug boy said seriously.

"it is good."

Han Hao nodded and still stared at the pills.

One hole was silent, time was lost a little, and after a while, Han Han did not say anything.

Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue both looked serious and nervous, and the drug king who was hiding aside was quite patient and waiting. Who knows, after a tea time (about ten minutes), Han Han actually did not identify the first pill.

Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue are in a hurry. As far as this speed is concerned, they have already lost. The drug king is also quite disappointed. He muttered his beard and said to himself, "It seems that the old man is overestimating this girl."

He thought that the time for a cup of tea was enough. Han Hao should be able to name the pill soon. Who knows, and after a tea break, Han Yu continued to silence. She stared at the pill, and the serious expression was like trying to think about something.

At this time, even the little pharmacy can't stand it anymore. To know that the person who can be selected by the drug king to enter the drug hole is not an ordinary person.

It’s been so long, how can this woman not even identify the first pill?

"This identification can not be made, you can change one. So stupid and dare to ask for medicine, huh!" The little drug boy yawned impatiently.

"No, it's futile."

Han Hao finally spoke, but she couldn’t understand anyone.

The little drug boy yawned and yawned, and quickly stopped to look over. "In vain? Why, you can't identify it?"

The old king of medicine Wang shook his head again and again, and he did not believe everything in front of him. He actually had a day to look away. Long did not say anything in the night, Gu Beiyue took the opportunity to make a decision.

When they enter the drug hole together, they can all take medicine, and they don’t have to be Han. He also didn't know how to identify all the pills, but he could always identify some and not lose too much.

"Wang Hao Niangni, I am coming!" he said seriously.

Han Hao waved his hand and said faintly, "No, I have identified it."


The cave was silent for a long while, silently and silently, the dragon's mouth was a sharp arc.

The little drug boy fixed his mind and asked incredulously, "Han Han, you... what do you say? Say it again!"

"I said, I have identified all of the more than one hundred pills. I am starting to name the medicines one by one. You can listen!" Han said seriously.

The little drug boy laughed happily. "It's ridiculous! You are a woman who doesn't even draft a draft? The drug sacred sacred warrior dares to speak out! Sun Zhong, you come out! This kind of person you dare to bring to the medicine hole, Are you blind? Just blast it out!"

The old king of Yaowang soon came out from the darkness, and he never thought of it. Like the little pharmacy, he did not believe Han Han’s words and asked seriously, "Han Han, can you really identify a drug?"

Han Han was impatient and turned his eyes, and he was too lazy to ignore it. She just saw it so seriously, just to ensure that nothing is wrong, the detoxification system has re-named the names of these drugs three times.

The drug poisoning family, although the anti-drug system's applicator function is not powerful, but the initial identification of the drug can still be obtained.

Don't say more than one hundred, that is, one thousand is no problem.

"Han Han you talk!" The drug king is very excited, and finally encountered a heir that he could not easily lose.

Han glanced at him, cold and cold, "Listen well! Purple Gan, Wind Oak, Simu, Birch, Guangji Pills..."

Han Yu is here

I kept saying a full dose of the drug in one hundred and seven, and I heard that the small drug boy and the drug king were stunned. Although they were very familiar with the hundred and seven pills, they listened to Han Hao so fast. Read them out, they are still caught off guard.

When Han Yu finished, the drug king and the little drug boy were paralyzed.

Han Hao quietly cleared his throat and asked, "A total of one hundred and seven kinds, are you right?"

The old drug king stared at her, and there was no sound. The little drug boy who was just impatient was stuttering. "You...you, you say it again!"

"Don't you hear it clearly?" Han Yu asked.

The little drug boy had to listen very clearly at the beginning. Later, when he was gone, he couldn't keep up with the speed of Han Han. He missed several kinds. In short, he is very messy now. He replied, "No... I didn't have time to hear it clearly."

"Which kind of it did not have time to hear it clearly?" Han Yu asked.

"I... I think about it." The little drug boy said seriously.

Han Li immediately screamed and laughed. "So stupid and dare to come to the medicine hole, get out of it!"

The little drug boy still didn't understand how stupid he was. He couldn't help but laugh at the North Moon. He hasn't been so happy since he was hijacked by Chu Yunqi. The dragon's mouth is also hooked at night, and the smile is particularly good-looking.

Since I didn’t hear it clearly, how do I know which kinds? Han Hao asked this question, obviously it was deliberately set a trap for the little drug boy to jump.

Who said that this woman's heart is charitable, hey, he was stupidly stupid and returned to him.

The drug king did not hear the name of the drug, but he did not dare to ask more questions. He was afraid of being accidentally injured by Han Han and damaged his wiseness.

The little drug boy was angry and angry. "You repeat it, say slowly!"

"My time is limited. I have already finished it. You didn't understand it is your business. You have to be stupid enough to hear it clearly. The road behind, I don't have to leave?" Han Han asked coldly.

The little drug boy can only give in, "You can talk slowly when you don't remember this time."

He didn't believe that this woman could say it all right. Just as she said so quickly, there must be a lot of vague places. The old king of Yaowang is also the same idea. He does not say anything, waiting at the side.

Han Yu looked disdainfully at the small drug boy and the drug king, and slowly said a name for the drug. This time, the small drug boy and the drug king heard it clearly.

When Han Han finished the last one, the old one was dumbfounded.

Actually... all right!

Moreover, she only used two teas or so! She didn't even look at the pill one by one! How did she do it, can it be judged by the smell?

Anyone who begged for a drug hole, not carrying a curse to escape, is to stay in the medicine for a disciple, medicine, medicine, medicine.

Han Wei is the first person to cross the first level!

The little drug boy and the drug king are squatting, and they can’t believe the facts at hand.

"Is it clear? Is it right?" Han Han asked.

The little drug boy returned to God and suddenly worshipped Han Han. He nodded again and again. "Yes! All right! Congratulations, you can pass the first pass!"

The drug king looked at her eyes and became very hot and shocked. He was so ecstatic! He knew that his gaze could not be wrong. He would never let this gimmick.

The first pass was smooth and the second pass was not limited to pharmacy. He dared to bet on the item and bet that they could not pass the second pass!

(End of this chapter)