Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 621: Admit defeat is the way

Han Hao passed smoothly!

Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue have been nervous for so long, and they should have been very happy. At this time, both of them are concerned about the old king of medicine.

Anyone who has tried to look at Han Han is basically unable to escape the eyes of both of them.

The old drug king is happy, and he does not know that he has been quietly vengeful by the two men who are the most powerful in the sky.

The drug boy has not yet opened, and the drug king can't wait to say, "Don't open the door and let them in?"

The drug king has long investigated Han Wei, knowing that this taro poison is powerful, and the medicine is powerful, but the medical practice is generally limited to dealing with some minor illnesses and small wounds.

The second level of drug-seeking is not only about pharmacy, but also about medicine. Han Yu is even more powerful, this time I can only recognize it!

As for Gu Beiyue, it is only a five-product doctor in the district, and the drug king is not in the eye.

He kept his beard and pressed his ecstasy. He never thought that he could receive such a capable apprentice. He even began to plan for Han to stay with the medicine, what he would arrange for her.

He felt that she should give her a horse, press her anger, and then take a good look at where her medicine was learned. Of course, the most important thing is that he will give her all her life. Let her keep the medicine for him all her life and concentrate on the development of medicinal herbs.

The little drug boy soon opened the stone door behind him.

Han Yuyi’s thoughts quickly got the gluten cream to cure Gu Beiyue’s legs. She ignored the old king of medicine and strode to Shimen. The dragon was pushed by Gu Beiyue.

There is still a dim way in Shimen. With previous experience, they don't have so much concern and defense, just step forward. Who knows when they come to an end, but sees an open big stone door.

How is this going?

"Did I pass the first pass too smoothly, they give me a chance to pass?" Han Hao said with a joking.

"There must be fraud!" Gu Beiyue is cautious.

The dragon is not a night but has a long leg, and the action is handsome and overbearing, directly crossing the Shimen. When you come, you will be fearless, and you will take a big step! The door dares to open, they dare to enter!

Han Yu is also a decisive person, and he is going to follow the North Moon.

Just after she entered the door, Shimen suddenly shut down automatically, blocking their retreat.

Gu Beiyue said, "Pretend, the second pass is only now, Wang Hao Niangni..."

This has not been finished yet, Gu Beiyue suddenly coughed up violently, and he couldn’t stop the cough when he was out of breath. Han Han was shocked. "Is it stunned?"

Gu Beiyue can't answer, and quickly waved his hand.

Han Hao handed him water to drink, is about to take a picture for him, the dragon is the first to grab the first night, who knows that it has not been taken two times, Han Hao suddenly coughed up, although not like Gu Beiyu cough so intense, but Gu Bei The same thing has been coughing all the time, just like breathing out, the whole person is not good.

There are many people who have been coughed in the world.

The dragon was not anxious at night, but he still had to pay attention to Gu Beiyue. He quickly hugged Han Han and sat down on his side. He carefully took the back for her, and he was arrogant for her, and kept feeding the water. I am in a hurry.

It is a pity that the water has not been throated and it has been coughed up by Han Yu. The action of stroking is useless at all, and it is only necessary to lick it. Gu Beiyue and Han Yu become patients.

Even the dragon coughed up at night, although there was no seriousness of Han Yu and Gu Qi, but the throat was always itchy, making him very uncomfortable, and he had to cough a few times from time to time.

How is this going? When the Koreans slowed down, the dragon asked the night, "poisoning."

What? ”

"Uncertain, cough...not too poisonous. This must be the second test. It's too deceitful!"

Han Yu coughed and felt so painful that he could barely stop. She handed the water to the dragon and the night, and said seriously, "Gu Dafu's body is very weak and cannot withstand this kind of toss. It must be taken care of, otherwise we will come."

If Gu Beiyue’s life cough is gone, what is the point of getting the gluten cream?

Long Feiye determined that Han Han had no major events, and he helped Bei Beishun and gave him water to drink. Han Han seriously took the pulse for him. He coughed the most seriously, and the abnormality of the pulse should be the most obvious.

Gu Beiyue has no anger, and he can't take care of anything. Every time he coughs his chest, he hurts once and his head hurts once. I can't stop drinking at all.

He has been close to death very close, but there is no closer than this one. Nothing is more uncomfortable than this one. It is difficult for him to think.

Even if he tried very hard to calm himself down, calm down for a while, and take care of himself for himself. Unfortunately, he can't do it.

The water can't drink, Han Han can only take out the clean water from the spray bottle that used to deal with the poisonous mosquitoes, and use the method of spraying to make Gu Beiyue's throat comfortable. However, this method is useless. Gu Beiyue still coughs and there is no sign of relief. Han Hao took the opportunity to take out the golden needle and practice acupuncture.

However, what surprised her was that even acupuncture did not have any effect, and the cough continued to intensify.

Although it is not a cough with asthma, but in this way, Gu Beiyue will also lack oxygen.

Han Hao, who was always calm before her life, was afraid. She hurriedly asked, "Dragon is not night, what should I do?"

This kind of thing, the dragon does not understand the night.

However, he did not panic. When he took the initiative, he took Gu Beiyue’s hand and lost his strength to him.

This kind of instinct is the essence of congenital spirit and the practice of the day after tomorrow. It is the foundation for maintaining life. The dragon is not the night's true gas. The body is good because of the innate good constitution and the hard work of the day after tomorrow.

Gu Beiyue accepted the infuriating power of the dragon and the night, and the weak body seemed to be filled with a new force. He finally had a strong pressure to cough and adjust his breathing.

Upon seeing it, Han Yu was happy to feed him with water and drink water to moisten his throat. Gu Beiyue was much more comfortable.

"Is it better?" Han Hao hurriedly asked, the dragon looked at him at night, cold, and did not show any emotion.

Han Wei does not know what it means for the martial arts, but Gu Beiyue is very clear! He looked at Han Han and looked at the dragon and the night. His heart was like a spilled condiment bottle.

"Gu Dafu, you have to take a pulse, what disease we got." Han Hao said urgently.

Who knows, Gu Beiyue was black in front of him and suddenly fell into a coma.

"Gu Beiyue!" Long was not angry at night, and continued to deliver the infuriating to him, but Gu Beiyue did not wake up, he was not happy, "Waste!"

Han Hao quickly took care of Gu Beiyue, but unfortunately did not come up with a reason, Gu Beiyue, in addition to the weakness of the body, there is no special pulse.

She also took care of herself and the dragon, and it was normal.

"How can a good end be ill?" Long is not a night. Although he is a layman, he also knows that he wants to cause abnormalities in his body. Since Han Yu can't find out that it is poisonous, it is ill in all likelihood. After the dragon was finished at night, he couldn’t help but cough a few times.

"When we pass the second pass, we must inhale something, so that we will cough constantly. There is something called a virus, and once it comes into contact, it will get sick." Han Yu's explanation is not professional.

To be exact, there are countless viruses, but they are not exposed to illness. Being sick and not getting sick depends not only on the infectivity of the virus itself, but also on the body's own immunity.

This thing should be explained seriously, but a deep learning, Han Yu can only tell the dragon non-night. Although Long Fei does not understand what the virus is, he still understands what Han Wei means.

He asked very seriously, "So, we were sneaked by the virus."

This analogy is too appropriate, Han Han nodded seriously, "Yes, that's it!" She thought that only the virus transmitted by the air can silently attack the dragon non-night masters.

Gu Bei's cough is the most serious, presumably because he is the least immune of the three of them.

The two were talking, and suddenly there was a round of applause in the darkness. I saw an old man coming slowly. He was dressed like the little pharmacy, and he was the guardian of the medicine hole.

"It’s a heir to the drug king, it’s a bit interesting." The old man looked at Han Han and appreciated it.

In this kind of environment, most of the cases of sudden onset of illness will go to the evil door and think about it. For example, if you are cursed, such as evil, this young man can calmly analyze the cause and it is really public. different.

"Less the gods and ghosts, what is the second pass?" The dragon is not cold at night.

The old man did not worry with them, and walked slowly in front of him. He replied with a beard and replied, "Young people, in fact, you have already passed the second level, but you have no life to go to the third level."

The old man’s sincere heart, Han Han and Long Fei are all dying. He said that he still looked at the dragon and the night to continue. “Young people, even if you lose the infuriating to him, it’s useless, his body is weak, illness. It only happens soon. After half an hour, no matter how strong or weak you are, you have to cough."

That's it!

Han Hao was furious and shouted, "Which is the rule of the black-hearted Wang Ba Lazi? Don't ask for a medicine, can you still have human life?"

The rule of the self-medication ancestors, although many people have great opinions on the rules left by the ancestors, but no one dares to say it, let alone so embarrassing. The old man’s mouth twitched and explained, “There is still no way to pass the customs.”

"What is the solution?" Han Han asked coldly.

"To admit defeat, as long as you admit defeat, the old man will immediately present the medicine, to ensure that you three drugs to the disease." The old man said with a smile.

"Is it funny?" Han Han’s face was overcast. The dragon pulled the sword directly from the night and pointed to the old man. "Get the medicine, otherwise the king will let you die here!"

The old man trembled and took a step back. "Young people, don't be impulsive. Even if you kill me, you can't get the medicine, we... all have to die."

"This king first killed you, and then find medicine is not too late!" Long Fei night really wants to start, but fortunately Han Han stopped in time, she whispered, "not worth the candle."

There have been many people who have been seeking medicines since ancient times, and they have to be determined to have such a rule, and they must be emboldened.

Now killing, even if they get the medicine, they are estimated to be out. The method of Shaoguan is not to admit defeat, but to cure the disease. For the sake of the present, we can only pin our hopes on Gu Beiyue.

Han Yu persuaded that Long Fei night put down the sword. The old man breathed a sigh of relief and quickly hid. "Young people, you only have half an hour, think about it!"

The old king of medicine who was hiding in the darkness has already laughed with anger. Han Han’s disease is called half-day cough. If he is dead for half a day, he can be fatal. This disease is even worse for the dean of the medical school. He does not believe that Han Hao can reverse it today. It’s day!

(End of this chapter)