Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 622: She is afraid, the spring breeze is no l

There is only half an hour left, or the cure will open the third level of challenge, or die here.

To admit defeat of this road, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu never considered, they pinned their hopes on Gu Beiyue.

For this reason, I have to wake up Gu Beiyue and ask him if he can cure the "half-day cough."

Long Fei night seriously touched the pulse of Gu Beiyue, Han Han puzzled, "You will also take the pulse?"

"Slightly know one or two, the infuriating loss he gave him in his body, he should not be able to withstand the coma." Long said at night.

Han Yu does not understand the things in the scope of martial arts.

She also touched the pulse of Beiyue and found that his pulse was not abnormal except for showing weakness in his body.

"What should I do now?" she whispered.

"Dead horse is a live horse doctor." Long non-night eyes swept over a haze, Han Han also understood what he meant, he had already pulled Gu Beiyue's hand and poured in the infuriating gas into Gu Beiyue.

They have been unable to bear it, and they have lost the infuriating to him. Han Han can't imagine the consequences. She wants to stop it, but she is shocked by the cold and cold expression of the dragon and the night, and dare not go forward.

Small things stand on the shoulders of Han Han, and they are even more afraid of the dragons than the Han Han. They are anxious to bite people but dare not act rashly.

Yu Guangxuan sees Han Han’s worried expression. The dragon is not helpless at night. This silly woman must not know how much he hurts today.

His infuriating spirit is domineering. When he enters Gu Beiyue's body, he goes straight to Dantian. If Gu Tianyue's Dantian is not injured, this force is comparable to a good medicine for him. Unfortunately, Gu Beiyue's dantian is seriously injured. It is impossible to gather gas at all. Therefore, when this force is spread to Dantian, it is scattered in the body, which affects the normal atmosphere of Gu Beiyue.

Long Feiye continued to input Gu Beiyue into the infuriating, in fact, it is the most overbearing and most savage way, forcing the chaotic atmosphere of Gu Beiyue to be smooth. Once successful, Gu Beiyue will be awake, refreshed and conscious; if it fails, it will be ruined and ruined.

Dragon is not night, that's it!

See the dragon non-night to save the North Moon, the old drug king who hides in the dark, sneer again and again, "so hard, even if I am awake, what use?"

The old man was scared by the dragon's non-night sword. At this time, he stood beside the old king of Yaowang. He yawned slowly. "Let the young people toss it, and toss it to the end, always admit defeat." ”

The drug king can not have his good patience. He looks at Han Han and calculates the time silently.

At this time, Gu Beiyue suddenly coughed up.

Han Hao and the little things are very nervous, and the eyes don't stare at them. The dragons are not stopped by the night, but instead of adding gravity, they are no longer inputting instinct, but they are pouring in the truth.


Gu Beiyue snorted and suddenly spewed out a blood. If the martial arts person saw it, he must immediately know the secret of Gu Beiyue Dantian, and he must know that Gu Beiyue has already had a lot of chaos in the body, and he may be enchanted at any time. . It’s a pity that no one can see it except the dragon and the night.

"Dragon is not night, what is going on?" Han Hao asked urgently.

Long Fei night has not yet answered, Gu Beiyue actually opened his mouth, "Nothing is going on, but I still have trouble with my Royal Highness Princess Qin!"

He didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, but he said the words clearly and unambiguously. Pale face, closed cockroach,

All wrote the word stubborn, he barely like a strong silly boy. Obviously knowing that his situation is very dangerous, knowing that to continue, it is not a fire, but a direct death from the blood. Because, as far as the current situation is concerned, the chances of success are too small and too small.

However, he still insisted.

This moment is a matter of life and death, only two men know for themselves.

The dragon was not able to hesitate through the night, but he did not hesitate to continue. The strong infuriating spirit was poured into the hands of Gu Beiyue, and the **** stools of Gu Beiyue’s mouth continued to overflow. The infuriating force in the body violently hits his internal organs, very chaotic, and he has the feeling of exploding at any time.

"Stop!" Han Yu took the hand of the dragon non-night. Although she didn't understand it, she could see that Gu Beiyue was very dangerous.

Gu Beiyue did not know where the strength came from, and the cold hand did not touch Han Han’s hand. Because the force was too strong, the whole person actually fell off the wheelchair, but even so, the dragon was still dead by night. Hand, no stop.

The ramie was started, and the little thing flew over, and it fell on the back of the dragon's hand. It was about to bite, but unfortunately, the other hand of the dragon was not impatient, and the little thing was shot and flew out.

"Dragon is not night, stop, he will die!" Han Wei held the hand of the dragon non-night.

"He can't live, we can't live like it." Long said coldly at night.

Han Yu understands that the dragon is not a desperate night, but has no choice. She understands, just, she can't let her go, she can't help her.

He did not urge her, just looked at her coldly, his heart was always calmer than her, and she was embarrassed.

Just when the two were deadlocked, a strong and powerful instinct was backed up from the hands of Gu Beiyue, and the dragon and the night were shaken!

The two men stepped back a few steps, and Gu Beiyue squatted on the ground, like a broken person, motionless.


The little thing screamed and shook the sky. It rushed over like a madman, and slammed into the face of Gu Beiyue, and tried his breath. I don't know what the result is. I saw a little thing squatting and shaking my body.

Han Hao was so scared that his face was white, and he grasped the hand of the dragon non-night, and did not dare to go.

She is afraid!

She is afraid that this trip will be in vain. She is afraid of the good fortune of the heavens. She is afraid that there will be no spring breeze in April in this world.

Gu Dafu, don't you scare, okay?

Long Fei night did not expect this will be the result, his infuriating loss to Gu Beiyue will be bounced back, this guy's Dan Tian is not seriously injured? Where is the power?

What is his body now? Is life or death? I have to admit that the dragon is not at the bottom of the night.

At this time, the old man hid behind him and reminded him, "You don't have much time, don't admit defeat, half-day cough, and the gods can't save you."

Han Hao glared at the darkness, and the light was so strong that he could kill.

The old man immediately shut up, but the old king of Yaowang came out and laughed. "What if you save Gu Beiyue? The old man is not afraid to tell you that this disease can not be cured even by the dean of the medical school. Is he a district five medicine doctor?"

As soon as I heard this, Han suddenly realized. She just made a mistake, and the rules for asking for a drug hole are set for the sake of people. It’s such a difficult disease, no one can pass it.

They are coming, Gu Beiyue is really dead here, that is what they committed.

The biggest mistake!

"The liar! Damn!"

She hated it all, raised her hand and turned it into a tearful tear. When she saw the poison needle, she would shoot it out. There was a very weak voice behind her. "Wang Hao Niangni... cough... anger. Under the next, the disease can be cured."

This voice, so weak, can give hope and strength!

Han Hao suddenly looked back and saw that Gu Beiyue had already woken up. The little things stood on his shoulders and wiped his tears.

He didn't laugh as usual, his face was firm, his gentle hands were on the ground, supporting his weak body and supporting all their hopes.

Han Wei has never seen Wen Runru’s Gu Dafu’s wolf like this. He has never seen a weak and powerful Gu Dafu so strong and strong. Although he is squatting, he is like a man of the top, challenging the authority of Yao Wang and even challenging medicine. The authority of the hospital.

Gu dean can not cure the disease, he said that he can cure!

Han Hao took the lead, however, the dragon was not the night but first picked up Gu Beiyue. Gu Beiyue’s foot has been abandoned, and the dragon is holding him at night.

He whispered, "It seems that the instinct of the king is not in vain."

"In the next life, it is given by His Royal Highness, and it is written down." Gu Beiyue is also whispering.

Seeing that Gu Beiyue’s mind is clear, Han Yu and the little things are happy and stupid. The master and the servant are both looking at the dragon and the night and Gu Beiyue.

"The five-product small doctors in the district also dare to speak out madly. If you can cure this disease, why is it the most serious? Hey!" The old drug king sneered.

Gu Beiyue is not in a hurry to repent. He sat back in a wheelchair and answered. "Can the old king of medicine have heard of Shennong's taste of medicine and farming?"

"What do you mean?" The drug king does not understand.

Gu Beiyue smiled faintly. "No disease, why do you know a disease, don't know its disease, why treat it?"

He is also blessed in disguise. If it is not the weakness of the body that causes the disease to prematurely attack and is so sick, he can't understand what this "pertussis" is.

He was very sick and he came over, and he knew what he was.

"Gu Beiyue, do you really cure whooping cough?" Han Yu was very surprised. She knew that Gu Beiyue’s medical skills were more than five, but she did not like to advance to the medical school because she did not like the title. However, she did not know Gu Bei. The medical skills of the month will be so strong.

It’s hard to be true. He really can beat the dean of the medical school. According to Han Yu, the grade of Gu Dean is the highest in the history of Yunkong Medical College.

The old king of Yaowang secretly stunned Gu Beiyue's young age and realized this truth. However, he did not believe that Gu Beiyue had his own medical treatment.

Retreat 10,000 steps and say that even if he has this ability, he has no time. There is also a cup of tea time, half-day cough will burst out.

However, Gu Beiyue gave Han Hao a very positive answer. He said, "Wang Hao Niangniang can cure under the disease. Before the disease has not yet occurred, as long as the decoction is taken, the medicine can be cured."

Although Han Wei is incredible, she firmly believes in Gu Beiyue. "What kind of medicine?"

"Wangchun, Pinellia, autumn stone, winter grass can be one or two." Gu Beiyue said seriously.

Hearing this, the old king of Yaowang has passed through the complexion of the silk. It is necessary to know that the remedy left by the ancestors still has these medicines. The old drug king listened indifferently, but Gu Beiyue did not say anything else.

"Just these? Is there still?" Han Yu asked.

(End of this chapter)