Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 641: The outcome of the negotiations

On the question of going to the medical city, Ouyang Ningnuo thought, and let Tang Zijin go back.

Therefore, he avoided this problem. "The doorman is coming from afar. It is to solve the problem. Let's make a big deal. If you go to the medical city to make things big, you can talk to Yunkong Chamber of Commerce and Tang. The door is not good, you say yes?"

"Don't let it!" Long non-night against Tang Zijin's whispers, Tang Zijin said very aggressively, "Going to the medical city is just asking for a truth. How is it to make things big, what do you know about Ouyang Gongzi?"

Ouyang Ningnuo was very surprised. He gave in, and Tang Zijin was still pressing hard.

Before he came to negotiate, he learned all the information about Tangmen that he could collect. According to his understanding, Tangmen has always been low-key, and Tang Zijin is not a person who loves things.

At this time, he also thought much about it. In any case, he had to stop Tang Zijin.

If you really went to the medical city, and whatever the outcome, he would have to eat Ning Cheng for a fight.

He just gave in such a concession, Tang Zijin did not give face, how can he make concessions now, in order to stop Tang Zijin?

Ouyang Ningnuo is pondering, and Tang Zijin heard another whisper. "Don't you leave?"

Tang Zijin translated it and said, "Ouyang Gongzi, the carriage is ready, please."

Ouyang Ningnuo is already riding a tiger. He gave a big step to Tang Zijin. "The doorkeeper is an adult. This matter has been raging, and the medical city may not intervene. What other thoughts can you have? Why don't we talk about it?"

Tang Zijin was finally satisfied. He was about to speak. The whispers of the dragon and the night came again. He could only listen carefully and repeat it. "When the dog is rude, what can the old man think? What is the Baili Chamber of Commerce? Plan, though."

Tang Zijin's ambiguity is not like the style of the dragon and the night. It is just that he thinks it is useless. He has become a microphone.

Ouyang Ningnuo only felt that the style of this speech was somewhat familiar, but he couldn’t remember what happened for a while. He sat down and pretended to drink tea, which was actually a time for thinking.

Tang Zijin threatened him first, and threw his initiative to him. It was really deceitful!

This reason is the same as bargaining. Tang Zijin himself does not show his cards, but he has been testing his bottom line.

After a cup of tea has not been finished, Tang Zijin urged him. In fact, the people behind the scenes are urging him. "Ouyang Gongzi, there are no outsiders here. Let's open the skylight and say something, what is the request, even if it is mentioned."

This is a good word. Isn’t this what Ouyang Ninguo said at the beginning? Ouyang Ningnuo has the feeling of being beaten by his own words, especially painful!

He really wants to insist that Tang will leave the country. However, nowadays, he knows that once he mentions the word "into", Tang Zijin will definitely go to the medical city!

If you don't mention it, can you just marry into Tangmen?

He really hopes to marry this gimmick to Tangmen. Once he can re-take the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, the second will be able to make a difference in Tangmen with tranquility.

But... quietly, I wouldn’t marry, and the temper of the girl’s temper will be stunned, even if Ning Cheng can’t hold it, let alone him?

Ouyang Ninguo is caught in a dilemma.

"Ouyang Gongzi?" Tang Zijin reminded.

Ouyang Ningnuo looked at him calmly and looked at him for a while. "The doorman is the master, and the quiet is the executive director of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. You know it too. The Yunkong Chamber of Commerce cannot do without her!"

The implication is that Ouyang’s quiet is not because she is in charge of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, Yunkong Chamber of Commerce.

Can't fall into the hands of others.

At this time, Tang Zijin heard another whisper, "Two!"

This "two" is exactly the "two" that Han Yu said yesterday. Tang Zijin, who knows the whispering language, is a dragon and a night, but the person who has an idea is Han Wei.

Fortunately, Ru Yun did not act rashly, and the heart of this girl was unfathomable.

Tang Zijin soon returned to God, laughing and said to Ouyang Ningnuo, "Ouyang Gongzi's meaning, the old man understands! However, Tang Li is my Tangmen biography, Tangmen's future, but also can not be separated from Tang!"

"This..." Ouyang Ningnuo is in a dilemma.

Tang Zijin pretend to think about it, and he said, "The old man has a plan, I don't know what the Ouyang son is doing?"

"The door owner will tell you." Ouyang Ning promised politely.

"When a woman is married, she will let the quiet marry into my Tangmen. The Yunkong Chamber of Commerce and Tangmen will make a contract. In the future, the eldest son of the two will be the grandson of Tangmen, inheriting the position of the master. The second son is the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. Inherited the position of the governor. How?"

"Then they are two..." Ouyang Ningnu tried.

"As long as the second son is born, the old man is too lazy to interfere with their affairs..." Tang Zijin looked helpless.

Ouyang Ningnuo is pondering, and the more he thinks, the more it feels!

As long as the father-in-law of Tang Gongjin is not difficult and does not interfere, it seems that there is no difference between quiet marriage and Tang’s departure. She can continue to stay in the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. With her ability, she will be able to leave Tang to death. The child, maybe even use the child, take control of Tangmen?

In front of us, the loss of tranquility is not big. In the long run, there are many benefits!

Ouyang Ninguo thought for a long time, and finally decided to promise Tang Zijin, he knew that tranquility is very repugnant to have children, but this method should be satisfied.

The thing is that the **** is provoked by herself, and she has to let her eat a little, she will converge!

"This is not a bad thing!" Ouyang Ningnu laughed.

Tang Zijin was overjoyed in his heart. As a result, the face of the Tang family would not be lost. Tang also had the opportunity to go to the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce.

"Come to people, pen and ink to serve!" Tang Zijin took the initiative to make a decision, fearing that Ouyang Ningnuo repented.

Soon, the black and white letters wrote the pre-marriage contract, and Tang Zijin took the big bronze seal of Tangmen, which was heavily covered. Ouyang Ningnu also took out the big seal of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce.

The contract is in duplicate, which determines the destiny of Tang and Ouyang.

Tang couldn't see it, but he heard the voice of his father's roll paper. Obviously knowing that this is just a play, he will not really treat Ouyang Jing as his wife, and he will not have children with her. However, he does not know how. He is strange in his heart and has a feeling of incomprehension.

"Congratulations, hey!" Han Wei snickered.

Tang left Zhang’s mouth and asked her to solve the dumbness. Han Yu’s smile was harmless. “The antidote to this poison is time, and the time is automatically lifted at half an hour.”

Tang Lilian’s strength was gone, and suddenly he was glad that he had to face peace, not Han Han. He looked suspiciously at the dragon that was sitting on the side of the night. He had never understood how Han Hao made the futuristic night, but now he does not understand how the dragon and the night clean up the woman.

After Tang Zijin and Ouyang Ningnuo collected the agreement, a new round of negotiations began.

The marriage is fixed, what else is it to talk about?

Of course it is a dowry and a dowry!

"The door master, according to the next look, the wedding should be sooner rather than later, after all, there are many rumors outside, and then consume, it is detrimental to the reputation of the son.

"Ouyang Ningnuo said.

Han Yuzheng was going to borrow the dragon's non-night whisper, but Mrs. Tang suddenly spoke. "Then please send Ouyang's quiet birthday character, this lady is a good day, send someone to come to the door."

"Okay!" Ouyang Ningnuo promised refreshingly, and said, "Quiet is the executive director of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. She has a high weight and her marriage is not sloppy. Therefore, the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce intends to start from the date of the relatives. Flowing water to the day of marriage."

How to set up a banquet, this is the woman's business, Ouyang Ningnu does not need to inform them. He raised it on the spot, undoubtedly hinting at Tang Zijin, the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce will have a great ostentation. Therefore, they will not be greedy if they are going to bring their dowry. If they are chilling, they will lose the face of Tangmen.

Mrs. Tang is the lady of the door. This kind of words can still be understood. She is lazy and leans to the side and asks the prostitute. "Is the rain pear needle in the hands of the young master?"

"It has always been in the hands of the Lord." The prostitute answered truthfully.

Mrs. Tang did not say much, and she said "hmm".

Ouyang Ning promised to sneak a sneak peek. Before he came, Ning Cheng confessed that he could not do anything else.

Han Yu and Tang Li hide behind, almost laughed out, the rain pear flower needle is indeed in the hands of Tang, but, already on the way to escape marriage, he was used up!

This matter, Tang Zijin may not know, but Mrs. Tang is the clearest.

Han Hao had a good impression on Mrs. Tang, and now she likes it more and more. She said, "Tang is away, your mother is very good."

Tang couldn't speak, but he looked proud.

The dragon was watching at night, and he didn’t know what to think. There was a touch of sadness in the corner of his mouth.

Ouyang Ningnuo is waiting for Mrs. Tang to make a dowry. Who knows that Mrs. Tang has not been able to speak for a long time, and Ouyang Ning Noba wants her not to mention it.

He got up and said, "Other trivial matters will be handed over to Xi Po. It is not too early. I will leave now."

Tang Zijin sighed and said, "Hey, Tang Li and Tianshan Cangjia have a marriage contract in front of them. When such a thing happens, Tangmen can only bear the family."

Ouyang Ningnu also followed the sigh, expressed sympathy, but did not express his opinion. The matter was left to Tangmen himself and Cang Qiuzi to deal with it. The Yunkong Chamber of Commerce did not go to offend Cang Qiuzi!


Ouyang Ningnuo is anxious to go, who knows, Mrs. Tang suddenly shouted, "and slow!"

Ouyang Ning promised, and I was afraid that Tangmen would also invite people from Tianshan to come. Who knows that Mrs. Tang said, "Ouyang Gongzi, Yunkong Chamber of Commerce also don't give dowry to the quiet girl. My Tangmen can afford her, no shortage. She has something to order. On the day of the big wedding, as long as she is dressed up beautifully, can she understand?"

Han Yu and Tang Li Qiqi slammed their mouths, otherwise they would really laugh out loud.

Mrs. Tang is too old, and she is so domineering. With Ouyang’s quiet temperament, she must not bring her dowry to her mother-in-law.

Han Hao suddenly remembered a sentence, "No matter how good a mother is not a good mother-in-law!"

Ouyang Ningnuo's whole heart is sinking. He knows this negotiation. I lost again and did not reach any expectations before.

He began to doubt his own negotiating ability. Can it not be too long to negotiate and regress?

I don't know if Ning Cheng knows what the outcome of the negotiation will be. In short, Han Hao, they came out from behind the guest house, and they are in a good mood.

This thing is basically done!

Han Yuzheng wants to talk to Mrs. Tang. At this time, Ru Yun, who has not spoken, opened her mouth. She said...

(End of this chapter)