Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 642: Only responsible for you

Everyone is happy, but Ru is not too cold and hot to mention, "Non-night, the matter of leaving the child has come to an end, have you not been worshipping your mother for a long time?"

In a word, everyone is silent in an instant.

Han Yu only knows that the parents of Long Fei’s birth are all Tangmen’s people. This is what they told her when they were forbidden in the poisonous ban. Others, she knows nothing.

This sentence of Ru Yan touched the strings in the hearts of everyone present. Everyone, his expressions are different, and his mind is full of thoughts.

Tang Zijin passed a touch of complexity and was about to speak. The dragon was cold and cold and asked, "Who told you that Tang’s departure is over?"

"What is your tone? It's good, you are big, your wings are hard, you can't talk to you if you can't control it. Are you?" Ru replied eagerly.

Before the emergence of Han Han, the woman was polite to her, and she was never rude to Tang Zijin.

Ru Yun seems to be worried about the dragon's night, but he can look at Han Hao again.

Han Hao had long been used to it. When she first saw her in the forbidden land, she basically understood who Ru was, and summarized it as a sentence: "Take yourself too seriously!"

The dragon was not directly ignored by the night, and cold and cold said to Tang. "Inquired about what the Cang Qiuzi sent down, and he apologized in person. Also, immediately announce your peace and quiet, and the sooner you are happy!"

For the indifference of the dragon and the night, Ru was already used to it. She sneered under her heart and believed that she had just had that problem, which was enough to cause Han Yu’s curiosity.

The non-night father and mother have too many secrets that cannot be said. She believes how to pet the woman in the night and will not tell her about his parents recklessly.

Women are good and good jealous.

The more you don't know, the more you doubt, and once you suspect the secret you can't say, the misunderstanding will be big.

This temper, not at night, must not like the woman who is entangled in the bottom.

Ru Yun is very satisfied with the foreseeable effect of this sentence.

"Yes, announce the marriage as soon as possible, in case the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce will repent." Tang Zijin’s thoughts are all about Tang’s departure.

Ouyang Ning promises to be foolish. The Ning Cheng and the quiet behind him are not fuel-efficient lights. If the contract is brought back, Ning Cheng repents and wants to talk in person. Their efforts today will be in vain and more troublesome. Therefore, it is necessary to fight the iron hot. After the gang of the Yunxia Chamber of Commerce under the mountain retreat, the marriage will be widely announced and the matter will be truly realized.

"Tangmen Lord, this announcement is for you to send, you should first reflect on yourself, and then swear by your son, calm down the public anger." Han Yu said lightly.

Tang Zijin nodded in a row, "Yes, Wang Xiang is smart."

Ru Yan’s eyes passed a touch of worry, and she had a feeling of faintness. Tang Zijin seemed to be tempted by Han Han’s woman.

"Tangmen Lord, the order of these two things can't be messed up. You must first tell the world about the marriage, and then let Tang leave the sin and ask for sin. As a result, Tang Li is also considered a backing of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. I can show my feelings." Han Yu said seriously.

She is not pleased with Tang Zijin, but she is eager to see that Tang can successfully survive this robbery.

Tang Zijin is loaded with Han Yu’s friendliness. However, after experiencing this incident, he has changed his or her position more or less. He thought, if Han Han and the people of the movie family didn't have anything to do with it, how good it would be! On that day, Tang Zijin took the body of the Tangmen Gate.

The announcement issued, first admitted that the child did not teach the father and son, but also distressedly smashed Tang away from the meal, and then explained that Tang Li would do such a foolish thing, in essence, because too much like and love quiet, then He also righteously said that Tang Li and Tianshan Cangjia had a marriage contract, and such a thing happened, the most detrimental to the family. He is willing to accept any punishment from the Cang family, but he must be responsible for the silence!

Ouyang Ningnuo has not yet returned to the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, and the announcement has been sent out, and the whole day has spread throughout the Yunkong continent.

When Ning Cheng received the news, he was still in the early morning in Xijing City. The cold face was all black, and he was so frightened that he was full of martial arts. He did not know what happened to this Buddha.

At the end of the day, Ning Cheng will be ordered coldly. "Let Ning Nuo not go back to the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce to come directly here! Let him and quiet explain it!"

When the order was just finished, I saw the quiet anger rushing in and slamming the letters on the table. "Big brother, who promised them to have children, let him give them birth, anyway, I am not born!"

She plans to let Tang leave the shackles, and then put people under house arrest, Ning Nuo is good, not only did not talk about things into the shackles, actually want her to have children! How can Ninno not die?

If Ning Cheng stood in front of her, she had to take a few slaps! Did the guy have nothing to do with it for a long time, his head is broken! Can all of this condition be agreed?

"Tangmen has already released the news, what do you want?" Ning Cheng asked coldly.

Although he is very dissatisfied with the contract that Ninguo brought back, he can be satisfied with only one point. He is satisfied that Tang Zijin did not promise to enter.

If Tang Zijin promised to enter, he would be suspicious of this matter. In the current situation, it seems that Tang Zijin and Long Feiye should have no friendship as they investigated.

"What about the news?"

The serene eyes passed a touch of fineness. "Big brother, it is better to kill Tang Li, to blame the Cang family? The marriage of the younger sister in the future, or you come to be the master."

If she must have a baby, she would rather give up this opportunity to kill Tang.

Ning Cheng looked at his sister, and his mouth was filled with a cold smile, the most poisonous woman, he liked it. However, this is the end of the matter, he has not planned to give up the big fat of Tangmen.

He is looking forward to the rain pear flower needle!

"You are too small to see Cang Qiuzi this person." Ning Cheng said, waved his hand to signal calm and retreat.

He leaned back in the chair and put his legs straight on the table, lazy and domineering.

"Big brother!" Quiet and angry.

Ning Cheng did not look at her, "go out."

"Big brother, no matter what, this thing..."

After the silence has not been finished, Ning Cheng will be cold and cold warning. "From today, Tang will have to lose a little bit. I am counting on your head! Family regulations!"

Family rules...

There is only one family rule of the Di ethnic group, which violates the patriarchal and expels the Di.

Everything that tranquility does is not to stay in the family for the rest of the life, loyal to the Di? Once she is expelled from the Di family, what is the meaning of her living?

There is not much to say about the word serenity. She stood for a long time, and finally turned and left without turning back. Ok, she accepts the marriage contract, but if I can give birth to my son, I have to look at how much Tang has to do!

After the quiet walk, Ning Chengcai took a golden needle from the hairpin and took it with interest in his hand. What is certain is that this golden needle is Han Han’s. As for

Where does Ning Cheng get this golden needle, and only he knows it.

On the second day of the marriage of Tangmen and Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, Tang Zijin heard that Cang Qiuzi himself did not go down to the Tianshan Mountains.

Although it is much easier to go down the mountain than going up the mountain, last year's winter snow covered a lot of roads. So far, snow has been a flower, and Cang Qiuzi has not ventured down the mountain. He entrusted the marriage to Duanmu Yao, who had already gone down the mountain, and said that Duanmu Yao could fully decide on behalf of Cangjia.

"Non-night, Cang Qiuzi and Duan Muyao are so blatantly hooked up, is it against you?" Tang Zijin asked seriously.

On the qualifications, on martial arts, on prestige, Cang Qiuzi is far less than the old man of Jianzong, but he has been a long-time patriarch of the sword. Duanmu Yao is the most loved disciple of Jianzong's old man. Once Cang Qiuzi and Duanmu Yao hook up, most of the Tianshan Mountains will be counted, and the dragons will not be able to compete with them.

Tang’s marriage was so troublesome that Cang Qiuzi publicly let Duanmu Yaodai deal with this matter. It was clearly intended to let Long Fei know that he and Duanmu Yao had a very close relationship.

This is not a demonstration. Is it difficult to show off?

Long nodded noon at night and asked Tang Yi. "Do you end up with Duanmu Yao?"

"Full, full!" Tang asked seriously, "What do you think?"

Sitting on the side of Han Han Li erected his ears to listen, but unfortunately the dragon did not answer the night, but faintly said, "Go to sin, be careful. Cang Qiuzi is not a demonstration, he wants to kill by knife."

Tang Gangfa’s announcement, Cang Qiuzi’s severe punishment of Tang’s resignation, will be scolded by the people, saying that he has no measure and no atmosphere. If he handed this matter to Duanmu Yao, even if Duanmu Yao abolished Tang, Cang Qiuzi could shirk his responsibility.

"The old man went together!" Tang Zijin was nervous.

Mrs. Tang also stood up. "The old thief of Cang Qiuzi is too sinister, and I will go!"

"The old man will be enough, you will not martial arts, what do you do?" Tang Zijin asked with disappointment.

"I will be a hidden weapon!" Mrs. Tang was justifiably strong. "Take the most powerful hidden weapon of Tangmen. There are more people in Tianshan, and I am not afraid!"

Tang Zijin still wants to stop, who knows that Mrs. Tang is holding the hand of Ru Yun, "You have to go. Lest he think that there is no one in Tangmen, but also bully!"

Ru Yun seems to be quite jealous of Mrs. Tang, only to answer a "good" word, although Tang Zijin is not happy, and did not stop. Han Wei can see that Mrs. Tang was deliberately going to leave Ru Ru, but she did not understand the purpose of Mrs. Tang’s doing this.

Under the decision, Tang Li took off his shirt, tied a few thorns on his back, and went down the mountain to the inn of the county town of Muyao.

With their three old companions, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are still very reassured.

After watching Tang leave them, Han Han took the hand of Long Fei’s night and asked, “Duanmu Yao is full of eighteen, and her safety has nothing to do with you?”

"Yeah." Long non-night gave a positive answer.

Han Hao was overjoyed, holding his hands and letting him look at himself. "Dragon is not night, ever since..."

The words have not been finished yet, the dragon is not at night, "This king is only responsible for you!"

He said, it seems that Han Han does not believe it, and he leaned down and printed a kiss on Han's lips.

Han shouted, wanted to be serious, and made a lot of demands, but what he said at the end was, "Come on another chapter."

"What?" Long does not understand what she meant by night.

(End of this chapter)