Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 643: Geiyaya group

Then cover a chapter?

Long Fei night did not agree with her black and white, how should she seal? Could it be that she would write down his black and white words and put a stamp on it?

"You don't believe this king?" Long asked the night.

Han Han shook his head. "I believe it if I cover it again."

Long Fei was quite disappointed at night, and said coldly, "If you don't believe it, it will be useless to write in black and white."

Han Hao knows that he misunderstood, laughing at him, not talking.

The interest of the dragon and the night was broken, and the meaning of this topic was not continued. He turned and left, but who knows that Han Han really let him go. Watching him go far, he said, "Dragon is not night, are you sure you are not stamped? Then I am looking for someone else to go."

Threat, the threat of eating fruit!

He immediately turned back and turned back, staring at her dangerous eyes and staring at her. It was clear that the wind and rain were coming, but the words of various warnings came to the lips, but they all became compromises. He said, "Painting and serving."

I don't know when to start, face her, and his big temper can't be sent.

Han Hao finally couldn't help but laugh and laughed. He was very happy.

"What are you laughing at?" Long night felt that he was so a little bit.

Han Han hooked his finger to indicate that he was approaching. He was obedient and leaned close. Who, she actually picked up her toes and rubbed his hands around his neck.

Although the number is not many, but Long Fei is familiar with this action. He couldn't guess what the woman meant in the end, but he was very decisive and overbearing to hug Han Han's waist, and she was not allowed to regret it, and she was not allowed to flee.

One looked up, one bowed, the tip of the nose reached, very close, he smelled her beautiful, she felt the heat and heavyness of his breathing.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked, rubbing his head with his nose, gently licking her nose, and inadvertently brushing her lips, if she left, cold and sorrowful.

What he wants to do, she knows.

"Stupid." She couldn't help but laugh.

This woman is definitely the first woman in the world to marry him!

He was so cold that he picked up her chin. "Oh, how is this king stupid?"

She suddenly opened his hand, high-toeed, and printed a kiss on his lips. "Seal! Dare to lie to me, let you regret for a lifetime!"

Chapter... Can it still be covered?

He didn't know that this woman would have such a "bad" side. He smiled and laughed. "Not enough!"

She also laughed and knew that he would not feel enough.

The dragon is not night, I haven't kissed you for a long time, I miss it very much.

Long is not kissing at night, but Han Han first asked for a kiss, allowed his cold lips, and gently allowed him to warm him.

The dragon is not an accident at night, it is even more pleasant. He hates women's initiative, but especially likes her initiative. I wanted to kiss her and feel her rare enthusiasm. It was a pity that he couldn't hold it for a while, deepened the kiss, and even put his tongue in her little mouth to provoke. Han Hao does not show weakness, and actively explores his lips. You come to me, and the lips and teeth are intertwined. Whether he or she seems to give it, how to ask is not enough, not satisfied. It’s always like missing something.

Long non-night tightly wrapped around Han Han’s waist to make her whole person close to herself, I really want to be on this hill, I want this woman! However, the one who finally let go first is him.

The moment he let go, Han Han’s eyes passed a touch of loss, but did not show it.

Today, she will still blush, red-faced, but it is not the two-year-old girl who was stunned by him and would be overwhelmed with a blank head. She wants to kiss him just to kiss him, honest and honest.

He is her husband, everything is justified!

Many times, she does not ask, does not mean that she does not want to know, does not mean that she does not mind. Just, she is such a personality. Of course, it should be her thing, she will never ask. What does it mean to get it? Would rather not!

Dragon is not night, why do you call your mother a mother? Who is your father, who is the title of the king?

How long is the secret of the Tianshan Mountain?

I can give you enough time, you must not deceive, even if it is a sentence?

got windy……

Long Fei night took Han Han into his arms from behind, and took her big cloak to wrap her up. Both of them looked at the mountains in the distance and fell into meditation.

Han Wei is a smart person, how deep the heart is, and the dragon is not clear at night. He also feels that she has changed for him in the past two or three years.

From the time of sensibility, the woman who is particularly disgusted with the idiot stares at it. However, sometimes he prefers that Han Han will always be like the beginning. He will look at him in obscurity. He will be nervous, afraid, and will change. stupid.

It is a pity that since she had a big fight with Gu Qi, she has rarely been like that.

Her changes made him feel out of control, fearing that she would go further and further, afraid that she could not catch her.

I am afraid, I don’t love him as much as before.

Why is she so smart, why never ask him, don't doubt him? About Tianshan, about Tangmen. He hates women's suspicious, endless, but she is always an exception.

He wants to control everything about her and understand everything about her. She never asks, doesn't ask, does it mean that she doesn't care?

The wind, the whistling blow, he held her tighter...

Ru Yun didn't know Han Han too. Her provocation, Han Yu has never asked the dragon to be night; Ru Yun does not understand the exception of Long Fei to Han Han, even if he can't answer, Long Fei night still hopes that Han Yu can care for him. everything of!

But even if there is no blame, there is a gap between them that is invisible to each other. This gap is the last step of the hundred steps.

There is still a breath of breath on the lips and teeth, silent and silent, Han Hao suddenly turned around, leaning against the dragon in the night.

"What?" he asked.

"Some tired." Han Yu said faintly.

When the dragon is not talking at night, she will pick her up and go back to rest. He sat on the bed and accompanied, how did she sleep?

Obviously, I don't like to think too much. Many things like to be casual, but today's heart is not heavy. She closed her eyes and simply swam into the storage space and earnestly cultivated.

The first-stage storage of the poison storage space, you can freely take your own poison, as well as the heavens and the earth to the poisonous things, she fully practiced, now is the key moment to open the second order, the second order is to resist the enemy, once refined Cheng, you can freely contain poisons that threaten yourself.

Han Wei did not think so far as the third order. First, the difficulty of the second order is ten times that of the first order. It is very difficult to practice the second order, let alone the third order?

Moreover, the third order is for looting, and it can contain all the poisons in the world. Han Wei doesn't like it, and it doesn't need it.

Therefore, her only wish now is to be able to practice second.

When Han Han entered the storage space, it was like a real sleep. The dragon was not mentioned in the night and she was quietly left.

He is not going to worship, he is going to worship his mother.

Mrs. Tang deliberately led Ru Yun away, and also urged him to disguise in the past.

He has forgotten how many years he has not gone to worship the mother-in-law, and the memory seems to have remained in the year when the mother-in-law committed suicide.

Tangmen is not one of the seven nobles, but the shadow guard of the Eastern Qin Dynasty. The identity is unknown. Seriously pursued, Tangmen’s identity is far lower than the Baili family.

However, because the mother-in-law got the favor of the father, he gave birth to him. Because of this relationship, the weight of the people in Tangmen speaking in front of him is more or less important to the Baili family.

Tangmen is best known for hidden weapons, and the unknown is poison. Like Baidumen, the poison of Tangmen also originated from the poisonous sect, because no one can pick the girders, so after the poison sect was destroyed, the poisonous gang of Tangmen gradually declined.

The mother-in-law is in charge of the Tangmen Poisons. She knows that she can dream of the world, and she has spent all her life trying to find the dream of the butterfly, and wants to help the father to restore the East. Unfortunately, she has not yet reached the butterfly dream, the father has long since died.

She pinned all her expectations on him, her father's ambitions, her long-cherished wish, the royal family's hatred and even Tangmen became the aristocrat's dream, all raised on his shoulders.

She gave him the identity of the Emperor Qin Qin, helped him to study in the Tianshan Mountains, she raised the beauty of the blood, she arranged everything. Then, she said, she thought of his father; she said that everything was handed over to him; she said that he would live for her and his father, live with two lives, and complete two lives without completing duty of.

Then, in front of him, she ended her life with a dagger.

He never understood love.

Which time, he first understood, love, it can be so selfish!

Long non-night silently walked in the mountain forest, seemingly aimless, but soon arrived at the mountain side of Shenlong Mountain.

Tang Yizhen was buried in a cave in the cliff on the mountainside.

In fact, this is a burial grave. His father was buried here first. In order to conceal his identity, there are no tombstones. Today, only the gravestones of his mother are set on the grave.

The dragon flew down from the cliff at night and stood at the grave with his hand.

He stood for a long time, and there was no grief on his face, no pain, only a consistent expression. When his shoulders can already take on everything they have applied, they can also take up their dreams. When they face them, he will no longer be angry.

His cold eyes are extraordinarily ruthless. He is a person who doesn't like memories, he doesn't want to be old, he stands, he is silent, he doesn't think about the past, just wants the future.

For a long time, he only worshipped three worships, faintly said, "Father, mother, Princess of Xiqin, I have to set! Her name is Han Wei."

He stopped for a while and said again, "This summer, my parents will take her to the Tien Shan."

When he finished speaking, he stopped staying and turned and left.

There is still more than a month, it is summer...

When the dragon came back at night, Han Wei was still asleep. He didn't happen like anything, still sitting on the bed and guarding.

Who knows, Han Han actually sleeps directly to the second day, and when she wakes up, she sees that Dragon is sleeping at night.

Looking at his face seriously, you can see tiredness. Han Hao was very distressed. He was gently stroking some of his chin's chin. At this time, there was an anxious sound from Chu Xifeng. "His Royal Highness, something went wrong! Ru 姨 has a big deal!"

(End of this chapter)