Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 655: Fortunately, you like me too.

Can Duanmu Yao win?

Bai Yanqing did not seem to hear the problem of Jun Yi and evil. He held the chess in one hand and the beard in one hand, and seriously pondered the game.

How arrogant and arrogant, how can you be a man! In front of Master, it is always embarrassing, like a big boy.

Seeing that Master did not answer, he did not dare to ask the second sentence even if he was curious again. He only waited quietly for Master.

Xiao Shimei, a younger sister, looked at Jun and evil at the side, and did not know how, but she was pity. In her view, Jun Yixie is absolutely obedient to Master and absolutely trustful. However, Master has concealed all kinds of brothers.

Bai Yuqiao did not understand why Master had to take care of his brother. She secretly felt unfair to her brother, but never dared to reveal anything.

How terrible it is to betray Master, she is much clearer than her brother.

For a long while, Bai Yanqing did not have a child, but said faintly, "Let’s win and win, it depends on what, how."

Jun is also very happy, and quickly said, "This time, the Queen of Xue!"

"Winning or losing is not in these small things. At the end, wait. Duanmu Yao will win." Bai Yanqing said that the clouds are light and light.

"The last? It's hard to be done, Master...has there been an arrangement?" Jun also whispered.

In his view, Master did not let him get into trouble by letting him intervene in Han Yu and Long Fei, but Master had another plan.

Bai Yanqing did not disclose anything, and asked, "Wait a minute, how long does the gap in the South Horse Racecourse make up?"

Jun is also depressed, Master is like this every time, saying that half of the topic is transferred, making him tickle.

Jun Yixie did not answer, Bai Qingyan did not look at him. He immediately said, "No one year and a half is not enough. I have already contacted the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce, if I can buy and sell with them. The gap will not be so." Jun also evilly answered the truth.

"Can the snow mountain planting be started?" Bai Yanqing asked again.

"There are still some rules to discuss, huh, huh, this woman... is difficult to get tight! Recently she is preparing for marriage, and the snow mountain thing is delayed."

Jun Yixie is also very busy during this time. Bai Yanqing just nodded, did not comment on anything, continue to play chess...

In a few days, Queen Xue’s affairs were getting bigger and bigger. Han Yu and Long Fei’s side were still unmoved, and they did not express their attitudes and publicly expressed any opinions.

As a result, everyone is more curious about the truth of the matter.

There are still two days left for the challenge from the end of the door. Han Han is sitting in the yard and watching a letter smirk.

This pile of letters is written for her.

There are generals from General Tian’an Mu, there are from the Central Government of the South, and there are from the drug ghost hall, from the medical city, the drug city, and from the black market.

The contents of the letter are all concerned, reminding her to be careful with Duanmu Yao, and not to be hard with Duanmu Yao.

The letter from the medical city was written by the elders of Shen San. The letter said that if Han Yu is willing, he can recommend the best works of Yunkong's mainland word of mouth, or he can come in person and assist the autopsy.

The letter from the drug city was written by the old drug king himself. The old guy who was not in the world actually knew the matter. He said in the letter that if Han Han is willing, he can bring the body of Xue Queen to the medicine, he Personally assisted in the autopsy.

In the letter, I also greeted the old man who asked for the drug hole.

Han Yu has always known that he is a human being, and inexplicably will offend people. Inexplicably, he will recruit people to hate and recruit people.

Looking at the pile of letters, she suddenly found that her friends were still quite a lot. She smiled and said to the dragon, "I am a good friend... It seems to be a friend all over the world?"

"This is called a network." Long said that the night is faint, even he must admit that Han Yu’s network of people who have accumulated in the sky and the sky over the years cannot be ignored.

"Wang Hao Niangniang is just fine..."

Gu Beiyue’s words have not been finished yet, a black shadow suddenly flies down, not others, it is Gu Qixiao!

He covered his body in a black robe, and he only showed a pair of cynicism, and he should be called the ancient seven brakes.

The ancient seven brakes rushed to the front of Han Yu, but unfortunately, not yet close, the dragon stretched out a foot at night, almost pulled him down, but fortunately he retreated in time.

He was anxious, and he couldn’t care about the dragon’s non-night calculations. He asked, “Drug Shantou, Duanmu Yao will come to the door to challenge, really?”

Han Hao did not say anything, slowly turned to look inside the house, Gu Beiyue Trail smiled, the dragon was drinking tea at night, as long as the ancient seven brakes away from Han Han, he was lazy and nosy.


Gu Qishu also asked, Mu Linger suddenly rushed out of the house, exclaimed, "Ghost ghost!"

In addition to Mu Linger still have illusions, everyone who knows that the ancient seven brakes are not in the hospital for a few days, is to deliberately avoid Mu Linger! Everyone is not moving, just waiting to see the ancient seven brakes to escape.

But who knows, the ancient seven brakes did not pay attention to Mu Linger, and did not rush to go, but asked Han Han with concern, "poisonous girl, is that really true?"

Upon seeing it, Mu Linger, who had already rushed over, suddenly stopped. Her happy expression was stiff on her face, and she looked at the eagerness of the ancient seven-brows. She was stunned.

It was a pleasure that he finally appeared, and he was glad that he did not see her and immediately left. But...but why is her heart so painful?


After Han Hao answered, he got up and pulled Mu Linger over and asked Gu seven brakes. "This girl has been waiting for you for several days. Your old man's shelf is big enough!"

The ancient seven brakes ignored them, and the dragon looked at the night. "Qin Wang, do you really let the poisonous **** and the end of the woods that the monk singled out?"

The dragon did not disdain to answer the night, and this matter does not have to worry about the ancient seven.

"When she comes, let's say, people haven't come yet. God knows what evidence she brought! I don't recognize, how can she take me?" After Han Yu explained, he talked about the topic and said seriously, "Linger is looking for you." Let's discuss the things of Mujia! The lady who has pity for a long time has been dragging on for a long time, should you give a reply? You two have a good talk! Also, the medicine that was sent by Yaowang, I gave Linger, Where she doesn't understand, you should teach you well. You two will be in the drug ghost hall in the future!"

Gu Qishu was only looking at Mu Linger. Mu Ling’s heart was blocked, but nothing was shown. She immediately put on a look of worship and laughed at the ancient seven brakes. The last time I was offended in the drug ghost hall, offending, your old man would look at the face of Princess Wang and His Royal Highness, forgive me!"

On the day when the **** was opened on the day of the drug ghost hall, he challenged him. The ancient seven brakes had long forgotten. He did not say anything. He nodded and walked down by Gu Beiyue.

Mu Linger immediately came over and prayed for him with respect and respect. "Older generations, please be careful."

The ancient seven-breasted eyebrows glanced at her, and the yin and yang said sullenly, "I am almost called by you."

"Or, I call you Master?" Mu Linger asked quickly.

This is clearly the meaning of the teacher, the ancient seven brakes have a cup

Drink in the black robe of the tea, only when you did not hear it.

Who knows, Mu Linger is even more arrogant, immediately squatting, and directly slammed a head. "If Master does not object, please ask the disciples to worship!"

The ancient seven-breasted tea that had just arrived at the mouth was completely sprayed. "I didn’t agree, I got up!"

Mu Linger glared at the big eyes and looked innocent. "But I am hoeing, what should I do?"

Can he still have freedom to accept such an apprentice? It may be that someday she will be discovered by her.

The ancient seven brakes were really scared, and seriously said, "I will give you back, do you not?"

Mu Linger’s eyes are wet, but “haha” laughs. “Predecessors are really joking. If the seniors don’t want to, then it’s nothing.”

I don't know how many people in the room noticed the tears in Mu Linger's eyes. Han Wei noticed it.

Looking at this stubborn gimmick, Han Yu’s heart is particularly painful.

Perhaps it is because of the shadow of his past, perhaps because the blood is dissolved in the water, perhaps because of the fate.

However, Han Yu knows that there are so many things that he can help, and it will only be self-defeating.

This kind of thing, this is a willingness for both sides. She is moved by Mu Linger’s willingness to be willing to persecute, and count the ancient seven brakes.

Long didn't hand a cup of tea at night, interrupting Han Han's thinking.

She looked at him, he was busy making tea, and did not pay attention to him. From this angle, his side face curvature was so cold and cold, exuding the cold arrogance that refused to be thousands of miles away.

For more than three years, he was actually the same three years ago, and there was not much change.

Han Yu felt in his heart, "Dragon is not night, fortunately, fortunately, you also like me."

Mu Linger said so, how can the ancient seven brakes not agree? He smiled very strangely, "But it!"

"That medicine king's ancient medical records, can the seniors point to one or two?" Who said that Mu Linger died, she continued to work hard.

Han Yu was both distressed and wanted to laugh. The face of the ancient seven brakes was already cloudy, but fortunately the masked face could not be seen.

"Okay, if you don't understand, ask, so polite?"

Even though the ancient seven brakes promised, Mu Linger may not be able to find him in the future.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Mu Linger was still very happy. He took out the medicine on the spot and also had a thick notebook.

"Predecessors, I have finished reading this set of books. I don't understand all of them. There are a hundred places in the first book that I don't understand. I will ask them today." Mu Linger said seriously.

The ancient seven brakes have not yet opened, Gu Beiyue will be faint. "You are lacking, you do. Let's leave."

When Gu Beiyue left, the dragon stood up late at night, Han Han immediately followed, and she laughed. "We still have things, you will discuss slowly."

The ancient seven-brake originally wanted to say something, but it was completely silent.

In this way, in the next two days, Mu Linger has been entangled in the ancient seven brakes, very humbly to ask for advice.

After getting along for two days, the ancient seven brakes actually dispelled the previous doubts, because Mu Linger did not harass him except for the matter of asking for medicine.

Perhaps he thought more, Mu Linger was just learning, and did not find his secret.

It is no problem to teach this little girl. Anyway, in the future, the drug ghost hall will have all the gimmicks, and he will not stick to the drug ghost hall!

In the early morning two days later, Duanmu Yao really came to the door to challenge...

(End of this chapter)