Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 656: Beat her with a trick

Early in the morning, Duanmu Yao stood at the gate of the dragon's water in the dragon's night, and the gate was surrounded by visitors.

Longfei Night is located in the middle of the county town, hidden in the deep lane, quiet in the middle of noisy, very quiet. The courtyard's exterior wall is very low-key and not noticeable. Today, it can attract so many people, all thanks to Duan Muyao.

Duanmu Yao not only revealed the location of this mansion, but also brought a lot of people to the crowd. This group of people came to pass the microphone. Today, Han Han, as long as he accidentally said a wrong sentence, will immediately be spread out and spread all over the Yunkong continent. Moreover, Duanmu Yao also specifically confessed several people to Tianshan. Send a message.

She not only wants Master Jianzong to hate Han Han, but also wants everyone in Tianshan to have a crush on Han Han! She wants to force Han Han to go to Tianshan!

Before I knew that Han Han was killing the mother and enemies, Duan Muyao tried every means to black Han, and now it is a means of no compromise.

At this time, Han Han stood in the highest attic of the other house. Standing here, I couldn't see the figure of Duanmu Yao, but I saw a lot of onlookers.

In the middle of Long Feiye and Han Biao Station, a black dress is strong, and the cold eyebrows are compelling, and a pink purple skirt is full of glory. Gu Beiyue is on the left side of Long Fei night. Although he is sitting in a wheelchair, he still gives Xuan Ran Xia, the feeling of Yingying Yuli. The ancient seven-brake stood on the right side of Han Yu, the black robe cover, mysterious and unpredictable, Mu Linger stood beside the ancient seven brakes, the red skirt was gorgeous, and the spirit was pneumatic. Chu Xifeng stood behind the dragon and the night, within five steps of the three steps, hand press the sword, and respectfully.

This pedestrian’s stop on the terrace is simply a landscape, even more beautiful than the spring. Unfortunately, each of them doesn't look very good, especially the dragon is not night. He always disturbed the most hateful doorway.

Han Wei observed the tile roof and the attic around him. Seeing that there was no one, but she knew that there would be no less people watching the show. After all, this incident is so big. After all, she and Duan Muyao’s disparity in force is too big, and more is to see her jokes.

The ancient seven brakes stood on the railing, and the light was faint. He said, "Poisonous girl, Laozi first to teach her a meal, pick her hamstrings, and then go out and single-handedly with her!"

Is the ancient seven brakes come funny?

It is a pity that no one except Mu Linger was present. There is also a half-muscle time, it is time to challenge the time that Duanmu Yao said.

Looking back at the ancient seven brakes, "Poisonous girl, you don't answer, Laozi will you promise?"

"Do you want me to plead guilty?" Han Yu gave him a look.

"People were originally killed by you. If you recognize it, you will recognize it. The Royal Highness of Qin will also be afraid of the Western Zhou Dynasty royal family?" Gu Qishu asked.

Is the ancient seven brakes coming to find it?

The dragon didn't know when he had been cold-eyed. He didn't directly touch it, and he didn't move his mouth. Instead, he looked cold and cold toward Mu Linger standing next to the ancient seven brakes.

The ancient seven brakes immediately shut up. He is afraid of the threat in the eyes of the dragon, but he does not know that Long Feiye and Han Yu recognize this crime, and it is not simply as simple as offending the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The thing of Tianshan, the backing of Duanmu Yao, the ancient seven brakes do not know much.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu have not mentioned this matter so far, not only the ancient seven brakes, but Gu Beiyue does not know how they want to deal with it.

Time is coming soon.

Long Fei night accompanied Han Han to go out, Gu seven brakes and Mu Linger followed closely, Gu Beiyue did not follow, seriously said, "Wang Xi Niangniang, inconvenient to move, do not go out, everything, be careful. ”


Rest assured, little things. Han Han smiled.

Before leaving, the dragon confessed to the night, "Chu Xifeng, sent the doctor back to the house to rest."

Gu seven brakes are suspicious, this is not like Gu Beiyue's style? When did the dragon and the night become so human? He is not in these days, what happened to Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue? Anxious to go, the ancient seven brakes did not think much.

How can dragons and nights have human touch? In his life, he is estimated to have only a lover...

The reason why he confessed Chu Xifeng to Gu Beiyue was precisely because Chu Xifeng wanted to help Gu Beiyue and Chu Tianyin to contact him. This thing did not help Han Han on the surface, but he spent a lot of thoughts behind it.

When the time of the challenge is over, the door will make a noise.

However, this time Han Han did not give anyone a chance to criticize her, she opened the door of the other house on time!

The people who were just about to make a noise, like being splashed with cold water, instantly quieted down.

When Duanmu Yao saw Han Han coming out, he immediately pulled out the sword and pointed it straight. "Han Han, what is the revenge of my mother and you, can you kill the killer? If I don't kill you today, how can I make my mother look after me?"

She said, she couldn’t even care about the dragon and the night that came out behind Han Han, and directly hit the sword with the sword and slammed into the South Korea. "Squatting, take your life!"

Seeing that the danger is approaching, Han Han has a calm expression and does not move. She arms her arms around her chest and stands in a generous manner. Everyone saw that Duanmu Yao’s sword was forgotten. He only thought that this woman seemed to have a queen style, and it was difficult to hide her customs.

See Han Han do not hide, Duan Muyao passed a touch of haze, her toes point lightly, a borrowing force, people go with the sword, the sword is as fast as a flying arrow, for a time, whether it is a person or a sword, it is turned into a shadow, The speed is so fast that it is overwhelming and unprepared!

Everyone knows that Duanmu Yao has a true biography of the Jianzong, and his swordsmanship is superb, but he did not expect it to be so strong.

Between the electric and the flint, the sharp blade has touched the heart of Han Yu.


At this moment, everyone’s mind was blank, very unexpected. Everyone thought that Long Fei will stop at night, but in front of this situation, I am afraid that the dragon is not too late to stop it!

Who knows, the miracle happened suddenly.

Long did not shoot at night, Duanmu Yao himself retired! It is obvious that she can kill Han Han. She actually retreats herself. In a blink of an eye, she retreats from Han Yu ten steps away. She didn't even sit down and sit on the ground, and then spurted a black blood.

What... What?

Everyone was totally dumbfounded, that is, the ancient seven brakes and Mu Linger were also stunned. The dragon was not clear at night, what did Han Han do? When did she become so powerful?

When everyone looked at it seriously, it was discovered that Han Han’s mouth was carrying a golden needle, not like the medical gold needle she used, but like the gold needle of the hidden weapon, it gave off a faint glow.

The insider will understand what is going on at a glance.

Han Yu is really deceitful and really brave. She allowed Duanmu Yao to approach, but threatened Duanmu Yao with a poisonous needle. In the face of this situation, Duanmu Yao has only two choices, either the two lose, both of them die; or they will retreat in time.

If Duanmu Yao did not retreat, then the distance, the needle in Han Yu’s mouth is bound to have the life of Duanmu Yao. When Duanmu Yao retired, the outbreak of the sword did not hit out, only to counterattack on himself, that is, he was countered by his own skill.

Duanmu Yao did not have the courage and exception to lose both. In a hurry, she didn’t want to go back, she vomited black blood, she suffered

Internal injuries are not light.

In fact, Duanmu Yao suffered an internal injury, and now it is a wounded injury, it is a serious injury!

If it was just a single-handed start, Han Hao defeated Duanmu Yao in a move, because the current ability of Duanmu Yao can basically not cope with Han Yu’s pear tears.

After everyone gradually understood, they were all dumbfounded.

I didn’t think that the battle between these two women would be the result. Haven’t they started yet? Why is it over?

Can Han Wei not be so scary?

Han Yu took a poisonous needle, and Gao Gao was in Shangyu Duanmu Yao. That was free and easy, even men could not match. Her appearance is a sign of first-class, but her temperament, her style is even more unparalleled.

Gu seven brakes and Mu Linger also looked stunned, did not expect Han Hao so ... so ... powerful! !

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted, "Han swears, she makes poison! It's too mean."

Han Han looked at it and looked at it in the air. He said, "Who said it? There is a kind to give this to Wang Hao!"

This kind of sigh, shocked the quiet silence of the scene, but some people are not afraid of death, really stood up.

It was a 14-year-old girl who couldn’t look up in her clothes. In fact, she was the maid of Duanmu Yao.

"I said!" Xiaotoutou is very proud, and there are a few charms of Duanmu Yaoping.

"What happened to me and Duan Muyao, what happened to you, who are you?" Han Yu asked coldly.

One sentence directly blocked the seemingly sloppy little girl, and she said nothing, she replied, "I... I am not arrogant for the girl! No... No? You guilty?"

"How is it unfair?" Han Yu patiently asked, today she did not expect Duanmu Yao to do it, just want to move. Duanmu Yao wants to black her, she will never give any chance, and will not leave any handle.

"You made poison! You just poisoned Duanmu girl!" said the little girl.

What logic is this?

Han Xiao smiled. "Who said that it can't make poison? Who..."

The words have not been finished yet, the little girl hurriedly interjected, "The poison is the side of the door, the technique of harming people, for me to send people to be arrogant, and even more for the medical city. You use this evil thing to deal with Duanmu girl. It’s shameless and shameless!”

Han Hao was angry and asked, "I know that this king will only be poisonous, not martial arts, and the disciples of the old man of Tianshan Jianzong, named the surname, chasing my door to single out me, I am not allowed to use poison. This is... is it more mean and shameless?"

She was so angry that she wanted to laugh. She looked down at Duanmu Yao who was sitting on the ground, cold and cold. "Duan Muyao, don't lose if you can't afford it!"

Duanmu Yao was squandered by his own swordsmanship, and the internal organs were all hurting. Ren Duo's two veins were blocked. He just took a breath and listened to Han Yu's words. He was so angry that he was in a hurry and went into flames.

She slammed her sword and stood up. "Where did I lose?"

"So, I use poison and hidden weapons is no problem?" Han Hao asked.


How is internal injury, Duanmu Yao is clearer than anyone else, her current situation is completely against the hidden weapon of Tangmen. She hasn’t all recovered her yet, how can she...what hurts like this?

"Duan Muyao, are you admit defeat? Or continue?" Han Yu asked coldly.

Although she did not accept the heads-up and confessed her sin, but Duanmu Yao came up and played, she would not have a victory or defeat!

The disciples of the old swordsman in the sky, is it amazing?

(End of this chapter)