Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 709: You are my wife.

After a while, Tang Yi slowed down, and he rushed quietly. "For the husband, I wanted to kill the giant python, and take the snake to give me a quiet body. Now it seems that I can't do it."

Tang Li actually laughed at her, so, just did he feel worried about his face?

Looking at him quietly, still did not speak, did not know what she thought, actually did not know how to bite her lip.

Tang was out of breath, sweating, but laughing evilly. His tongue tipped gently against his mouth and looked at her with interest, specifically to see her lips. He rarely sees this woman have such a small movement.

Quietness quickly noticed the strange look of his eyes. She looked down at his sight and didn't understand what he was looking at.

"Hey, look..."

She just wanted to ask, who knows, Tang suddenly approached, with his head lowered and his lips kissed.

Although the silence has long been bullied by Tang, and still under the influence of drugs, all kinds of madness and fierceness. However, he kissed it so quietly.

She opened her eyes in an incredible way, her head was blank, she couldn't think, but she felt very clear that the temperature on the man's lips was hot!

She clearly pushed him away, but she didn't think of it and she was motionless.

In fact, Tang was shocked by his own heart.

Although she is cheaper in adult language, he really has no idea of ​​taking advantage of it. He has long vowed never to touch this "wife." But, just... is he the wrong head and the rib?

Impulsive fart!

Ok, kiss it when you kiss, and when you play, don’t let go.

However, the **** he actually did not want to let go, this woman's lips are so soft! He couldn't help himself with his own efforts, and the silence seemed to be scared, and he was about to retreat. Tang was anxious, quickly approaching, and kissing more seriously, as if he was afraid of letting go, he could no longer eat it.


Struggling with peace, she is not struggling, but when she struggles, she will completely smash the badness in Tang’s bones.

Since you can't let go of this sweet taste, simply let go!

If you touch it, simply hit it! Anyway, this woman is his Ming media, and this woman counts him first.

He has been holding this account for a long time!

Tang Yiyi took the hand of the quiet wave, and the other hand circled the quiet neck, and held her in her arms. Silence wanted to turn her head. He simply hugged her head, slammed... kissed deeply. .

Rather than a kiss, it is better to ask for it. It is so fierce that there is no room for resilience to calm.

Kissing and kissing, accounting for what, dignity or something, Tang has long since left behind, he can only help but can not help, quiet is really wonderful.

Once I had it all night, it was also a taste of the marrow. Why didn’t he know that the tranquility would be like the first flowers, full and sweet? How does this stop him?

Serenity seems to be old, in fact, the green is very good, can not afford to die from the Tang side, Tianlei slammed the fire, the two quickly fell to each other.

Neither of them is willing to be a person, but they are not forced to do so. But they gave compromise to each other. There must be a reason, but they are not yet aware of it.

After the passion, Tang stayed close to the silence and wrapped her robes tightly around her.

Quiet and tired, but the consciousness is still sober, she is soberly aware of what has just happened. This time, Tang Li

It is also awake, soberly remembering her taste.

The two were lying exhausted in the grass, quietly closing their eyes, and Tang looked at the clear sky with his eyes open. He was sweating and his breath was still not stable.

After a long silence, the silence finally came out. "Is it enough?"

"What?" Tang did not understand.

"If you are enough, let go of me, and owe you to pay off." Quiet and cold, she has begun to torture herself in her heart and torture her own compromise.

Tang was so awake from the drunken dreams, he turned cold and turned his back on the silence again. "Quiet, the performance of the husband did not satisfy you..."

"Tang away!" quiet roar, "You shut up!"

"Oh, I said something wrong, quietly, don't be excited." Tang Lixiao laughed. "I want to say that the performance of the husband did not satisfy you?"

Is there a difference between his satisfaction and satisfaction in his tone of voice?

"Get out!"

Quiet wants to push him away, but unfortunately, she really has no strength, I can't wait to sleep immediately.

"Quiet, let the husband hold for a while, you are very warm." After Tang Li finished, he had already held the silence, and he couldn’t help him. He buried his head and bite on his shoulder.

Tang is distressed!

The painful mouth was twitching, but he just endured it, let her bite, and he whispered in her ear. "Quiet, you can rest assured that you will hurt you, love you, and not let you suffer." Any grievances."

"Put your rhetoric, let's have fun, let me go?" Quietly asked coldly.

"Quiet, don't believe me?" Tang asked, and asked.

"Tang is away, less play with me." Tranquility is very disdainful.

In fact, before they left Tangmen, Mrs. Tang made it difficult for her to make several trips. It was Tang’s departure from the settlement. Even if it was not remembered in the heart, at least it was in the eyes. Since she married Tangmen, she has not suffered any grievances.

"Quiet, I know what happened to us in the past... I don't care about right or wrong in that matter, I am only a fate. How do you believe in me?" Tang was anxious.

The serenity of the eyes passed through a complicated complex, and hesitated for a moment and said, "You are the Tangmen Gate Lord, then you give me the Tang Dynasty's hidden weapon, I will believe you!"

"This..." Tang was distressed, but in reality he was sneer, and the quiet tail was finally revealed.

"con man!"

The quiet Sui and Tang Dynasties did not pay attention, and he pushed him away, and he wrapped his robe tightly, letting him wear his shirt.

"I am not a liar!" Tang is more realistic. "I am the main gatekeeper of Tangmen. However, the hidden weapon on the Tangmen list is still in the hands of my father. The design plan is in the hands of the Presbyterian Church. I actually... Hey, quiet, you didn't come out? I just have a name."

"Why do you marry the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce and say that you will not treat me badly? Quiet and self-deprecating. "Now, it seems that my husband and wife are really worthy of their name? ”

Upon hearing this, Tang sighed long and silenced.

Quietly, he went to his feet. "Speak? Doesn't the voice make me wronged? My husband and wife are the most grievous in Tangmen's history!"

Tang did not speak, quiet and snoring, turned and went.

"Jinger!" Tang is serious. "If you still want to believe me, you will go back with me now. Let's go back to Tangmen and fight for something that belongs to us!"

Quiet did not answer, the head did not go back.

Tang left the big step and chased the past. "Jinger, you are my wife!"

Quiet originally planned to spend a few days to give in, but when I heard this, she was so horrified that she turned back and ran into the eyes of Tang.

"Jinger, you are my wife, you don't believe me, believe who? I don't believe you, who should I trust? My father's retreat is not just to give me a long face, Tangmen's infighting is not as simple as you think. You can go back with me, you give me a chance, a chance to fight for you!" Tang is sincere, but my heart has long since laughed.

How did he not find himself lying so lie before? After calming down, he estimated that he could take all the famous flowers in the world. Of course, his nephew would be fine.

He waited for the quiet to mention this topic for a long time, and at the end of Tangmen, his father and mother were also fully prepared to play with him at any time.

Serene wants the weapons of Tangmen, they can stare at her weapons and equipment!

Quiet face is stubborn, "Cheng, I will give you a chance. Let's say it, if you can't control the hidden weapon of Tangmen in your own hands, one year later, you will come back to the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce with me!"

A year later, the elder brother’s ban was lifted, and she was more than a way to return to her family. In fact, she has not taken the need for Tang to return to the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. The marriage has become a foregone conclusion. The people of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce will no longer want to marry her other men.

However, she just wants to bring this noisy **** back and torture it!

Looking at Tang Li, the quiet swears in the letter, one year later, she not only wants to control the low-end weapon of Tangmen through Tang, in order to develop the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, she will also bring Tang to the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. go with.

The two said so, Tang was very happy, striding toward the quiet, quiet finally gave him a good face, and returned the coat to him.

However, Don’t leave, “You wear, the mountains are cool. When you come up, I will carry you back.”

The two horses are gone. There is still a long distance to the pier. The silence is really tired. She can't ask for it. She jumped on the back of Tang.

She noticed that the bite marks on his shoulders were bleeding, and she was the mark she left for him.

"Sit asleep, I will call you on the boat, and prepare you for food." Tang’s tone of sorrow will really make people sink.

Quiet did not answer, his face was sneer, she never fell asleep, not distrusting Tang, but staring at the injury on his shoulder, suddenly could not sleep.

In the end, she still took out the sweat, and carefully removed the blood from the Tang.

The dispute between Tang and the peaceful ordnance will soon begin, and Long Feiye and Han Yu are on their way to Tianshan.

They work day and night, and they do two things along the way. One is to deal with a lot of urgent items, and the other is to explain the internal factional struggle of Tianshan with Han.

Han Han also only does two things. One is to listen to the situation of the Tianshan Mountain when the dragon is not night, and the second is to sleep and practice.

After more than ten days of travel, they really arrived at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains during the planned time.

Tianshan is a general term for a series of mountains and the highest peak in this mountain range.

The Tianshan Mountains in the Tianshan Mountains are where the Tianshan Jianzong is.

There are five mountains in this mountain range. From south to north, like a ladder, one is next to each other. One is taller than the other. The fifth mountain at the northernmost point is Tianshan!

The dragon-and-night carriage stopped at the top of the first mountain, and Han Yu’s car was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

I saw...

(End of this chapter)