Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 716: Who is earlier than this king?

A burst of morning bells brought Lin Wuji back from the nightmare of that **. "Bells? How can there be bells in the city, I am not going to any empty mountain temple." The mouth is flowing with saliva, and Lin has no trace of screaming, but does not mean to get up.

The morning bell kept ringing, and the bed was squirming, and a pair of hands stretched out from the quilt. An angry voice said: "What the hell, how can there be a bell in the city? Disturbing my sweet dreams, my big **** sister flew, and my brother was moving up the thigh. ”

Lin had no yawning, cursing in his mouth, his eyes narrowing his eyes and slowly opening his eyes. "Hey?" Unbelievably, he blinked his eyes again, shaking his stunned head hard, trying to make himself clear, and everything in front of him has not changed.

"Ah!" Lin did not scream in the mouth. Wooden houses, bamboo beds, limited pieces, quaint.

The bell is still ringing, and Lin has no trace of the sound, and a mini version of the clock tower, there is a small man inside, hitting the little bronze bell. The production is very simple, but the bronze clock is so small, how could there be such a loud noise, Lin has no doubt in the brain, but now it is not certain, get out of bed, approach the mini version of the clock tower, take Curious look in the hand.

Without any signs of electronic products, and no hidden speakers, how could it be so loud? Looking at the surrounding environment full of old times, Lin’s heart has raised a thought. “Did I cross?”

Suddenly there was a sting in the brain, and there was no trace of the forest, and the bell tower in the hand fell to the ground. He held his head in his hands and sighed down painfully. It was not his own memory, and he flashed in his mind.

Lin has no trace of Yanshan disciple, repaired for the refining period ········, in the pain, two different memories, slowly merged together.

I don’t know how long it took for the pain to finally disappear. The sweaty forest stood up and looked at the memory that was not in my mind, or the memory of the original owner. The name is the same as himself. Lin Wuji is an unexpected discovery. This world can be cultivated.

Cultivation, longevity? Longevity does not mean immortality. If you cross into this world, it is the existence of the bottom. The world in memory is very dangerous. Everything exists in the demon. If you accidentally be photographed, who is going to tell the story? In my own world, my dad is very powerful. He is covered by his father. He is a second generation, and he is so free. Why should he come to this world and be a bottom?

But now I want to go back, but it is impossible. The way to go back, I can only slowly find it. The only thing I do now is to be mentally prepared and ready to accept the world of cultivation.

Lin’s heart is very firm, but the heart is still a little excited, not because of longevity, but because of the double repair, and the fairy double repair. There is a big difference between a fairy and an ordinary person. Imagine a fairy who smiles and pours the city. The lower body of the two is combined. The fairy casts a spell on it, the whole body lies, and then the whole body is like a pointer on the watch. The same, fast rotation, this ordinary woman can not do, but the fairy must be able.

Lin has no traces, but he has a feeling of numbness and crispness in the lower body. He also thinks about the name of this pose. He is also a super invincible hot wheel. Later, he can develop and develop more patterns and strengthen the version of the ice fire. Double days, super poisonous dragon drill, the world is also welfare, so that thinking about the saliva unconsciously, the embarrassing flow.

But thinking about myself in this world, now that the strength is low, it can be said that even the ability to protect yourself is not. Maybe, on that day, it will be shot to death, just like a pot of cold water pouring down, let him wake up, still in himself The world is good, there is a dad cover, you can be a peace of mind to be a dude.

Then from the memory, Lin Wushen also understood the original owner of the body, because the gods entered a place called the ethereal enchantment, and the result was an unexpected inexplicable disappearance of the soul. The invisible soul has inexplicably crossed into this body.

The ethereal enchantment in this world of cultivation is similar to virtual games in its own world. It is a virtual virtual game that can connect with its own nerves and can enter the game with neural consciousness. However, the ethereal enchantment of this world is even more cattle. Some of the things inside can be brought back with the knowledge of God. The original owner of this body is because in the ethereal enchantment, a bow that looks good is a thing. As a result, there was a competition with others. His knowledge of the gods was born out of the ethereal enchantment.

Is this really an accident? The bow is very familiar, and if there is nothing wrong with Lin, this bow has been seen in the world before the crossing. It was the federal government that explored a strange place and brought it back.

Lin has no trace in the world before his own crossing. Although he is a blind child and also likes archery, he is entangled in his own mother, let his mother order that, and he is afraid of his wife.

Dad, I have brought the bow to myself. My own crossing must be related to this bow. Maybe I can return to my original world with that bow? Lin has no thought of it here, and his heart is hot.

However, there are doubts in his mind, why is this bow appearing in his own world? What is the place to find this bow in his own world, and what is the connection with this world? Why is this bow now appearing in the place called the ethereal enchantment? The more I think Lin has no trace of the moon, I feel that I have come to this world, perhaps not so simple. He felt guilty and was surrounded by himself. Look at the bow and study it carefully, maybe you can find some clues.

He was looking for where the bow was, his own door, "touch." was opened. Seeing to clear the coming, Lin has no trace of amazement in his heart, a blank in his mind, a fairy! ! A fairy who smiled and fell into the city, appeared in front of her, the best actress in the invincible hot wheels. Then his heart was a cool, full of desire, like a cold water in the winter, pouring down the head, the memory of the original owner of the body, telling himself that this woman’s own temptation can not afford, at least for the present, only This girl is devastated.

Shangguan Xiaorou, Yanshan Wufeng, Tianhuofeng, the peak of the peak of the Lord, age seven, the foundation period, preferences, nothing to teach themselves. The most resentful thing for Lin is that the current Shangguan Xiaorou is still his own uncle, and he is the lowest disciple of Tianhuofeng.

"Uncle Shi, early." Lin has no pleasing voice in his voice, his face is a charming smile, the hero does not eat before the loss, at this time everything must be thrown aside. He was really afraid of Shangguan Xiaorou, who was in front of him, and beat him for no reason. However, my heart has secretly made up my mind. If there is a chance in the future, the super invincible hot wheels will have to study with her and discuss it.

"Early? Now is the time. Today is the day when we talked about Tianhuofeng. Have you just got up yet?" I looked up and down Lin, and Shangguan Xiaorou said, "I didn't give you a refinement yesterday." System, a low-level instrument clock tower, specifically to wake you up, the bell is so loud, you did not hear it?"

When I heard Shangguan Xiaorou talking about the clock tower, Lin knew that it was broken. The clock tower turned out to be Shangguan Xiaorou, and deliberately awakened his own implements. But if I remember correctly, the clock tower had just been accidentally fell on. On the ground, I hope that I have not broken.

On the ground is a bell tower that is torn apart. When Shangguan Xiaorou refers to the clock tower, his eyes are also searching for this clock tower. At this time, the eyes of Shangguan Xiaorou are focusing on the ground.

Cold sweat... I feel a hair in my heart... Then I have a coldness from the bones. The bell tower had only a small bronze bell, which was refining. The others did not undergo refining, and accidentally fell to the ground. The broken bones were its only end.

Lin has no smile on his face, and he has a little more, and his heart is awkward. He said: "This is the instrument of the uncle's refining. No wonder this little bronze bell, the sound is so loud."

"Lin has no traces, ten breaths of time, if you don't organize yourself, you can go to the scriptures yourself." A few breaths, trying to calm your mind, Shangguan Xiaorou unexpectedly Did not immediately release the anger, and then he went out after the face was blue.

"I didn't beat myself, it's not bad, what? Let me go to the scriptures. I am the strength of the refining period. I can't fly the sword. If I go to the lecture platform, the daylily is cold. The most important thing is The door rule, not listening to the lecture on time, is contrary to the Yanshan door rules. The last time I went to the night, the result was that the Jindan period master who was in charge of the lecture directly gave himself a frozen spell, and that time he was in the ice. The painful experience in the middle, but let me remember it."

After using seven breaths of time, Lin did not trace the body to his body, because there is no hair gel in the world, and Lin has no mouth to spit on his mouth and sorted his hair. After he spit out, he thought that this is the world of cultivation. Although his strength is the lowest period of refining, he uses a spell to wet his hair and make his hair more versatile. It still has no problem. It seems to be used to the world. For a long time, my heart sighed a little, Lin no trace like a gust of wind, rushed out the door.

"Don't hurry up?" Shangguan Xiaorou sacrificed the flying sword and suspended in the low air.

Lin did not sneak in the mouth, and then jumped to the flying sword, the heart secretly excited, the scope of the flying sword is not much, these two people are squeezed on a flying sword, some friction is inevitable I took the opportunity to touch a chest, or touched a thigh. The color heart came up. I came to the puzzle of the world inexplicably. He was in the bottom of my heart. Who made him a blind man? ? When I said something, I called it a daring, and this is the portrayal of Lin Wuzhen.

Unfortunately, his thoughts have not turned, people are still in the air, Shangguan Xiaorou's hand flew out a red dragonfly, tied him up from the waist. Then the power of Shangguan Xiaorou’s body flowed and flew in the direction of the lecture platform.

"When a woman is angry, a smart man will always keep calm and silence! Then he will sneak a counterattack." Lin has no words in his heart, to comfort his disappointment, he knows that Shangguan Xiaorou’s anger begins. It broke out, and the two hands clenched the red scorpion tightly. The self during the refining period fell from the sky, and the life was not, but the bone fracture was certain.

"Hurry up, the sky is a bit late, I want to speed up so as not to be late, even I have to be punished." Shangguan Xiaorou reminded Lin that after the trace, the speed of the flight increased again, and he also flew above the sky. .

The temperature in the high air is very low. During the refining period, I have not been able to sacrifice the power shield outside the body. I can only resist the power of the body, but the wind turns into a cold wind, like a knife in myself. The face crossed, Shangguan Xiaorou also came up and down from time to time, and occasionally came a sudden brake, three hundred and sixty degrees of rotation, the pattern is endless.

Lin has no trace of dizziness, I don’t know where I am, I only know the catch of death, the red dragonfly in my hand. It was not until Shangguan Xiaorou tossed enough, and after venting his anger, he came to the lecture platform with himself.

As soon as I touched the ground, Lin sat on the ground without a trace, and couldn't get up again. It was still a world of rotation, and there was a lot of sadness in the belly. Lin has no determination to make a hard effort to cultivate, or else in the days to come, waiting for his own will be as miserable as hell. When the strength of the brother is high, you must practice the invincible hot wheels with you.

It stands to reason that he is Tianhuofeng, the lowest level disciple, and Shangguan Xiaorou is the daughter of the peak. The identity of the two is there. Should there be any intersection? But now why Shangguan Xiaorou is like this to himself. How did he provoke Shangguan Xiaorou, why can't he find the reason in his memory? If it is a fusion of memories, forget some things, find opportunities and find the reason, see Can you resolve the contradiction between the two?

The lecture platform is next to the Yanshan Tianhuo Peak. A small peak about a thousand feet high was cut off by the Yanshan Gaoren sword. It became a vast platform, and a winding stone step leads to the peak. under. The platform was covered with rows of futons, and a small stone platform was placed with a futon on top, with a feather robe sitting on it and a golden eagle for the forehead.

Three or three of Yanshan Tianhuofeng disciples, some running along the stone steps, some of the sword fell on the platform, each looking for a futon, sitting quietly, waiting to start the lecture, after the Golden Dan The ancestors taught them well, the method of cultivating immortals, and the eternal life.

Shangguan Xiaorou snorted and threw down the soft to the forest in the ground without a trace, then found a futon to sit down.

After a long period of recovery, there was a little shaking in the footsteps, and I found a futon sitting cross-legged. In this dangerous world, if you are not killed by people, it is the only way to become stronger. His face is extremely serious. He must work hard to cultivate and save more money for survival.

People are greedy for life. They suddenly come to this world, panic, misunderstanding, doubt, and puzzle, but they don’t want to die.

On the stone platform, the ancestors of the Jindan period flexed a finger, and a force flew out and slammed into the bronze bell that was hung behind him. The bell rang and the disciples on the futons looked at each other and the lectures began.

The low-pitched sounds of ethereal spirits descended from the sky. Every disciple, no matter how far or near, had an illusion. Like the ancestors of the Jindan period, they sat in front of themselves and taught themselves the same way. "Initial of the heavens and the earth, Chao Tai Chi, Taijisheng two instruments, two instruments changed three talents, three talented four elephants, four elephants five elements, five elements of six Liu, six combined seven stars, seven stars turn eight, eight gossip nine palaces, and then evolved numerous changes, and from In the end, my generation of cultivation is to find the one that has gone, to understand the power of the heavens and the earth, to breathe the aura of heaven and earth...········.

The ancestors of the Jindan period explained the ambiguity between heaven and earth, but now they are low-level disciples in the field. No one can understand these profound truths, and the ancestors of the Jindan period only let everyone correct the immortals. I have some understanding, and I don’t expect everyone to understand now. Later, the ancestors of the Jindan period began to explain the practice of the practice, and passed on the offensive tactics. They also spoke a little about alchemy and refining. These are the current stages of the people, and they want to know what they can understand.

I have never touched these forests without any traces, while listening to the explanations of the ancestors, while comparing the memories in my own brain, it is also a small gain.

"This kind of small technique can also be regarded as Taoism, heaven and earth, heaven, earth, humanity, such a small skill, even the end of humanity can not be ranked, it is ridiculous to have someone listening to it." The sudden sound made Lin’s soul scared and scattered. This voice actually flashed directly in his own brain. When did he actually have someone else in his body?

There is no trace of Lin’s understanding of Xiuxian. The word "come" is immediately appearing in the mind. I have just come to this world. Is it necessary to fly away? A chill came from the bottom of my heart, and the sudden fear made his body tremble slightly.

He does not want to die!

(End of this chapter)