Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 717: Poison, the biggest flaw

When Cang Qiuzi finished speaking, he was going to leave. However, the dragon was stopped at night, and Han Han was not reconciled! He can't swallow this breath.

Han Yu also tried hard to remember, looking for flaws, the dragon is not cold at night, "Uncle Cang Shi, since Duan Muyao and the maid are at the top of the mountain, it is better to call them down, in the presence of the three uncles ""

"Why, you don't believe what the uncle said when you are not at night?" Cang Qiuzi sneered, and he had already prepared his speech as early as possible. The maid was also arranged early, and he was not afraid of the dragon to follow the night.

There are only a few witnesses in the lost lake, and the daughter city’s cold family is broken. It will definitely not help the dragon to testify.

"Master is not only retreating, but this matter will not bother him. Today, Aunt Gu and the two divisions and the three divisions are all there. It is better to call the witnesses and ask them. If the uncle is really not an accomplice, then This matter will be given up. The king will not pursue your responsibility." Long non-night tone of politeness, the word is not at all polite!

Cang Qiuzi’s confidence is full, and the matter is so big. He also has to call the witnesses to clarify for himself. Otherwise, there will be many people in the disciples, and there will be many rumors.

He took advantage of this opportunity to clarify all the suspicions. When Long Feiye and Duanmu Yao argued, he would have more say.

"Oh, the old man also wants them to come down and make a certificate for the old man on the spot. However, you know that Yaoyao’s temper, you will not be able to go down and not have a chance. Why don’t you call this brother’s personally?”

Under the glory of Cang Qiuzi, Duanmu Yao had long been obedient, and Cang Qiuzi said that it was just a trick to make the play more realistic.

Things are so big, the disciples of the two cabinets and the two courtyards are surrounded by so many people. How can Duanmu Yao at the top of the mountain not know? She has long been paying attention to the situation here. The younger sisters of the good things in the locks have sent a lot of words back and forth to her.

Han Yu is suspicious, the attitude of the dragon is not so strong, I must have caught the flaws of Cang Qiuzi. Although she is not sure what it is, she believes that the dragon will not be unsure. She did not say anything, waiting quietly.

Long Fei night will not personally go to Duanmu Yao and the maid, he is gone.

The man had not yet reached the top of the mountain, Duanmu Yao took this one of the Tsing Yi maids and flew over. Duan Muyao knew the situation here, and when Cang Qiuzi spoke, she couldn’t wait to come over.

The master and the servant two, a white fluttering, a Tsing Yi elegant, flying down from the top of the sky filled with clouds, like a nine-day fairy flying in the mortal, everyone looked up and looked, many men looked at it.

Duanmu Yao is a famous beauty. She is not only beautiful, but also beautiful. She looks like a Tianshan, temperament dust. Such a woman is the most attractive to men in the world. Even if you are a disciple in Tianshan, it is very difficult to see Duanmu Yao. Everyone knows that Duanmu Yao has been back for a long time, but she has not seen her yet.

Today, I can finally see it!

However, the reality quickly disappointed the eagerly awaited men.

Duan Muyao came with a mask, a silver mask masking her face, only revealing her eyes and mouth.

Duanmu Yao landed, not watching the dragon is not the night, but Han Han, her eyes are only awkward, deep into the bones of the day hate! Because of Han Han’s "One Night", her face was not full of wrinkles and age spots, and she was too ugly to look in the mirror. She will show her face with a mask from now on.

Han Yutan’s ****, did not evade the hate of Duanmu Yao


If you don't commit me, I don't commit crimes; if anyone commits me, I will get rid of the roots!

Han Wei only hated that his original poison needle was too slow to kill Duanmu Yao, and he had to face so much trouble when he arrived in Tianshan.

Cang Xiaoying, who was invisible in the crowd, looked at Han Wei and looked at Duan Muyao. He was sensitive to the fact that Du Muyao’s mask must have something to do with Han Yu.

Duanmu Yao is the first beauty in Tianshan. She is the first ugly girl in Tianshan. Duanmu Yao is a younger sister who is not a dragon. She was destined to be hostile to the dragon at birth. For Duanmu Yao, Cang Xiaoying has never had a good impression. She wants to uncover the mask of Duanmu Yao.

Of course, her father was present, she did not dare to let go.

Cang Qiuzi pretends to explain the matter just to Duan Muyao. He said with a strong heart, "Yao Yao, you and your brother, the uncle can't control it. When your master goes out, your brothers and sisters will pay attention to it. Nowadays Your brother suspects that the uncle is coming up, you have to give a certificate to the uncle!"

Duanmu Yao looked at the dragon at night, and his heart was like a knife. The grievances, unwillingness, regret, despair, bitterness and pain continued to rush into her heart. Her eyes were wet. It is a pity that the dragon is not so ruthless and cold, except for Han Han, who sees the dawn of anyone is indifferent.

"You want to testify?" he asked coldly.

"Yes!" Duanmu Yao answered without hesitation. She has ruined herself, she does not mind destroying this man in front of her, she wants to burn jade!

Dragon is not night, if you don't love me, then hate me! Always remember me, always hate me!

"Uncle Cang Shi is not my accomplice. This is what I did alone. I bought Mrs. Cold Moon and hijacked Yi Tai! I don’t listen to it."

Duanmu Yao’s mouth is full of self-deprecating. “I still don’t regret it. I’m not kidding Yi Tai’s sword. I don’t want the sword of the brother. I can’t hold the sword. I just want to bring the brother out and help me. It’s just a cure... just, I really didn’t expect the brothers to be so ruthless, to abolish my martial arts, but also to kill me. If the non-Cang Shishu arrives in time, I will take a nap...”

"Yao Princess really did not hurt the meaning of Yi Tai, Yao Yao suffered a very serious internal injury, three times and five times requested the help of His Royal Highness King Qin, the Royal Highness of Qin Wang not only do not miss the same door, do not help, but also every time evil words. Yao The princess is also impulsive, only to hire the killer to rob people, although the Yao Princess is wrong, but..."

Tsing Yi's maid was well-trained and said, she cried. "But I didn't expect that the royal king of Qin will be so cruel. Fortunately, the elders and the past found the princess, otherwise... otherwise the slaves will never see the princess again! ”

"The top of the hill!" Han Yu secretly stunned in his heart.

"Do you see this king hurt her?"

The cold gaze of the dragon was shot at the servant of Tsing Yi, and the maid of Tsing Yi slammed into a screaming spirit, hurriedly avoiding, and both legs could not help but be soft. "No... no, slaves... No, it is the elders who rescued the princess." The slave saw it."

"Is you telling the uncle of the priest, Duan Muyao, went to the lost lake? The uncle Cang Shichao chased the past?" Long was cold and asked coldly.

"Yes!" The prostitute bite her teeth.

"Wang Shishu chased the lost lake, just hit the king to kill you?" Long night again looked at Duanmu Yao.

"Yes!" Compared to the Tsing Yi maid, Duanmu Yao is much more sturdy.

Long Fei night looked at Cang Qiuzi, "Can't stop the end of Duomu Yao, tortured the maid to chase the lost lake?"

Long Feiye repeatedly asked Cang Qiuzi to be upset, but his rhetoric was well thought out, and he did not

What are the flaws. He hesitated, still very sure, "Yes!"

He and Duan Muyao, the maids of the three men have the same caliber, in addition to finding another person card, otherwise the dragon is not what he can do.

"Non-night, now, do you believe it?" Cang Qiuzi asked seriously.

Who knows, the dragon is not a word in the cold, and he answers him, "No, faith, faith!"

"Hey, everything goes to this, what to do, the old man who can do it, believe it or not! The old man has no worries!" Cang Qiuzi sternly, "Even if you don't believe, the old man does not regret saving... ..."

The words have not been finished yet, the dragon is cold and cold at night, "Why would you ask the uncle to be poisoned?"


Cang Qiuzi smashed, some confused but vaguely remembered something, and Han Han immediately understood the meaning of dragon non-night!

She understands!

Why didn't she think of this? Poison is the biggest flaw in this matter!

Cang Qiuzi's brow is locked, and it seems that he still hasn't understood it. Han Han is not cold, he starts the pear flower tears and hits a poisonous needle.

Suddenly, Cang Qiuzi did not refute, and the poison needle was reacted. "Han Han, you are so bold!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his abdomen began to ache.

"Han Wei, you... you dare to poison the old man! Come on!"

Cang Qiuzi licked his stomach and wanted to hold it. However, the poison was poisonous. He couldn’t hold it anymore, and he quickly succumbed.

Everyone was shocked. For a time, all the disciples in the Confucius Institute were surrounded. Cang Xiaoying rushed forward to catch Cang Qiuzi. "Hey, what happened to you?"

"Han Han, you are so bold, dare to go public in Tianshan!"

"Reversely! Come, don't get the old man quickly!"

The two elders and the three elders were very angry, and the sorrowful mother was shocked. "Non night, what do you mean by this?"

Long Fei night pulled Han Hao behind him to protect, cold, "I just want to prove the truth of the matter, you, don't worry."

At this time, Cang Qiuzi already knows where the flaws of his lies are! I thought that the cold lady was ambushing in the lost. Those killers were poisoned by abdominal cramps and could not ambush the dragons and nights.

His poison at this moment is the same as the poison in the hands of the female murderers!

Cang Qiuzi couldn’t care about the abdominal cramps. He couldn’t give Han Yu and Long Fei the chance to tell the truth. Otherwise, he and Duan Muyao couldn’t argue!

Cang Qiuzi is almost roaring, "Come, take them! Fast!"

For a time, all the disciples of the lock-up hospital took up the sword and brushed the dragon and the night.

"Senior brother, and the interpretation of the night is clear, no hurry!"

However, Cang Qiuzi ignored her, and the disciples of the Locked Hearts did not pay attention to her. Even Cang Xiaoying found out something wrong from his father's tone. She also fought off the sword and pointed to Long Fei and Han Han.

"Han Wei, you dare to hurt me, I am fighting with you!"

The sorrowful mother could not stop, and the two elders and the three elders had already retired. The sword was arrogant, and the battle was launched at a glance. The dragon was pulling the sword at night, but Han Han suddenly stopped.

She is cold, "Cang Qiuzi, immediately let your people back, otherwise, this Wang Hao promises that no one can solve your poison, do not believe you try!"

Cang Qiuzi was a big man. At this time, there was a deep and serious voice behind Han Yu and Long Fei. "Where is the wild donkey, dare to scatter at the feet of the deity?"

(End of this chapter)