Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 719: Duanmu Yao did not have that courage

Long Feiye and Han Yu were on the top of the mountain, and the hijacking of Yitai was spread in several mountains.

He said that Duanmu Yao was trying to help her to heal the wounds for the night, and under the impulse to hijack the threat of Yitai, but Han Han seized the handle and taught Xiaolong to abolish her martial arts;

What to say, Han Han because the elders saved Duan Muyao, but remember to hate the elders, argued, but poisoned the elders;

What he said, Long Fei was fascinated by Han Yu, and he sinned Han Han’s sin and was punished for a month.

In short, everyone finally came to the conclusion that Han Han is a woman who is arrogant and lawless, and it is best not to provoke her.

In fact, this matter has only just begun and there is no conclusion.

On the top of the sky, Han Han was very surprised.

There is only one tree and one palace on the top of the sky, and the silence is like another world.

The tree, a peach tree, is planted in front of the palace.

Unlike the ordinary peach trees, this tree has two people, the crown is huge, and the old dried lychee is the wrong way. Even if the top of the mountain is cold, it is full of flowers, peaches, and smoldering.

When the cold wind rises, the petals will fly all over the sky, and it will be as dreamy as it is true. A piece of peach blossom fell on the nose of Han Han, Han Han lightly sniffed, only the flowers and nose.

Han Han has always liked this kind of beautiful beauty, but she really has no feeling in the face of "Peach Blossom".

The dragon gently lifted the petals on her arm and kissed her nose with a sigh of relief. He didn't say much, and took her to the palace with the old Jianzong.

Palace, is Jiuxuan Palace.

Nine highs, towering in the sky, not seeing the top, is not a grand and solemn can describe, it seems to rise from the ground, straight into the mountains of the nine heavens, the mountain of mountains! It has been standing in the mountains of the mountains for hundreds of years, and it has been shaken for hundreds of years. The wind and the rain have been thundering for hundreds of years and have not fallen. As long as it is there, Tianshan is there.

Han Yu looked at the palace, and the shocked feeling came from the sea. However, when she walked into the palace, she was only desolate. She subconsciously looked back at the blossoming peach trees outside the door, but she did not feel sorrowful.

The vast palace is full of icy cold everywhere. This is an empty hall. There is nothing empty, and there is no one. Only Duanmu Yao and the Tsing Yi maid are in the temple.

They walked in the temple, their footsteps were light, but they still had an echo.

Han Han couldn't help but wonder if this place was once lively? When the true beloved disciple of Jianzong is still alive, is it warm here?

The departure of one person can destroy the world of another.

Han Hao did not consciously hold the hand of the dragon non-night, she thought, if the dragon is not a night, will she be mad?

"What's wrong?" Long is not easy to feel her uneasiness.

"It's very cold here." Han Hao whispered.

Long Fei night will hold her from behind, "forbearance, will not stay too long."

Cang Qiuzi and Cang Xiaoying are still at the door, Cang Xiaoying insists that his father should come in, but Cang Qiuzi let her go immediately. In the end, I don’t know what Cang Qiuzi said. Cang Xiaoying turned around and was very anxious.

All of this, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are in the eyes, Jian Zong old man glanced at it, do not know if there is no peace of mind, he frowned toward Duan Muyao.

Cang Qiuzi licked his abdomen with one hand and a sword with his hand. He bit his teeth step by step, Han Han’s heart secretly admire, Cang Qiuzi poisoned for so long, even

Powerful walking, strength can not be underestimated.

The lost poison, Cang Qiuzi has already had a few minds, and the old man of Jianzong has become small, but he has no intention of making a small incident. Otherwise, he will force Han Han to take out the antidote.

In any case, he could not give Han Yu and the dragon a chance to put the evidence out. The only way now is to anger the old man of Jianzong.

This matter can only rely on Duanmu Yao.

When Cang Qiuzi entered the door, he first took the lead. "My brother, I was in front of the disciples. I am not convenient. I have to say that today, I have to say! Han Han is a woman who is too poisonous. She poisoned Yaoyao and destroyed it. Yaoyao's face! Yaoyao can't see anyone from now on!"

This is not only to say to the old man of Jianzong, but also to Duanmu Yao. Sure enough, when this is said, Duanmu Yao will tear off the mask, revealing the old face and crying. "Master! You have to be the master of Yaoyao! Hey... Master, the brothers bully Yaoyao, even Han Yu is bullying Yaoyao, Yaoyao is not alive!"

As she spoke, she slammed into the stone pillars, and the speed was so fast that the maids around her could not stop, but the old man of Jianzong stopped.

In a blink of an eye, the old man of Jianzong moved to the front of the stone pillar and stopped Duanmu Yao.

Duanmu Yao decided that Master would save her. She hugged the old man of Jianzong and buried him in his arms and cried.

The old man of Jianzong frowned and pulled Duanmu Yao out of his arms. He looked at her face and suddenly took a sigh of relief.

"Master, Yaoyao is not alive...not alive!" Duan Muyao burst into tears.

The old man of Jianzong immediately looked at Han Yu, cold voice, "What did you do?"

"Yes!" Han Yu said that she wants to raise things that are too embarrassing. Who knows Duanmu Yao and said: "Master, Yaoyao can no longer practice martial arts! Yaotian's Dantian... ruined!"

The old man of Jianzong originally saw that Du Muyao’s martial arts were destroyed, but he did not expect Dan Tian to be destroyed.

His eyes flashed a glimpse of the shackles, and he rushed to the end of the Muyao pulse, this pulse, his face is even more ugly.

Upon seeing it, Cang Qiuzi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although his abdomen was unbearable, he still struggled to support it. Compared with the antidote, Duanmu Yao’s crying is more important.

As long as Duanmu Yao provoked the old man of Jianzong to anger and lose his mind, he would not listen to the interpretation of Han Yu and Long Fei.

With Du Muyao’s position in the heart of Jianzong’s old man, she has this ability!

The silence of one room, the old man of Jianzong took the pulse for Duan Muyao again and again, although he did not speak, but the murderousness that came out of him, all the people present felt it.

The maid next to Duanmu Yao couldn’t help but retreat, fearing that he would die at any time.

Han Han put the voice down, "Dragon is not night, then go on like this... he will get sick."

The old man of Jianzong can make the dragon trust the night, but the disease is mad and the disease can not be controlled by the old man of Jianzong himself! Han Hao has regretted it, and he should not have heard the words of the dragon and the night.

However, at this time, Long is still holding her hand at night, "No hurry."

His cold eyes stared at Duanmu Yao and seemed to be waiting for something. Han Yu really feels that he must be crazy, and will continue to obey.

Cang Qiuzi also stared nervously at the old man of Jianzong. His expectation in his heart made him temporarily forget the pain in his abdomen. He is not only waiting for the anger of the old Jianzong, but also waiting for the elderly of Jianzong.

Of course, he does not know that the old man of Jianzong is out of heart,

However, in the past few years, in order to compete for the position of the head, he has tried his best to investigate and inquire. He has heard more or less the rumors of the old swordsman’s heart disease, saying that once the old man is angered, the old man will lose his mind. Like a madman, only Duanmu Yao can be comforted.

No wind and no waves, this matter, he asked Duan Muyao side by side, but they were all denied.

Today, he is not only guilty of himself, but also uses Duanmu Yao to confirm the true and false rumors.

He is already fully prepared. Once the old man of Jianzong turns his face, or the old man of Jianzong is sick, he does not mind if he is torn to his face. The forces he controls in his hands are huge, and the top of the mountain is the old man of Jianzong and the dragon and the night. Even if he is poisoned, he also has a Duanmu Yao who can contain the old man of Jianzong. He is not afraid that the dragon will not give the antidote.

He has already let Cang Xiaoying go to the big disciples under the door, as long as he orders, the battle for the position will start at any time!

Everyone stared at the old man of Jianzong, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Who knows, Duanmu Yao suddenly retracted his hand, "Master, hurry to help the uncle detoxification, and then delay, the uncle will die! If it is not the uncle rescue, Yao Yao really can't find you!"

This time, the old Jian Jian, who was on the verge of collapse, suddenly slowed down and realized the existence of Cang Qiuzi.

"Master, antidote in the hands of Han Yu!" Duan Muyao said, she took the initiative to avoid the topic of Dan Tian, ​​in any case, she can not let Master's secret leaked.

Master is her real dependence, Master can be the master of her, once Master's secret is revealed, the position of the head will be taken by Cang Qiuzi, she really can't get rid of Cang Qiuzi in this life.

The old man of Jianzong realized that he was completely lost. He had a complicated touch and let go of Duanmu Yao. This time, Han Yu’s heart suspended in the air has finally been recovered. As long as the old man is not sick, she is still willing to believe that Long Fei’s trust in him.

"Non-night, antidote?" Jianzong angered.

Upon seeing it, Cang Qiuzi was suspicious. Could it be that those who faxed it were only rumors, and Duanmu Yao did not deceive him? This stupid girl is eager to help him with the drug?

"Senior brother, I can hold it, you hurry to Yaoyao! Maybe her Dantian still has a rescue." Cang Qiuzi advised.

In the case of Duanmu Yao Dantian, he knows everything and is not saved!

"She is not saved." The old man of Jianzong chilled the dragon and looked at the night, saying, "You have to have three long and two shorts in the case of the younger brother. I can't escape from the head!"

Cang Qiuzi is upset, thinking, can not annoy the Jianzong old man, then first solve the poison, take one step and count.

Although this section is not the best chance to win the position, but the dragon is not afraid to push him up in the night, he will also go out.

Long Feiye just had the timidity of the gambling end of Muyao. He expected that Duan Muyao would not dare to lead Master’s heartless madness in public. He replied faintly, "Master, there is no antidote."

"It’s you who took the charge. You don’t want to find an antidote for the teacher. Who are you looking for?” The old man of Jianzong was unhappy.

"The crimes of the disciples are the following crimes, and they are not honored." Long answered in a calm manner, "Whether it is right or wrong, the disciples are not qualified to work with the uncle. The trial of the uncle is a master and a disciplinary."

Han Hao suddenly feels at ease, she can see that the two men and women are singing! Since then, she has finally changed her mind to the old man of Jianzong. She and the old man of Jianzong have made the dragon trust the night...

(End of this chapter)