Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 720: Arrogance is capitalized

The old man of Jianzong sneered. "Is it right or wrong? You hurt Yaoyao so much, and is it right or wrong to follow the teacher?"

"Master, my mother-in-law is still lying in the palace, not to mention hurting her, is to kill her, not enough to vent their anger!" Long non-night is not welcome.

The old man of Jianzong passed a touch of dissatisfaction. "What the **** is going on?"

In fact, as soon as he went out, he told him everything, but he did not expect that Duanmu Yao would hurt so much. He was also clear about the dispute between Long Feiye and Cang Qiuzi in front of the Tianjian Hall. His dissatisfaction is because the dragon is not the second half of the night.

Long Fei night will just illuminate everything in front of the Tianjian Hall. "Master, the poison of the uncle of the uncle, is the poison that she was in the misty days. If the uncle is rushed to Empty lake, then he must be able to solve the pain of abdominal pain. You don't have to give him an antidote."

Long didn't say everything in the night, but everyone understands that if Cang Qiuzi can't detoxify, then he proves that he is ambushing beside the empty lake.

Cang Qiuzi is silent, he knows that he has nothing to say.

When Duanmu Yao was incredible, he did not expect that Han Yu had left such a hand. So, on that day, it was also a poisonous master to help them escape the lost. At this time, she also has no time to think about who it is.

In front of the facts, how does she argue? Only admit mistakes!

She can admit her mistakes, but what about Cang Qiuzi?

Duanmu Yao suddenly grew up, and she realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.

In case Master has to severely punish Cang Qiuzi, it is very likely that Cang Qiuzi will pull her into the water and take out the most unspeakable things between them!

She couldn't imagine how Master would react if she knew what happened to her and Cang Qiuzi.

Does Master think she is dirty? Will she abolish her?

Duan Muyao tightened a string in his head, staring at Cang Qiuzi, watching his heart, and thumping! If she still had regrets before, now she completely regrets. She has no way to go back!

"Cang Shidi, what else can you say?" The old man of Jianzong asked coldly.

"Yao Yao is seriously injured and treated. Long is not a night-time teacher. But he doesn't help, and he is slandered. I can't see it. I didn't stop, just want to protect Yaoyao with the past."

Cang Qiuzi hurts on one knee, but he is still confident. "If I don't follow the past, Yaoyao will die."

"So, the deity must be grateful to you?" Jianzong old man sneered.

"I saved the head of the apprentice life, and the head of the person still insisted on punishment, and listened to it!" Cang Qiuzi’s attitude was hard.

Duanmu Yao was so scared that her pores were wide. She always thought that Cang Qiuzi had not yet reached the level of Master's face-to-face. Now it seems that she underestimated the strength of Cang Qiuzi.

What she has done in the past two years is simply trying to hide with the tiger!

Han Yu also smelled the arrogance of the sword. Cang Qiuzi was poisoned and committed a felony. Where is the strength of the qi?

Any arrogance requires sufficient capital!

Han Wei discovered a very terrible fact that the old man of Jianzong would have been jealous of Cang Qiuzi! Therefore, he will make a big deal, and he will play with the dragon.

The old man of Jianzong was furious. "Any punishment? You shut the door with the deity, just to punish you at will?"

He said, pointing to the dragon and the night, he said, "I know why the teacher just punished you first."

? Because of this, you are wrong! ”

"It turned out that Master had known the truth..." Long did not bow his head at night, faint.

"Oh, the disciples of the two cabinets and the two houses are watching the movie all around. Can the deity know? Are you one of the deities of the deity?" The deity has rarely asked the affairs of the tribe in these years, but you are one by one. What I do, the deity is very clear! ”

The old man of Jianzong turned and said, "Cang Qiuzi, who is the head of the Confucius Institute, the head of the four elders, can actually make such a foolish thing with the juniors. Yaoyao is not sensible, you dare to Killing gestures collusion, if today is not the deity to go out in time, this thing goes on, what is your face? Where is my Tianshan Zunwei?

Cang Qiuzi stunned and lowered his head and did not say anything.

The anger of the old man of Jianzong has not yet disappeared. "If you are not at night, you will be wrong. If you are wrong, you will not be respected. If you are wrong, you will not be punished by your disciples. It is not for you, but for the elders." Face, give me the face of Tianshan Jianzong."

The eyes of Cang Qiuzi were dark and complicated, and he was very surprised. He did not expect that Li Jianxin would be such a mind. It seems that for so many years, Li Jianxin has not changed at all!

The respect and reputation of Jianzong is more important in his heart than anything else. It seems that the collusion of the daughter city to hijack Yi Taihao, Li Jianxin is not going to be open, nor intend to impose a heavy punishment on him.

As long as he is not severely punished, he will not make a big move. After all, the next qualifying war and the Tianjian Conference, he can draw more power, and it is not too late.

Moreover, Long Fei night Han Han went to the Tianshan Mountains, it is his great opportunity to use Duanmu Yao to provoke the relationship between the dragon and the night and Li Jianxin.

Cang Qiuzi’s agitated heart finally calmed down. Waiting patiently for so many years, he doesn't mind waiting for another two or three months.

He relaxed all vigilance, and with the symptoms of abdominal cramps and weakness, he put it up. He fell to the foot of Cang Qiuzi and curled up into a ball. "Brother, I know it wrong... I am willing to be punished."

After listening to this, Duanmu Yao’s tight nerves finally relaxed, and she almost scared.

She did not consciously hold her heart and secretly thanked herself.

"Forbidden to lock the heart of the hospital for a month!" Jianzong old man cold and cold.

Did not pass the disciplinary court, this is not a clear penalty, but a black penalty, and it is not a big penalty, and the dragon is not the same as the face of the night. It is only the punishment of the dragon and the night is the penalty, and lost some face.

This kind of treatment has the grace of the head. Cang Qiuzi’s alertness is more relaxed, and his heart sneer, it seems that he has not noticed the big moves of his years.

"Thank you brother..." He groaned and answered heavily.

The old man of Jianzong was just looking at Han Hanzheng, cold and cold, "What are you doing? Don't take the antidote quickly!"

A crisis was dissolved invisible, and Han Han’s heart was a lot easier. She poked her finger and apologized. “The swordsman, this poison... this poison...”

"What do you do with nonsense? Take out the antidote!" The old man of Jianzong is obviously impatient.

"This poison has no antidote." Han Yu said the truth.

The old man of Jianzong was so fierce that he ignored Han Han, and the cold was cold to the night, "antidote!"

"Master, I said that there is no antidote without antidote, and I have no choice." Long is not a night.

The old man of Jianzong knew that Han Han was not joking. Cang Qiuzi was shocked.

what? ”

The old man of Jianzong ignored Han Han, and Han Han was too lazy to ignore the old man of Jianzong. Although he could not be willing to be enemies for the time being, but tortured and tortured Cang Qiuzi, she could still get it!

The old man of Jianzong started from the Tianyi Day, starting from the Jianzong Bureau, and lightly reviving Cang Qiuzi, she can understand.

Understanding does not mean agreeing.

From the perspective of a "good wife", she would not let Cang Qiuzi suffer more, how can she be so uncomfortable?

She kneels in front of Cang Qiuzi and apologizes. "Cang elders, do you still remember the female killers in the lost lake?"

Cang Qiuzi crossed the Han Yuchao Jianzong old man to see, "Sister..."

He is actually unable to hold up, but he does not want to be so long and night in front of Li Jianxin and Long Fei. If no one is around at this time, he will surely climb the ground.

The pain has spread from the abdomen, and the internal organs are like being stirred together. It hurts that he will not hurt once!

"Senior brother... This stinky girl is too... too arrogant. I am the Tangshan elders who have been sent out... What is the face of my lock-up hospital?" Cang Qiuzi endured the pain and asked indignantly.

Han Yu has become accustomed to the hypocrisy and nausea of ​​this kind of person. She pretends to be anxious. "You don't say this when you grow up. I really don't mean it. This kind of poison really has no antidote. This kind of poison will not be fatal. As long as it hurts for three days and three nights, the poison will be released in pain."

"You lie!" Cang Qiuzi was even more painful when he was mad. "The female killers who lost their lives in the lost way are all dead. Do you not know when you are an old man?"

Han Yu and Long Fei went to the daughter city of the killer corpse, a large part of the ambush in the lost killer, this thing Cang Qiuzi has been concerned about it.

Han Han grievously whispered. "This is not my fault. They are not poisoned, but they are hurt. If they blame, they will blame them for being too delicate and can't stand the pain."

She took it seriously and explained, "Uncle Cang Shi, you can rest assured. This kind of poison will not be fatal, but only those women who are delicate and precious will be killed by life. Uncle Wang is a big man, at most he hurts his legs. Soft, go back to rest for three days, and be sure to be fine."

When this was said, Cang Qiuzi’s pale face was all white.

Although the killers are women, they are killers after all, and they have experienced various killers of devil training since childhood!

Even professional killers will live and die, what kind of pain is it? This is only half a day, how should he spend the next two and a half days?

Long Fei Niu Jun can not help but scream at the corner of his mouth, enchanting and charming, Jian Zong old man is expressionless, but his patience is obviously better, and did not urge Han Han.

Duanmu Yaozhen sat on the side and looked at Cang Qiuzi nervously. She first fought her heart to admire Han Yu’s poison. Although she knew that it was impossible, she couldn’t help but hope that Cang Qiuzi would be alive. dead.

Cang Qiuzi did not expect that this poison would be so terrible. He regretted that he had just been too smug, and that he was too negligent to be able to take this shot. The great cause of his great work has not yet been displayed. How can he die under a poison needle?

Finally, he did not have the ambition to cast a pleading eye on the old man of Jianzong. "Brother, save me..."

The old man of Jianzong coughed twice, and the dragon looked at the night. He didn't want to talk to Han Yu after all.

However, Long Fei night avoided his gaze, only when he did not see...

(End of this chapter)