Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 721: Often dogs, can't hold back

Long Fei night avoids the eyes of the old man of Jianzong, and the old man of Jianzong can only negotiate with Han Han himself.

Of course, he is happy to see Cang Qiuzi being tortured. However, this matter has a degree. If Cang Qiuzi has a long and two short, or if he is really poisoned and killed here today, then he is now playing a big event. It’s in vain.

You know, Cang Qiuzi people are at the top of the sky, and a large group of people are waiting to be mutinized. The old man of Jianzong does not want civil strife in the calm Tianshan.

The old man of Jianzong is about to speak. Duanmu Yao cried and begged. "Master, brother, can you save the uncle? This is my fault. It’s all because I have to be guilty. Yaoyao is willing to be punished for Uncle Wang. If it must be hurt for three days and three nights, Yaoyao will be willing to accept the uncle."

Duanmu Yaoba can't Cang Qiuzi die, why is it suddenly pleading? Obviously, Cang Qiuzi just gave her a warning look.

She has to ask!

At the same time of her pleading, she was very worried that Long Fei could be tough in the end, and she hoped that Han Yu could not keep up.

She never thought that she was so proud that she would have a day to pin her hopes on Han Han.

What is lost? This is it?

Duanmu Yao lost the last pride and anger in his heart.

Looking at Duanmu Yao crying into tears, Jianzong old man is irritated, he is cold, "Han Han, poison is yours, in any case, you have to solve! Above the Tianshan, you can not let you like this!"

Han Yu is helpless. "The swordsman predecessor, this poison really has no antidote, and even if you use an anesthetic, you can't stop the pain. The only way is to forget the pain."

"Forget it? Han Han, you, when are you all three-year-olds?" Cang Qiuzi asked with anger.

Han Yu quickly explained, "In fact, although this poison has no antidote, it can be dissolved. If you forget it, you can detoxify. As for how to forget, the method is true."

If it is normal, Cang Qiuzi will not believe Han Han’s ghost, but at this moment, he is suffering from pain and is not adult. Cang Qiuzi is still hopeful. He asked, "What way, you will say!" ”

Han Yuzhi yelled, "This... Cang Elder, this method is really... In fact, oh, Cang Elder, what do you want me to say?"

"How to say what to say!" The old man of Jianzong finally lost his patience.

Han Hao glanced at him innocently, and said pitifully, "In this poison, the more concentrated the attention is on the abdomen, the more severe the pain. If the elders are determined to be good, the heart is full, sit still, meditate, Naturally forgotten."

In this case, the Jianzong old man, Long Feiye and Duanmu Yao all listened quite reasonably. Meditation and meditation, the sacredness of the sacredness is not difficult for the martial arts people.

However, Cang Qiuzi was so angry that he wanted to drag off his shoes and shoot Han Han.

People who have not experienced it forever can never feel the same. Even the professional killer can't stand the pain, how can he ignore it?

He came here from the Temple of Heavenly Sword, not to ignore the pain, but to resist it. Now, he can't help it.

"If you can ignore... the old man... the old man still needs to be consumed here?" Cang Qiuzi’s attitude hardened. "Han Han, can you solve the problem?"

The old man of Jianzong glanced at the dragon night, however, the dragon was still ignored.

The old man of Jianzong could not help but frown, whispering, "Non-night, the dog will jump to the wall."

The dragon returned to him at night, "I often lick the dog, I can hold it."

The old man of Jianzong immediately came over to him. The dragon returned to the night to make him feel relieved. The old man of Jianzong did not seem to be relieved. The dragon was not vocal in the night. "Master, do you want to gamble?"

The old man of Jianzong only opened his eyes and gave up.

Han Han is never disappointing.

She kneels in front of Cang Qiuzi, and her attitude is even worse than that of Cang Qiuzi. "Cang elder, I said that without antidote, there will be no antidote. I advise you not to anger again, calm down and forget. Abdominal pain, otherwise... at your own risk!"

Cang Qiuzi’s heart was awkward. He had already done the worst interruption. He took Duo Muyao to threaten Li Jianxin and let Li Jianxin force the dragon to come up with antidote.

But nowadays, Han Han does not lie, this poison is really no solution. Therefore, even if he launches civil strife, it is useless.

The position of the head, the position of the martial arts supreme is never important!

To take a step back, he wants to die here, and everything he has been working on over the years will fall into the hands of others.

In the face of life and death, all greatness is small.

Cang Qiuzi was finally scared. "Is there any way for the old man to forget this pain? You said."

"Through the pain and pain." Han Yu took out a slender and slender gold needle, "Cang Elder, I will help you."

She said, Lala Cang Qiuzi's hand, when everyone did not understand what she was going to do, the golden needle had already stabbed into the nails of Cang Qiuzi.

"Ah..." Cang Qiuzi screamed, "Han Han, the old man killed you!"

Han Hao quickly retired, but fortunately, Cang Qiuzi was sorely weak, otherwise it is really possible to kill her.

Han Hao, a thorn, almost penetrated the nails, Cang Qiuzi hurt his face with cold sweat and Lin Biao, screaming at her with scorn, looking like a knife, can kill.

Han Hao did not speak, standing far away, watching, smiling, harmless like an angel, but reminded of the devil.

The old man of Jianzong saw her eyes more curious and lost her previous disdain.

Cang Qiuzi was about to get angry, but he soon realized that something was wrong. The pain in his abdomen did not seem to be so painful.

He looked at his **** fingers and looked at Han Han. He asked suspiciously. "How could this be?"

"Cang elders, if you do not have enough strength to ignore the pain, you can only pain and pain. Ten fingers and heart, so the instantaneous pain caused by needles and ten fingers is far stronger than the long-lasting pain in your abdomen. It will hurt people's lives. These pains caused by external forces, with the ability of the elders to bear, how to say is the pain of the flesh and blood, I believe that the elders can hold back."

Han Wei said, adding, "A needle can support an hour, this needle is for you."

Han Yu deliberately placed the golden needle in the hands of Cang Qiuzi, and the room was silent. Cang Qiuzi looked at the golden needle and seemed to hesitate.

Jianzong old man and Duanmu Yao also looked at each other, and their expressions were different. The eyes of the dragon and the night always fell on Han Han. The more he saw it, the more he liked it.

Needle pinning, this is torture.

What hurts pain? It is simply to torture to stop the pain!

Cang Qiuzi is very reluctant to believe Han Han’s rhetoric, but the effect is in front of him, and his abdomen is not so painful. He has to believe.

Cang Qiuzi hesitated and looked at the old man of Jianzong. "Brother, I believe her once."

This is to ask the old man of the sword to take responsibility. Although the old man of Jianzong did not believe Han Han, he was decisive and decided. "Come and send the elders back."

When Cang Qiuzi was on the top of the mountain, he was taken away by the people in the lock-up house. He immediately took a few drops of blood on the rice paper, and wrapped it together with the golden needle of Han Han, and let the bird fly in the name of Duanmu Yao. The North calendar goes.

With the friendship between Duanmu Yao and Jun Yixie, Jun Yixie will definitely help him this busy.

He did not know the existence of Bai Yanqing. In his view, the poison under Han Han can only find the king and the evil.

Although he relieved the pain for a while, he couldn't fully believe Han Han. He didn't just want to know if the poison in the abdomen really had no solution. He even wanted to know if Han Han had just been poisoned.

This woman's poison is amazing, as long as she gets the chance, she will kill people invisible!

In the Jiuxuan Palace, when Cang Qiuzi left, the old man of Jianzong was cold and cold to the dragon and the night and Duanmu Yaodao. "You two, come with the deity."

Duanmu Yao’s heart was slightly happy, and he quickly got up and went. The matter of Cang Qiuzi was solved. Master must be responsible for investigating her responsibility for the injury of the dragon.

Closed the door to privately pursue, Han Han did not intervene.

"Wait for me." The dragon whispered to the South Koreans.

Han Hao didn't want to let go. Just when the old man of Jianzong knew that Duanmu Yao Dantian was seriously injured, the murderousness was so heavy. If Cang Qiuzi was present, he himself was bound, and he must have been mad.

Now, the old man of Jianzong is calming down. However, calm does not mean that he will not be angry. God knows how he will punish the dragon and the night.

"I have a share of hurting her. If the swordsman's predecessors want to be eccentric, I will bear with you." Han Yu whispered.

"Reassured, Master has a sense of proportion." Long non-night faint.

Han Wei does not believe that the dragon is not the night. "If Master is not fair, I will not go to the Tianshan today."

If the old man of Jianzong is not a person with a sense of proportion, the dragon is not afraid to be in the middle of the night after the injury, and does not evade the Han Han to the Tianshan Mountains?

As long as the heart is mad and not committed, the old man of Jianzong is always the same as his father in the heart of the dragon.

Han Hao just let go, "I am waiting for you."

The figure of the old man of Jianzong has been drowned in the darkness of the surrounding, but he still stopped. Looking back to Han Han, he curiously asked, "Shantou, is there really a painful way to stop this pain?"

Duanmu Yao was slightly shocked. If she remembered it correctly, Master only called her one person, "Shantou", and Master would also call Han Han "Shantou?"

In addition to Gu Shaoshao, the "poisonous girl" she has become accustomed to, Han Han does not like other people to call her girl, how to say it is already a woman.

However, today, listening to the "Shantou" of the old man of Jianzong is unreasonable.

She smiled and replied, "It hurts pain, but it is the trick of my Mongolian Chouzi. This poison has antidote. Just giving him a shot is to help him detoxify. Only this poisonous antidote is slow. The pain will only slowly decrease and will not disappear at once.

With Cang Qiuzi's greedy and fearful death, he will continue to use his needle to self-mutilate. ”

Han Yu explained the things in the professional field, especially self-confidence, in the darkness, her eyes flashed with moving brilliance, she looked like a light, illuminating the entire hall.

The old man of Jianzong looked at her for a long time, and finally said a faint sentence, "In addition to the deity and the night, you can deceive Cang Qiuzi."

Is this boasting her?

Han Hao still did not understand, Jian Zong old people with Duanmu Yao disappeared, Long Fei night gave Han Yu a reassuring look, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Han Wei, etc...

(End of this chapter)