Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 733: Blood teeth, life experience

Outside the house, the disciples of the two cabinets and the two hospitals rushed over, and the priests of the Tianshan Dragon’s non-night rushed to the scene, and even the Xu Donglin, who was on standby in the Four Mountains, heard the news, bloodstained and desperate. Killing the door of the hall, it has already killed the red eyes.

Not to mention that it is only a suspicion now, even if the Tibetan swords and the Tibetan Classics have sufficient evidence to prove that Han Yu poisoned their disciples, they could not directly go to the academy to take people!

It is only a ridiculous excuse to poison the disciples. The cabinet owners of the two pavilions have obviously been instructed by Cang Qiuzi. Today, they will kill Han Yu.

Anyway, the head is retreating; anyway, the dragon is not coming out at night; anyway, they have an excuse; anyway, the sin of the heavens, Muyao can help them block.

Swords and swords, killing into a piece.

Han Hao rushed into the house, Duanmu Yao immediately followed, and closed the door.

The sorrowful mother was restrained by the two elders of the Tibetan Swords and the Tibetan Classics. She watched this scene but could not stop it.

Han Hao has no martial arts, how can he withstand the heavy damage of Cang Qiuzi? Where does her strength and courage rush in?

The wall of the darkroom is a wall that is impenetrable. Even if the outside is overturned, the dragon can't hear any movements at night. Even if he hears it, he is afraid that it is difficult to protect himself. How can he save people?

Han Wei, a weak woman, how to face the Cang Qiuzi, such a wolf and tiger leopard, how to face Duanmu Yao's heart and hand?

The sorrowful mother looked at the closed door and felt painlessly.

Inside the house.

Han Yu backed by the stone wall, facing the Cang Qiuzi and Duanmu Yao who were approaching step by step.

Her mouth was covered with blood, her face was pale and like a paper, and her body was weak and she could fall down at any time. However, her eyes were not turbid at all, and the murderousness in the clear and clear eyes revealed that Cang Qiuzi was inexplicably Pace.

"Yao Yao, what are you waiting for?" Cang Qiuzi sneered.

"I was thinking, would you first ruin her right face, or the left face?" Duanmu Yao laughed and clenched his sword, step by step toward Han Han.

Today, she wants Han to repay all the grievances she has suffered in recent years!

Who knows, Han Hao suddenly roared, "Duan Muyao, you are more stupid than the imagination of this king! You know why Dragon Night is not you?"

Han Hao doesn't know how long she can hold, and she doesn't know when the rescuer outside can rush in. There is only one belief in her heart, that is, no matter what, no matter what method, we must hold it down and drag it down!

Today, after today, everything will be fine.

Duanmu Yao stopped suddenly, but I didn't expect it to be at this juncture. Han Hao dared to marry her.

"It's all because of you! Han Wei, why do you want to appear? This princess does not allow you to appear, this princess killed you!" Duan Muyao was furious.

When Cang Qiuzi saw it at a glance, Han Yu was dragging his time. He ignored Duanmu Yao, raised his long sword high, poured it into the air, and turned it into a squeaky sword. He prepared a sword to open the stone door.

Han Hao hurriedly shouted, "Duan Muyao, because you are stupid enough to be saved! You like dragons and nights, but hurt him again and again! Do you know what Dragon is doing in the secret room at night? He is in retreat, In the practice! Cang Qiuzi really wants to kill is not me, is the dragon non-night! Have you not seen it yet? Today is the last day, if you are disturbed, you should be more clear than me!"

Duan Muyao stunned in an instant, and looked incredibly at Cang Qiuzi.

Dragon is not closed again at night? Cang Qiuzi is

What did not tell her about this?

The sword of Cang Qiuzi has been mastered by swordsmanship, and it will be smashed down. Duanmu Yao rushed over and slammed the hand of Cang Qiuzi. "You dare to lie to me!"

"Let go!" Cang Qiuzi roared.

Duanmu Yao did not let go, but he bite down on the hands of Cang Qiu, and Cang Qiuzi was furious and pushed her away. "It’s stupid enough to be saved!"

Duanmu Yao got up and climbed up, and opened his arms before the long sword of Cang Qiuzi. He was angry. "Cang Qiuzi, the dragon is dead at night and can only die in the hands of this princess. He is mine! I will not allow you to hurt. he!"

"Get out of the way, otherwise the old man will kill you!" Cang Qiuzi is cold.

"You try! Do you think that my master knows nothing?" Duan Muyao screamed, "My master doesn't want to clean up you, you kill me! I promise that my master will ruin the Tianshan, but you must not be good." dead!"

For the old man of Jianzong, Cang Qiuzi is taboo after all. Although impatient, he can only resist the temper and persuade Duan Muyao.

"Yao Yao, the uncle has never thought that you will believe Han Han's words, and it is easy to be provoked by her." Cang Qiu Zi said with a strong heart, "How can the teacher uncle kill the night? If the uncle is killing the night, your master. I can't spare me! Shi Shu just wants to hurt him and kill him. If he hurts, he will be able to raise his wounds in Tianshan for a few months. As for Han Han..."

Cang Qiuzi did not say it, but looked at Duanmu Yao with a meaningful look.

As soon as I thought that Long Fei will stay in Tianshan for a few months, Duanmu Yao immediately shakes.

Han Wei will not be stupid enough to pin her hopes on Duan Muyao, who is not prepared for her, and she has shot a few poisonous needles.

Unfortunately, Cang Qiuzi is too strong, and all the poison needles are thrown to the ground in one hand.

"Yao Yao, you see it! Han Yu clearly is to provoke us!" Cang Qiuzi passed a trace of yin and laughed, and said, "Yao Yao, Shi Shu really did not expect that between us, will be provocative by outsiders. Go, hey, it’s sad!”

This "we" word, mixed with warnings, means that Duanmu Yao understands.

Duanmu Yao did not say anything, retreat, Yang Jian pointed to Han Wei, Han Wei stepped back, and the back once again reached the wall, she had no way to retreat.

"Cang Qiuzi, do you still remember that Wang Hao took a shot at the top of the mountain?" she asked. This is her last chip. It was originally reserved for Long Fei night, and now I have to take it out in advance.

If Long Feiye can defeat Cang Qiuzi in the qualifying war, it will be the best to shock the forces of all parties and resolve the crisis in Tianshan in a peaceful way.

In the unlikely event of an enemy, the last time I have torn my face with Cang Qiuzi, then her poison will definitely help the dragon to stay at night.

That needle can alleviate the pain of abdominal pain, but it also hides a chronic poison, which cannot be detected temporarily. Once the poison is born, it will die. However, in order not to let Cang Qiuzi discover that the poison used by Han Yu takes at least two months, the toxicity will be revealed.

Cang Qiuzi was slightly shocked. Although Jun Yixie did not reply, he asked several poisonists to check it. The poison in his body had already been fully solved.

"That is a chronic poison, don't want to die, go out!" Han Han cold warning.

Cang Qiuzi laughed happily. "Han Han, do you think the old man believes in your ghost?"

Han Wei did not know that Cang Qiuzi believed more, but she still held it, and she did not change her face. "Since Cang elders dare to take the gamble, I will accompany them to the end!"

Cang Qiuzi,

After all, it is not easy to deal with. He does not believe it.

"Yao Yao, what are you doing?"

He said that the long sword did not hesitate to squat down the stone gate. Almost at the same time, Duanmu Yao’s sword also stabbed Han Han. Han Han had no way to retreat, could not be blocked, and both sides were dead.

Dragon is not night, one hundred steps, I will not finish after all...

No way to retreat, Han Yu chose to move forward, she took a step toward Cang Qiuzi, opened her arms and blocked the sword!

The dragon is not the night, this step, the road to death, is also for you to go, is it a step in the hundred steps?

The dragon is not night, I have no words, I have been waiting, and death will wait!

Dragon is not night, are you still leaning against the wall?

Dragon is not night, do you want to be jealous?

Dragon is not night, I miss you, I really want to think...

Cang Qiuzi did not stop, the sword was fierce, and the blood of Han Han continued to emerge from the corner of his mouth. The blade followed closely, and the head went down!


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a powerful force broke out from Han Han’s body. The hard-boiled sword gave the sword to the front, and together with Cang Qiuzi and Duanmu Yao, they flew out and fell on the door.

what's going on?

I saw... I saw a tall white wolf appearing in front of Han Yu out of thin air. It is as big as a bear. The fur is pure white like snow. It does not stain a trace of impurities. Only the eyebrows have a **** flame sign, which is like burning. Holy fire.

It stared at Cang Qiuzi and Duanmu Yao, and a pair of demon-red eyes gave a strange look, revealing different general calmness and fierceness.

Both Cang Qiuzi and Duan Muyao were shocked by the power of the king who was exuded by the white wolf! It is obviously a beast, but like a king who rules the human race, it is high!

This... What is this? Where is it?

Han Han fell to the ground and his head was dizzy. At the moment when Cang Qiuzi’s sword was smashed down, she only felt that the entire storage space was boiling. She did not know what happened. She only felt that something had flown out of the storage space and was not controlled by her. .

In the storage space, all kinds of poisons are flying and chaos, and the sense of dizziness is getting stronger and stronger. Han Han is still strong. She looks at the mighty white wolf in front of her, and she has an inexplicable familiarity.

"Little things..." She muttered to herself in an incredible way. Could it be that little things were restored? Is this the real thing of small things?

The white wolf turned back to Han Han. When she saw the blood on her lips, the flame of her eyebrows suddenly came out of blood.

The white wolf immediately turned to look at Cang Qiuzi and Duanmu Yao, and snorted, revealing a pair of **** fangs!

"Blood teeth!"

Cang Qiuzi was shocked. "The poisonous beast! It is the poisonous beast of the poisonous sect! Only the poisonous beast has **** teeth!"

Duanmu Yao was even more shocked. At the beginning, she and Jun Yiqi colluded into Tiankeng, precisely for this poisonous beast! Although she has never seen a poisonous beast, she remembers that Jun Yi said that the poisonous beast has toxic teeth and is bloody. Once bitten, it will be poisoned and killed. The blood of the poisonous beast is non-toxic and can be solved. .

When they entered the tiankeng, they only saw cockroaches and did not see the poisonous beasts.

Why is the poisonous beast appearing here out of thin air, why is it to protect Han Han, it is hard to be...

Duanmu Yao exclaimed, "Han Han, you stole the poisonous beast!"

"No! The poisonous beast can't steal anyone," Cang Qiuzi immediately denied. He said incredulously, "Han Han, you...you are the descendants of the poisonous sect!"

(End of this chapter)