Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 752: Otherwise, I will marry someone else.

How can Han Han not speak?

If she had a stomach, she would like to say that she had to hide for seven or eight days, but she could not tell. When she saw that the dragon was waking up in the night, she suddenly said nothing, just wanted to ask him to be well.

Looking at the distressed eyes of the dragon, she quickly wrote a few words on the paper, saying that she had a sore throat and could not make a sound for the time being.

In fact, with Han Min's fine heart, he will surely notice the stranger. Long is the first time to touch her throat. He asks "Why don't you talk?" instead of "What happened to your throat?"

He seems to have known that her throat is hoarse. How did he know that he was in a coma for so many days?

Perhaps, he really knows the truth; perhaps, he knows the guess.

In short, Han Han did not think so much, she was grateful and grateful, as long as this man can live, can wake up, stronger than anything else.

"Why hurt?" Long asked the night, the weak voice was soft, and the heart of Han Han was quickened. She never knew that it was such a wonderful thing to hear his voice.

Han Yu thought about it and wrote four words on the paper. "Get angry and get inflamed."

Long Fei night frowned and looked at her. After watching it for a long time, he suddenly smiled helplessly. He stroked her eyes and asked softly. "Stupid, you cried, right?"

Han Hao did not open the line of sight and did not answer.

"I haven't died yet, you cry like this, if I am really..."

Long Fei’s night talks have not been finished, Han Han screamed fiercely and warned him to shut up.

The dragon stayed at night but continued. "If I am really dead, what do you do?"

Han Hao stopped writing and replied silently. "You are going to die, I will not cry."

This word, said to bite his teeth, even if it is silent, the dragon can still distinguish each word she said from her mouth.

"Don't cry?"

Long Fei night thought for a long time, faintly said, "Don't cry, then what do you want to do? Is it to follow the path of Gu Shaohao? You are not afraid that Wang really interrupts his leg?"

Han Han immediately wrote on the paper, "You don't have this ability now!"

It is rare to mention the words "Gu Qi Shao". The dragon is not angry at night. He originally wanted to tease Han Han, but he did not expect to be washed by her.

He really does not have the ability to interrupt Gu Shao’s leg now. This internal injury does not know when to raise it. He only hopes to recover before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

It will be washed by Han Han, he will not be angry, but will laugh. Seeing him still laughing, Han Hao has a feeling of losing to him.

She looked at him with no anger, looked at it, but did not consciously laugh.

She hasn't laughed for so many days.

"Come and let the king hug, hurry up?" The dragon was anxious at night.

Han Yu immediately leaned over and was afraid of crushing him. His hands were on his sides. Who knows, the dragon is not surrounded by the night but under her pressure.

"Do you believe it? These days, I can hear you crying, just... I really can't wake up."

He suddenly got serious and seriously made Han Han afraid to move.

Han Hao has not thought about his sentence, he will say again, "Han Han, later, if I am not, don't cry, okay?" He whispered in her ear, the voice is very low and low, but there are shares The power that cannot be refused, he said, "When I wake up, wait for me, you cry again, okay? My shoulders

For you, crying by you. ”

"I am afraid, I am afraid that you will never be there..." Han Hao suddenly screamed, his voice was very hoarse, sobbing.

"Stupid, I haven't lifted the big sedan to pick you up. I haven't gotten the car door back to you. I haven't been with you sincerely. How can I not be there?" In this case, Long Fei was the most serious.

Han Hao didn't want to cry, but the tears still couldn't help but flow down. She never talked to him about these things, and she didn't deliberately remember, but she couldn't forget it.

He never mentioned a few words. She originally thought that he would not care so much, but he did not expect that he owed her all know; he owed her all the time.

"Okay, I have written it down. I must give it back to me, don't let me go! Otherwise I will marry someone!" she said seriously.

As soon as the voice fell, the force that circled her waist immediately became awkward, and she was almost breathless, but she still had a hard mouth. "That's it!"

Dare to compete with her, the dragon is always going to lose the night, she does not hurt, he will be distressed, and finally can only helplessly let go. He glared at her throat. "Let's talk less, the scorpion is really bad, my sin is big."

She is kneeling on him, but she hasn't completely slowed down. I don't know how I came over these years. Even now, I feel like a dream, a dream that completely loses control.

"I am going to find the teacher to come to your injury!"

She wants to get up, but the dragon is not at night, "Hey, don't talk, let the king hold for a while."

Han Hao buried himself in his chest and did not see the moment at this moment, his eyes were deeply apologized...

Warmth, always can't grow.

Soon, the old man of Jianzong came over. When he saw the dragon waking up in the night, he was very happy and he was going to take the pulse for him. Han Yu wants to retire, but the dragon is holding her hand in the night.

"Put the pulse!" Han Hao whispered.

Long is not holding her with her left hand at night, and her right hand is extended to the old man of Jianzong.

"Blocked, don't make trouble." Han Wei whispered, he was anxious, and looked at the face of the old man of Jianzong, her ears were a bit hot.

However, the dragon is not letting go of the night, but in desperation, she can only retreat to the side, sitting on the bed, barely giving the Jianzong old vacant position.

Everything, the old man of Jianzong is in his eyes, but when he sees nothing, he doesn't talk, doesn't talk, doesn't laugh, silently turns the pulse for the dragon.

"You have to thank the nobles for their infuriating. Otherwise, this life is really gone." Jianzong old man said with emotion.

“How long do you want to raise?” Long is only concerned about this issue.

"Slow for a year, if you are fast, you have to get at least half a year. You can't go down the mountain this fall." The old man of the sword replied truthfully.

The dragon did not say anything in the night, Han Han quickly said, "The body is important, and it will be raised for one year! The situation in the northern calendar is still unclear. If Jun and evil can bring back the war horse, Ning Cheng will not be able to go south."

Long nodded noon at night, shifted the subject and asked the old man of Jianzong. "Is it a trial for Cang Qiuzi?"

"Closed in prison, once he was examined, the poisonous thing..." The old man of Jianzong was quite embarrassed.

Cang Qiuzi scandals are known all over the world. The poisonous sects are even more irritating. Although there are many rumors under the mountain, his head has not given a trial yet, so there is no final conclusion on these two things.

"Poisonous... don't recognize it first!" Long said at night.

"So many people that day.

Seeing the poisonous beast, how can you not recognize it? Han Han asked.

"If you don't say no, you are still investigating."

When the dragon was not the night, the old man of Jianzong laughed. This official tai chi practice, he is familiar.

Even if he was in front of the disciples of the two cabinets and two disciples, he pointed out that Han Han was a poisonous scorpion, but what about it?

He did not say in the face of the people of the world, nor did he publish any official official notices. The news of Yamashita was circulated through the path. Now, Cang Qiuzi has been defeated, and the two pavilions have already fallen. Which Tianshan disciple dares to stand up publicly and identify the head of the person to speak, acknowledging that he has passed the news down the mountain?

In this world, there are many facts that everyone knows, and it will never be true until it is officially recognized.

Although Han Han hates this way of playing Tai Chi, he has to admit that this is an excellent method.

Long Feiye won Cang Qiuzi, killed He Yizhen, and swayed such a powerful sword. The power of rebellion in the lock center was basically paralyzed. A few days ago, the spies came to report the evil at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains. The forces of Jianmen have also retreated.

Today, Tianshan is basically stable. However, the dragon is not hurt at night, and the old man of Jianzong has lost his inner strength. Once these two things are discovered, the consequences are unimaginable.

Therefore, the situation in Tianshan is still quite severe. Long’s plan to control the Tianshan Mountain and openly fight against the medical city must be postponed. In this situation, they can't resist, can't be hard with the medical city, and can only adopt the roundabout tactics.

Taking "still under investigation" as an excuse to delay the time, one will fight for the time of the dragon non-night rehabilitation; secondly, it will also compete for the time of Gu Beiyue and Bailiyuan to stabilize the Zhongnan Dudu government, as long as there is no recognition of Tianshan, medicine There is also an excuse to supply the city. Gu Beiyue also has reason to block the mouth of the main gate of the Central Government.

Han Wei sighed. "At least, a doctor with a little conscience can still hold on."

In the medical city, the most terrible thing is not that the drug city is broken, nor is the big family in the south and the south want to take the opportunity to abolish her king, but the large and small medical centers in the south and south will retreat.

Getting sick and seeking a doctor is not the same as eating. It is not needed every day, but it is as important as eating.

Just think about it, if the doctors all evacuated in central and southern China, the people could not find a doctor regardless of illness or illness, what a terrible thing!

Prior to this, Han Yu knew the power of the medical city and knew that the status of the medical city in the Yunkong mainland was only heard, and it was not really experienced. She even has some disbelief and some can't understand.

There is no force in the medical city. There is not much force in the use of force. The financial resources are not ranked in the top three. Soon, the medical profession in Yunkong is controlled? Where is the status?

Today, she believes!

A drug-free plague can destroy a country, even a civilization, and the power of a medical city is as terrible as a plague.

In her cognition, even if it is a world war, there is no national border in the medical world. There will always be doctors from all over the world who are willing to rush to the battlefield to save the wounded in the rain. I have to say that the medical school in Yunkong is simply the wonder of the industry!

Han Wei was curious. "Why did the medical school destroy the poisons in the past? What did the poison lord do in the end? Or... the poisoning sect is just excluding the dissidents!"

The old man of Jianzong looked at the dragon and looked at the night, faintly said, "Have you heard that...the people who are not dead?"

(End of this chapter)