Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 753: Poison, this is the case

Undead people?

Long Fei night knows and has seen it. Han Wei is only hearing about it. It is said that the undead is the poisonous person raised by the anti-drug technique. Like a zombie, it looks like a normal person, but it does not die or even grow old.

"Because of the poisonous people?" Han Yu asked.

The old man of Jianzong nodded and began to talk about the history of medical schools and poisonous sects.

The medical school has existed for a long time in the Yunkong continent, and it is still far older than the Daqin Empire. At the beginning, the medical school was just a school that taught medical skills. After hundreds of years of growth, it became the first major force in today's cloud-free continent.

The real rise of medical school should be that after the destruction of the Daqin Empire, the medical school built autonomous city, and at the same time set up a medical association to establish a system to control the world.

It is precisely because the medical school is the beginning of the cloud and air medical profession, it is the medical sect. The medical skills of most medical practitioners come from there. Therefore, the establishment of the medical association has almost won the support of all doctors, and there is not much hindrance. After all, all doctors hope to get the protection of the association, rely on the strength of the association, and seek greater development in medicine and career.

While the medical association grants shelter to medical practitioners, it is in turn a constraint on the world's healers, even manipulation.

When industry associations grow to a certain extent, individual doctors cannot compete with them. Because, once it is against it, it means that it will hit the wall everywhere in this industry, and it will be unable to mix.

The medical school today’s sanctions against the Central and Southern Governor’s Office must be dissatisfied by many doctors, but most of them are daring and daring.

"So, ordnance, food, medicine, water conservancy and other industries related to people's livelihood, it is best to control the hands of the court. Otherwise, the court will be the leader of the industry sooner or later." Han Yu said seriously.

This reason she understood very early, this is specifically for the dragon to listen to the night, Yunkong mainland's business is very developed, but the courts of all countries seem to only control the land, for many key industries are really loose.

Long looked at her at night, and nodded thoughtfully.

The old man of Jianzong more and more appreciates Han Han, and his heart sighs. If this girl is not a daughter of poison, it would be great!

He took a sip of tea and continued to tell.

Poison was once an important part of the medical school. It is a specialized category from the medical school. It is called a poison doctor and its history is very long.

The poisonous sect of the medical school is called the "empty head of the emptiness" in the cloud-empty mainland. Whether it is the venomous door controlled by Jun Yi, the poisonous door branch of Tangmen, or other forces in the poison world, their Poisons originate from poisonous sects.

Before the establishment of the poison sect, Yunkong’s concept of “poison” was only on the snake venom, and the treatment of snake venom was also attributed to general healing.

Medicine and poison are the ones. It is precisely because medical doctors in the medical practice found more and more cases of deadly poisonous grasses. The medical school began to study toxic herbs, and it began to have "poison". concept.

Gradually, the doctors found that many medicinal materials contain certain toxins. If they are used improperly, improper combination will cause signs of poisoning and even fatal to the human body. In addition to medicinal materials, there are some unknown plants that have no medicinal value, but contain Very poisonous; even, not only poisonous snakes, but also many animals carry certain toxins.

Therefore, the medical school has specially created an independent school, named as a poison sect, organized a group of doctors, and began to specialize in poisons.

After the establishment of the poison sect, the medical school was divided into two major factions, one was the medical sect and the other was the poison sect.

But for those who save souls,

All are harmful.

The doctor is actually the most terrible killer in the world, especially the poison doctor.

The poisonous poison, the first is detoxification, specifically for the treatment of poisoning people. The poisonous sect has a strict ban. In addition to the need to develop antidote, it is absolutely forbidden for any poisonist to poison the drug for any reason.

However, no matter how strict the ban is, there are people who violate the order.

With the development of toxic pharmacy, more and more poisons have been named in the book. Gradually, there are external forces infiltrating, tempting poisonists in various conditions, buying ready-made poisons, and even poison prescriptions.

The man-made dead birds are eating and drinking, and the strict ban, after all, can not resist the temptation for everyone. The poison sect was established less than ten years ago, and the number of people who died due to poisoning every year in Yunkong was soaring.

Therefore, the poison sect began to strictly check the poison leakage, took out a lot of poison doctors, and executed them to kill chickens and monkeys. However, the medica sects the drug that has grown stronger and stronger, and seized this opportunity to start smashing the poisonous sect. In less than five years, poisonous and medical sciences are almost like water and fire.

Because the medical sect controls most of the medical school's forces, the poison sect secretly opened the "drug maintenance plan" in order to defend itself.

Speaking of this, Han Han quickly asked, "Is it the poisoning technique of the poison world now?"

"Exactly, many people in the poison world now have the technique of nourishing drugs. It is the source of poisonous sects." The old man of Jianzong nodded and continued, "The technique of nourishing drugs is divided into poisonous people, poisonous bodies, and drug lords." Three realms. Poisonous people are the most common, no difference from normal people, but limited life, resistance to some low-grade toxins; poisonous corpses are the same as dead scorpions, resistant to some intermediate poisoning, as for poison insanity……"

The old man of Jianzong said that Han Hao was a little excited. She had a detailed understanding of poisonous people and poisonous bodies in ancient books, but she could not find any information about drug lords.

All kinds of poisonous cockroaches seem to have been deliberately erased by the predecessors, leaving only the fragmented details.

"It is said that I know that there are three types of poisonous sputum: high, medium and low, with grass as the cockroach, insects as the cockroaches, and people as the cockroaches." Han Yu said seriously.

"Exactly." The old man of Jianzong nodded and smiled. "You are also studying the drug lord. How much do you master now?"

"I don't know what to do, I only knew last year that I was a poison sect." Han Yu looked at Long Fei night and got his permission. She told her life to tell the old man of Jianzong, including the drug city.

"So, you don't know who your father is?" The old man of Jianzong was quite surprised. He thought that the dragon had colluded with all the poisonous scorpions.

Han Hao didn't want to talk about this more. She was more interested in drug lords. She asked, "Do not study, why detoxification?"

The old man of Jianzong was shocked. "Why, is there still poisoning today?"

Han Yu told the old man of the sword that Long Tianyin had nowhere to grow up. At the beginning, Long Tianmo’s belly became unreasonable, and it was the poisonous scorpion of the scorpion jade. Later, Long Tianmo fell to the sinister hand. On the top, Jun Yi evil will solve the poison, and then poisoned Long Tianmo, want to smear her.

This incident was not too small in the medical school. However, the real reason for Long Tianmo’s abdomen has not been made public. However, in the case of the recurrence of Long Tian Mo Monster, it can be inferred that Yu Yubo, Luo Zuishan, Jun Yixie all know the technique of drug lord.

In fact, Han Tian did not fully understand the truth. However, the dragon is very clear at night.

When Long Tianmo’s disease recurred, it was the white man, which was planned by Gu Beiyue.

It is Gu Beiyue’s and Gu Beiyue’s technique of using poisonous scorpion to Long Tianmo. One is to determine the identity of Gu Qishao, and the other is to introduce Han Yu.

Go to the poison scorpion tiankeng.

Luo Zuishan does not know how to use poisonous sputum. However, Luo Zuoshan is a Gu Shaoshao person. Therefore, Gu Qi’s illness tells the story of Luo Zuishan, let Luo Zuoshan and Yu Yubo compete, and wants to consult at the clinic. In an open field, debunking Yu Yubo, shame the medical school.

It is a pity that Jun also inserted a foot and broke the plan of Gu Qishao. Even so, Gu Beiyue introduced Gu Qishao to the medical city and determined that Gu Qishao was the ghost of the medical city.

The medical school has been interrogating Yan Yubo for many years, and has been chasing Jun and evil again, but they have never doubted that Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao are the two initiators.

The dragon is not silent at night, and there is no sound.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many people who knew the technique of drug lords. It seems that the doctors did not destroy the poisons!" said the old man of Jianzong.

"What happened in the past?" Han Han asked.

"Let the medical city destroy the poisonous sect, it is the poisonous sputum in the technique of nourishing the poison. The highest level of the venomous sputum is man-made, and it can raise the poisonous people who are not dead or immortal."

When the old man of Jianzong finished, Han Han hurriedly asked, "Is that raised?"

Long Feiye is also curious about this matter. He knows that Gu Qishao is not dead. As for whether he is not "not old," he will not know. Gu Qi is very evicted and expelled from the medical city. The real reason What is it, when is he not dead, and the dragon is not clear at night.

"No." The old man of Jianzong is very certain. "It’s a man’s shackle, but it’s an idea. Even the related poisons have not been seen. Some are just grasshoppers and insects. Moreover, the doctors died. The poison sect also destroyed the relevant records of the drug lord."

Han Yu raised his brow. "So, the poison sect did not do anything that hurts the world. Because of an idea, the medical sect has destroyed the poison sect?"

Until this time, Jianzong old talents felt that Han Han was like a poisonous descendant. Before that, he forgot that this girl was a poisonous person. When she said the poison, she was really like an outsider.

You must know that if you can let the poisonous beasts surrender, it must be after the poisonous sect, and how to say that it is also connected by blood. The old man of Jianzong does not understand that Han Yu is so indifferent to the poison sect.

"The deity only knows about it. As for how the medical tycoon killed the poison sect in the past, how many people have killed the poison sect, how many orphans have escaped from the sect, so I am afraid that people from medical schools will know it." It is faint to say, "After the poisonous sect was destroyed, the medical sect took over the entire medical city and medical school."

"This thing, one day, I have to figure it out!" Han Yu’s eyes shot and hatred.

The Jianzong old man and the dragon all night thought that her poisonous sect would want to avenge the poison sect. I don’t know, she passed through, and there is no **** feeling for the poison sect. What she really dissatisfied with is the selfishness of the medical sect and the exclusion of dissidents.

The old man of Jianzong did not talk more. He immediately arranged for several disciples of the Discipline to come to help the dragon to heal the night. On the same day, he first ordered the news that he would pass to the dragon and the night in the next three months. Qiu Zi is going to trial.

Cang Qiuzi was abolished by the elders, the position of the head of the court, abolished martial arts, and was detained in the prison. He was left with a last breath at night and was ruined, even if he did not die, it was only Have you been dying? The sorrower is also the first in the cabinet of the Confucius Institute. Everyone is speculating that after the dragon is succeeded, the new president of the lock center will be selected among the Yamashita factions. Therefore, all branch factions are very loyal.

Everything seems to be getting better. Who knows, that night, Xu Donglin suddenly came in and handed a secret letter to his hand. "Master, **** it! This urgent piece was sent eight days ago..."

(End of this chapter)