Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 761: Save the child

When Gu Beiyue’s voice fell, Gu Qi walked in and laughed and said, “Poisonous girl, your seven brothers are there, no one can bully you.”

Internal and external troubles, the high pressure of the medical city, the troubles of the drug city, the threat of the Ningcheng, the persecution of the family, the accusations of the people of the world, and all the pressure on Han’s shoulders seem to disappear at once.

In fact, when she went down the mountain, she knew that she would never be able to cure Gu Beiyue’s leg and go back immediately. Gu Beiyue is here to fight for them. How can she get to know it.

The dragon is not at night, she must stay, she must do everything in her power to keep the dragon and the night.

If the dragon is not at night, how good it is.

In that case, they can work together to subvert the world of the medical city, break all rules, and re-establish their own world order!

In fact, Han Han did not know that although Long Fei was in the Tianshan Mountains, he never interrupted the correspondence with Gu Beiyue. He always fought side by side with them. To be exact, he always dominated everything.

"The poisonous thing, we will discuss it in detail later, and I will go outside." Han Yu said seriously.

The outside field has not been scattered yet, and she is not at ease.

Gu Beiyue accompanied her out of the bamboo forest, listening to the wall, not letting her go out, "Wang Hao Niangni, doing things underneath, you still don't worry?"

Han Yu was speechless, and she suddenly felt that Gu Beiyue was not the same as before, but she couldn’t say where it was different.

Gu Qishao did not have such good patience. Seeing Han Han standing by the wall, he was patiently accompanied.

General Baili used the riots and slandered the Qin Wangfu as a reason to suppress the five major families. From the theory of Fangcai to the present, no one can clear the theory of the generals of Baili.

General Baili has brought the meaning of the words "the scholars meet the soldiers reasonably clear" to the extreme.

The Xiao family is a wise man. He knows that the people do not fight with the government, and the officials do not fight with the army. Although the five major families control many powers in central and southern China, they can indirectly contain the army. Such as grain, such as weapons.

However, these containment must be in the long run, at least for a short period of time, the five major families can not help but the military.

The Xiao family first gave in. "Hundreds of generals, Han Han is not a poison sect, how many disasters will it bring to the Central South Government House? Let's sit down and discuss it well. If she can convince the old man, the old man will fully support it. She can't say why, so let's make another plan. How do you see it?"

"Can't promise her!" Han Yu secretly said.

Sure enough, General Baili immediately refused. He claimed that the Tianshan Jianzong old man has not given a clear answer to the medical city. The poisonous sect is purely a person who has the heart to spread rumors to smear the Qin Wangfu. As for the case of Gu Qi Shao’s poisoning corpse, there is nothing to do with Wang Qi’s maiden.

General Baili thus strongly rejected the five major families, and at the same time ordered the troops to encircle the city of Ningnan, and announced that the Central and Southern Governors would fight against the medical city.

This military order, the five major families, including the officials of the Central South Metropolitan Government, know that the overall situation has been set.

The Xiao family said angrily, "General Baili, you wait, no more than three months, the Central and Southern Governors will be destroyed in the woman!"

In fact, Han Yu’s heart is very clear. If people cannot be retained in the medical profession, the people will either migrate or

The riots, the Central and Southern Governors can't keep it.

Therefore, every minute and every second is very important.

When I came back all the way, Han Hao had some ideas in his heart.

Their group sat down in the pavilion in the garden. Han Yu said seriously, "The most urgent task is to withdraw the medical treatment. We must immediately find countermeasures and slow down the pressure on medical treatment."

Gu Beiyue said, "The statistics have been over. By the end of the three days, about 80% of the medical centers in the south-central part of the country have closed. The remaining 20% ​​of the medical centers are mostly full of people. In the midsummer, there are more ailments, and there will be more patients during this time. There will be less. In the following, the doctors of the drug halls have been dispatched back, and several friends have been contacted. Many of their disciples are willing to come to practice medicine. However, they are afraid that they will last for a month or two."

"This is more horrible than famine..."

Han Han hates tooth itch, and this kind of practice in the medical city is afraid that there will be no one who has come before! The parents of the doctors, the people in the medical city are simply knives! There is only one purpose for medical treatment, which is to save people. But the guys use medical techniques as a weapon to seek power and seek the surrender of the people of the world.

This is unforgivable!

Han Yu hesitated for a moment and said seriously, "I plan to raise a doctor at a high salary, to pay more than the senior officials of the five-product officials, pay the doctor's high salary every month, the medical hall is built by the court, and all the drugs are supplied by the court. Retaining the doctor. Moreover, before the announcement of this news, I intend to recognize the identity of the descendants of the poisonous sect and to sue the medical city in my own name."

Han Hao sighed and said coldly. "As far as I know, the medical city was only because of the idea of ​​a "drug-stricken person", and it was destroyed by the poisonous sect. The poison sect did not do anything that hurts the world. I have never developed it. The medical city destroys the poison sect, but in my opinion, it is a fake public and private, and excludes dissidents!"

Leaning against the wall, Gu Qi, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Han Han, and his eyes were clear and dark, and he did not know what to plan.

Baili Muxiang is worried, "Wang Hao Niangniang, once you recognize the identity of the poison sect, the drug city is afraid that it is not allowed to continue medicine?"

Han Hao nodded. "The situation in the drug city is very complicated. They are not only jealous of the medical city, but more importantly, more than half of the elders of the new group will advocate anti-drugs. However, even now I don't recognize it. The medical city also insisted that I was! Wang Lao could not support the end of the month."

Han sipped his mouth tea and said, "I have ordered all the medicinal materials from the branches of the drug hall to be transferred back. Together with the storage capacity of the church, it should be possible to maintain the entire south-central medicine for about three months. Not enough, maybe I can go to the drug king to discuss it."

The old drug king who has been living in seclusion for many years has never been involved in the worldly customs. He will not look at the face of the medical city. He just needs to get cheap from the drug king, but it is not a word for "seeking". Han Han only hopes that he will not go that step.

Gu Beiyue was about to speak. At this time, there was a stir outside the door. Chu Xifeng flew over and screamed. "Wang Hao Niangniang, the big thing is not good!"

The five great families have just left, and it is impossible to fold back. What bad things can happen on this section?

Han Yu’s heart is very embarrassing, and Chu Xifeng’s face is going to collapse. “Wang Hao Niangniang, you have to go out and squat, and all the women outside are holding children, so we can’t get enough of them.”

Women who hold children?

What's happening here?

Han Wei and his party

People rushed outside the door, only to see dozens of women kneeling at the door, holding their children in their arms, from the baby to the one or two-year-old children, the innocent children cried.

Gu Beiyue discovered the situation for the first time. He whispered, "Wang Hao Niangniang, these children are afraid of being sick."

Han Han’s heart almost stopped beating. She couldn’t look directly at the crying children, and couldn’t look directly at the pair of innocent eyes, a little innocent face.

She knows what they are doing.

The headed woman was holding a child of about one year old and came up. The child cried with a nose and a tear, and his face was red.

Gu Beiyue rushed down and gently touched the child's forehead, and was shocked. "Have this burned for a few days?"

"Three days and three nights, Gu Dafu, I beg you to save my children. I would rather be sick than myself. I don't want my children to suffer from it. I have searched the hospital, not a doctor, or a team." It’s just in the drug ghost hall, and it’s 10 days later! The children can’t wait!”

She said, turned to Han Wei, "Wang Xiiang Niangniang, medical city is not benevolent, we are willing to go forward with you, but ... but the child can not afford this sin! Wang Hao Niangni, beg you to save the child! Save the child! ”

When the voice fell, all the women and women shouted, "Save the child, save the child..."

This cry for help, mixed with the child's crying, ringing the door of the Qin Wangfu, is also the resounding of the sky of Ningnan City, and then people who are worried will be moved.

Han Han’s hand is shaking, she wants to appease the crying child, but she can’t move.

She is very clear that these people are being instructed by people. The ordinary people are not afraid to come here, but everything in front of them is also a fact.

Medical, should not ask!

Han Yu panicked, not only because of the scene before the panic, but because she even publicly opposed the medical city, there is no full grasp! She admits that the poison sect identity is openly against the medical city, but she is forced to go nowhere. In case, she lost?

In the cry, Han Yu gave birth to a second thought.

She went to confess!

Going to the blame of the poisonous sect, but accepting the punishment of the medical school.

I have to say that this scene really shakes Han Han.

It is also worthwhile to exchange the life of one of her, in exchange for thousands of patients in the south-central region.

Han Hao has always been a person who likes to compromise, but this time, she is powerless to fight.

Suddenly, there was a sound like a bell. "The doctor is here. The drug ghost hall has arranged ten doctors to specialize in treating children and the elderly. There is no need to line up long queues. Let's go, the team is Tianning. The doctor of the hospital, Huang Zhengming, guarantees that everyone will get rid of the disease and not take it!"

Everyone looked at the sound, only to see Mu Linger standing there, a yellow goose skirt, the whole person set off more intelligent, standing next to her an old man, not others, it is Gu Beiyue's reversal Jiao, Tianning Huang Tai doctor, Huang Zhengming.

Everyone really got the benefits before they came to Han, but the fact that the child was ill was a matter of fact. When I heard this, I immediately rushed to go to the drug hall. After a while, the door of Qin Wangfu was empty.

Mu Linger looked at Gu Qixiao far away. Instead, he rushed past like he used to, but he looked at him and laughed. He was so stupid, especially good...

(End of this chapter)