Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 77: Deficiency, Wang Hao, you are hiding

When I went downstairs, Xiao Shenxiang opened her mouth. "Master, you are confused!"

"What's wrong?" Han Hao asked lazily.

"Master, you are Qin Wanghao, you...you..." Xiao Shenxiang always felt that the master was very clever, but at this time he had to worry about her head.

She took the hand of the master and whispered in her ear. "You are a married woman, or the prince's righteousness! If this matter is passed to Qin Wang's ear, you will be finished!"

Small agarwood is stupid, but it is still very sensitive in some things.

Han Hao had no choice but to turn a blind eye. Of course she knows this. She is not a private lover. It is just that Gu Beiyue is a friend who can make friends. She is about to chat and chat, and she is not chatting and flirting. She is a good person, she has something to ask for.

Besides, she and the dragon are famous at night, and the dragon is still holding other women in front of her face, saving other women and abandoning her!

When I thought about Duan Muyao, Han Wei still had a little bit of unresolved.

"Master, did you listen to it?" Xiao Shenxiang was very serious.

"I haven't done anything, you don't want to be so anxious, it's as if I am derailed." Han Han can't stand it anymore. She is Gu Beiyue, it is pure friendship.

Who knows, talking, her steps stopped, and almost fell.

I saw the figure coming in at the entrance to the tall and proud shore, very familiar... dragon is not night!

Although he deliberately wore a low-key, Han Han still recognized it at a glance.

Han Hao, who was still yelling at the moment, went to the upstairs and turned to the small agarwood to run. When she got upstairs, she sneaked it down and saw that the dragon didn't come up late, which was a big sigh of relief.

Xiao Shenxiang looked at her very strangely. "Master, what is your guilty?"


"I... I... there are too many people like you who want to be wrong, I still keep a god." Han Yu excused, in fact, just the reaction is that the body is faster than the head, she is also aware of the back, running what?

Gu Beiyue hasn't left yet. He will see this scene in his eyes. He didn't go up any more, but there was a light smile on his lips and a little helplessness.

After Han Yu calmed down, it was only when Gu Beiyue was still upstairs. However, when she turned and looked at it, she did not see anyone.

"What about people?" Han Yu wondered.

Xiao Shenxiang helped to see a circle, and no one was seen. "Master, not right, obviously we are going first."

The stairs are one. They have been on the stairs since they returned from the stairs. How can Gu Beiyue go first?

Han Yu was suspicious, and finally saw the stairs leading to the third floor, and did not think much, then Gu Beiyue went upstairs.

However, she did not know, Gu Beiyue was at the entrance of the inn at this time, he looked back at the second floor, faint and laughing, turned around, figure like a magic, suddenly disappeared.

Since they all returned, Han Yu waited until the dragon left, and she went downstairs.

On the carriage all the way, Xiao Shenxiang wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. Han shouted and looked out the window. The atmosphere between the master and the servant was very different.

Going back to Furong Garden, I saw that the lights of the Longfei Night Palace were lit. When the master saw it, the little agarwood finally couldn’t help it, and he smiled.

Who knows, this laugh "hahaha" can't stop.

Han Hao was furious and angered her. "You are a dead girl, what are you laughing at? Don't go back!"

After all, the little agarwood did not go.

Then she will leave first.

This night, I don’t know why, Han Han was insomnia. She wrapped her quilt against the bed and watched the lamp of the dragon’s night palace.

In fact, the reminder of Xiao Shenxiang today, she listened to it.

Although I have been married to the Qin Wangfu, I have some days, but today I suddenly feel that I am already a married woman. Although she is famous, this name alone will bind her for a lifetime.

Dragons can no longer be night, but she can never marry again.

Thinking about it, Han Han slammed his head and thought about it? I can live, I can live well, I want to do so much?

Until the day was bright, Han Yu fell asleep, and this sleep was in the afternoon.

A few days have passed, although the Korean family’s affairs are still being discussed in the streets and lanes, the limelight is not so strong. Han Han touched the keys of the warehouse in the sleeves and thought that he should go to the Han family.

Who knows, is about to go out, the young general Mu Qingwu came to see.

When I saw Mu Qingwu, Han Wei joked, "The young general, I heard that Princess Changping is very busy recently?"

After the injury on the main face of Changping Palace, all kinds of pinches, worried about being jokes, excuses to avoid the cold to the south to play, or else, she may really wrap around Mu Qingwu.

Mu Qingwu was helpless, smiled and avoided, but seriously said, "Qin Wangxi, come down is..."

It’s not like the faction of the young general who is arrogant. What is the word that goes to the mouth and can’t say it?

"There are some generals who have something to say." Han Yu wondered, this guy can come to Qin Wangfu to find, it should be important.

"There is something wrong with it. It is about the venom of me. Wang Yan said that this is a chronic poison. It has accumulated over the years. However, my father and I have investigated a lot and can’t find people who are poisoned, so... ...I want to invite Princess Wang to the palace and the military camp."

Although Mu Qingwu is a military commander of the ****, but when he asks for a person, it is like a big boy.

He is guilty!

Once I had nothing to do, I didn’t go to the Three Treasure Hall. Secondly, I said that although Han Han had something to do, I didn’t help Han Han today, but it came to trouble her.

It turned out that it was for this matter. Han Han didn’t feel anything. In fact, she had pondered this before. After all, the snake venom was not a good poison, but it was forgotten.

After hesitating for a moment, Han Wei asked, "How did you investigate?"

"The fire room and the close-knit prostitute and the attendant were examined." Mu Qingwu replied truthfully, Mu Qingwu's life is very simple. It is not a military camp at home. It is close to him. Those who can poison are also these people.

Although interrogation may not be the best approach, it is also a form of investigation.

"In the government and military camps, in terms of personnel, what changes have been made recently?" Han Yu asked, she solved the poison of Mu Qingwu, and things spread early, and they were interrogated in the generals. People must take action with some taboos.

"No, so..."

Mu Qingwu wanted to tell Han Wei that Qin Wang also asked about this matter. However, Qin Wang said that he would keep it secret. He thought about it or not, "so I can only ask you for help."

"I am not a detective." Han Yu smiled helplessly.

It’s hard to be honest when I come to the door. Han Hao said that Mu Qingwu didn’t know what to say, scratched his head and wrote his emotions on his face.

Looking at his big boy's appearance, Han Yu couldn't help but imagine that he was heroic to kill the enemy on the battlefield. He always felt that the contrast was too big.

Han Han can only break his shackles. She asked, "Then you ask me to go, specifically what to do?"

She is really not a detective.

The poison is gone, and now it is solved. It is useless for her to go.

"Van venom is a rare poison. You are more familiar than us. You may be able to find out some clues." Mu Qingwu answered seriously. In fact, looking for Han Han is also the last attempt.

However, this seems to remind Han Han what, her eyes flashed a touch of complexity.

After pondering for a moment, Han Hao did not ask much, and readily agreed, and confessed seriously. "Let's do it, Ming Er, I will go to the house in the morning to go to the house, you will be my door-to-door consultation, don't make a sound, so as not to scream."

Han Wei always feels that it is not an easy task to dig into the military aircraft. It is necessary to find the clues or go to the generals. After all, the various people in the palace are more complicated than the soldiers in the military camp.

Upon hearing this, Mu Qingwu immediately rejoiced and quickly got up and held his fists in both hands. It was very true. "Thank you for the goddess of the king, if he needs it, please Wang Hao Niangni..."

Han Dao was helplessly interrupted after saying this. "The young generals will see the outside again. Is it because this is not a deal with me?"

In this case, he said it once when he came back.

Mu Qingwu did not ask for help in this life. For a moment, he quickly made a fuss. "Qin Wangxi, the official break is not the meaning, just...hee... troubled Qin Wang!"

Han Yu looked at him more and more fun, she did not deliberately hand over Mu Qingwu's intentions, but since people have come to the door, this friendship can still be there, after all, the generals in the DPRK is a big force. .

In this era of births greater than the day, the origin of the destiny, her maiden is like that, she is so good to find some friends for themselves, find some backing.

After Mu Qingwu’s resignation, Han Yu remembered that his words were correct. “If he needs it, please open his mouth,” he couldn’t help but laugh.

She did not remember this, but Mu Qingwu spent the rest of his life fulfilling this promise. Of course, this is a follow-up.

On the following day, in the early morning, he took the small agarwood to the generals, and Han Han went directly to the Mu Qingwu courtyard. General Mu Da also waited.

"Qin Wang Hao, this poisonous person must be a traitor!" General Mu General's mood is very dignified.

"If it is not because the generals of the generals have caused the venom of the venom, it is estimated that this poisonous person will have to take the next few years, the toxicity will come out." Han Yu faint.

To find out who is poisoned, it must be considered from two aspects. On the one hand, it is the way of poisoning and poisoning, and on the other hand, the source of poison.

Let me talk about the first aspect, the way of poisoning and poisoning.

Although venom is highly toxic, it is also a chronic poison. The reason why it is highly toxic, because once it happens, it will be dead in one hour; the reason is that it is chronic poison, it is because the venom must be buried in the human body for a long time, and it will only be a certain time. A big outbreak.

Therefore, those who can take medicines for a long time in a row are definitely people who can often contact Mu Qingwu.

Mu Qingwu took out a list. "Qin Wang yells you, the government can approach my next person, the list is here, everyone has tried it, and now it is all closed."

General Mu Da and his deceased husband and wife were deeply affectionate and did not serve. Therefore, the removal of General Mu and Mu Yiyue, who can approach Mu Qingwu, is only the next person.

Han Wei roughly browsed the list and found that there were not many people, including seven or eight people including the fire room.

(End of this chapter)