Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 772: He is not a surname

Even if the old man of Jianzong can't guess, he is shocked and happy. He is not afraid that this person is difficult to find. He is not afraid that this person will not cooperate with the dragon and the night, and he is afraid that there is no such person in this world.

"Non-night, you are going to say, who is it?"

The old man of Jianzong was nervous and somewhat stunned. However, the dragon was only laughing at him at night, "secret!"

"Non-night, don't you have Master?"

"Non-night! You are saying, who is it?"

"Bad boy! You stand!"

"Have you heard that? Who is it? Male or female, how old are you? How is your relationship with him or her? When did you find this person?"


The old man of Jianzong had a lot of problems. He chased a few steps, and the dragon did not pay any attention to her.

He was too angry to die. If it wasn't for the time of the dragon and the night, he would really chase him and pick him up for a good interrogation.

This stinky boy should not lie to him. When did he find someone who could be repaired with him? It’s just too hidden! Even his master is jealous!

Who on earth is it?

In the next few days, the dragon and the night were retreating with the Supreme, and the old man of Jianzong was unhappy with the word "secret". Of course, he did not forget to tell the truth of Baili Musk, let the Baili Muxiang cooperate with the snake. This is a good show.

After Baili Musk learned the truth, she was very calm. She stayed at the room where the dragon was not injured at night, and entered the room of the dragon non-night three times a day. The time of each stay was about half an hour.

Half an hour, it is precisely the time required for the needle, but unfortunately, she has to guard the empty room, and spend the day.

It’s been a few days since I went to Tianshan, but I haven’t seen the face of His Royal Highness.

It is impossible to say that there is not a little loss. She thinks she is not noble to that extent. If the emotional things can be controlled, what is the point of like a person and not like a person? How do you feel happy and unhappy?

Feelings are beyond control, but they can be restrained.

Baili Musk is also a person who will think about it. She sits next to the teahouse and thinks a lot. The most wanted is the secret of the Phoenix feather birthmark on the back of Wang Xiiang.

If one day, His Royal Highness knows the life of Princess Wang, will His Royal Highness be so fond of Wang Xiang?

If one day, Wang Xiangniang knows her own life, will she still like her Highness?


If they finally become enemies, where should her heart go?

She will not reveal this secret, but she knows that this secret will be uncovered one day, and at least the identity of His Highness cannot be concealed forever.

Looking at the tea set used by His Royal Highness, the Baili Musk did not consciously reach out, but she did not touch the master cup, and she sighed and took back her hand.

Suppose, if one day, they don't love, then, can she love?

Thinking about this, Baili Muxiang suddenly laughed and laughed.

What happened to her today, why bother to think so much?

Even if they don't love one day, she can't love it! He is her Lord, she is his servant, what qualification does she have?

Besides, how could they not love it?

Even if you know your life, you will love it, but it is more hate, love and hate, and eternal life is entangled.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, if there is such a day, please be sure to believe in the Royal Highness of Qin." Baili musk muttered to himself.

Today's time is almost the same, and Baili Muxiang cleans up the needle sleeve and goes out. There are two attendants outside the door, and I often chat with her. Today is no exception.

"Barry girl, His Royal Highness Princess Qin

The injury is better? Asked the attendant.

Baili Musk sighed, "It hurts so badly, no one year and a half, how can it be good."

"You are not here? What is the needle method you used? Wang Hao Niangniang? Isn't it coming back?" asked the attendant.

"You don't understand when you say it, I am leaving."

The scent of thyme is going to go, and the attendant asks again, "Muxiang girl, then you can't follow the king of Qin Wang for more than a year?"

Baili Muxiang smiled and did not answer. When she stayed in the night, she had to follow the swordsman's old man all night to learn the military, and then she had to go back to sleep first.

In any case, she must try her best to do the trick and complete this task!

Almost at the same time that Bai Yanqing arrived at the medical city, the news of Baili Muxiang on the Tianshan Mountain was also transmitted to his ears.

“Bai Lixiang?” Bai Yanqing muttered to himself, “Beauty blood...”

At the beginning, Jun Yi also brought back a drop of venom from Yuzhou Island. He pondered for a long time to figure out that the blood was not only beautiful blood, but also the blood of the people.

It is precisely because of that drop of blood that he began to question the life of the dragon and the night.

"She will martial arts?" Bai Yanqing asked.

The messenger replied truthfully, "The investigation was over. This woman is the youngest daughter of the Baili Army. I don't know what reason Han Han was taken to be a prostitute. It will also be a poisonous technique for medical treatment. It will not be martial arts."

Bai Yanqing is a very suspicious person. He is silent and has a few questions to ponder.

The blood of Baili Musk is highly toxic, which means that Long Fei will take her to raise the blood of the people, and the person who can raise the blood of the person is a foreign body, and the blood of the beautiful person will be born. The thyme is afraid to be saved by Han Han.

It is not an easy task to solve the poison of Baili Musk. It is a very difficult thing, but it is a servant. If it is still useful, why should Han Han save people? Will it be that Long Fei will let Han Han save people?

Also, why is Baili Musk on the Tianshan Mountain at this time, is it really a non-night shot for the dragon? Will she be martial?

"Looking for opportunities to test temptations and see if she will martial arts." Bai Yanqing whispered.

After the messenger left and left, Bai Yuqiao came over. "Master, my men have tried no more than five times. Su Xiaoyu’s girl said that she didn’t know what Feng Yu’s birthmark was. I’ve tried it before, she’s The answer seems to be that I am afraid that it is really unclear and I have never seen it."

"So, Chu family... Even the dragon is not clear about the night?" Bai Yanqing seems to be a little happy.

"Master, what is it? Feng Yu's birthmark, what does it look like?" Bai Yuqiao asked boldly.

Bai Yanqing is in a good mood today. He did not look at Bai Yuqiao’s face, but smiled and said to himself. “It seems that they don’t know the truth. Oh, that game is even more interesting! The old man is looking forward to it!”

Bai Yuqiao saw that Master was in a good mood and quickly asked for a question. "Master, when will the good show be staged?"

Master does not disclose the secrets of Feng Yu’s birthmark, at least will disclose the relevant matters? Bai Yuqiao felt that this matter could not be separated from Han Yu.

As far as Master’s tone is concerned, Han Yu should have that birthmark. Master’s interrogation of Su Xiaoyu just wants to confirm that Chu Tianyin and Long Feiye, etc., know the meaning of the birthmark.

"Good play..." Bai Yanqing took a beard and smiled. "After the Xinglin Conference, Xiao Shantou, this drama is the biggest drama in the history of Yunkong, the best watch, you wait! ”

After the Xinglin meeting, Ning Cheng also cleaned up Chu Tianyin, and the south went down. As long as Ning Chengnan went down, he would definitely announce the secret of the dragon and the night!

He would like to see what the dragons did at night to fight against the red artillery and thousands of iron riders.

"Master, that Xinglin Conference... Nothing to watch?" Bai Yuqiao asked inexplicably.

Bai Yanqing suddenly frowned. "Shantou, Xinglin Conference is the highest event in the cloud and air medical profession. You have a lot to look at. You can give Master a careful, medical and poisonous. There are many similarities. Poison doctors also belong to the medical field. ""

Bai Yanqing came to the Xinglin Conference. It was really a simple purpose. Apart from exploring the follow-up actions of the Medical City on the Central South Government, it was really to learn.

He also regarded this event as his holiday, raising his body, raising his spirit, and having energy and fighting with the dragon and the night!

Bai Yuqiao, her interest in the Xinglin Conference was not at all big, she asked tentatively. "Master, do you want to go to the poisonous ban? It is also the birthplace of the poison world!"

Finally, Bai Yanqing did not speak, Bai Yuqiao actually wanted to mention the matter of the teacher, and he could only shut up.

Han Hao, their group of people have also arrived in the medical city, they are a few days earlier than Bai Yanqing.

Han Hao’s embarrassment can be regarded as a new understanding of Gu Beiyue. This guy actually knows the fastest mountain road leading to the medical city and takes them over three barren hills. The complicated road conditions have not made him lost, but they have less Walked the road for five days.

Moreover, the most unexpected thing for Han Yu is that Gu Beiyue actually has a big mansion in the medical city. The last time they came, Gu Beiyue did not mention it.

At this point, they are in the mansion.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, seven less, what is this. Gu Beiyue handed in three invitations to the Xinglin Conference.

"It's quite capable." Gu Qi Shao glanced at it, and it was hard to praise. In fact, he was able to get the entry volume of the Xinglin Conference, but he was too lazy to listen to the drunken mountains.

"I didn't expect your friend in the medical city to be so iron." Han Hao joked. Gu Beiyue’s medical city grew up, although he does not like socializing, but there will be many friends.

Han Wei did not expect that, now the Central and Southern Governors have an accident, Gu Beiyue is also a drug ghost hall, and his friends in the medical city are still willing to help him.

What kind of friendship is this?

"Oh, Gu Dafu, what is your head?" Gu Qishao first opened his mouth. In fact, Han Hao came along this road and wanted to ask this question, but he did not know how to open it.

Gu Beiyue did not panic, he was still smiling and gentle. "My surname Gu, my ancestors and the medical city Gushi have a relationship. My grandfather often worked with others when he was alive. He asked the old man's blessings. Many medical families in the medical city and me. Have a relationship."

Gu Beiyue smiled and joked, "This time, they all thought that I was abandoning the dark, huh, huh."

These words are false, Gu Beiyue is not actually surnamed "Gu", "Gu" is only the shadow family to conceal their identity, to change the surname. When the shadow family hid in the medical city, Gu was the first family in the medical city, so the film family took Gu as the surname.

The shadow family name is lonely, life is a shadow, life is lonely.

Gu Beiyue’s real name is Lonely Moon. He was born on the night of August 15 and was in the middle of the month. Therefore, Grandpa gave him the name “Month”.

Gu Qixiao still asked, Gu Beiyue was very clever to open the topic, "Seven less, you are also surnamed Gu, perhaps, we were still a family five hundred years ago."

Gu Qixiao had no feelings about this topic in an instant. He smiled sneer. "I went out."

"It's all in the night, where are you going?" Han Yu asked, the day after tomorrow is the Xinglin Conference. It is not easy to get to the medical city smoothly. She does not want other situations in the last two days.

Gu Qixiao looked back and smiled and fell into the country. "Poisonous girl, I am going to Gu Yuntian to prepare a gift!"

Gu Beiyue’s departure is two days.

Until the beginning of the Xinglin Conference, Han Yu and Gu Beiyue were at the entrance, and he appeared...

(End of this chapter)