Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 773: Give up, including myself

Until Han Han and Gu Beiyue arrived at the entrance of the Xinglin Conference, Gu Qishao suddenly came out from behind Han Han, "Poisonous girl, early!"

Han Yu was shocked. Seeing Qi Shao’s disguised face, he almost did not respond to him. Fortunately, the words "poisonous hoe" made her react quickly.

This guy finally appeared, Han Han secretly sighed.

"Scare you?" Gu Qixiao asked with a smile.

"What about the big gift?"

Gu Qixiao said that he was going to prepare a gift for Gu Yuntian. After two days of preparation, Han Han was not curious.

Gu Qishao’s mood seems to be good. Even if someone has a mask on his face, he laughs so beautifully. He said, “Ready, I will send it when I meet you.”

Han Hao said that this gift must be related to the poison sect. Gu Qishao is the adopted son of the medical elders. The poison is so superb that he might learn to play.

This guy should be debunking the true face of medical school today.

Well, she will wait and see!

Han Yu is looking forward to seeing that Gu Bei is looking at Gu Qixiao as a smile, but his eyes have passed a touch of mercy, but unfortunately Han Han did not find it.

They just had to enter Xinglin, a disguised servant came in and whispered, "Wang Hao Niangniang, Ning Cheng won the Chuxi wind last night, and led the troops to the south, and the generals of the hundred miles went north on the night before, the fastest, the day after tomorrow is afraid Will go to war!"

"Ning Cheng is really anxious." Han Yu sneered.

"The day after tomorrow?" Gu Beiyue played with it, thinking, the dragon is really powerful at night, even the time is guessed so accurately.

The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the apricot forest meeting should be able to finish it, right?

"The day after tomorrow? What is the plan?" Han Xiao smiled.

"Wang Xiiang Niangniang, if the Xinglin Conference is going smoothly, let's... a piece on the battlefield, how?" Gu Beiyue asked, in fact, this is what the dragon asked him at night.

"Good!" Han Wei did not consider it. She looked at Ning Cheng early.

Gu Qixiao didn't quite understand what they said, and he was too lazy to understand. He was anxious to pull Han Han's arm. "Go, it hasn't been here for two days, and what is the day after tomorrow."

The Xinglin Conference was really held in a large apricot forest. This apricot forest is located in the southwest of the medical city. It covers a very wide area and is unique to the medical school. If it is not a special day, it is generally not open to the public.

There are only apricot trees in the apricot forest. There are no other species. There is a huge circular open space in the center of the forest. It is the main venue of the conference. At this time, it is already full of friends.

Han Wei, the three of them all disguised as doctors, because of the invitation, they went through the guards and entered Xinglin.

This event, called the Xinglin Conference, is not only held in Xinglin, but also because Xinglin is the name of the Chinese medicine industry. People often use "Xinglin Spring Warm" and "Famous Xinglin" to praise the doctor's medical skills and medical ethics.

When Han Hao arrived at the venue, most of them had already arrived. Everyone was in groups, chatting and talking.

"Sure enough, it is a great event of the sky, it is rare for all friends to have a chance to get together." Han Hao, this "friend" is particularly ridiculous.

Today, the friends of the medical city are estimated to be their enemies. The ability to come to the festival of medical hospitals at least indicates that they are not opposed to the comprehensive sanction of the Central Government Office in the Medical City.

"Yeah, it is rare to be able to coexist peacefully." Gu Beiyue whispered.

Gu Qi Shao is still laughing, "Drug hoe, you have a lot of friends, don't you say hello?"

Han Yu took a look at him and ignored it. However, he had to admit that there were indeed many friends who were present, or they could say that

It is.

Thanks to the invitation letter from Gu Beiyue, their position is in the fifth row, which is quite forward. In order to see the "big guys" in the first two rows, they deliberately went around and walked from the first row.

In addition to the people in the medical city, the foreign guests with high status also sit in the first two rows.

The drug city came the most, sending Wang Laozi and three elders. These few people are friends, and they have repeatedly said that they want to live on the dragon night.

The Tianan Kingdom is not someone else, it is the young general Mu Qingwu. Han Yu’s eyes stayed a little, and for a long time, Mu Qingwu was still the same, and the thick eyebrows could not hide anything. However, Han Han has no idea whether this man is as bright as before.

Sitting next to Mu Qingwu, is also a person who has not seen for a long time, the prince of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Duanmu white. Han Wei admits that he is careful, this is not good for this guy, think of Duanmu Yao, more annoying.

The Western Zhou’s misfortune and civil strife made the once arrogant prince somewhat tempered. He was whispering with Mu Qingwu and did not know what whispers they were saying.

Han Wei only thinks that these two "guardian treasures" are really quite suitable when sitting together.

Looking further to the right, sitting next to Duanmu Baizhen, was actually the envoy of the Northern calendar. The Beili and Western Zhou swords have been facing each other for so many years. They came to the medical city, and they really want to sit in the medical city.

The force of the north is stronger, and eventually it will give way to the medical city.

At the beginning, the identity of the king was also exposed, and the medical city exerted pressure on the Beili royal family. When Ouyang quietly colluded with Jun and evil, it was revealed in the Beili Snow Mountain. The medical city directly denounced the northern calendar. The royal family, the Northern calendar royal family can only cut off the king of the king and the evil, and give the medical city a confession.

The Northern Calendar is a 40-year-old middle-aged man with a gray long beard and a goatee. Han Hao has never seen this person before, she walked past this person and saw the famous brand on the table with the words "the head of the Beilitai Hospital, that Zadelin".

Because of this brand name, Han Wei did not notice the steps under his feet. He stepped on the air and was about to fall, but he was caught by the maid next to Zadelin.

Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao are behind her, and it’s too late to be jealous.

"Be careful." The voice of the maid was pretty good.

Han Han looked up and saw that the maid was sixteen and seven years old and had a pair of bright and bright eyes. Han Hao couldn't help but think of Su Xiaoyu, Su Xiaoyu's eyes are better than her.

"Thank you." She got up.

"Hands over." The prostitute quickly stood back again.

At this time, Zadrin looked back at Han Han and didn't take it seriously.

Gu Beiyue quickly chased Han Han and whispered. "Is your feet okay?"

Han Hao has not answered yet, Gu Qishao has been on the other side, and it is also whispering. "Shantou, is your foot squatting? I am for you?"

Han Hao did not speak, staring at the right side, Gu Beiyue and Gu Qixiao followed her gaze, only to see a familiar figure not far away.

"Xiao Jiazhu!" Han Yu gritted his teeth.

As the head of the first family in Central and South China, Xiao Jia represents the big family in the south-central region. He came, obviously playing the face of the Central Government Dudu, playing the dragon's face!

Is this the enemy of the Central and South China, but the military hospital to find foreign aid?

"Great courage." Gu Beiyue is also quite shocked.


Han Wei was calm and continued to look for the position. When they found the position, the three were very surprised and looked at each other.

Sitting next to them, not someone else

It is the Tang and the quiet couple.

Han Yu, they disguised themselves, Tang Yi and quiet can't recognize them, but Han Han saw Tang's face that was so beautiful.

I saw that the serenity was sitting in front of the face, looking at the front with a blank expression. Tang was like a wife and slave. She took her arm and looked at her. She whispered in her ear from time to time. It was not like whispering, it was more like a sin. Wrong request forgiveness.

As far as their position is concerned, it should be that the Ouyang Chamber of Commerce has received an invitation letter and quietly took Tang to come and participate.

Han Han sat down beside Tang, and his mouth smirked and did not move.

As soon as she sat down, she faintly heard Tang Wei's quiet and happy all kinds of musing, and Han Hao thought that she was very calm. In the end, she couldn't stand it. She changed her position with Gu Qi and sat in the middle of Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao.

She couldn't help but think that Long Fei Ye and Tang Li are also relatives of blood. How can the brothers be so big? Tang will leave those words, and Long Fei will not be able to say it for a lifetime.

The dragon couldn't tell the night, but Gu Qixiao said it. He listened to Tang's whispering words and then gathered around Han Han to convey, "Poisonous girl, guess what he said?"

Han Yu wants to say no, Gu Qixiao has said it in her ear. "You must not know how much I love you. For you, I can give up everything, including myself. Do you believe?"

The original words of Tang Li are, "Jinger, you must not know how much I love you. For you, I can give up everything in Tangmen, including myself, do you believe?"

However, Gu Qishao retelled but removed the words "Jinger" and "Tangmen". I don't know if it is intentional or unintentional. How can Han Han listen to how awkward, really feel that Gu Qishao is telling her!

She felt that she was still in a good position to change her position with Gu Beiyue. She was about to get up. Gu Qixiao held her hand and asked, "Do you believe it? In the end, what do you believe? I am not playing you, but more. I won't be joking with you. From the time I met you, in addition to concealing my identity, every word I said to you is true. It is all heart-wrenching, do you believe? Answer me."

Han Yu lived and screamed heartily.

Gu Qishao’s mind, how could she not understand, she does not like that he is always not serious, and everything is joking, but when one day, he does not joke with her, he leaned beside her, so gentle When the serious voice told her about her love, she found that she could not fight and was at a loss.

Gu Qi Shao, if it is always a joke, then we will always be good friends; if, if one day, a joke comes true, how do you let me continue to treat you as a friend?

Han Hao's face is a bit white, Gu Qixiao suddenly laughed and whispered, "Poisonous girl, what are you doing? Will not be disgusted by Tang from these words?"

Han Xin’s heart suddenly relaxed.

Tang Li did hide from his identity and deceived his serenity. When Gu Qishao said that sentence, she thought that Gu Qishao was talking about the identity of the ancient seven.

How can she scare herself like this?

"You are disgusted by you, can you shut up?" Han Hao said with no anger.

Gu Qixiao smiled, "Poisonous girl, this kind of words, do you believe?"

Han Hao has not yet answered, Gu Qixiao’s eyes like the smile of the stars suddenly fell cold, full of suffocation!

This is the first time Han Han was scared by Gu Qi, she never knew that the eyes of this pair of laughter would be so embarrassing. She followed his gaze and saw that the first medical school’s Gu Yuntian was standing. On the stage...

(This is a pre-existing one)

(End of this chapter)