Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 774: Medical city, scary wrist

Han Yu has never seen Gu Yuntian before, but she is very certain that the old man on the stage is the head of the medical school, Gu Yuntian, the first medical doctor in the cloud.

Because the original noisy audience suddenly quieted down, and all the people sitting stood up, including the vice-presidents and elders of the first row of medical city.

In addition to Gu Yuntian, who else has this deterrent? However, Gu Yuntian does not seem to have any majesty and shelf of the superior. In his fifties, he has already had two white spots. He wears a simple white robe without any decoration, giving a simple and clean feeling.

He is kind and calm, like a researcher who does not ask the world and is working hard.

I have to say that his five senses are very beautiful. Even if he is old, he can imagine that he looks young when he is young. It must be very beautiful.

When I saw him, Han Yu couldn't help but wonder. Did the dean know the truth about the poisonous sect being destroyed? Is the ban on the order of the Central and Southern Governors from the mouth of the dean?

According to the division of medical schools, there are a total of nine medical grades. Gu Yuntian is by far the only person who has reached eight medicines.

His talent is amazing, he was taken seriously by his predecessor at a young age, and he was appointed as the dean.

Han Yu heard that Gu Yuntian is a low-key person who has devoted himself to medical research. He has never been married yet. He has made great achievements in the treatment of various diseases, and he is best at the treatment of infants and young children.

Han Wei has also heard that Gu Yuntian is the first doctor in the history of Yunkong mainland medicine. He has a very unique set in the prevention and treatment of fetal diseases. He proposed the concept of "eugenics" and contributed a big step to the medical progress of the Yunkong continent.

You must know that before him, the Yunkong mainland medical community was completely blank in this field.

It is also because of his uniqueness in the study of the fetus, so that he can sit on the throne of the medical school at a young age, and even advance to the eight-product medical immortal.

Han Yu has been wondering about this matter. How did Gu Yuntian study the fetus? The medical skills of the medical school are amazing again. The medical conditions of this era are limited.

How does Gu Yuntian study a fetus that is hidden in the abdomen and cannot be seen? Just through the mother's pulse?

The mother's pulse can see the condition of the fetus. However, what can be checked out is very limited. After all, if the disease can be detected, how is it treated? How many times have you repeated the experiment?

In addition to research on the fetus and young children, Han Wei also heard that Gu Yuntian is also very good at preventing plague.

So far, several types of plague-preventing drugs widely used in Yunkong mainland have been developed by the drug city with the help of the research materials provided by him.

If you do not say anything about the research methods, Gu Yuntian is really admirable for the medical community and for the people of the Yunkong mainland.

However, Han Wei is a layman and a graduate of the class. She is very aware of the history of medical research.

Modern pharmacy, medical research, basically use mice to do experiments, because the genetic sequence of mice is similar to that of humans, so the pathological reactions occur in mice, and pharmacological reactions can be used for human reference.

And in ancient times, where did the gene sequence concept come from?

No one will believe that mice and humans are very similar, and no one will take mice.

To do medicine, pharmacy is an experiment.

In ancient times, every medical advancement had enormous sacrifices behind it.

Either a large-scale epidemic has occurred, there are countless patients, countless deceased, countless cases for medical researchers, research on pathology, and development of drugs;

Either a very unique case has emerged and a lot of things can be studied in one case.

For the prevention of the plague, Gu Yuntian may have taken the patients infected with the plague, even the body to conduct research. So, what about the prevention of fetal diseases?

Han Yu has already looked at the medical history of Yunkong mainland. She has not found any major epidemic related to pregnant women in the Yunnan-China continent in the past 100 years.

Why does Gu Yuntian want to study the fetus? Which fetus did he take for research?

These problems, Han Hao was pondering when investigating the medical city, she faintly smelled the stupidity here, but at that time she did not think much.

According to the plan of the dragon and the night, the medical city is after the Northern calendar. No one has thought that things will develop to this point. The world is still chaotic, and they will face the medical city.

Now, looking at the old man on the stage, these questions once again show Han Han’s mind.

Since today, Han Hao has plans to ask questions and get to know.

At this time, she is more concerned about Gu Qi Shao.

"Old ghost, you and him... have a deep hatred?" Han Hao whispered. Gu Qishao was expelled from the medical city, should hate his adoptive father, Lingda elders?

The elder Lingda had already been swept out of the medical city and did not show up today.

"No." Gu Qixiao looked back, even if he was angry in the chest, when he faced Han Han, he still laughed. "With debt, he owes seven brothers a huge debt, even for a few years. I will come back today and give it to you."

I don't know why, Han Han's heart is a bit messy and uneasy. "What do you want to do? You know what the poison sect is, right?"


Gu Qishao’s fingers arrived on Han’s lips. His fingers were so cold that Han Han’s subconscious mind was dodging, and the momentary touch, her warm lips could not warm his cold.

Gu Qi, the general of Han Qi, pressed and sat down. He was very close, and it was almost stuck in her ear. "Poisonous girl, hey, no hurry."

Gu Beiyue glanced over and seemed to speak but stopped, and finally only saw nothing.

At this time, Gu Yuntian has already indicated that everyone is seated.

"The old man here on behalf of the medical school, thank you for your busy schedule to visit the medical city. I am deeply gratified to see that you can pay attention to the development of the medical industry in the cloud and the mainland. The old man also hopes that today's event will not let you down. ”

Gu Yuntian's voice is quite large, steady and powerful, and each word is particularly clear.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience was applauded. Han Han and Gu Beiyue did not move. On the side of Tang Yi, they continued to be quiet, and Gu Qi rarely followed the crowd.

However, he shot very slowly, slowly and arbitrarily, and took a look at it with great interest. He looked at Gu Yuntian’s eyes, like watching the enemy who was not wearing the sky, and watching the prey that was inevitable.

The applause of everyone stopped, he was still shooting, and he didn’t have any sound.

Gu Yuntian paused, and again, "Xinglin

The conference, including every festival in the medical profession, is an improvement, and it is related to everyone in our presence, the lives of thousands of ordinary people in the cloud. This is the honor of my medical city and the responsibility of my medical city! I am a medical city, there is no wealth, and I will protect you from the food. Without the army, I will keep my homes stable. However, my doctor can keep you away from illness and worry."

Gu Yuntian said with generosity, the applause continued, and the praise continued. Han Xiao’s mouth smirked into the bones.

What is Sven's scum, she is a knowledge today.

If she is not afraid of being expelled, and she has broken up Gu Beiyue and Gu Qishao, she really wants to stand up and question the dean, who has a face to mention "the thousands of ordinary people in the cloud".

How many patients in the Central South Governor's Office, because of the ban on medical hospitals, can't get medical treatment in time? If Gu Beiyue is looking for a group of doctors to support, the Central South region is afraid that the plague will occur long ago. There is no wealth in the medical city, and there is no army. However, the medical city has no less restrictions on the Central and Southern Governors than any violence!

"Medical city is not a country. It has always been a sneak peek. It does not participate in any battle. Presumably, everyone knows it. Now, the poisonous sect reproduces the sky, a large number of poisonous corpses reproduce the sky, poison the world, and the Central South Government House covers Han Yu and Gu. Seven less, my medical city will never sit idly by! The poisonous sect is from the medical city, and my medical city also has this responsibility, destroying the poison sect, Bao Yunkong!"

Gu Yuntian said that the more excited, he raised his hand high, loudly, "The world is rising and falling, the husband is responsible! You, before the start of the Xinglin Conference, the old husband on behalf of the medical school, I ask you to temporarily put down all disputes and fight against the Central South Governor. The government will kill the poisonous sect of the party, the army of the poisoned corpse, and protect the safety of the people in the sky! I Gu Yuntian, please, please!"

When this was said, Han Yu took a sigh of relief. She thought that Gu Yuntian’s opening remark was just to say that the false words were disgusting and disgusting, but I did not expect that this old thing had such a big ambition.

Actually, we must unite all the forces of the Yunkong continent and besieged the Central and Southern Governors! This is too much to deceive too much!

Han Yuran realized that the most terrible wrist of the medical city is not the sanction of withdrawing medicines, but it is a big reason for the various forces of Yunkong to let them unite to kill one party.

It is impossible for Beilu and Tianning to cooperate. The Northern and Western Zhou Dynasty, Cheonan, are unlikely to cooperate after the war.

However, with the reason of the medical city, there is a middleman in the medical city to coordinate and ensure that the interests of all parties are equal, and that all parties in the alliance will not have any treachery and betrayal. These forces are naturally willing to join hands.

They are not teaming up to help the medical city to destroy the poison sect, Bao Tianning, but to join hands to divide the prey!

Zhongnan Dudufu, Longfei night is the nail in their eyes, the thorn in the flesh, temporarily put down the grudges, join hands to destroy the dragon non-night, can be divided into the fertile soil of Central and South, but also can destroy a strong enemy, they, why not?

Han Wei finally understood thoroughly why Long Fei night will deal with the medical city after attacking the Northern calendar. Unconsciously, her entire back was soaked by cold sweat, I can't imagine it. If Gu Beiyue can't win today, if Gu Qishao can't win today, what will the Central and Southern Governors face soon?

On the side of the Tang Dynasty, they couldn’t take care of the tranquility and watched it on the stage with shock. Han Yuchao looked at Gu Beiyue and went to see Gu Beiyue looking at Gu Qixiao, and the sight of Gu Qi Shaoyin was always away from Gu Yuntian...

(End of this chapter)