Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 784: Please give an innocence

There are too many people who want to go to the secret room, but not everyone can go on.

Finally, after Han Yu and Ouyang Associated Hospital negotiated, they selected six people to view the secret room.

The six men are Wang Lao, the Wangjia family, and Tang Tang, the Tangmen Gate, the Western Zhou Dynasty Prince Duanmu Bailu, the Tianning Army Officer Ye Lu, the Tianan Shaojun General Mu Qingwu, and the Beili Taiji Nazadlin.

These six people represent the six major mainstream forces in the Yunkong continent. Although Tangmen is a hidden force, it is not the mainstream. However, Tang’s departure from the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce is still counted.

In order to ensure fairness, Han Yu’s people and medical school people have no secret rooms.

Ouyang Vice-President said that the path of the poison classics that Chu Xifeng and Xu Donglin had found was unclear and could not be used as evidence. I want to prove that what Gu Qishao said is true. I can only see what evidence is in the Chamber of Secrets.

After everything was clearly understood, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Ouyang Associated Court personally opened the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, and Tang left six of them.

As their figure disappeared into the entrance, the scene became more and more silent.

Time, in the silence, always went very slowly. At the beginning, everyone still waited patiently. However, as time went by, many people began to rush and began to whisper and talk.

The high-level staff of the Ouyang Associated Hospital and the Medical College are standing on the side of the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. Although they are thoughtful, they are equally uneasy.

Han Yu and Gu Qishao are still on the stone. Han Wei stood motionless and stared at the entrance of the secret room. Gu Qixiao was much more relaxed. He sat and his mouth was carrying a grass picked up by hand. He went to the secret room. Not much interest, but to appreciate the face of the top members of the medical school with great interest.

Perhaps, at this time, he began to feel the thrill of revenge.

Both pain and happiness coexist, he must forget the pain and enjoy the happiness.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. He pulled the skirt of Han Han, and Han Han came down. "Well?"

"So nervous? I am afraid that seven brothers have bought you?" Gu Qixiao asked with a smile.

Han Yu white gave him a look, I really don't know if this guy is really heartless? She still feels distressed, and he seems to have had nothing happened.

Han Hao approached and looked at his eyes seriously. "Small seven, today, I would rather you buy me."

She really prefers to take care of her and buy her, and she does not want his old wounds to recur.

Gu Qishao couldn't help but lick the nose of Han Han, and smiled softly. "Seven brothers, reluctant, will never be reluctant."

Gu Beiyue has not removed the camouflage yet. He is standing next to the big stone. His attention is not on the other side of the secret room. While he is looking at the top of the medical school, he frowns and wonders what he is thinking. It is his own that is clear.

Finally, Tang flew out from the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets and saw that he brought out a large number of bottles and cans.

Immediately, Wang Lao and Mu Qingwu came out together. The two held a lot of books in their hands, and their faces were very cold and serious.

The Northern calendar doctors, Duanmu Baiqi and Tianning officers are empty-handed, but their faces are not much better.

Seeing the things that Tang had brought them out, Ouyang’s vice-president and other people almost had soft legs, and they had no strength to ask.

Wang veteran two thick books on the ground, "snap" a voice, a word does not send, Mu Qingwu will put the book into the hands of the Ouyang vice-president, disdain and scream, do not speak.

Tang Li is not so low-key, he put

A large number of bottles and jars fell on the ground, sneer, "These are all poisons, they are all found in the secret room! Oh, Ouyang Associated Hospital, I know you must say that these may be Gu Shaoshun to find people to put Going in, planting a trap, right?"

It’s not that Ouyang’s vice-president wants to say this, but he only has this rhetoric.

However, he has not yet opened his mouth, and Tang has set off the book on the ground and opened it with his hands. "Everyone is jealous. This is the true story of the dean of the medical schools of the past. It is recorded in the study of the drug scorpion."

Mu Qingwu’s anger was full of anger, and he couldn’t help but open his mouth. “You, Gu Qirao did not lie! The medical school of the year was a drug-killing sect. It was purely an exclusion of the dissidents! The medical school destroyed the poison sect, but it took all the sects of the sects! These records are all the deans of the past generations who have studied the drug lords. The poison sects only put forward an idea, but the medical school has to realize it! The real attempt to harm the world is the medical school! The poison sect is innocent! It is innocent!"

The last two sentences are what Mu Qingwu really wants to say.

He is so impulsive today, so in the first place, he will be punished by his father after he returns. However, he does not want to consider so much for the time being. No one can understand the moment at this moment, his heart is fortunate.

How grateful he is, he does not have to be an enemy of Han Han; how fortunately, he can make justice for Han Yu!

Is this not a reward for her life-saving grace? Although I can't repay all of them, at least I have repaid a little bit?

He dreamed that he would one day be able to return his feelings and owe her a life.

Han Wei, is it that I am qualified to like you?

The people circulated the books, and even the Ouyang Affiliated Hospitals looked at them seriously. They could not believe this fact, but the facts were held in their hands, heavy.

"It seems that the medical school needs to return my poison to an innocence!"

Han Shubing’s cool words brought everyone back to God from the shock.

Everything is clear, it is the account.

In the silence, everyone has their own thoughts, and the vision of the wife of the Northern Calendar is always away from Han Han. His cold mouth is full of shallow smiles. Like playing, it seems to appreciate, but also looks forward to.

Duanmu Bailu’s face was gloomy. He thought that he could unite with the medical city and extinguish Han Han’s revenge for his sister. Now it’s good, even the medical city itself is difficult to protect. He thought that his embarrassment was white.

The face of the Baili officer is the worst. He is whispering to the people around him to report to Ning Cheng. The medical school today will definitely affect the overall situation of Yunkong. The sooner Ning Cheng knows the better.

Without the medical school's sanctions, even if there is a red cannon to help out, and the Central South Governor's Office, there is not such a big chance of winning.

Tang Yi looked at Han Wei smirk, he really more and more admired the blind, of course, he is more happy than the night. Can rehabilitate the poisonous sect, at least the dragon will be one more poisonous sect in the hands of the night, and in the future will fight for the position of the cloud tyrant, and also have a chip.

Tang did not notice that he had always been ignorant of his tranquility, staring at him coldly and faintly...

The scene is getting quieter and quieter, and the tense atmosphere is gradually spreading between the medical city and Han Yu.

No one answered the medical school, Han Han said again, "You, now the truth is white. Are you a poison-killer, or a medical city?"

This words finally provoked a thousand waves.

Ouyang's vice-president's eyes widened, and a sigh of vomiting vomited a blood, and then a black fainted in the past.

He is dedicated to maintaining

The medical school is so unbearable? How does this make him accept?

The dean had something to do. Naturally, the vice-president of the vice-president, Lin’s vice-president was jealous of Gu Qishao, and quickly took the opportunity to hold the Ouyang Affiliated Hospital, no longer strong.

There are three vice-presidents in the medical school, and there are only Huo’s vice-presidents who have not made a sound.

Highly important, can be silent until this time, have to say that this person is not simple.

Huo’s deputy name, Huo Qiujun, was similar to the Ouyang Associate Academy. The background was far superior to the Ouyang Associated Hospital. He was born in Huo. Huojia is a big family in the medical city after the family.

Huo Jiazhong has held important positions in various positions in the medical school. There are many students and even more terrible. Huo’s vice-president directly governs the qualification of medical practitioners. In the medical city, if you want to leave the medical city to practice medicine independently, you must pass the assessment of Huo’s vice president.

Vice President Huo finally stood up, not like the snobbery of Lin Affiliated Hospital, nor the strength of the Ouyang Associated Hospital. He is more like a doctor, and Wen is gentle and courteous.

Even in the eyes of the public, the atmosphere was extremely tense, and he still calmly made a slap in the face of Han Yu. "Yes, the medical school must give the poison sect an innocence."

Can it be difficult, the medical school compromised like this? Many people are wondering.

Unexpectedly, Han Yu has not spoken yet, Huo’s vice-president said, “But before this, the old man hopes that Gu Yuntian can give the medical school a confession! Let the medical school give the cloud to the mainland, thousands of doctors, thousands Tens of thousands of people are confessed!"

He... What do you mean?

Han Yu was faint and uneasy, and Gu Qixiao also gathered the narrow eyes.

"Poison sect is a poisonous medical faction that has been separated from the medical school. After that, it is a self-reliant portal. It is quite similar to the medical school. Everyone knows this." Huo’s vice-president said seriously, "The poisonous sect was destroyed by the medical school. It has been a hundred years." The former thing. Gu Qixiao just said, it was the dean of the medical school that year, to smear the poisonous sects for the exclusion of dissidents, and to be poisoned in the unjust, and for many years, this secret has been passed on to the previous presidents. Including, these poison classics are only known to the dean. In addition to the previous presidents, no one in the medical school knows about this, and even removes the poison."

Huo’s vice-president looked at Han Han, “Han Wei, you have to get justice for the poison sect, and get back to the innocent, the old man personally supports you, the medical school also supports it! The medical school also wants to go with Gu Yuntian, think of the same president. Ask a fair!"

As soon as this was said, the old doctor of the North Calendar immediately applauded. "It is still fair to Huo’s vice-president!"

"I said, how can everyone in the medical school be Gu Yuntian and other hypocrites?" Duanmu Baiyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They don't want the medical city to be destroyed.

Han Wei was quite an accident, and the Huo’s vice-president was too great!

He not only shirked all the blame to the dean, but also offended the medical school and placed the medical school in an innocent position like the poison.

Han Yu hesitated, she can refute Huo's vice-president, can hold the medical school's responsibility, but Huo's vice-president is also right, the medical school is not fully responsible.

For the poison sects to rehabilitate, but did not bring down the medical city, in a sense, they are a failure.

Do not break the monopoly of the medical city, do not break the rules of the medical city, after all, one day still have to be subject to the medical city!

How to do?

Gu Qishao clenched his fist and was about to speak. At this time, Gu Beiyue, who had been quietly moving, took his hand and whispered. "Small seven, no hurry, the next thing is handed over to me."

The dragon and the night have already gone down the mountain, and the cloud-empty mainland is about to be really lively. He can't lose this battle in the medical city...

(End of this chapter)