Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 789: Lottery, luck, this kind of thing

Because of Han Han’s words, Gu Qi’s eyes on Gu Beiyue are no longer contemptuous. He rubbed his jaw and was interested.

Even though the whispers were full of whispers, there were a lot of laughter. However, Gu Beiyue stood on the stage and was still indifferent. The clouds were light and the smile was light.

Finally, Huo’s vice-president also spoke up. “Young people, dare to stand on this platform and have the courage to be good! If the medical school has more such descendants, we can rest assured that these old bones can be assured.”

"Over the prize." Gu Beiyue is humble, but not humble.

"Oh, is there anyone else who wants to come to power?" Huo’s vice-presidents looked at the young disciples of the lower medical school.

This group of people do not say that the thief is daring, that is, there is no thief, and one does not contend for the head.

"Since it is not, let's start?" Huo Vice Court looked at the referee.

The original medical class was presided over by the old dean. Gu Yuntian was in prison for examination. The medical school found the family members of several great families with high prestige in the medical city to form a jury.

Of course, Gu Jiahe, Huo Lin, and Ouyang all failed to attend because they avoided suspicion.

Soon, the jury announced that the medical treatment began.

Medical fighting, as the name suggests, is more than medicine. It is not a case report, nor a medical research result, but a real medical comparison test to treat patients on the spot.

No one can find a few cases with the same condition, for several doctors to heal. Even if the condition is the same, the quality of the human body is not the same as the disease resistance! Therefore, the medical courts in the medical city use random sampling methods.

There are countless people who come to the medical school every day from all parts of the Yunkong continent. There are ten consultation halls under the medical school. There are special people who record these cases and classify them according to the level of difficulty of treatment, and then guide them to doctors of different grades.

The cases required for medical treatment are randomly selected from the most difficult types of treatment.

As soon as the referee group announced the start of the test, the medical child presented a sign with ten bamboo sticks inside.

Until this time, the scene of the whistling sound was quiet, and everyone looked forward to the exquisite medical skills of the three vice-presidents, and looked forward to Gu Beiyue... not self-sufficient, shameful!

The head of the jury, the head of the referee, got up and said seriously, "For the sake of fairness, the referee has selected ten cases of the same class. Now, please ask the four doctors to take one case."

This time, the audience was even more silent. I saw four people on the stage and each of them pulled out a bamboo stick in the sign. A note is tied to the bottom of the bamboo stick, and the case is written on the top.

After taking the sign, everyone will look at the notes.

Gu Beiyue is a quiet person. At this moment, he stands on a high platform. The whole person seems to be more silent. It is like being outside the world, and there is no dispute between the world and the people.

Han Wei looked at him from afar, and there was some uneasiness.

There is no absolute fairness in any rules in the world. The way of drawing lots seems to be fair, but in fact there is a lot of luck in it.

First, these cases are only of the same level of difficulty, not the same difficulty. There is also a difficult distinction between cases and cases;

Second, there are no sub-disciplines in these cases. Although all four subjects on the stage are proficient, they have the best and least good points.

Third, what is the criterion for judging? In some cases, it can be completely cured in a few days, but in some cases, it requires long-term nursed back to health. Although the jury will give a comprehensive evaluation of the criteria, but this subjective and super-strong judging standard makes Gu Beiyue very disadvantageous. According to Han Yu, the five major families in the jury,

There is no acquaintance with Gu Beiyue.

This is a trial of doing things in the sky. Even if Gu Beiyue came to power, he told her not to worry, but Han Han could not help but be nervous.

Vice President Huo first handed the drawn note to the jury.

"Huo's vice-minded hospital is a strange disease. The patient is only 20 years old, female, and began to age a month ago." After the referee group was announced, the patient was invited to the stage.

The scene became a piece of the scene, I saw the female patient, wrinkled with a face, and a 7-year-old grandmother!

"Ha ha ha! It seems that Huo's vice-president has to show his talents!" Gu Qi Shaoqi laughed unscrupulously. "Grandma, encountering Huo's vice-president, but your blessing, waiting to see the rejuvenation!"

Han Hao can't help but snicker. Huo's luck is estimated to be back home. This disease, not to mention in ancient times, is just a strange disease in modern times, it is very difficult to treat, and even can not be treated.

This is premature aging!

Even though Huo’s vice-president was calm, he could not cover the despair. He has seen this disease before and has not been treated to this day.

However, the Ouyang Affiliated Hospital next to him is more ugly than him. Soon, the jury announced the case of the Ouyang Associated Hospital.

"Ouyang Associated Hospital also got a strange disease, and it is the first case of Yunkong. The patient is fifty-seven, male, who can't eat a day ago. Even the liquid food, including water, can't be drunk. If the disease is once Procrastination, no doubt."

Everyone looked at each other and was shocked to say nothing. Even Gu Shaoshao was so stunned that no one had ever heard of this disease and could not imagine it.

"God... how is this ruled?" Quietly muttered to himself.

"Drips don't go in, the age is still so big, just drag it for a few days, don't starve to die?" Tang said thoughtfully, "I can't decide that Ouyang's vice hospital has not studied the therapy, that person is dead! Dead, is it lost?"

At this time, Han Han sitting next to him is pondering this problem.

Although the case that Huo’s vice-mind has drawn is strange, but it’s not fatal, it’s time to treat it. However, Ouyang’s vice-president is too miserable.

Han Yu remembers the case he has seen, the hunger strike but not the water, the longest person who has insisted for more than 70 days.

However, even the water can not drink, it is basically no more than seven days.

The time limit for medical treatment is 10 days. After 10 days, the jury will judge according to the patient's condition, the case analysis given by the doctor, the treatment plan, and the progress of treatment.

These strange diseases, Ouyang Associated Hospital simply can not find a cure within 10 days, and, under the existing medical conditions, Ouyang Affiliated Hospital can not inject patients, it is even more difficult to place feeding tube feeding.

Han Wei, she has seen a disease that can't be eaten congenitally. It is called congenital glycosylation disorder type II. For some reasons, the child will vomit as soon as he eats.

As for the age of the Ouyang Associated Hospital, she is the first time she saw it.

“It’s the most difficult case in medical school...”

Han Yu’s more and more uneasiness, this lottery is the same as her analysis, and luck accounts for a large part. I don't know what Gu Beiyue will draw.

At this time, the referee group also announced the cases taken by the Lin Affiliated Hospital.

"This is a patient with amnesia who is seriously injured in the brain, and she has lost her memory for ten years."

When the words came out, the audience was silent, and everyone’s expression was weird.

Amnesia is really hard to say, sometimes you can recover on your own without treatment, and sometimes, even if Hua Wei is alive,

It may not be cured.

However, I have to admit that Lin’s vice-president is simply too lucky compared to the two cases of Huo’s vice-president and Ouyang’s vice-president! At least, Lin Affiliated Hospital can also propose some means of treatment. Huo’s vice-president and Ouyang’s vice-presidents cannot even fully understand the condition.

The cases of the three vice-presidents were announced. Although the three people were not moving, they could have estimated that they had already been turbulent. Lin's vice president has an absolute advantage.

At this moment, everyone’s sight falls on the note on Gu Beiyue’s hand.

What kind of case did he get?

Han Han clasped his hands, Gu Qi was biting his fingers, and they silently watched Gu Beiyue handing the note to the jury.

The people in the jury heard the notes, and the expressions were strange. They were stranger than the reaction when they just read the three vice-books.

Suddenly, the owner of the family laughed and said, "Oh, interesting, interesting!"

This made the atmosphere of the audience tense.

Gu Qi is not impatient and shouting, "What do you mean? What are you honing?"

The eyes of the lord of the family passed a touch of dissatisfaction, and this was announced. "The case that Gu Dafu had drawn was dystocia. The woman had entered the delivery room with abdominal pain at noon yesterday, and has not broken the water..."

When I got here, the audience was silent first, and there was a burst of laughter!

Gu Beiyue, the big man actually got such a case, which makes him feel embarrassed? No wonder the family will say it is interesting.

Even the three vice-presidents couldn’t help but laugh. Is this going to Gu Beiyue to be a maternity?

Gu Qi Shao began to squint at the beginning, and finally could not help but screamed twice and laughed.

Han Han could not laugh at all, she whispered, "Xiao Qi, Gu Beiyue is very dangerous, and is more dangerous than the Ouyang Associated Hospital."

"Don't have a baby, can it be difficult to produce a painful two or three days?" Gu Qishao did not understand this kind of thing, but grew up in a medical school and still heard it.

"If it is an ordinary dystocia, how can it be listed on the same difficulty level as those few strange diseases?" Han Hao sat too far, she could not see the emotions in Gu Beiyue's eyes.

Gu Qixiao has not yet answered, and the owner of the family will continue to announce that "this maternal abdomen is huge. According to the expectant mother, it is suspected that it is a multi-child, so it is sent to the medical school before it is bright."

Han Hao’s clenched hands suddenly loosened, not relaxing, but powerless.

Multiple births!

Even under modern medical conditions, as long as they are twins, most hospitals require caesarean section to prevent the second child from having intrauterine distress, hypoxia, or maternal inability to give birth.

In ancient times, there were many successful twins, but the probability of dying from dying was higher. The second child could not be saved, but the blood was too much, and one corpse and two lives.

The twins are still the same, let alone multiple births?

Most people have the impression that they have a child's life. In fact, having a child is a matter of life.

Now, which maternal woman has been hurt for nearly a day, it has not broken water yet, and the physical exertion is extremely expensive. Moreover, it is impossible to determine how many fetuses in the abdomen, and what is the fetal position of each fetus?

Even if the mother has enough strength, as long as there is a fetal fetal position, it is not conducive to the birth, it is a terrible thing!

Ouyang Associated Hospital, the patient who did not enter the drip, can still squat for about seven days, Gu Beiyue, the mother, only three days to die!

Han Wei looked at Gu Beiyue from afar, and the voice of the owner was heard from the ear. "This time, after 10 days, after 10 days, please take the time to enter the treatment room, I wish you good luck!"

(End of this chapter)