Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 790: Urgent, life and death

There is a special treatment room in Xinglin.

In the quiet woods, the separate courtyards are lined up, and each yard is separated by about ten steps.

All four patients have been placed in the medical room, and three associates and Gu Beiyue are also present.

Each medical room has a medical child who is responsible for publishing the progress of the treatment, because it is a test, so whether it is the patient's condition or the diagnosis and treatment of the doctor, as long as there is progress, it must be announced.

The situation of the four cases has already been passed out. In addition to Xinglin, the entire medical city is concerned about this matter. At this moment, they are most concerned about the mother in the hands of Gu Beiyue.

In the Xinglin, the courtyard of the three vice-presidents was empty, and the courtyard of Gu Beiyue was surrounded by water. The position in the yard was full, and there was no position in the station.

Everyone would rather stay outside the yard and no one would go to the other three courtyards. The referee group is also personally guarded outside Gu Beiyue.

This case is essentially a first aid!

Han Yu and Gu Qishao were sitting in the position behind the referee. They looked at the prostitute who came in and out with hot water. Listening to the pain that came from time to time, Han Yu could not wait to rush in to help, and Gu Qi was also so rare. Don't smile.

The Xiao family squeezed for a long time, and finally squeezed into the back of Han Han. He whispered, "Wang Hao Niangniang, rest assured, Gu Tai doctor must be able to."

Han Wei heard that he was the owner of Xiao. He looked back at him with a sinister look and went back without saying a word.

Zhongnan Xiaojia, so snobbish, this account she remembers!

Gu Beiyue went in for an hour, and the pregnant woman also hurt an hour. So far, the medical children have not come out. Han Yu knows that the pregnant woman has not broken the water.

If you want to give birth to a child, you must first break the water. If the amniotic fluid does not break, it will hurt. If you delay it for a long time, the pregnant woman will only be tortured more and more, and the mentality will become more and more fragile.

Both Gu Beiyue and the maternity should understand this truth, so they will comfort the pregnant woman, keep calm, and don't cry so much.

However, pregnant women are still crying, or Gu Beiyue, they are unable to stabilize pregnant women, or the pain of pregnant women is really intense.

Anything else, no news is good news, this thing, no news is bad news!

Another hour has passed, and there are more and more comments in the court. Han Yu’s heart is seven and eight, and modern has artificial water-breaking methods. What is the solution for Gu Beiyue today?

She can't imagine that if the pregnant woman hurts again, will she end up losing her delivery room because of exhaustion?

Suddenly, the medical child came out from the side door.

In an instant, the audience was silent.

"Gu Dafu diagnosed that the pregnant woman was pregnant with four births and had not broken the water."


"When it's over, it's not that the big man is a child!"

"If you can only protect one party, then you still need Gu Beiyue? The maternity will be fine!"

"This...has not broken the water yet, and I don't know what the fetal position is. I can't help the adults and children!"


The arguments are gradually rising. At this moment, many people have forgotten that this is a test, and it is regarded as a life-saving rescue.

Suddenly, the screaming voice inside the house stopped short.

what happened?

The medical child rushed in and came out with a progress. "Gu Tai doctor acupuncture and moxibustion to help relieve pain and reduce the pain of pregnant women."

After listening to this, Han Yu’s mentality was slightly calmer, and everyone was relieved. The maternal does not cry, it can at least save physical strength, and it takes a lot of effort to produce after breaking the water.

"Acupuncture to relieve pain? Oh, wonderful

Hey! Losing the North Moon can think of it! "There was no appreciation in the jury.

Han Yu smiled. This method is called painless childbirth in modern times. I didn’t expect Gu Beiyue to be able to do it with a few needles. It’s really amazing! Thanks to him, he can think of it and can figure it out!

Inside the house, a piece of black cloth hung on the mother, dividing her into two, blocking the cockroach. The maternity guard is in the lower body, Gu Beiyue is sitting behind the head of the maternity, and is dedicated to giving her a needle.

The maternal face was pale, sweaty and exhausted, but she still squinted and looked at the gentle man like this. It seems that looking at him, you can see security and see hope.

I don't know if it is his hand, or if his needle has magic power, she can't feel any pain.

Gu Beiyue soon discovered that the mother was watching him. He didn’t change his face. He couldn’t be shocked. But the words were not mild at all, but they were very serious. “If you want to keep every child, just close your eyes and rest. This is your responsibility."

The mother was shocked and closed her eyes. Gu Beiyue continued to apply the needle and told him to "cook a bowl of **** soup and add some ginseng."

The house calmed down as the pregnant woman was quiet.

However, outside the house, everyone is still waiting nervously.

Soon, the medical child came to report, the maternal finally broke the water, the maternity is in the delivery, Gu Tai doctor is still on the line, relieve the pain of pregnant women, and promote the opening of the palace.

Finally, everyone was relieved.

But who knows, one day and one night after the news of breaking the water, there was no news of the birth of the fetus.

One day and one night is already the limit, the amniotic fluid is running out, or the amniotic fluid is polluted, and the fetus is in danger! Under these medical conditions, you can't keep your child!

Everyone was upset, and at this time, the doctor gave a bad news. "The first child is alive! It still can't be born, it's really hard to produce!"

It is the birth, that is, the foot comes out first.

The audience was silent.

The lord stood up and screamed, "What is the way for Gu Beiyue? What should I do?"

In this case, if you can't live, you can only choose to keep one of them. If it is small, it will disregard the wounds of adults and expand the mouth of the palace to directly take the children out. The adults will lose too much blood and die. If Baoda is big, it is quite cruel, that is, it will be cut small.

The medical child has not yet answered, and the maternal husband rushed out from the side hall and kneels in front of the jury. "We have to change doctors! We have to change doctors!"

These cases were selected as cases of medical treatment. The medical school naturally realized the family and the patients themselves, and got the consent of the family and the person. But now, life and death are at stake, and the family members are more willing to trust the vice president.

If you do not participate in the medical fight, even if it is a ten-child, they can not find the vice president of the medical school, seven characters like the medical sanctuary, at most can only ask for a doctor of four or five products.

However, today, such a big field, they ask for the best doctor.

The jury also hesitated. If it is a doctor of other seven products, or if there is still life, it will be unreasonable if it is handed over to Gu Beiyue.

How to do?

After the judging panel made an urgent deliberation, the head of the family made it possible to pass over the three vice-presidents and called the obstetric experts of the medical school. Suspend the medical treatment and consult the doctor to save people.

Han Yu’s eyes are complicated. The only comfort is that the medical school is still human, at least knowing that saving people is the first.

The three vice-presidents and several female doctors entered the delivery room to understand the situation. After some deliberation, they all came out. They also have no other way to give a consistent answer: Bao Da, or keep small.

The man is desperately lying on the ground, this is the most painful thing in life.


"Please make a decision as soon as possible, and then do not make a decision, the size can not keep." Lin Affiliated Hospital urged.

"What did Gu Dafu say?" Han Hao asked urgently.

Does Gu Beiyue participate in their consultation? Is he still in the line? What does he think?

"Can Gu Dafu do anything but stop the pain?" Lin Auntie sneered.

Just after a group of people went in, Gu Beiyue not only ignored them, but also let them out. At this time, they were too lazy to argue with Gu Beiyue. They were given needles and they consulted them.

"Bao Da is still small, you have to make a decision!" Vice President Ouyang also urged.

The man was crying red eyes, and finally, he had to make a decision, "Keep small!"

This is a quadruplet. If you are small, you may be able to keep four children. If you are big, you can only leave one person.


A woman doctor sighed helplessly and turned to enter the house. Who knows, the medical child came out to stop people, "and slow, Gu Dafu said, he can protect the mother and son safe, please be careful."

The woman doctor first glimpsed, then raised her eyebrows. "Is Gu Beiyue crazy? Where does he come to protect the mother and son safe? This is simply an idiotic dream!"

"Gu Dafu said so, he told me to keep at the door, except for changing the water, not allowing anyone to go in and disturb." The medical child said seriously.

"Noisy! This is simply a noisy! If life is a matter of life, you can't let him come! There is a five-product doctor in the district, but not a maternity doctor. Where does he come from?"

Lin's vice-president was furious, and when he stepped forward, he pushed the medical boy away. He was about to enter the door, but his legs were opened. Lin's vice-president did not stand firm for a while and fell to his feet.

Gu Qixiao stepped on the heart of Lin’s vice-president, looked up and looked at the crowd, and smiled. “Who dares to be hard, Laozi guarantees that the outside of the house will be alive before the house!”

"Gu Qi Shao! You are arrogant!" Huo Vice Court angered.

"Come on, take this bold madman!" Ouyang's vice-president is eager to call people.

It’s a pity that the guards came, but no one dared to go forward, because Gu Qihao’s footstepping was not only the heart of Lin’s vice-president, but also the life of Lin’s vice-president.

Perhaps everyone does not understand Gu Qishao, but they all know the ancient seven brakes, the heart of the ancient seven brakes, no one will doubt.

The two vice-presidents and the referee group looked at Han Yu, and the women doctors also looked over and persuaded them.

"Qin Wang Hao, then dragging on, really has more lives! This kind of thing, we have seen more, if there is a way, but also on the wheel of Gu Dafu? Say, Gu Dafu has never been born? Is it?"

"Wang Hao Niangniang, you advised to persuade. Gu Dafu can't do this, can't take the life of others to experiment!"

"The situation is so urgent, is it difficult for Wang Hao's maiden to watch a few lives?"


Han Han ignored them. She walked over and leaned her arms against the door.

At this time, the desperate man suddenly rushed over to Gu Qi, and roared like crazy. "You are going away! You are killing! Are you going to kill my child? Gu Beiyue, you are out, I am not Believe in you, don't believe it! I want children! Children..."

In the house, there is still no response.

The man was pushed away by Gu Qi, and he rushed to Han Han. Fortunately, he was blocked by seven.

"Han Wei, what are your qualifications to block here, do you think that my wife and children are doing experiments right?" The man asked.

"What qualification do you have to choose Bao Dabao? Your wife still has consciousness, she is the only one who has the right to choose! Life is her own, and the child is also her hard work in October!"

Han Yu’s words shocked the man, and she immediately asked the doctor to go in and ask the choice of the pregnant woman.

(End of this chapter)