Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 791: Miracles have appeared

Han Yu’s questioning not only shocked the man, but also shocked the hearts of all the men present.

The atmosphere of the cloud and the mainland is reopening. It is also a society where men are superior to women. In the consciousness of all people, men’s names are righteous and have the right to choose. Women can only be determined by men and decide their lives.

The women present were shocked and admired, but they were also incredible and incomprehensible.

A female doctor suddenly laughed. "Han Wei, are you stupid or stupid? You asked the children who were there to be there, and the mother! You asked them how they would choose? In the delay, the consequences are not what you can afford. !"

Which one is the mother, will sacrifice the child to fulfill himself?

"It must be a child! Is this still asking?"

"That is, this is a waste of time! If you can't even save your child, you will do it!"

"Han Wei, you can't be so selfish!"


There were a lot of protests. Han Han still leaned on the door. She looked at the woman doctor who was picking things up and clarified. "You are less confused. This is to let the mother choose to believe in Gu Beiyue, or believe in you." I am not qualified to let her choose to keep big or keep small."

If there is a choice, which mother is willing to leave the newly born child?

The woman doctor was screaming at the moment, and was looking at several vice-presidents. The man stuttered and sweared, "I, I, I am her husband. I... I want to believe which doctor, you can’t take care of you! You, you Counting the old! Don't be too self-righteous!"

When the voice fell, the medical child suddenly rushed out. Suddenly, everyone looked over and even the man was nervous.

The medical child was so anxious that he couldn’t breathe. He took a deep breath and said aloud, "The mother said that she believes in Gu Dafu, I believe Gu Dafu! Other doctors don't have to go in again..."

When I got here, Han Yu looked at the man with a bad sorrow. The man’s anger was full of anger.

I only listened to the drug boy again. "Let the family owner, Gu Dafu asks you to invite Miss Renjia four to come over. He needs to be Miss Si to help the childbirth."

There are several top obstetric women doctors present, Gu Beiyue actually looking for the four Miss of the family?

Everyone is surprised, and the owner is even more surprised. Miss Renjia is his daughter. He studied medicine at a medical school since he was a child. He only began to specialize in obstetrics in the past few years. It is impossible to compare with several experienced female doctors present. Yeah!

"What is the head?" Han Yu whispered seven.

"A daughter who is the most painful of the family, how about medical skills, I am not clear. Oh, Gu Beiyue, this person picks up really interesting." Gu Qixiao smiled.

The participation of Miss Four, there will be no small impact on the decision of the jury.

Although there was a lot of whispers for Gu Beiyue's picking up of Miss Four, but they all hampered the face of the lord, and did not openly say it.

The owner of the family would not be optimistic about Gu Beiyue, and he did not want his daughter to come to this drowning. He was about to refuse. Who knows, Miss Si is in the crowd.

"I am! I am! The situation is urgent, the child will not be born again, it will be dangerous!" She pushed the crowd away and went to the house.

"Stand up!" Ren Jiasheng screamed, "Several seniors of obstetrics are here, don't hurry to meet?"

The words of the family owner are really subtle. Who knows that Miss Ren is eager to say, "Hey, life is off! Waiting to see you again."

The owner of the house grabbed her hand and gave her eyes.

Han Yu seriously looked at this young lady, the woman’s early 20s, and she was very handsome.


"You also know that life is a matter of life, you can't stop, you are not allowed to go!" The owner was finally angry.

"Father, my daughter can't afford it! Gu Dafu is the attending doctor. He has the power to decide the assistant." Miss Four is screaming hard, but unfortunately she can't open it.

Han Yu had a look, and Xu Donglin, who was on the side, was cold and not living in the wrist of the owner. Han Hao personally pushed the door and let Miss Four enter.

As soon as the person entered the door, she leaned against the door and blocked it.

"Han Han!" Renjia’s anger is unstoppable. Xu Donglin pulled the sword to the front of Han Yu. Gu Qi Shao also stepped on the Lin Affiliate and stood on the side door, only allowing the prostitute to get in and out of the hot water.

"you guys!"

Huo’s vice president angered Han Han. “You! Very good! Han Hao, the old man told you that if Gu Beiyue fails, you would like to step out of this yard half a step!”

"If Gu Beiyue fails, I... I want you to lose one life!" The man followed the warning.

The audience all waited nervously. Everything here was already passed to Xinglin, and it was spread to the entire medical city in a short while.

The medical class has been forgotten, and this maternal has become the focus of attention throughout the city. Everyone is nervously waiting for the results. Is it alive? Is it dead? How many lives? How many deaths?

If Gu Beiyue succeeds, he may not be famous, waiting for him to have a medical treatment that is temporarily terminated;

If Gu Beiyue fails, it will surely become a target of public criticism. Not only will it be defeated, but it will also be denounced and accused by the whole city. Han Han and Gu Qishao will also be charged with "accomplice". The efforts they have made to come to the medical city will be completely lost.

Han Hao leaned on the door and faced countless scornful and angry eyes in the courtyard. Her face was calm and her eyes were very firm.

However, what she heard was a very tense dialogue. The delivery room was like a fierce battlefield. The maternity and Ms. Ren were doing their best.

"Not good, I saw the child's foot, and the foot is coming out!" The mother-in-law yelled.

"Block! Be sure to block it! Come over and help!" Miss Ren said loudly.

The situation of the birth is basically the foot or the feet, one knee or both knees, or one foot and one knee first exposed. This situation is accompanied by the fact that the umbilical cord will slide down from the gap of the fetal foot at any time, causing the umbilical cord. Prolapse.

The umbilical cord is the life of the fetus, supplying blood for oxygen. Once the umbilical cord falls off, it will cause acute hypoxia. Once it takes more than seven minutes, it will die in the palace.

Therefore, in the case of encountering the first exposure, it is necessary to adopt the method of “blocking the hips” so that the feet of the fetus should not be exposed. It has been blocked until the baby's buttocks fall into the pelvic cavity, and the cervix is ​​wide open, so that the mother can successfully produce the fetus in the way of full breech delivery.

Blocking is the key to this battle!

The mother's energy is the only force to maintain this battle!

Mothers must race against time.

In the silence, the man suddenly shouted, "How is it now? You at least let me know what is happening now!"

"The foot is first exposed, it is blocking." Han Wei answered calmly.

"It’s been a long time since it’s broken. It’s too dangerous! Gu Beiyue, I don’t know if it’s a child, it’s four! You don’t have that much time!” The woman doctor was angry.

"Shut up! Who is bothering him who is responsible!" Han Yu’s voice was louder than her, and everyone was shocked, and no one dared to speak.

Han Yu’s heart is mad, she is not nervous about their consequences, but human life! Five lives! You know, she is also born, heaven.

Mrs. Heart is dying of death.

She does not know how high Gu Beiyue's level is, especially in obstetrics.

However, she resolutely chose to believe.

Gu Beiyue, she has never let her down, this time, never.

Behind, the mother-in-law and Miss Ren Si kept talking. However, Gu Beiyue has not heard anything yet. What is he doing?

In the silence, the cries of the expectant mother who suddenly came from the door of a door, "can’t stop, can’t stop, can’t stop it!”

At this moment, Han Han’s heart almost jumped out of his heart.

However, a gentle but powerful voice instantly calmed her down and calmed down the nervous mother and Miss Four.

Gu Beiyue said, "Miss Ren Si, with a fine needle in the hands of the child. Need to enter a two-point, three-four stab."

"Good!" Ren Si’s full obedience to Gu Beiyue, she immediately did.

Soon, the miracle appeared, the fetus's foot was stabbed, and it was scared to retreat. Immediately, the body was turned back and the head fell first.


A clear cry, breaking the almost frozen air, whether inside or outside the house, everyone is relieved, like a long-sucking person breathing fresh air.

The people outside the house did not know the situation inside the house. Han Han leaned back against the door and heard it very clearly.

The mother is still struggling to speak, and the situation is not too bad.

"The second one is also out, fast, is the head, the head is below!"

"When mother, let's come back, take a deep breath and use force, cooperate with me, I said that you will work harder... We have to hurry." Miss Four is still a little anxious.

The first one was very difficult, but after the opening of the palace, the three children in the back were very smooth and quickly, one after the other.

The cries of continuous crying made it impossible for outsiders to hear clearly. In the end, several children were crying.

Anyway, I heard a cry, most people are relieved, at least the child’s jealousy has already laughed. However, Han Wei still stood still, she knew that the mother had not passed the dangerous period.

It may be that the wound is too big and the blood cannot stop. There is also a terrible symptom called amniotic fluid embolism. In the process of childbirth, amniotic fluid suddenly enters the maternal blood circulation, which may cause respiratory failure, systemic bleeding, and multiple system organ damage.

This condition can occur in prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum, and once the disease occurs, the mortality rate is 80%.

The child's crying is getting louder and louder, and the child's father is more excited and excited. He rushes to the door. "Have a few children saved? Is it all saved? I want to see my child! Hold the child. come out!"

Han Hao looked at him coldly and quietly, without any sound.

After a while, the mother and the prostitute took out the clean children, and all of them looked at them all the time. Four children, two men and two women, are all safe. I don't know if I can't find my mother's breath. I cried.

"It’s all right, just fine!"

"Two children and two women, congratulations! Congratulations!"

"There is nothing to be shocked! Bodhisattva bless the Buddha!"

"Gu Dafu really has two sons. I didn't expect any of Miss Four to have such ability. Oh, let's be a master. You can't be kind, hiding such a daughter. It's hard to be afraid that the matchmaker will come to the door. Can't you keep her? Haha? ”

A festive, maternal has been forgotten.

Han Yu looked at everyone in a cold and faint manner, waiting, praying...

(End of this chapter)