Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 792: Not his credit

Gu Qi has released the Lin Affiliated Hospital and walked happily. "Poisonous girl, this Gubei month! It is deep enough!"

At least, Gu Qi will not be ignorant of Gu Beiyue.

Han Hao nodded and did not speak.

Gu Qi Shao looked at her, "How, scared?"

He quickly found a chair and wanted to sit down with Han Han. Han Han said, "There is still no end, what are you happy?"

Gu Qi was puzzled. He looked at the four children who were surrounded by the crowd. "Isn't all born?"

"Maternal women have not escaped danger, and there are many accidents after childbirth." Han Yu added, "At least, Gu Beiyue has not come out yet."

I have to admit that she is a little uneasy.

If all goes well, Gu Beiyue should have come out, and the rest of the work can be handed over to Miss Four. Just now the medical child also said that Gu Beiyue is just a needle, not a birth.

“Is it going?” Gu Qixiao knows very little about this. “What is the accident?”

Han Yuzheng is going to explain that there was a horrible exclamation in the house, "ah..."

The sound was so loud that everyone outside the house was smashed, everyone’s laughter was stiff on the face, and even the wowing crying doll seemed to feel something, and all stopped.

Han Yu opened the door without saying anything.

"Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you?" Ren Jiazhu rushed over and heard the voice of his daughter.

Han Yucai just entered, and all four Miss and a group of prostitutes rushed out. I saw that Miss Si was full of hands, full of blood, and her face was terrified. "Bleeding, bleeding!"

"I just got it right, suddenly I bleed, a lot of blood and blood!"

"She wants to see the child, I want to come out and hold the child, but...but she suddenly bleeds, the whole body is bleeding, can't stop!"


Everyone was shocked and panicked.

The three vice-presidents and several directors, as well as several obstetricians, all entered the house, and the door was quickly surrounded.

The mother has been cleaned and replaced with clean clothes.

However, at this moment, her whole person is completely immersed in a pool of blood, and her body is bleeding like a spring, and even the skin continues to bleed.

Gu Beiyue’s white clothes had already been dyed red. Han Hao had never seen him so serious, and he had never seen him sweating. He was constantly applying needles. Han Yu clearly saw that his hand was shaking!

Everyone was stunned by this scene, even the most experienced obstetrician, even the three associates with the highest medical skills.

How could this be?

What they have seen, knowing the postpartum hemorrhage, is just bleeding under the body! How can it be bleeding?

Moreover, the bleeding of the lower body did not flow so fiercely, this is the "flow", it is simply "surge"!

What exactly happened?

"Gu Beiyue, what did you do?" Lin's vice-president suddenly angered.

Gu Beiyue ignored it and hurriedly asked for seven less. "Do you still have blood Dan? She can't hold it."

"No! Medical school should have emergency medicine to stop bleeding!" Gu Qixiao replied.

Huo’s vice-president was quick to pick it up, but after the maternity was taken down, there was no effect at all. The blood didn’t stop, but it flowed faster.

Suddenly, Ouyang’s vice president shouted, “The blood is getting dark! Is it poisoned?”

The blood flowing out of the maternity is gradually darkening and even turning black.

Suddenly, everyone looked at the Koreans, no doubt, they suspected that Han Han was poisoned!

"See what?" Han Hao was furious. "I am poisoned by her. What good is it? I am crazy or stupid?"

Indeed, Han Han is the most unreasonable to poison.

The reason why blood is black is because

It stays in the womb for a long time, so it becomes darker.

"That this... Gu Beiyue, what did you do?" Huo’s voice was trembled. He had never seen this situation for many years.

"It is amniotic fluid embolism!"

Han Yu’s voice is also trembled, but she is almost out. In order to shake everyone, but also to keep yourself calm.

"Amniotic fluid enters the mother's blood and pollutes the blood! The uterus must be removed immediately, and the plasma and clotting factors must be prepared! Immediately transfer the patient to the ICU, and all relevant departments should be urgently supported! Fast!"

After Han Hao quickly said this, he suddenly calmed down and realized his situation.

This is not in modern hospitals, but in ancient times thousands of years ago, there were no medical devices, and even simple blood transfusions could not be done.

How to do? !

The mortality rate of amniotic fluid embolism is 80% higher. She has seen several cases of rescue. It is the operation of dozens of doctors and nurses, forty or fifty bags of plasma, and almost all the blood of the maternal body has been changed. Saved back.

What should she do with this situation?

As a doctor, the most powerless is not to treat patients, but to know how to rescue, but there is no condition to save!

The pregnant woman was already in a semi-conscious state. She narrowed her eyes and tried to reach out. She wanted to ask everyone to take the child and show her.

So how many children have been born so hard, how can they leave them without even looking at them?

She is still alive, but she has accepted death. The only wish is to have a look at the child...

Han looked at the **** hands of pregnant women, and desperately the whole person stayed.

At this time, Gu Beiyue suddenly held her shoulder. "Hey, you have the right way! What have you just said?"

At this time, no one realized that Gu Beiyue’s "hey," including himself.

Han Hao then slowed down and greeted Gu Beiyue’s serious eyes.

"As long as there is a way, you must try!" Gu Beiyue said seriously.


Han Hao completely returned to God, "Blood! Stop bleeding and blood! Also, her blood vessels may be embolized, got ... to clear the embolism, let the blood flow."

In this way, is Gu Beiyue easier to understand?

Hemostatic drugs and blood-supplement drugs are required to cope with blood non-condensation and blood flow.

To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis drugs, it is necessary to cope with blood vessel embolism caused by pollutants.

Only by removing the uterus can the amniotic fluid residue remaining in the uterus continue to contaminate the blood. However, even if there are sufficient conditions, Han Han can't do it because she won't.

Can not remove the uterus, only try to stop bleeding!

Han Wei is not clear about the pharmacology of these hemostatic drugs and blood-producing drugs in Yunkong, and I don’t know if Gu Beiyue can find a clear embolism.

It’s hard to hear, and the dead horse has to be a live horse doctor!

"Look for medicine! Stop bleeding medicine and blood medicine!" Gu Beiyue said loudly, "There is still a need for a lot of work!"

"The more the better! As fast as possible, she only has one hour at most!" Han Hao rushed to add.

At this time, everyone can’t take care of the cause, and they don’t hesitate to believe in Gu Beiyue and Han Yu. The three vice-presidents immediately went to the drugstore to find the necessary drugs, hemostatic drugs and blood-supplying drugs. All brought it.

And people outside the hospital have also found ways, the drug city Wang Lao Lima contacted the drug city stationed in the medical city office, looking for inventory of drugs, several medical worlds have come back.

Although there is no modern medicine, it is a medical city. The people of the family first sent Gu Beiyue’s 100-year-old sparseness. After a while, a lot of blood-filling pills and hemostatic pills were sent to Gu Beiyue, Gu Beiyue.

I found a few doctors who were responsible for feeding the medicine. He used acupuncture to assist in stopping bleeding.

Han Han, under the eyes of everyone, artificially breathes the patient.

Severe shock is also a terrible place for amniotic fluid embolism.

A nervous and intense rescue, when the maternal bleeding is gradually reduced, everyone is relieved, but no one dares to relax, because the blood is still flowing.

In the midst of tension, working together, finally, the maternal blood stopped!

One shared ten hemostasis pills, thirty blood-stained pills, and two boxes of 100 blood cells.

The strange medicine of the Yunkong mainland is difficult to explain by Han Yu’s pharmacology. She looked at the maternal women who had died for a lifetime, and did not investigate how those medicines saved the mother.

She is incredible, I really can't believe there will be such a miracle.

Amniotic fluid embolism is very rare in modern times, let alone in the empty sky? This is not a miracle, what is it?

Everyone is tired, but they are all happy.

According to Gu Beiyue’s appearance to Han Han, Han Han is also looking at him.

She thought that this miracle would not happen without the calmness and rationality of Gu Beiyue. Medical skills are not all of the doctors.

Gu Beiyue is wondering, this woman will be poisonous, how can she know so much? First, blood drops to recognize the relatives, followed by amniotic fluid embolism, which she learned?

The man was rescued, and the work of the aftermath was left to the doctor, and everyone else retired. Gu Beiyue and Han Yu stayed for a long time and determined that the maternity was stable and only let go.

The mother was still unconscious, her husband and her family were holding the children, and Han took a look at the man and disdain.

She is too lazy to marry him, and life-critical things can't make him wake up. Can she wake up in a few words?

Han Hao looked at the mother again and thought she was very sad. However, watching the four children lie with her, Han Yu felt that she was very happy.

Sorrow and happiness coexist, is this the greatness of the mother?

In the Central South Governor's Office, she once discussed many ways of governing the country with Long Fei, and told all the modern concepts to Long Fei. Now, she is thinking, she seems to be discussing with the dragon and the night to discuss the male superiority.

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but miss the dragon and the night, how did the guy's injury recover? What are you doing now? Are you waiting for the letter from the medical city?

When Han Han and Gu Beiyue walked out of the door together, they found that the people in the yard were all there, and they all waited for them.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, Gu Dafu, this case... Let's explain it to everyone?"

"Yes, Wang Hao Niangniang, Gu Dafu, we have finally opened our eyes today, and these strange diseases are really the first time to see."

"Can a child have a strange disease? What is going on? How is the whole body bleeding?"


All the family owners have introduced Miss Ren Si, standing next to Gu Beiyue, and being the fourth lady is also a hero.

The people asked enthusiastically, but the three vice-presidents were not curious, but they were also curious.

Gu Beiyue smiled faintly. "If you are a family owner, you can't be a day in the medical city, or continue to fight, this case will be discussed later."

Although the three vice-presidents were curious, they did not want Gu Beiyue and Han Han to show their limelight.

Lin Affiliated Hospital quickly said, "It is exactly. As the owner, Gu Beiyue, this patient is not saved by him alone, can't be won by him. Or let him re-lot it?"

Who knows, Gu Beiyue refused, "There is no need to re-draw, the patients of the three vice presidents, Gu can now give a diagnosis and give a treatment plan. If the three vice-presidents are still unable to diagnose and treat Please re-draw it."

When this was said, everyone was dumbfounded, including Han Yu and Gu Qixiao...

(End of this chapter)