Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 798: Xiao Qi, don't go.

Ning Cheng is going to the medical city day and night.

Only one day yesterday, he received three urgent items from the military, the Imperial City and the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, all of whom advised him to go back to prepare for the battle.

Everyone's meaning, even if the medical city falls to the hands of Gu Beiyue, they can find a reason to fight against the Central South Government. Moreover, the matter of having to take advantage of the medical city has not completely ended. Han Han and Long Fei have not returned to the Central Government of the South, and have quickly sent troops. Otherwise, the more they drag on, the worse they are.

Han Yu and Gu Beiyue are in front of everyone, reprimanding the inferiority of the medical city. Now that they are in power, they will not take medical sanctions against Tianning because of the war between the two countries. In case they take medical sanctions against Tianning, they are moving their own feet, which will inevitably lead to the people inside the medical city to take the opportunity to make trouble.

It is a pity that Ning Cheng advocates not to fight because he still cannot understand what Long Fei stayed in Tianshan for night. I didn’t know what medicine was sold in the dragon’s night gourd, and it’s not necessarily a wise choice to start a war.

Ning Cheng aimed at Han Han, as long as he hijacked Han Han, he could let Chu Qingge say the whereabouts of the film family. Moreover, hijacking Han Han can also threaten the dragon and the night, which is more cost-effective than the short-term match.

Robber, this is a yin, and I admit it. Today, the dragon is not next to Han Han, it is the best opportunity.

There are still two days away, Ning Cheng will arrive in the medical city, but quiet but nothing to know about everything. Although she was married to Tangmen with her mission, the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce also knew that she was only using Tang, but she was still a daughter-in-law of Tangmen.

Ning Cheng’s actions, all the big things in the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, she knows less and less. Even, some business of Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, she was forced to let go. Today, she has only one task, won Tang, and promoted the cooperation between Tangmen and Yunkong.

Once the top leader, unconsciously squatting for a chess piece, peace sometimes thinks that he is so tossing a marriage, and it is not the same as Ning'an, can not get rid of the shackles of the family mission? Should she still serve the family wholeheartedly?

At this point, she was leaning against the window, looking at the moon in the air. I don't know what she was thinking, but she didn't even find out when Tang came in.

After fading away the men’s clothing in the day, she wore a pure white nightdress, and three thousand inks scattered behind her head, and the delicate face was not applied. Looking at such a person, Tang could not help but think that if this woman grew up in the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, how simple and pure?

However, purely naive woman, will he like it?

He just borrowed her time in the bath and secretly went to find Han Han. I thought she would have been soaking for a long time. Who knows how fast it is.

He crept to the back of the quiet, cold and stunned her, buried in her neck and smacked, "Quiet, you are so sweet!"

Quiet and motionless, cold, "Are you looking for Han Han?"

Tang was shocked, and the hand on her waist was clearly stiff. He looked at his hand with a quiet look, and there was a silent, meaningful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Tang quickly regained her calmness and tightened her tightly. "Oh, I was guessed by you. I am not a good friend with Long Fei, and I am also a friend with her. Now the medical city falls to her and Gu Beiyue. I certainly have to congratulate in the past."

This reason is very reasonable!

Quietly silenced the whiskers, coldly opened his hand, and pushed him a hand, roaring, "Hehe, then why don't you bring me? How can you sneak when I bathe? You used to More than just congratulations, you are a liar!"

"It’s really a congratulation, the last time I went to the drug city, you and your brother are having trouble with them.

Very unpleasant, Han Yu and Gu Beiyue have stereotypes about the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce. I will take you there. They may not want to see me! ”

Tang seems to be sincerely explaining, but he has already panicked in his heart. He is very annoyed. He should not be so impulsive to go to Han Han. A woman who is so serene is sure to be suspicious.

He can only explain his friendship with Long Feiye, and it is possible to dispel her doubts. If she simply denies it, it will make her more suspicious.

Quiet look at Tang, not talking, is sneer.

Tang’s heart was even more panic, and it was so embarrassing for the first time that he had been confronted with this woman many times.

"Quiet, don't be angry. I know that the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce has a festival with them, and you don't like them. However, I am doing this for you. Tangmen can not look at the face of the medical city. Is business and medical city involved?"

Tang sees the silence or the expressionless face. He can only pull on the scalp. "Quiet, if there is any cooperation with the medical city in the future, can I be a middleman? At that time, your brother can’t come. Let's help? Still can't look at your face?"

Finally, the silence nodded, "very good."

Tang Lizheng wants to explain again, and quietly grabbed the vase at hand and came over. "Tang, you said, are you swearing on Han?"


Tang left the house, but he quickly returned to God, and almost laughed a little, but fortunately he resisted.

It turned out that tranquility is jealous, and he thought that his relationship with Han Yu was exposed! It’s a real shock!

"Answer me." Quietly rushed to him.

"I...I..." Tang was ecstatic under the centrifugal. He couldn't tell if he was happy because of his jealousy, or because he was not suspicious.

"What am I? You don't explain it today, I won't go back to Tangmen with you!"

A quiet fist hit, Tang Lima grabbed her hand, wrapped her big fist in her hand, and brought her closer. "Come here, I will smell it for me. Oh, compared to your fragrance, I like your vinegar taste more."

Quiet wants to push him away, but unfortunately he can't push it. Tang is just a hungry wolf. He was behind her ear, the jade neck sniffed, and even ran down along her neckline, scratching the peace and heart.

His bad, she is already well known.

As long as he moves a little bad thought, she knows what bad things he will do this evening.

Sure enough, his hand began to restless.

"Let's let go!" The quiet tone is very bad, but unfortunately Tang did not hear it.

Quietly did not hesitate to hold down his weakest point, angry, "You explain it to me, otherwise I will abolish you!"

"You are willing?" Tang’s voice suddenly softened.

"Do not believe to try!" Quiet and cold.

"It's better to use your actions to love you than to explain." Tang smiled.

"Indecent!" The quiet and cold slap in the face, is lying in the face of Tang. Tang left, and soon released his hands.

It’s quiet and embarrassing. It’s obviously playing, but I’m scared. When Tang’s hands were released, her heart was inexplicable and she was at a loss.

Tang was stunned by the burning side face, and did not look at her when she lowered her eyes. "I think it has just been explained clearly. If you don't believe it, I can't help it."

When he finished, he turned and went out. Quietness stood in the same place for a long while, only to ease the coming. Obviously, I don’t feel that I am wrong, but...how is a heart smashed?

Mixed account

He just left? Where is he going? He is not going to sleep back tonight?

Quietly biting his fingers, his brows are locked.

In the Xinglin, the Tang Dynasty left the Han and spoke to them. She suspected that Tang Li and Long Fei had a relationship with each other.

Before Tangmen was not Tang from the power, Tang Li and Long were not in a good relationship with the night, and did not involve Tangmen. But now, Tang has become a doorkeeper. If he and Long are still having a relationship with each other, will Tangmen be used by Dragons and Nights one day?

Or, do they have secret cooperation with Tangmen and Longfei? Just, deliberately concealed the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce?

In fact, she is not jealous today, but instead gave Tang a step down, but did not expect to be closed with her own slap.

Tranquility has not been so messy in this life, she finally realized that she could not calmly be rational in the face of this man.

In any case, Tang left her to see Han Han, she had to tell Ning Cheng, but she wrote the secret letter, but burned it personally.

She sat on the bed and stared at her hand in a daze, this hand just hit Tang away. She sat in the middle of the night, suddenly heard the movement outside the door, she quickly lay down to sleep.

It is Tang who is back.

She heard the door closing, heard him coughing, heard him changing clothes, and she bit her teeth tightly, and her mind was in chaos.

Tang lay down, but did not embrace her like every night in the past, clenched her, entangled her, but turned her back.

In the darkness, the quiet eyes are wide, and all the minds are on the side of the people, but unfortunately, until the dawn, Tang Li did not turn.

She stayed in bed for a night, and Tang did not leave. However, the mood is diametrically opposed. It is also worthwhile for Tang to think about it and to slap a slap in the face of silence. He just took the opportunity to dry her up. He has just received a secret report. Long is not going to send troops in advance in the evening. If he can get the weapons and equipment of the Yunkong Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible, it will not only be a setback for Ning Cheng, but also a great help for Long Fei.

Thinking about this, Tang Li has already started early, and he has cleaned up a lot. He ignored the silence and went out again.

In these few days, they will not leave the medical city, because there is still a good show that has been expected after the medical treatment.

This afternoon, the dean of the medical school, the vice-president and the Presbyterian Church evenly tried Gu Yuntian and officially rehabilitated the poison.

Han Hao and Gu Beiyue were drinking tea in the courtyard early in the morning, and Han Wei was watching a secret list. I did not expect that Gu Beiyue’s power in the medical city was so great. Many famous celebrities in the medical city and important figures in the medical school had excellent friendship with him.

"You...what did you do?" Han Yu asked inexplicably. Before Gu Beiyue did not expose the real medical skills, this group of people should not look at him.

"A few years ago, I secretly organized a group of disciples, and Miss Si was one of them. We set up the Xinglin Society to discuss medical skills and regularly go to some poor areas for free medical practice." Gu Beiyue replied.

Han Yuzheng wants to ask Gu Beiyue's medical skills to learn, Gu Qi rarely sleeps and comes over, "Hey, it seems like good deeds, in fact... uneasy."

These family disciples are not only the future of the family, but also the future of the medical city. In fact, the medical city has already been dug up by Gu Beiyue.

"Gu brother, it seems that the medical city is the thing in your bag sooner or later?" Gu Qixiao smiled. Perhaps because Gu Beiyue’s medical skills are better than Gu Yuntian, Gu Qixiao has an inexplicable worship for him!

Gu Beiyue hesitated for a moment, whispered, "Small seven, this time you are a great hero, but you don't go in the afternoon, okay?"

(End of this chapter)