Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 799: Dragon non-night lies

Gu Beiyue’s voice was low, and Han Han heard it. In fact, Han Han does not want Gu Shao to go to the trial site. Just don't know how to persuade.

In order to judge, all the crimes before Gu Yuntian will be made public, and even the evidence must be made public, and the articles will be listed.

Moreover, unlike the Xinglin Conference, this time it is completely open to Gu Yuntian. At the entrance of the medical school, people in the entire medical city can see it, and the entire cloud-empty mainland is also concerned.

Gu Qixiao said that he does not need sympathy, she also believes that he is strong, he has enough courage to face the unbearable past.

Perhaps, she is not strong enough. Can not face the face of such a person who laughs, and in the eyes of the public, he was stunned and stabbed in front of her.

She can't accept it, she doesn't want it! She is afraid that she will cry again.

When Gu Qixiao didn't hear Gu Beiyue's request, he lazily stretched out and asked, "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"Old ghost, don't go, I still have something..."

Han Yu’s voice did not fall, and a bleak cry suddenly came from outside the hospital. “Seven brothers... Seven brothers!”

I saw Mu Linger fluttering in tears and flew over, directly on Gu Qihao, holding him tight and tight, burying his head in his arms and crying. "Seven brothers, don't go! Don't go! I don't want to You go! You are not allowed to go!"

"Seven brothers, hehe... why don't you tell Linger, why? Hehe..."

"Seven brothers, we know when we are young, why don't you say that?"


Mu Linger was crying and tearing her heart. She always thought that her seven brothers were an orphan. She grew up eating a hundred meals. Later, she learned that the seven brothers were the disciples who were expelled by the medical city. In the past few days, she collected The news to the medical city only knew all the truth. In spite of the affairs of the drug hall, she rushed in without stopping, and her eyes burst into tears.

How regretful she regretted that when she met her seven brothers, how could she be so stupid, why not check it out? When she met her seven brothers, her seven brothers must have just been expelled. They must be covered with pain and no one is protected. No one is comforting.

How is she... How can I fight with him? How can she still marry his wild child?

How much Mu Linger hopes to return to the past, returning to the moment he first saw it, and holding the little seven tightly.

In the yard, the silence was very extreme. Chu Xifeng and Xu Donglin, who came over, stood aside and did not dare to speak. Mu Linger’s heartbreaking cry, I heard everyone’s heart was broken.

Gu Qi Shao lowered his eyes and let Mu Linger hold it. For a while, he pushed her away and wiped his clothes with a look of disgust. "The nose and tears are all sticking to me, dirty, and rolling away."

When this was said, Mu Linger cried even louder and had to rush over. Gu Qixiao quickly retreated.

"Seven brothers, hehe... I feel so uncomfortable... Hey... Mu Linger can’t stop crying, she cried and looked up at him.

Gu Qishao was most annoyed that she was crying, and she was about to swear, but she couldn’t help but see her big eyes that were bleeding quickly. He suddenly glanced at the slang of his mouth.

"Cry again?" He raised his eyebrows, his eyes still disgusted, but he pulled his cuffs and wiped his tears for Mu Linger. "If you cry again, you will never see me."

Mu Linger’s crying stopped, tears did not dare to flow, and the rapid sobbing

Hold it in an instant. Look at him slyly and look at his hand.

His hands did not pass through her long eyelashes, and it was a mess. She didn't dare to move, for fear that she would move, and her seven brothers would disappear, and I would never see him again.

Gu Qixiao wiped Mu Linger’s tears clean and fiercely warned her, “Come and cry again.”

As soon as he let go, Mu Linger dared to inhale, a pair of watery eyes cried **** red, and looked at him like a poor little rabbit.

"Seven brothers, don't you go, okay?" she pleaded, and she just heard the words of Han Han at the door.

Gu Qixiao smashed his hands impatiently and did not pay attention to her.

"Old ghost, you will listen..."

Han Yu’s words were interrupted again. Gu Qixiao looked back, and the low voice was cold and cold. He asked, “Do you know that I will wait for this day in my life?”

He waited for this day for too long!

He has long been able to fight against Gu Yuntian. He has taken control of all the evidence and even threatened Ling Guyi to betray Gu Yuntian. However, he has not done anything. He also agreed with the dragon non-night, keeping each other secret.

He helped the dragon to hide the mother-in-law of the night, and the dragon was not the night to help him hide the secret of immortality; he helped the dragon to crack the dream of the butterfly, and the dragon did not help him to deal with the medical city.

The reason why he does not do it himself is that he does not want to expose his identity and his past. He hopes that one day, the dragon will destroy Gu Yuntian and ruin the entire medical city.

However, the identity of Han Yu’s poisonous orphan changed his plans for Long and Night. He can sit back and ignore it, or he can give everything to Gu Beiyue alone, but he can't do it.

He knows better than anyone else that even if Gu Beiyue takes the position of the dean, he can't take the lead of the medical city in a short time, and he can't give the poisonous sect the most fair explanation. Therefore, he can only choose to take care of him. Yuntian and Gu family started.

Gu Qixiao looked at the silent people and raised a bright and glamorous smile. "Since this young master is a great hero, how can he not celebrate the merits?"

When he finished, he flew away and left a sentence, "Look, see you in the afternoon!"

Mu Linger couldn't catch up with two steps. She looked at Han Yu, and the tears fell again. "Han Han... Hey... Han Wei, what should I do?"

Looking at the Mu Linger who was crying into tears, Han Yu took a deep breath and she should be glad that she was much stronger than Mu Linger. She said, "Nothing is done, he is not afraid, we must not be afraid! In the afternoon you Also go together, don't cry, let people laugh, don't you remember?"

Mu Linger is still sobbing, Han Hao screams at her, and has not yet opened her mouth. Mu Linger immediately wipes her tears. "You can rest assured, I will not cry! Let's do it!"

At this time, Chu Xifeng came over and presented a purple letter. You don't have to ask more and know that this is a private letter sent by Long Fei to Han Han.

"Wang Xiiang Niangniang, go to the medical school first, and sort out the evidence of the trial. You have a good rest in the afternoon to see." Gu Beiyue left.

Han Yu let Xu Donglin arrange a place for Mu Linger, settled in Mu Linger, and she went back to the house to look at the letter.

She has hidden eight letters in her hand, this is the ninth.

Although the first eight letters were all blank, she still looked forward to the ninth. Maybe this is no longer empty, maybe, you can find clues in this one.

Unravel this mystery.

Unfortunately, the ninth letter is still empty.

Han Hao lost again, and was annoyed and aggrieved. He muttered to the blank paper. "Dragon is not night, it’s almost two months, you don't want me? Good to talk to me!"

In addition to personal letters, Long Fei will write to her every few days to tell her about her injuries, the situation in Tianshan, and then teach her how to deal with the government affairs of the Central Government. Although this letter is for her, everyone can see it. And from these days to the medical city, the letter was broken.

Regarding the handling of medical affairs, Long Fei will send a special letter to Gu Beiyue. Although it is for Gu Beiyue, the letter is also open and can be seen by everyone.

Han Wei has always known that Long Fei has an intelligence agent to collect information from various parties. Therefore, he has many types of letters, and his classification is very wide. There are different procedures depending on the category of delivery and reception. He also has a specially trained flying eagle team to support intelligence.

Long non-night sent her and Gu Beiyue a letter to her, and gave her a letter to mention the Tianshan and the Central South Governor’s Office, and did not mention the medical city; the letter to Gu Beiyue specifically focused on the medical city dynamics. . In this regard, Han Han is not curious.

Although lost, but not angry, not even disappointed.

Han Hao quickly packed up her mood and smiled and returned a letter to Long Fei. He sent a blank letter to her every day. She sent him the same sentence every time. "Dragon is not night, I miss you. ”

After sending Acacia, Han Wei collected the purple empty letter as usual. This is already the ninth, should there be a tenth? I don't know if I have to accumulate a few seals before they can meet.

He wrote a letter a while ago, and said that he was unable to get to the mountain for a year and a half. Han Yu thought that after the medical city was finished, she would go back to the Central and Southern Governors and then go to the Tianshan Mountains.

Ning Cheng has already retired from the army, and the letter from Long Feiye also made it clear that Ning Cheng retreats the Baili Military Office to defend itself only. First look at the situation and the dynamics of the Northern calendar, and wait and see for a while before deciding whether to send troops or not.

Nowadays, it is late summer and early autumn, Han Yu thought, after she went back to the South China Governor's Office to deal with the autumn harvest, just in time to catch up with the Tianshan Mountain before the snow-covered mountains.

She even thought about it. She spent the winter on the Tianshan Mountain with the dragon and the night. When she snowed, she went down the mountain. After all, the Central and Southern Governors had to sit in the town, otherwise the family could turn the sky.

Han Wei is so convinced that Long’s letter from the night is so painstakingly intended for the Central South Governor’s Office. I hope that I can share it as much as possible for him to recover.

Helpless, Long is the letter given to her by the night. Regarding the situation in Tianshan, the government affairs of the Central Government Office are all lies.

These letters of Han Yu were sent out by the hands of several servants of the Jiujing Palace at the top of the mountain. The dragon is not fixed at night, the contents of these letters will be revealed to the old fox. Therefore, he can only take advantage of Han Wei. The real letters were all secretly sent to Gu Beiyue’s hands, and Gu Beiyue knew all the truth.

In this matter, Gu Beiyue also took a look at the secret letter sent by the film guard in the room. After he finished reading it, he took a long while and didn't know what to think. Finally he shook his head helplessly and smiled. "Alright, good, finally there is such a day. Dragon is not night, I wish you keep your promise!"

At this time, a film guard suddenly appeared "Gu Dafu, a few words under the Highness did not write on the letter, let the subordinates tell you."

(End of this chapter)