Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 804: Assassin's shoulder wound

"Chu Xifeng, the soldiers are divided into two ways, and they will be sent to the Princess Wang as soon as possible!"

Gu Beiyue could not confirm whether the man in the Xuanyi was coming to him, or was it to come to Han Han. In an emergency, Han Yu’s safety was on!

Whether it is a white son or a doctor, regardless of his identity, she must be safe and complete.

After Gu Beiyue finished speaking, he ran in the other direction.

Almost at the same time, the assassins rushed over and dispersed the guards who guarded them. Seeing Xuanyi assassin looking at them, Chu Xifeng’s heart was awkward, and he took the opportunity to pull away Han Han, and also caused several film guards to break behind them.

There is not enough manpower, and there is only one Xu Donglin guarding Gu Beiyue.

They were fleeing in two ways. Unexpectedly, Xuanyi assassin did not hesitate to go straight to Beiyue.

The reaction of the little things is the fastest, jumping from Han Han, such as the arrow of the offline, chasing the past, jumping to the Xuanyi assassin, biting.

Unfortunately, the small things in the Tianshan suffered too much damage, the body has not recovered, it can only bite wildly! It bit the flesh and blood of the Xuanyi assassin, and suddenly tasted the taste of blood, it was shocked and stayed!

Xuanyi assassin swept over and slammed the small things directly on the ground. The little things slammed into the ground and looked at the back of the Xuanyi assassin. It took a while to slow down. It catches up, but does not dare to approach the Xuanyi assassin, can only chase after Gu Beiyue.

"His goal is Gu Beiyue! Chu Xifeng, you have to hurry past, fast!" Han Hao is mad, she hit a few poison needles, but to no avail.

But Chu Xifeng was indifferent, and he also took Han Han away.

Han Wei was very angry. She squatted directly and barely stopped. "Chu Xifeng, I command you, save people!"

The goal of Xuanyi Assassin is not her, it is Gu Beiyue!

She could see that Gu Beiyue’s filming was not as good as before. Otherwise, he had already taken her away. You know, in the tiankeng, she has seen the power of his film.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, no one can be sure that his goal is only Gu Beiyue. We are not enough people now. You must go first. You are safe. Your subordinates will come to support immediately. The signal of the rescue has been sent out, and the rescuers will immediately It’s over.” Chu Xifeng hurriedly persuaded.

"I command you to go right away!" Han Hao roared.

As for the master of Xuanyi Assassin, it is a matter of minutes to kill Gu Beiyue and Xu Donglin. Wait for the reinforcements to come and collect the corpse? The martial arts of Chu Xifeng is the highest of all the shadow guards. Chu Xifeng is going to save people, and perhaps he can barely support the reinforcements.

Chu Xifeng is still hesitating, Han Han suddenly got up, grabbed his collar and roared, "Gu Beiyue must have three long and two short, this Wang Hao can't spare you!"

"Wang Xiiang Niangni..." Chu Xifeng still hesitated.

His Royal Highness King Qin had a lot of things to do, and it was all important. However, after the incident from Happy City, His Royal Highness Qin ordered an order to protect him.

Tonight, Wang Yan’s maiden will be arranged to go back. He must not let Wang Hao’s mother be in any danger.

Wang Hao’s maiden wants to stay in the poison sect tonight, and he was persuaded to come back. They also saw the rescue signal on the way back, only to meet Gu Beiyue. If it was not an accident, he would not let Wang Hao’s goddess see it all.

Chu Xifeng was hesitant, but Xu Donglin was not far away but was shaken by the sword. He slammed on the ground and spit a few mouthfuls of blood. He wanted to stand up, but tried several times and finally stunned.

Gu Beiyue is alone, facing the Xuanyi assassin!

Chu Xifeng is also anxious, one

A look, a few of the shadow guards beside him, chasing the past to save people, surrounded by Xuanyi assassin.

Gu Beiyue looked over and yelled at Han Han, "Go! Go!"

He himself fled in the opposite direction. However, the sword of Xuanyi Assassin suddenly became faster. He killed the defender who blocked the road after three times and five divisions. He continued to pursue the North Moon. Gu Beiyue once again made a light effort. It disappeared into the darkness soon, and the Xuanyi assassin chased it, and his back disappeared quickly.

"You don't go, I am going!" Han Yu was worried, and he was not able to break away from the hand of Chu Xifeng. The strength is so obvious that Gu Beiyue is alone, and he will die!

Unfortunately, Han Han has not yet ran a few steps, and Chu Xifeng stopped her again. "Wang Xiong Niang, dangerous, you..."

"Who are these assassins? Do you know?" Han said.

Chu Xifeng screamed, "Wang Xiiang Niangniang, although they will be Tianshan swordsmanship, but it is not sent by the royal king of Qin, the Xuanyi people, it is even more impossible to be the royal king of Qin! Wang Hao Niangni, how do you..."

"I didn't say that he is a dragon non-night!" Han Hao screamed.

The heart of Chu Xifeng was so embarrassed that he found himself not speaking properly.

In fact, he also doubts!

The level of the swordsmanship of the Xuanyi man is too much like that of the royal king of Qin. He has no intention of killing Wang Niang, and he is going to kill Gu Beiyue. This is even more suspicious. You must know that today's medical school has been divided into two points: the medical sect and the poison sect. Gu Beiyue is not in charge of the medical city. He is only in charge of the medical sect, and Wang Hao’s maiden is in charge of the poison sect. Wang Niangniang is also the female lead of the Central and Southern Dudu Government. Her life is worth more than Gu Beiyue.

According to common sense, any enemy will first want the life of Wang Xiang! This assassin did not have any hostility towards Wang Xiang.

Chu Xifeng knew the identity of Gu Beiyue. However, His Royal Highness Qin had given several letters to Gu Beiyue and discussed several major events. He is unclear. He did not know exactly what kind of cooperation relationship between His Royal Highness Qin and Gu Beiyue.

"Wang Xiiang Niang, I..."

Chu Xifeng did not know how to explain it. He felt that he had the suspicion of "no silver three hundred and two here."

In fact, Han Han did not doubt that the dragon was not night. She still had no thoughts and thoughts. She did not seriously ponder over it. She would not easily doubt who, and would not easily conclude.

She questioned the West Wind, but it was to stimulate the West. She coldly interrupted the words of Chu Xifeng. "If it is not a dragon, it will save you immediately!"

Chu Xifeng still did not move, Han Yu was almost vomiting blood. "Well, I didn't expect dragons and nights to be such people. Do you want to cross the river to check the bridge? Today, you want to kill Gu Beiyue. Is it going to kill Wang Hao? ”

Chu Xifeng can't resist it. If it really causes misunderstanding, he can't afford this responsibility even if he is dead!

Seeing that the remaining few film guards were still held by the three assassins, he did not dare to leave the Princess Wang's maiden in the same place. He could only take the Princess Wang and pursue it.

However, just when they chased it, Gu Beiyue had been forced by the Xuanyi assassin to the edge of the cliff, Xuanyi assassin stabbed a sword, Gu Beiyue no way to retreat, one foot on the air!


This "Do not" Han Yu is shouting in my heart. This scene in front of her made her open her mouth, but she couldn’t make a sound.

How scared can it be?

Chu Xifeng finally got everything out, but it was late... too late! ! !

When Gu Beiyue stepped on the air, the whole person went down...

"Gu Beiyue!"

Han Hao finally issued

The sound, like a miserable cry, sounded through the entire forest. She rushed over in the past, and Xuanyi assassin suddenly flew up and flew to the side, avoiding her.

Han Yu rushed to the edge of the cliff, only to see the moon under the mans, the foot is a deep abyss, even darker than the tiankeng.

"Gu Beiyue! Gu Beiyue! You owe me a confession! Gu Beiyue!"

Her lips are shaking, the whole person is shaking, and she is out of control. Fortunately, Chu Xifeng has pulled her, otherwise she is very likely to fall.

She violently broke away from the west wind and slandered him, "all you!"

At this time, a black shadow flew down, it was a shadow guard, and the reinforcements arrived. Three black assassins flew behind the Xuanyi assassin, and Xuanyi assassin put away the long sword.

Han Hao looked at him with glare and saw the wound on his shoulder bitten by a small thing, and the blood flowed.

Chu Xifeng's heart is blocked, but he is still calmly guarding Han Han, and at the same time, the shadow guards at the side are eye-catching. Even if they are many people, they are not the opponents of these assassins.

The swordsmanship of the Xuanyi assassin can be compared to the royal king of the Qin Dynasty. Even if they come back to the shadow guards, they can't win the assassins. Therefore, their most important task is to protect the Princess Wang!

Han Wei looked at the Xuanyi assassin, and the two sisters slowly picked up. The Xuanyi assassin once again avoided her sight. She stepped back two steps and turned away. After the three assassins broke, they quickly followed.

The defenders did not chase, Han Han looked at Chu Xifeng and did not let them chase.

Determined that the assassins have left, Chu Xifeng did not hesitate, immediately went into the abyss to find people, the shadows have chased down, leaving only a few people to guard Han Han.

Compared with the recent loss of control, Han Han was very terrible at this time. She looked at the abyss in a faint light, and the soul was sucked away by the black in the abyss.

A few of the film guards looked at each other and did not dare to speak. In fact, the deep abyss, let alone Gu Beiyue, is that the people of Chu Xifeng and so on must be careful.

Gu Beiyue, basically no hope of surviving...

The quiet moonlight sprinkled on the cliff, shrouded everything like a silent world, and no one noticed that the little things were gone.

Han Han’s head is blank, everything tonight is too sudden, whether it is Gu Beiyue’s identity, the Assassin’s swordsmanship, or this abyss.

She didn't want to think about anything. She only brought Chu Beiyue to the wind.

Waiting in the dark, no matter how long the night is, can wait for dawn, then, can she wait for hope, wait for the gentle man like the spring breeze in April.

The man once said to her when she was most helpless, "Hey girl, not afraid."

However, she is now shaking all her heart, she is afraid!

Soon, all the shadow guards who ambushed the dragon in the night of the hospital all arrived, and all the waves went all the way to the abyss. The sky was bright, and Han Han’s sight had not left the abyss.

It’s dawn, will the nightmare wake up?

Gu Beiyue had such a big deal, but Gu Qixiao still knew nothing. At this time, he had just left the Jiusheng Palace and looked tired.

Waiting for Mu Linger at the door to come forward quickly, "Seven brothers, you have to go to the bath to change clothes, so as not to contaminate the infectious disease inside."

Gu Qi Shao looked at Mu Linger, and then he laughed. "Hey, you are so cute."

If he is infected with infectious diseases, then it is good.

Suddenly, Luo Zuishan came to find it. "Small seven, Gu Dafu has an accident, just on the cliff in the west of the poisonous ban, you have to hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)