Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 805: You have to come to recognize the things

When Gu Qishao and Mu Linger rushed to the poisonous ban, the sky was already bright, and Han Han was still sitting on the edge of the cliff, staring at the abyss.

Last night, I saw this abyss through the moonlight, and the blackness did not bottom out. When I saw it after dawn, it was not at the bottom. Chu Xifeng also brought a large number of film guards to find people below, and from time to time someone will come up to report the situation.

Han Wei only listened, did not say a word.

Gu Qi rarely sees the lost figure of Han Yu, and he does not know how to be good. Mu Linger rushed to the past.

"Han Wei, what happened last night? Gu Dafu... Is there a rescue for Gu Dafu?" she asked anxiously.

All the way to come, Luo Dianshan told them not much, only know that Han Han they were attacked last night, Gu Beiyue fell off the cliff.

Han Hao then slowed down the gods, looked at Mu Linger, and looked back into the abyss without saying a word.

At this time, Chu Xifeng just came up, Mu Linger quickly asked, "Chu Shiwei, what is going on? What about looking for Dr. Gu?"

Chu Xifeng sighed. "This abyss is too deep. The upper part is full of cliffs. There are no horizontal things in the bareness. In the middle, there are many big trees and boulders. We spent the night and made the middle of it. Everything has been found, and I have not found Dr. Gu, and then go down..."

Chu Xifeng looked at Wang Xi’s goddess, although he was jealous, he still said the truth. “At the moment, I only found the middle cross creature. I haven’t bottomed out yet, but I heard the sound of water in the middle layer... The sound of water... Anxious, the bottom of the abyss should be a stream, the depth is unknown. Now the line of sight is good, the subordinates have sent people to explore the road, subordinate..."

Chu Xifeng looked at the emperor Wang Yan, "Yes... I came up with a sigh."

"That..." Mu Linger’s eyes suddenly turned red. "The Gu doctor is so fierce! Gu Dafu is so good, how..."

Mu Linger will not forget that she was taken care of by Gu Beiyue when she first entered the drug ghost hall! Later, Gu Beiyue went to Qin Wangfu to heal the medical treatment. She managed the drug ghost hall alone, and Gu Beiyue did not help her much in the dark! In fact, after Han Yu and Long Fei went to the Tianshan Mountains at night, whether it was the drug ghost hall or the Zhongnan Dudu government, or the Qin Wang house, most of them were Gu Beiyue’s shoulders. Others don't know how hard he is, but she knows it.

So a gentle person, a kind-hearted person, a quiet person, he has pity on all the poor people around him, how do he... how can he become a poor person?

"No! Gu Dafu will not die! He won't!" Mu Linger stood up and flew to the abyss. "I am going to find it, I must find him!"

Gu Qishao finally came over. He knelt down and stuffed the kettle into the hands of Han Yu. He glanced at her deeply and did not say anything before he flew down and chased Mu Linger.

There are very few people who take his heart, Gu Beiyue is one.

Gu Beiyue called him "Little Seven", and he rushed to this love, and he had to find out people!

Chu Xifeng wants to stop, and he can be tempted by Wang Niang, and ask him a question, and don’t want Wang Hao’s mother to be so quiet.

He did not regret that he only guarded Wang Niangniang last night and did not rescue Gu Beiyue. However, not regretting does not mean that he is not uncomfortable!

He continued to talk and stopped, and finally decided to go down and continue to find.

Until noon, Gu Qixiao, their team of talents came back to the cliff.

Mu Linger couldn't help but sob, Gu Qi did not say a word, Chu Xifeng lowered his head and told the situation.

"Wang Xiiang Niangniang, there is a river under the abyss, the shallowest and one person is deep, the water flow... The water flow is very urgent, our people have been diving for a long time... Nothing has been found. Subordinates... Let them continue downstream ......"

"You know that Gu Beiyue is a descendant of the movie family?" Han Yu was cold and interrupted Chu Xifeng.

When this was said, Gu Qishao and Mu Linger were both accidents. Gu Beiyue was actually the white boy they met in Tiankeng? They all looked at the west wind.

Chu Xifeng had already sent a letter to His Royal Highness Princess last night, and he had not received a reply letter. He did not know how Qin Wang’s Highness would handle this matter.

Now, in the face of Wang Yin’s eyes, he knows that he can’t escape. He knows that if he is lying, it will only make it difficult for King Qin to explain everything.

He bowed his head and answered truthfully, "Yes."

"So, the dragon has long known the night?" Han Yu’s voice revealed his anger.

For a long while, Chu Xifeng nodded, "Yes."

"What kind of person am I?" Han Hao's anger finally broke out.

The appearance of the white man made her once suspected her identity, and she also discussed with the dragon and the night many times. However, she never thought that Gu Beiyue was a white boy, and Long Fei knew it earlier. Her!

Chu Xifeng quickly explained, "Wang Hao Niangniang, this matter is Gu Dafu's own request for confidentiality! No wonder Qin Wang's Highness! Gu Dafu said that the shadow family will leave him alone, he does not know whether the Western Qinhuang orphans are still alive in the world, but do not want to Looking for, I don't want to be a running dog of the Chu family. He said that his identity is special, he doesn't want to have more troubles, he just wants to stay calm and stay in the drug ghost hall as a doctor. So please ask the royal family of Qin to conceal him. Wang Hao Niangniang, this is Gu Dafu’s private affairs, he does not want you to know that Qin Wang’s Highness is helpless, isn’t it?”

The heart of Chu Xifeng is ultimately toward his master.

Han Yu is not afraid of being a orphan of the Western Qin Dynasty. She is afraid of lies and is afraid of conspiracy.

After listening to the explanation of Chu Xifeng, she calmed down and asked, "How do you know when the dragon is not a night? When did you know?"

"His Royal Highness has always had doubts about Gu Dafu. After all... After all, Wang Hao’s maiden is walking close to him. His Highness is worried about the safety of Wang Xi’s maiden, so she has repeatedly investigated it and later in the Western Zhou Dynasty...”

Chu Xifeng explained that Gu Beiyue was seriously injured by the Chu family and hijacked the hostage. Han Han finally understood everything, and also knew that Long Feiye and Gu Beiyue jointly defeated Chu Xifeng against Ning Cheng.

“Ning Cheng can know the identity of Gu Beiyue?” Han Yu asked again.

"His Royal Highness has passed, Chu Xifeng did not say, Chu family and the second old did not mention. Ning Cheng should not be aware of this matter, otherwise it would not be easy to let go of Dr. Gu."

Chu Xifeng saw Wang Xiang Niangniang look lonely, for fear that she did not believe, and quickly explained, "Wang Hao Niangni, His Royal Highness is also a lot of investigations to know the identity of Gu Dafu, if the doctor is seriously injured by the Chu family, His Royal Highness may not know his secret. This matter is really Gu Dafu, letting His Royal Highness squatting at you. Wang Hao Niangniang, except for the subordinates, all the defenders do not know the identity of Gu Dafu, His Royal Highness is really..."

Han Han interrupted again, cold and cold, "not Ning Cheng, who wants to kill him? Last night, the person clearly knew his identity."

After listening to this, the heart of Chu Xi’s wind hanged for a night and finally recovered.


Fortunately, Wang Xiang Niangniang did not dig into the horns of Gu Beiyue’s identity. Otherwise, let alone him, it is the Qin Wang’s personal interpretation, which may not be useful.

Chu Xifeng feels under the heart, and it is not the same as the woman who is squatting under the eyes of the King of Qin.

Chu Xifeng secretly rejoiced, but did not know how sad Han Han was.

She respects the privacy of Gu Beiyue, but Long Fei knows all the nights, why Gu Beiyue still wants to marry her.

She feels like an outsider, and she is excluded from their circles by Gu Beiyue and Long Fei.

Sadly, Han Hao has no blame. After all, everyone has their own privacy. Everyone has their own choices, just as she has passed through, just like her detoxification system.

Her heart is a bitter smile, so it seems that Gu Beiyue must give her a confession? What qualification did she say to him last night?


However, he does not need to give her a confession, but he also has to be good, and he has to come back!

Gu Beiyue, you know, you still owe you a "thank you" word!

The insults of the monarch and the evil are that you are saved by your life, and a white coat wraps her in a wolf;

She quarreled with the dragon non-night, injured her shoulders, and slept in a sleep. It was you who silently wrapped her for nothing, leaving medicine without a name.

Gu Beiyue, what you have done, you have to come and recognize it!

Chu Xifeng quickly took the opportunity to explain, "Wang Hao Niangniang, the man who made the Tianshan swordsman last night, but it is not the Royal Highness of Qin..."

When the words have not been finished, Gu Qishao grabbed the collar of Chu Xifeng. "What do you say?"

Han Yu opened his hand and explained the situation last night.

Gu Qi Shao sneered, "Swordsmanship is so powerful, dragons should know each other at night."

Gu Qixiao had just known the people of Gu Beiyue's film family. The surface was as accidental as Mu Linger, but the heart was already turbulent. He remembered the matter of a dumb mother.

He never understood why the dragon was not killing the mother-in-law. In addition to Mu Yingdong and Mrs. Pity, the dumb mother is the only person who knows Han Han’s life experience. The dragon is not a nightmare to kill the mother-in-law, it is nothing to kill.

The identity of the poison sect, the dragon and the night did not deliberately conceal Han Han, what is he hiding for the dumb mother-in-law?

Gu Beiyue has been in the Tianning Tai Hospital for so many years. If he really wants to calm down his life, why should he volunteer to go to the drug ghost hall to be a resident doctor? Why is it so high-profile to participate in the medical fight, take the helm of the medical city, become the head of one party?

A terrible thought can't suppress the growth and growth of Gu Qi's mind. However, he did not say it, he prayed that Gu Beiyue is like him, with all exceptions, so he can't help but pay for this woman, there is no other conspiracy!

"Dragon is not healing in Tianshan at night. He is very hurt. He can't recover for a year and a half. Last night, it was impossible for him." Han Yu said lightly.

Chu Xifeng immediately rushed out a cold sweat, although the royal king of Qin did not instruct, but he felt that it is very necessary to say everything, otherwise, if this continues, the misunderstanding will be too big!

"Wang Hao Niangniang, His Royal Highness Princess Qin has already descended from the Tianshan Mountains... His Royal Highness is now in Shajiang, and he will soon be in charge of the battle and Ning Cheng!"

When the sound of Chu Xifeng fell, everyone was quiet, and Han Han’s expression was stiff on his face. For a long while, she murmured, "Chu Xifeng, what do you say?"

(End of this chapter)