Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 806: Shocking news

Han Han can't believe his ears!

The person she misses every day, the person she cares about, actually lie to her!

Every day, she remembers the injury of the dragon and the night. Every day, she is looking forward to the treatment of the medical city. Every day, she ponders how to weigh the power of the Central and Southern Governors. How can I get the Zhongnan Dudu Government to go back to Tianshan? He, take care of him.

He is good, he has already healed, and he has already been in the Tianshan Mountains. He has already taken control of everything in the Central South Government. This is going to start, and she is still in the dark!

Dragon is not night, who are you when I am Han Han? Fool?

It is Chu Xifeng, the capital of this movie theater, who knows the truth. What is she?

She finally understood why she had sent an empty letter to Long Feiyin. In the face of her "I miss", how can he return to her in addition to sending a blank letter?

Seeing Wang Hao’s face is not right, Chu Xifeng’s heart is mad, and she has not jumped out of her heart. He looked at Gu Qishao and Mu Linger, only to see that both of them were shocked, and one side had no performance and could not help him.

What can I do in addition to the scalp explanation?

"Wang Hao Niangniang, this thing Gu Dafu also knows..."

"Let's take Gu Beiyue as a bad guy!" Han Hao was angry and screamed. "People are still unclear, are you still letting him go?"

Gu Beiyue has absolute decision-making power.

However, the things of the Tianshan Mountains, the Central and Southern Governors, and the wars are all things that Long Fei nights!

He lied to her! It has nothing to do with Gu Beiyue!

Chu Xifeng suddenly smashed down, "Wang Hao Niangniang is angry, this matter is a bitter! Wang Hao Niangniang, you also know that Jiu Xuan Palace has a fine work, that fine work has never known that His Royal Highness down the mountain. His Royal Highness is also in order to deceive, only to deceive Yours! Wang Hao Niangniang, you think about it, the letter that your Highness sent to you, is it only to mention his injury, only mention the things of Tianshan and the Central South Governorate, not mentioning the medical city? There is also the imperial court to Gu Dafu. Letter, is it only a medical city, not mentioning the Tianshan and the Central and Southern Governors?"

Chu Xifeng couldn't help but screamed a head, hoping to calm the anger of the female master. He continued. "Wang Xiong Niang, His Royal Highness has always suspected that Tianshan and Qin Wangfu's masterpieces are related to Bei Li. He set this bureau for the sake of Today's World War I. The cavalry of the Northern calendar has not yet recovered, and His Royal Highness is planning to take advantage of this opportunity. He will attack Ning Cheng and go straight to the North Calendar! They are caught off guard. Wang Hao Niangniang, His Royal Highness has already confessed to Dr. Gu, to Gu Dafu last night. I am leaving you to leave the Medical City, Your Highness... His Highness has been reading you all the time, and he has been waiting for you in Shajiang! Who knows... Who knows last night..."

Chu Xifeng said that he was so heartbroken, he said all the facts he knew.

"So, he was seriously injured in Tianshan, but also to lie to me?" Han Yu asked incredulously, she was crying at the moment. How is the heart of the dragon non-night?

"Wang Hao Niangniang, if it is not the play, fine work will easily believe that His Royal Highness is seriously injured?" Chu Xifeng asked.

"What about the hundred miles of musk on the Tianshan?" Han Yu asked again.

"This... Wang Hao Niangniang, although the highness of the temple is not seriously injured, but it is really hurt, Gu Dafu let the Baili girl go up the mountain to do the needles!" In fact, Chu Xifeng is not clear about the "double repair".

"He is healed now?" Han Yu asked coldly, and then angered, for the man finally worried about his heart.

"When he recovered, he went down the mountain. Wang Xi’s maiden, the subordinates have already slammed the matter of last night to His Highness. The gang was not simple last night, the medical city is not safe, and the first one will send you to Shajiang to see His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness.

I will definitely explain it to you. Chu Xifeng quickly persuaded.

"I didn't find Gu Beiyue, I will not leave the medical city." Han Wei is very determined.

Chu Xifeng is in a hurry, "may...can..."

Although he does not want to say this, he has to say it, "Wang Hao Niangniang, Gu Dafu is fierce, you..."

Han Yu heard what Chu Xifeng meant. She sighed and said coldly. "Live to see people, die to see the dead."

"Wang Hao Niangni, you..."

Chu Xifeng smashed another ring, "Wang Xiiang Niangniang, under the guaranty of life, with the security of all the shadows, the assassin last night is not the Royal Highness of Qin!"

"Chu Xifeng, you listen, I don't doubt him." Han Wei gave a clear attitude.


Even now, Han Han has never doubted that the dragon is not a night.

His deception, she will personally ask him a statement. However, this has nothing to do with the spurs of last night.

Her heart is sore and her brain is very clear.

Everything that the assassin showed last night was like a dragon and a night.

Assassin's swordsmanship level, a style of non-speaking, see Gu Beiyue's shadow response is not big, but also deliberately avoid her sight, not hostile to her, these doubts point to the dragon non-night.

But there is a lack of reason, a reason not to kill the North Moon.

From the beginning of their journey to Tianshan, Gu Beiyue is the most effective assistant of Long Feiye. The cooperation between him and the dragon and the night is very important. What reason does Longfei Night kill Gu Beiyue?

When Chu Xifeng encounters a big sigh, he does not know what to say, he can only smash his head. "Wang Hao Niangniang is wise! Wang Hao Niangniang is wise!"

Han Hao took a deep breath and let himself calm down.

In fact, she didn't want to be calm, she didn't want to be calm at all. Gu Beiyue's martyrdom made her feel uncomfortable crying. The dragon was not cheating at night, letting her angrily think about it and rushing to him to question.

However, she has no time to be sad and no time to be angry.

She told herself that she must be calm. The assassin last night was clear and uneasy, and if she was not calm, she would definitely fall into the trap.

Even if she pays the price for Gu Qi, she must force herself to calm down in order to take the position of the dean who has worked hard for Gu Beiyue.

She looked at Luo Zuoshan on the side, cold and cold, "Luo elders, you will inform Shen Affiliated Hospital, let him hurry to the study and wait for me. Gu Dafu falls on the cliff, be sure to keep it secret!"

Luo Zuoshan knew that the situation was serious and he quickly took the lead.

"Poisonous hoes, give me the things to find people." Gu Qi rarely stretched his face, his mind was hidden, rarely so serious.

"Seven less, please also protect Wang Xi's maiden Zhou Quan, last night's assassin martial arts can rival the royal king of Qin, and now only you can protect Wang Qi Niang Niang Zhou." Chu Xi Feng said urgently.

Gu Qixiao sneered, Han Han was very helpless, she said, "If the person wanted me to take my life last night, can I still stand here?"

Chuxi is so popular that there is no rebuttal.

Mu Linger suddenly screamed, "Han Han, little things? Little things like Gu Dafu most, small things can definitely find Dr. Gu!"

"I also hope that it can find him." Han Yu sighed deeply and said to Gu Qishao, "Old ghost, I can't summon small things, it is very far away from me."

Realizing that the little things are not seen, Han Han has always started the storage space to summon it, but unfortunately has not been able to summon. This shows that the little things are very far away from her and are beyond the summonable range.

She is also not clear whether the little things are going to chase those assassins, or to pursue the North Moon. She would rather be a little stupid to chase those assassins. If this is the case, then there is hope for Gu Beiyue.

If the little things are going to follow the North Moon... Han Han does not dare to think about it.

Gu Qi Shao heard her meaning, he whispered, "How far to find."

When he finished, he flew into the abyss again. Mu Linger hesitated. He took hold of Han Han’s hand and held it tightly. "Han Wei, Gu Dafu is the best person, he will not have anything!"

When she finished, she also flew down and chased Gu Qixiao.

Han Yu sucked his nose and said to Chu Xifeng, "Go back to the medical city!"

Returning to the medical city, concealing the last night, stabilizing the overall situation of the medical city, continuing several major events that Gu Beiyue has not completed, and also cooperating with the battle of Longfei Night Shajiang.

On the way back, Han Han even calmly asked Chu Xifeng, she should do something for Gu Beiyue, so that I can continue to cooperate with the layout of the dragon non-night.

She was also scared by her own calmness. She has always been a rational person, but she never knew that she could be rational to this extent.

This is where the reason is, it is simply stupid, it is good bullying.

She knows that the rational reason for this is nothing more than because the object is him, the dragon is not night.

Her greatest reason is actually irrational.

Dragon is not night, you know, even if you are suffering from heartache, I still miss you, want to see you, think of you by your side.

When Han Yu arrived at the Dean's study in Gu Beiyue, he was about to discuss with Shen Cassia how to conceal the attack of Gu Beiyue. A message began to disintegrate all her rationality and irrationality.

The news of the Battle of Shajiang came. Last night, the army of Baili raided Tianning. Overnight, the three great forces successfully crossed the fierce Shajiang River and directly entered Tianning.

The soldiers of Ning Cheng couldn't catch the defense, and they lost the two cities. They lost the two cities this morning and retreated to the largest city in the southern part of Tianning, Weinan County. With the help of the terrain, Ning Jiajun transferred all the red cannons to the defense of the city, and then reluctantly maintained a confrontation with the Baili army.

The power of the great army of the hundred miles crossed the river overnight, not for anything else, only because the army of Baili dispatched a squadron to control the water system of the Shajiang River.

Last night, the news spread to the entire Yunkong continent this morning. No one expected that the Baili Shuijun was actually only a legendary sergeant.

However, the fact that the soldiers are not the most shocking!

The most shocking thing is the flag of the army of the hundred miles, the flag of the dragon on the black background.

The dragon is the night of Tianning Qinwang. The military flag that was once levied is the black flag. On the black background, there is a strong and powerful white "Qin".

It should be known that the "Qin" character is on the flag of the East and West Royal Empire of the Daqin Empire. The military flag of the Western Qin Dynasty is black on white, while the flag of the Eastern Qin Dynasty is white on a black background.

The only difference between the military flag used before the dragon and the military flag of the Eastern Qin Dynasty is the Panlong Totem behind the military flag.

This time, the flag used by the Baili Shuijun is not the flag of the Tianning Qinwang. It is precisely the flag of the Eastern Qin Dynasty. There is a similar Panlong on the back of the military flag.

Baili Yuanlong publicly announced that the Baili family was not only the Yi people, but also the seven nobles Bai people who loyal to the Dong Qin royal family for generations. They also exposed the relationship between Ningjia and Yunkong Chamber of Commerce, exposing that Ningjia was missing for many years and loyal to the Xiqin royal family. The seven nobles of the Di!

The battle of the dragon and the night is the beginning of the battle for revenge and restoration of the country by the identity of the East Qin royal family.

(End of this chapter)