Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 837: Han Yu, who was scared to cry

There are nine letters in the mezzanine of the box.

Han Wei was very surprised. She took it out and looked at it. She didn't look at the content. She only looked at the envelope, and she stopped.

These nine letters are not the nine seals she wrote to the dragons and the nights? The signature is her name!

There is only one sentence for each one, and the words are the same. "Dragon is not night, I miss you."

Han Han split a letter and found that the front of the letter was her handwriting, and the back of the letter was the handwriting of the dragon and the night, with a request, "Han Han, please believe me."

After the request, his name and time are attached.


Han Hao seems to think of something, and quickly opened the remaining eight, the remaining eight are all the same.

Her nine words "Dragon is not night, I miss you."

In exchange for his nine sentences, "Han Han, please believe me."

Han Hao finally knew that the empty letter he had returned to her was fake. So, she guessed that for months there was no way to guess.

That empty letter simply does not want to believe, let her guess what!

Han Han succumbed to want to cry, and happy to laugh.

Dragon is not night, how can you do this!

You bastard! Big ass!

After a sentence, please reply after her miss. Han Wei remembers very clearly that the ninth letter she gave to Long Feiye was in the medical city. At that time, everything had not happened yet, and there was no national hatred. She is only his Qin Wang, he is only her Royal Highness.

Everything has not happened yet, what does he want her to believe in him?

Does he expect so many things to happen, so ask her to believe him?

Han Yu for a long time, suddenly looked at the date of all the letters like crazy, the dragon's non-night reply has a payment and time. She carefully read the time of the nine letters, and determined that Long Feiye gave her the last letter before he announced the identity of Prince Dong Qin.

Why, don't reply to her at that time, now give it?

He was so humiliated on the cliff that it was deliberately let her bring this box back, precisely because of the purple gauze, so Ning Cheng would not move this box.

Thinking about this, after the dragon was beaten at night, the incomparably silent face once again appeared in Han Min’s mind.

She was so upset that she was blocked and her breathing was so uncomfortable.

The nose was sour, and all the grievances in the past few months came from the bottom of my heart. She didn't know whether she was wronged for her or was wronged for him.

Dragon is not the night, it is only you, can I bully me Han Yu into this look!

The dragon is not the night, only you, can make me Han Hao spoiled into that look!

Why, he clearly sent a letter, to stay until now? Why are things that can be explained clearly?

How could Han Hao hope to find some clues in these letters, and she was anxious again. She looked at it seriously inside and out, but never found any other information.

Suddenly there was a footstep outside the door. Han Yu panicked and hurriedly put on the box and collected all the letters, but one fell to the ground.

She was about to bend over and the prostitute came in.

There is no more inconvenience in the military than in other places, so Ning Cheng specially arranged for her to have several prostitutes.

Han Hao did not dare to look at the letter on the ground. She was nervous and did not consciously hold her breath. She watched the prostitute walk to her side with her nightingale.

"His Royal Highness, the Ning family told the slaves that they are the old ginseng soup. You should drink it quickly." The niece said respectfully.

"Good... you... you go out

Let's go. ”

The big things, Han Hao are as stable as Taishan, not as calm as a normal woman. However, in the face of these small conditions, her heart is maddening and she can't say anything.


When the prostitute took a gift, she had to step back and Han Hanji extended her foot. Who knows, she was about to step on the letter, but the prostitute suddenly looked.

Han Hao stepped on the half letter, but fortunately she did not bow her head, and the prostitute did not have the idea to come to her feet.

"His Royal Highness, the Ning family said that there will be drills in the Japanese army, let you rest early, and he will pick you up in the morning." The niece said respectfully.

Han Han leaned forward and covered the letter with a skirt. This calmed down. "You know. You, go on! And... I don't have my permission, don't allow... I don't want to come in at will."

"Yes." The prostitute owed a debt and left.

To be sure that the person had already left, Han Hao’s nervous nerves all relaxed at once, and she was relieved and quickly picked up the letters and hid them.

How much has she encountered in her life? But it has never been as shocking as it was just now, scaring her heart out of her heart.

Good and dangerous.

This matter is not very big, but the consequences are extremely serious. If the letter of Long Feiye falls in Ning Cheng, the mezzanine of the Jin Box is known by Ning Cheng. She really can't imagine the consequences, and she can't bear the consequences.

If you are known to be full of enthusiasm, Han Han will be frustrated by a small prostitute?

After the thrilling past, Han Yu Ming Ming has stabilized his emotions, but he did not know how to do it. She did not look over the wall and suddenly cried out.

Once the tears are overwhelming, how can they be accepted?

She was kneeling on the floor, facing the wall, crying low.

Dragon is not night, you bastard! What are you doing?

What do you want me to believe?

Dragon is not night, I want to see you!

You want me to believe in you, you have to say it clearly!

This night, Han Yu stayed up all night and thought about it all night. I couldn’t think of a good reason to continue negotiations with the dragon.

In the first negotiation, the dragon did not insult her and Ning Cheng as night, and Ning Cheng must be remembering it.

Moreover, the negotiation is the initiative of the dragon and the night. At the beginning, the dragon is at a passive level, and Ning Cheng can choose to stop the war with the dragon, or choose to deal with the wind.

Early in the morning, Ning Cheng came over to Han Han to see the exercise, seeing the swell of Han Han, Ning Cheng thought she was crying for the purple gauze.

He is even guilty, and he doesn't dare to ask more. He has nothing to say.

Han Hao was absent-minded all morning, thinking about it, and finally there were enough reasons to convince Ning Cheng.

Who knows, on the way back to the barracks, she is about to open her mouth, but the attendant is coming, "Princess, General Ning, Dong Qin letter."

Han Hao saw the letter and was very happy.

The letter was written by Bai Liyuan and asked for the time and place for the second negotiation.

In the last negotiation, the decision to cease the war was initially reached. He asked for in-depth negotiations and agreed on the specific details of the armistice.

Han Wei gave the letter to Ning Cheng, and Ning Cheng glanced at it and looked disdainful. "Princess, we have to press their arrogance and drag him back for another three or five days. They really thought that we could not stop fighting with them." !"

Han Wei glanced at him faintly, did not speak.

Ning Cheng still wants to speak, see Han Han, this lost look, he immediately closed his mouth.

This matter is him after all.

The fault, if not he is wrong, where does the dragon come to the night to humiliate the Princess?

Ning Cheng finally realized that he could no longer mention this in front of the princess, which is tantamount to revealing the scar of the princess.

Seeing that the princess was silent, Ning was silent, and both of them returned to the military camp all the way, and they were silent.

Before returning to the camp, Ning'an wrote a letter.

The letter said that Long Zun has successfully arrived in the medical city. Gu Qi Shao and Mu Linger have already rescued Bai Yuqiao. They are still interrogating and have not yet submitted useful information.

"Ning Cheng, you sent a letter to Ning'an and asked the attendant that Long Zun took with him. Shen decided to accept it, or returned it." Han Hao seems to be casual, but his heart is nervous.

She poisoned one of the servants, and as long as the servant went to the Shenmingyuan, she would have come into contact with the sweet-scented osmanthus in the Shenmingyuan.

This time is already in the autumn, the north is colder than the man's climate, and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the garden must have blossomed.

Her poison under the servant must react with osmanthus fragrance, it will have itching symptoms, and it will show black lines.

According to the location and order of her poisoning, those lines must be glyphized. As long as Shen decided to heal the servant, he would surely see the words she left, and he would surely tell the dragon to stay at night.

At any time before, Han Hao hopes that Shen Cassia has already turned her problem to the end of the night.

She couldn't imagine how long the dragon would slap her slap and hear what she said to Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng wants to go, Han Hao hastily added a sentence, "What is the situation, let her reply immediately, getting better and better!"

Ning Cheng suspiciously said, "Princess, this matter... so anxious?"

Han Yu realized that she was out of her mind. Fortunately, she was clever and explained quickly. "If you can win the support of the medical city, you can also win the support of the drug city. Ning Cheng, with the support of the two cities, we are with Dong Qin. The basis of the negotiations is also quite a bit. Long is not a lot of fine works in the Northern calendar in the night. If the negotiations drag on for a long time, he will profit from the Northern calendar and change the decision of the armistice. We will fall short."

Han Yu’s words are very reasonable. Plus, Ning Cheng has completely trusted her. Therefore, Ning Cheng has not asked him any more. “This is the case for the subordinates. The negotiations are also decided by the princess.”

Han Hao can't wait to talk to Ning Cheng about tonight, but she still kept a little bit of reason, she said, "I think about considering it again."

This night, Han Yu turned around again and again, looking at the nine letters of the dragon and the night over and over again, one word and one stroke of his handwriting, his breath.

And this night, the dragon did not toss and turn the night, because he did not lie at all, he sat in the military camp, waiting for a reply.

Baili Yuanlong was with him, and he did not know that he was waiting for a reply, only when he was pondering the situation.

There are too many people who are not sleeping.

Ning Cheng alone sat alone in the small river outside the military camp to drink wine, a pot and a pot seemed to be drunk, but unfortunately he was not drunk in a thousand cups;

Baili musk looked at the moonlight in front of the window, the elegant face was quieter than this night, and the meekness of the hustle and bustle of the whole life swayed the moon, beautiful and desolate;

Gu Qi Shao lay on the roof and blinked to the sky;

Mu Linger is in the house, guarding the white jade Joe who is waking up, no sleepiness;

Gu Beiyue burned the letter sent by Chu Tiange in a certain Mao, he looked up to the moon, bowed his head and sighed...

On the following day, Long received a reply from Xiqin in the night. The time for the second negotiation was about the night, the old time, and the old place.

After reading the letter, Han Yu said to Baili Yuanlong, "Tonight, the Prince can pass, you stay in the army."

(End of this chapter)