Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 848: Sprinkle, don't provoke me

Han Wei only came to Baili Yuanlong for a purpose, but did not expect him to be such an attitude.

I dare to say that this old general did not see her as a "hostage", but as a "prisoner"! If she doesn't answer his question today, what is he thinking about?

Regardless of their respective positions, Han Yu does not like this ambiguous person.

The war between the two countries will not come to the cause; the cooperation between the two countries will not be difficult for the hostages. This is the rule that everyone who comes out of the mix understands. Moreover, this is not just a rule, but a style and a demeanor!

Although East and West Qin is not a cooperation, but at least the agreement is a war.

Baili Yuanlong is the first general under the dragon's night seat. Can hatred really twist him into this?

Even if the dragon is not sitting here at night, Han Han’s waist can be straight, let alone the dragon is still sitting here.

Today, she won't let half a step!

"This princess wants to see, Dong Qin dare to punish the princess what wine!" Han Yu cold.

"You!" Baili Yuanlong did not know how to be good for a while, he was a threat, and did not really want to do it.

Regarding Han Yu, the Xi Qin Princess, he had a quarrel with His Royal Highness all night. He had to admit her identity as a hostage and had to put her under house arrest in the main camp instead of shutting her into the cell.

Rules, he certainly understands.

Demeanor, he also has, but does not want to show in front of the enemy.

Han Hao is so tough, and the hundred miles of the dragon is difficult to ride the tiger. His eyes are faintly looking toward the dragon and the night. However, the dragon is not a nightingale, he has already brewed tea.

Han Yu Yu Guang also aimed at the dragon non-night, seeing his leisurely look, she almost laughed.

At this time, Xu Donglin, who was hiding in the doorway, sympathized with Baili Yuanlong. The decisiveness of Baili Yuanlong is a tragedy. He can't cope with a Western Qin Princess. What's more, is there still a secret help from His Royal Highness?

In the end, Bai Liyuan was very cheeky, ignoring Han Yu’s toughness and coldness. “Han Wei, Ning Cheng can have news of the Heizu? Is there a separation?”

Han Yu was shocked, and Bai Liyuan asked this question, which means that there is no news of the two nobles in Long Fei.

The identity of the dragon and the prince of the Eastern Qin Dynasty, and the identity of her Princess Xi Qin have been announced, and the two sides have also fought. The Hei and the ethnic groups have not appeared so far. What do you mean?

She had heard from the dragons and nights that in addition to the movie family, the strengths of the other six aristocrats still existed, but they all concealed their identity and were scattered around the mainland.

The Hei nationality was loyal to the Dong Qin royal family, and it was also the direct culprits of the Western Qinhuangs. After the demise of the Western Qin Dynasty, the Hei people took power and turned down the Gedong Qin royal family.

The aliens have always been neutral.

In the last war, the Di people led, the Hei and the Winds joined forces to destroy the Eastern Qin Empire. If the time was to leave the family, it would definitely change the overall situation, because the forces controlled by the people are no less than other forces.

The art of warfare that the winds are good at is the use of the technique of Qimen armor, and the art of warfare that is good at the family is the real skill of the soldiers. After the ancient family was an ancient soldier, he controlled a variety of military books and books, and there were many students. In the army of the East and the West, there was no shortage of alien students.

In addition to possessing military power, the aliens have an unusual influence on the military. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to leave the family to change the overall situation. However, it was such a force that, at the most critical moment, gave up the war and disbanded the army.

Now, where are the descendants of the family? Is a hidden world

Which army is still lurking in?

Baili Yuanlong originally wanted to ask the news of the ethnic and the black people. I have to admit that the whereabouts of these two families are very important. The emergence of these two families is also very likely to affect the overall situation as it is today.

No wonder that Baili Yuanlong has no such grace to question her.

"I don't know!" Han Wei answered very simply.

Who knows, Baili Yuanlong is entangled, "I don't know, or would you not know?"

"I don't know if Ning Cheng knows." Han Hao replied.

"You!" Bai Liyuan sighed with anger and cold voice. "How could you not know? Han Han, who are you cheating!"

This woman's Xi Qin Princess, Ning Cheng's servant, she must know everything about Ning Cheng.

"I don't know if I don't know, I am tired, please go back to General Baili!" Han Hao took the order and was too lazy to argue.

Such an attitude, let Baili Yuanlong have to doubt, he looked at the dragon non-night, see the dragon is still drinking tea at night, he glimmered a trace of sorrow, angry, "Han Han, this general gave you the last time Opportunity, say or not! Don't blame the general for not reminding me, my Dong Qinjun's cell, but the water prison!"

The soldiers have already stood by Han Han and will be ready at any time.

Han Li immediately rushed to the front of Long Fei, and took away the tea cup that he had licked to his mouth and threw it on the ground.

"嘭", the audience suddenly quieted down.

The hundred miles of Yuan Long also stunned, following the Highness of the Highness for so many years, and no one has ever dared to marry the Tea Cup.

Han Wei, this... is simply looking for death!

As for the shock, there was some gloating in the glory of the hundred miles. Han Han was so daring and arrogant. His Highness would be annoyed. He might agree with his suggestion and shut Han Han into the dungeon.

Long Fei night smashed the debris on the ground, and did not look at Han Han, cold and cold, "What do you mean by Princess Xi Qin?"

Han Han didn't talk, picked up the rest of the cup, and one fell to the ground, "Hey! Hey! Hey!" and the whole camp was heard. Finally, Han Han grabbed the teapot, and he was cold. Li Yuanlong went, but fortunately, Baili Yuanlong stepped back, and the teapot was kneeling at his feet, almost hitting him.

The dragon was a little accidental at night, Han Han was only three steps away from him. She looked at him coldly and angered. "What do you mean? That means? You have a large group of men to bully me a woman, so I mean? You guys again. A few meanings? Say?"

Han Hao, is this sprinkling?

The dragon is the most hated woman in the night, and she is a tigress-like woman. However, looking at such a Han Han, he has an impulse to laugh.

Of course, he endured, still expressionless.

Han Wei seems to be angry with the dragon for the night, but the anger is all toward the hundred miles. Long Bailong is questioned by her words. There is something overwhelming. Shaped tea tray, cold and not rushed over to him.

The hundred miles of Yuan Long were not expected, and they were hiding!

"But the princess, is this? The princess said last time, no matter what you ask, the princess will not say it! Whether you take the princess as a hostage or a prisoner, it’s yours. You better put this now. The princess is imprisoned in the dungeon, otherwise, the princess is not finished with you!" Han Han angry.

When the words came out, everyone in the room was shocked. What did she mean?

Does she want to go on?

Sure enough, Han Han turned and started to throw things and get what he got.

Whatever it is, the movement is getting bigger and bigger, and everyone outside has heard it.

Han Hao is so noisy, he has to alarm the entire military camp.

Baili Yuanlong finally realized that he could not control the situation. He turned his eyes into the night and asked for help.

Long Fei night is admiring Han Han Sapo, seeing Baili Yuanlong look over, he gave him a cold look, but did not speak.

Baili Yuanlong was even more anxious. Deputy Xie, who was next to him, whispered quietly. "General, His Royal Highness has taken Han Han as a hostage. If you screw up things, it will be a bad thing!"

"General, you are not useful for your temple? Just said that you can't ask anything, you don't want to come, you see this..." Vice-President Wang is also anxious.

In the end, Vice-President Zhao stood up. "Western Qin Princess, angry and angry! Our generals have no persecution. They just worry about the Wind and the Hei, and they are joining forces. So whether you are Xiqin or East. Qindu is in danger. So, I want to ask the princess to ask."

The deputy will give the steps of the Baili Yuanlong, and the Baili Yuanlong will not be reconciled, and he will have to go down.

"Han Wei, this general has this meaning! This matter is of great importance, you should consider it clearly." Baili Yuanlong said.

Han Hao sneered, haven’t you seen a woman sprinkle? Does a woman spoil the truth?

will not!

"I don't care! Baili Yuanlong, this hostage day, this princess is fed up!" Han Yu said loudly.

Outside the door, Xu Donglin couldn't help but vomit a slogan. "Grandma, you only came to the day and still slept, okay!"

Who knows, Han Yu went on to say, "You will either send the princess back to Ning Cheng, or you will leave the princess in the water. Don't blame the princess for not reminding you, once the princess touches the water, you drink. Before the water, it is best to check if there is any poison!"

The hundred miles of Long are a bit dumbfounded, and several deputies will have no choice. This is to threaten and threaten the hostages. Who knows that this is the case.

They brushed the eyes of the dragon and the night.

Finally, the dragon opened the golden mouth at night, "Han Han, you are enough."

Han Wei gave a slight glimpse, how do you feel that this is so familiar, she quickly slowed down, cold voice, "Dragon is not night, I finally ask you, I am a hostage, or a prisoner?"

"Hostage." Long non-night answered with certainty, the hostages can be treated well, and prisoners can only be abused.

"Is there such a hostage to you? On this camp, do you want this princess to suffocate here?" Han Yu asked.

"What do you want?" Long asked coldly.

"I want to be free to come in and out!"

Han Yu’s voice fell, and Baili Yuanlong screamed, “absurd, impossible!”

When the voice of Baili Yuanlong fell, Han Han picked up the pen shelf on the desk and smashed it. The hundred miles long avoided, and he was about to reprimand. The dragon didn't look at him at night, he could only shut up.

"This camp, within one mile, you can move around, but Xu Donglin must follow you. If you step out of the inside, if the identity is exposed, the consequences will be conceited!"

Han Hao took the opportunity to be so noisy. First, she must warn Baili Yuanlong. She is not good at provoke her. She has nothing to do to provoke her. Second, she wants to fight for some space for her activities.

Thinking about it for a while, she was cold, "Well, and give you a face."

Her eyes passed over a slap, and deliberately said, "After all, you and I were..."

(End of this chapter)