Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 849: Simply humiliating

After all, you and I were...


Han Yu’s words came here, and the quiet camp was quiet for three more minutes. The dragon’s eyes were passed through the night, and this woman was still addicted?

"After all, you and I were... so loving!" Han Yu extended his tone and deliberately emphasized the latter four words.

Bai Liyuan and others, his face is not very good-looking.

Vice-President Xie will whisper. "General, this woman is really shameless. When is this time?"

"Oh, she doesn't feel ashamed, and her Highness is still ashamed!" Baili Yuanlong whispered uncomfortably.

"General, did you know her identity before His Royal Highness?" Vice-President Zhao whispered.

The hundred miles stunned him and didn't speak. The other two didn't dare to ask.

In fact, Baili Yuanlong is not clear, but no matter whether he knows or not, he has suggested that His Highness publicly admit that he knew this woman's life and used this woman to appease the military. Unfortunately, he was reviled by His Royal Highness.

Although His Highness does not use women, it does not mean that His Highness is not ashamed of the emotional affliction that this woman once had.

Fall in love with your own enemies, but also like to be like that, look back and think, change someone to humiliate, isn’t it?

All four thought that their master would take the opportunity to humiliate this woman, who knows, he did not say anything.

Han Hao deliberately came over and provoked, "Dragon is not night, you say yes?"

Baili Yuanlong and others are disdainful, waiting to watch the show.

Han Hao is very close, and the dragon can catch her as long as she reaches out.

She expected that the dragon would not dare to take her on the night, and humiliated her, and he could not bear it; if he did, he would not dare in front of so many people.

It’s rare to have this guy eat and eat. She doesn’t think it’s too wasteful to play.

Everyone looked at it. The dragon was not on the night's face, and the sound was calm and high. He asked, "Han Han, how did you love me?"

“Shame” and “tune” are actually the difference between a “relationship”. Therefore, regarding the superficial hostility between the two of them, this is a shame in the eyes of Bai Liyuan and others. However, the actual relationship between the two of them is how to "humiliate" and can only be called "tune", or even called "Emotional."

The clever Han Han faces the dragon and the night, just like a curse, and easily becomes stupid.

The dragon is not only moving, but also hands-on, he pulled Han Han over, wrapped her waist and let her close to herself. Han Han's hands pressed against the armrests of the chair, and the dragon's mouth was smacked with a cold evil. The hand was stunned, and Han Han's whole person was attached to him, and he couldn't move.

He sneered, "How come you love, Han Wei, may you say that this Prince is listening?"

Then, in the face of everyone, he leaned over her ear and whispered, "Is it fun?"

"Dragon is not night, you are enough." Han Hao is angry and funny.

"Not enough." He said, the big hand actually pressed on her little tun tun, scorned, "Western Qin Princess, it seems that you miss the grace of this prince. If you confess to the world, willing to be the bed of the Prince. Slave, this Prince does not mind to reward you with a few loves."

Han Hao was smashed by the soul, and there seemed to be a fire in the body.

She finally understood that no matter what the occasion, when the dragon is not night, she can't play, she can only be divided into counter-tune.

In the eyes of Bai Liyuan and others,

She was humiliated to the extreme.

Several vice-presidents sneered, and Baili Yuanlong was disdainful. However, he soon raised his brows. The two people said that "love" is the meaning of the bed, so...

Baili Yuanlong always knew that His Royal Highness was practicing the power of cultivation, but how did he know so carefully? The true purpose of his daughter Baili Muxiang on the Tianshan Mountains is still unclear.

And the power of love and double repair, now also Tianshan old man, Gu Beiyue, Bai Lixiang and Baili Muxiang side of the shadow guard A Dong know the details.

Baili Yuanlong remembers that when he was in Yuzhou Island, Han Han also showed his arm of cinnabar, or the innocent daughter.


It’s been a long time since Yuzhou Island, and my Highness is so petting her, it’s estimated that it’s long...

Thinking about this, the first reaction of Baili Yuanlong is to look at the belly of Han Yu, the kind of Dong Qin royal family, can not be broadcast to the belly of Xi Qin Princess!

Baili Yuanlong is really unimaginable, and even more unacceptable to Han Han’s children under His Royal Highness! However, he was relieved soon. After Han Han’s coming down to the Tianshan Mountains, he was not with his Highness. It’s been a few months now. The stomach is still flat, and it’s definitely not pregnant.

Han Hao and Long Fei night, if you know that Bai Li Yuan Long, this old man is **** this heart, what do you think?

In fact, it is no wonder that Baili Yuanlong will have a heart, and the emperor’s son-in-law problem is a national event. When he was in the DPRK, he would be concerned about the civil and military affairs. Moreover, the Dong Qin royal family would be the only seedling of the dragon and the night. People, who don't want him to leave the leaves for the royal family.

"Let me go!" Han was angry and struggled to get up. "Dragon is not night, let me go! You are shameless!"

The anger is a fake, but it is true to think of getting up. In this way, she does not know where his hands will be shameless.

Long is not sneer at night, "This Prince thought that you liked the shame of this prince. It seems that this prince misunderstood! The face of this ‘beloved’, is the princess still not giving it?”

When the dragon is not talking about the night, she will let go of her. After all, Baili Yuanlong is not a fool. They must grasp the scale of the play.

Han Yu got up, wandering, and tidying up his clothes, angry, "Dragon is not night, just do what you said, although Dong Qin and Xi Qin are not cooperative, but this Princess still hopes to stop the war, everyone Respect each other and abide by the agreement!"

Long non-night slow-striped sorted out his own robes, got up, cold and cold, "this credit, this Prince is still there."

When he finished, he turned and left, and at the door, he was cold. "General Baili, still not going!"

Baili Yuanlong and others have slowed down and rushed out, and they are very admired, or there is a way for His Royal Highness. This kind of woman, Han Han, had to be lowered by His Highness.

After the people left, Han Wei stood in the same place, and her heartbeat was still a little fast. She waited for a while before going out, but she had already seen the dragon and the night.

The heart is suddenly full of unspeakable emptiness.

"His Royal Highness back to the main camp?" She whispered Xu Donglin.

"Go to the training field, the master is assured, Baili Yuanlong will definitely train." Xu Donglin whispered.

As for the long-night training of the dragon after the hundred miles, it is not necessary to say more. After this game, Baili Yuanlong is afraid that he will never dare to act rashly. Baili Yuanlong does not dare to move. Does anyone else in this army dare to come to Han Han trouble?

Han Yu’s move to kill the chicken and the monkey, the dragon is not a night to help a few words, she is in this Dong Qin military camp

It is safe.

It was night, Han Han thought that the dragon would come over at night, she had let Xu Donglin help her with her words, but she waited for a while, and the dragon did not come.

The vigil is the sergeant, Han Han did not dare to act rashly, can only wait. Who knows, Xu Donglin excuses to send things over and tell her that Long Fei received an urgent item at the training ground, and went out with Baili Yuanlong. It took two or three days to come back and couldn't come to see her.

"Where did he go? What an urgent matter?" Han Hao asked urgently.

"It should be military affairs, master and military affairs, unless the Highness says, otherwise the subordinates will not be able to find out." Xu Donglin said helplessly.

Han Yu understands that after all, it is a military camp and there are rules for military camps.

She wrote a letter to Gu Qishao, called Xu Donglin, and told him to send it out personally. This letter is to tell Gu Qi Shao all the truth, and her whereabouts.

In the case of the Winds, she will not help the dragons to stay up late, nor will she help Ning Cheng. However, the two outsiders who have been involved in Gu Qishao and Mu Linger have the right to know the truth.

After Xu Dong left, Han Hao packed up and prepared to go to sleep.

After the night, the sound of the drill gradually disappeared, and the entire military camp became quieter. Han Han turned to the opposite side for a long time, but could not sleep.

Perhaps it was too long to separate, these days have not been enough, these few hours did not see him, she missed to sleep.

Dragon is not night, where are you now? what are you doing?

She closed her eyes and did not consciously reveal everything in the day. He "humiliated" her words, every move, even the endless lingering of the first two days, his cold face, his deep eyes, His heat, his breath, his sweat to the tip of his nose, his strength, his gentleness...

Han Han turned over and buried himself on the pillow. There was an impulse to find him. I really missed the man.

God, the night will make people lose their minds!

At this time, the voice of the guards suddenly came out of the camp. "Western Qin Princess, Baili girl asked for advice."

Baili Musk?

Han Hao has changed her nightgown, too lazy to change clothes, and there is no prostitute in the military camp. It is really inconvenient. She did not come out and shouted, "Let her come in!"

After the thyme scent came in, he stood in front of the big curtain and respectfully succumbed. "Western Qin Princess, can Musk go in and talk to you?"

Han Han hesitated for a moment and said, "Come in."

Baili Musk carefully walked into the curtain and walked in. I saw Han Hao sitting on the tatami and wearing a pair of gowns. Ordinary women, even in the boudoir, even if they go to bed, the dressing gowns are neatly dressed, the buttons are all buckled, Han Han has a button and no buckle, the two are free to close together, the inside is a touch of wine red, looming.

Although she served for the prostitute in Yunxue, but rarely can go to the attic, Baili Musk is also the first time to see Han Yu this kind of bedtime appearance.

She is more conservative than the average woman, and she is shocked and afraid to look at it. She sat down and lowered her head, only to speak for a while, "Wang Hao Niangni..."

How long hasn't anyone called her like this? Han Hao actually had some nostalgia and sadness. This title represents the memories that could not be erased in the past. However, she still interrupted the Baili Musk. "What do you mean?"

Xu Donglin had already told the reminder of the dragon's night, she must be cautious and cautious, although the Baili Muxiang is a good girl, but after all, it is the Yi people, after all, is the daughter of Baili Yuanlong...

(End of this chapter)