Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 850: Didn’t hurt you a few

Han Wei’s vigilance made the Baili Muxiang lost.

However, she quickly comforted herself. It is normal for Wang Hao’s mother to be alert to her. After all, they are now different.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, Musk is nothing else..."

If the words have not been finished, Han Han will be interrupted by dissatisfaction. "I am not Qin Wang, you don't have to call me that."

"But..." Bai Lixiang was so anxious to look up.

"Dragon is not a night king of Tianning, isn't it? Baili musk, I used to be a sister before me, but now our sisters are exhausted, let's go." Han Yu's heart is actually uncomfortable.

Before she crossed, she was an orphan, and she was alone. When she was despised by Qin Wangfu, she was humiliated and later loved by everyone. She soon believed that she was no longer alone.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

I remembered the hatred of Chu Xifeng, remembered the hostility of Baili Yuanlong, and then remembered Zhao Wei. I remembered the shadow guards who used to be in the Qin Dynasty. Most of them are enemies now.

Baili Muxiang seems to want to say something. After listening to Han Yu’s words, he blinked silently.

After she quit, Han Hao secretly sighed.

In the name of the needle, Long Feiye took the Baili Musk to his side, which was to cover Bai Yanqing, and let Bai Yanqing mistakenly think that Baili Musk is a person who can be repaired with him.

After the dragon is not under the Tianshan Mountains at night, there is no need to injure the secrets of the needles. It is imperative that Bai Yanqing will be more suspicious at this time that it is a person who can be repaired with the dragon and the night.

Why did Long Fei choose Baili Muxiang, Han Han did not think about it. After all, she didn't understand the double repair. She only used Baili Musk to be a Yi people. It is easy to get the dragon and night trust, so choose her reason.

She is immersed in her own thoughts. Who knows, the scent of Baili, who has already gone, suddenly hangs up and walks in.

"What are you doing?" Han Yu was shocked.

The scent of thyme came forward and sat on the front of the tatami. "Wang Xiong Niang, Muxiang knows that His Highness will not want you."

When this was said, Han Wei was shocked.

The hundred miles of Long did not find out what was wrong with her and the dragon and the night, how did the Baili musk come out? This unscientific? Is it difficult to test?

"I don't know what you are saying, you go out right away." Han Han cold voice.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, His Royal Highness abandoned the army to the medical city, and went to find you. On the road, I heard that your life was exposed. If you are crazy, you will abandon the carriage to find you. Muxiang can see that His Highness does not hate you. I am worried about you, and my Highness must have known your identity." Baili Musk explained it.

Han Biao's brow is locked, silent, and Bai Lixiang continues, "Wang Hao Niangni, you..."

She looked up at the clavicle of Han Han, and Han Han was a glimpse, and then she was covered with a horse-drawn coat. How did she forget this?

This woman of Baili Musk seems to be weak, but her heart is fine and her eyes are very sharp!

Long did not leave countless marks on her two days before the night, and on the carriage, she had a good bruise under her neck. Although the thyme is a big yellow niece, but it is also an adult, can not understand?

This kind of imprint will disappear in two or three days. She fell on the hands of Long Fei night two or three days ago. Whoever has this courage except for the dragon and the night?

People with brains, think about it, how come!

If the dragon is not the kind of person who has serious cleansing and serious self-discipline, if he does not love to go to the bones, can Han Han be so?

Don't have to be in the sky

Xiang Duo explained that both women are well aware.

Han Wei was silent and didn't speak.

Baili Musk is more anxious, and quickly said, "Wang Hao Niangniang, in fact, Musk has long known your identity. Su Xiaoyu burns you, Musk saw the Phoenix Fetus birthmark for your medicine. Muxiang was a child, I have seen it in an ancient book in the Treasury. The daughter of the Western Qin Dynasty, within five generations, must have Feng Yu’s birthmark behind it."

Han Yu was shocked. I didn’t expect that the Baili Musk was so deep hidden. I knew this thing long ago and I was able to find it now.

Ning Cheng had told her about the birthmark in detail. The mother of Mrs. Tianxin was the first generation of the Xi Qin Emperor, and the wife of Tianxin was the second generation. She was the third generation to her, so she must have this birthmark.

In fact, if the non-Xin Qin royal family was destroyed, her granddaughter of the princess was far from the royal orthodoxy.

Seeing Han Han’s expression, Baili’s incense quickly explained, “Wang Hao’s mother, Muxiang always thought that her Highness did not know, so she dared not say it! Musk...”

The eyes of Baili’s fragrant eyes are all wet. “The musk only hopes that Wang Xi’s maiden will always be Wang Xi’s mother, His Royal Highness, and she will always be His Royal Highness.”

She will never forget that she saw the dragon night at the lakeside of the backyard for the first time and will never forget his silent face.

She doesn't like the so-so free Wang Hao Niangniu carrying so much, and she does not want His Royal Highness to shoulder such a heavy responsibility.

She only hopes that they will be well, she will not ask for anything. If she can quietly serve before and after, it will be fine.

Han Wei looked at Baili Muxiang, and didn't know what to say. Xu Donglin's words made her move. I didn't expect Baili Musk to be such a stupid girl.

Who said that hatred cannot be erased?

Han Hao was moved and laughed. "There is no pain in you!"

With the words of Han Yu, Baili Muxiang finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Wang Hao Niangniang is willing to believe in musk, which is the blessing of Muxiang."

"It's very smart, how do you say stupid things?" Han Yu looked helpless. She took the Baili Musk and sat down. "Alright, I can't sleep, you talk to me."

Baili Musk did not dare to sit too close, but still kept the distance, although not close, but she can see the traces of Han Han's neck and several kiss marks on the arm.

This is what the Royal Highness left! So much, so deep, how many times should there be? How intense?

What is it like to be a cold man under His Royal Highness?

Baili Muxiang did not dare to think too much, and hurriedly went to this terrible problem, her ears were red.

Notice the shyness of Baili Musk, Han Han tightened the clothes, put down the rolled sleeves, and pulled the skirt down. The thyme is a conservative woman in the middle of the law. How can she get her body cool, not to mention the traces of her body.

Although Han Yu went to the country to follow the custom, and was restricted by the dragon and the night, it was also very normal to wear, but when she slept, she really couldn't get used to the constraints of the ancients.

Being tied for a day, when you sleep, you must be free and free.

Her nightdresses and nightgowns are all custom-made. When I go to the cloud, I have a nightdress, or a tie-up robe.

If you need to make up your sleep when you are tired, you must take a hot bath, then eat the fruit and fruit to the bedding, comfortably, and sleep for a while, until you are hungry.

Helpless, the matter is in the military camp, and her clothes are not brought, can only be, this is not, she still wears a burgundy under her gown.


Xiang also thought that Han Yu found her shame, she was even more embarrassed, and looked down at her without looking down.

Intimate things, Han Han will naturally not come out to talk about capital.

She resolved the sentence in one sentence. "Where is your father and dragon going?"

"I don't know. In the afternoon, at the training ground, my Highness first walked. I went back to the camp to pack up things, and hurriedly chased them. It seemed to go to the nearby towns. I don't know how long it will come back?" Answer, I quickly added a sentence, "Wang Hao Niangniang, I am here to remind you, I am still against you and your Highness?"

"Why, what does he suspect?" Han Han asked.

"When I went back to camp, I asked a few words, he meant..."

"Speak straight."

"He meant... it was defense... against the princes of Wang Hao who seduce the Highness, so that the beauty can count, he said... For the years since then, you have been a woman after all. Your Highness is not normal to you."

When the words of Baili Muxiang came out, Han Han almost laughed. She couldn't help but think of it, and wanted to let Baili Yuanlong know everything and mad at him!

However, I have to say that Baili Yuanlong still knows about the dragon and the night.

"Well, I will have an idea." Han Yu said seriously.

"Wang Xiiang Niangniang, the army is inconvenient, or else, when I come back, I told him, let me come and serve. Just lie to him and tell me to monitor you?" Baili musk said excitedly.

"You are not so deceived, you must not come over." Han Han decisively refused, Baili Muxiang did not care about the opposition of Baili Yuanlong, followed her for so long, this section will come over again, it must be messed up.

"Look back to your highness to find a niece to come over!" Han Yu directly opened the topic, "Musk, what is double repair? How to repair the law? Do you understand?"

What she really wants to talk to is what it is!

The scent of thyme is awkward. "I don't know. I went to Tianshan. The old man of Jianzong taught me to practice the Brahma mind, taught me some tricks of swordsmanship, and did not say anything else."

"You don't know at all?" Han Yu was suspicious.

Baili Muxiang thought for a moment, and quickly said, "Right, the old man of Jianzong said that the double repair must be the same as that of His Royal Highness. The martial arts talent is very good. Only in any case, can only be higher than the Highness, not lower than His Royal Highness. ”

"Two martial arts masters, together with a closed practice?" Han Hao muttered to himself.

"It should be." Baili Muxiang also thinks so.

Han Yu thinks of Gu Beiyue, Gu Beiyue's film is superb, there is such a shadow, it must have a very strong internal strength, Gu Beiyue is young, with the weak body can repair such a high degree of shadow Both, martial arts talent must be extremely high.

If Gu Beiyue is to restore martial arts, it is a good candidate.

"Musk, you come to me less, it is best not to come over." Han Yu said seriously, "Your Highness will take you to lead the snake out of the hole, presumably Bai Yanqing will send people to stare at you."

This is what I think of this. I immediately understood it. In addition to Adong, there are a lot of masters of Tianshan Jianzong protection, and it is waiting for Bai Yanqing to shoot.

"Wang Hao Niangniang, that musk has resigned." Baili musk is eager to leave.

"Don't go to the girl's long maiden, it will be called the princess later." Han Yu reminded.

Baili Musk nodded and hurried away.

This stay, the dragon did not come back at night, the early morning of the next day, Han Han was tired and sleepy until dawn, but in a short while was awakened by a familiar taste.

(End of this chapter)