Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 851: The old slave is yours

Han Hao got up and lazily wrapped up in clothes, was about to get up, but suddenly woke up, seriously sniffed, immediately recognized the fragrance is the aroma of the old hen soup.

She scared a cold sweat! Blurt out, "Zhao Wei!"

When the voice fell, the curtain was cold and not picked up. I saw Zhao Wei standing on the side of the curtain. She seemed to dress up deliberately. The hair was combed neatly, and she swears a lot, radiant and refreshing.

She closed the curtain with one hand and placed it on the abdomen with a lot of courtesy. The lean body stood straight and straight, like the stereotypical consul of the palace.

However, her face smiled like Maitreya, and her eyes were in a straight line.

"The master, the old slave!"

After Zhao Wei finished, there were no rules, and both hands covered his mouth, and he laughed and his mouth could not be closed.

When she received the order from her predecessor the day before, she and a film guard would come over at night and night. If she had brought ten old hens to come over, the road was delayed several times. She arrived in the evening yesterday, and it would not be bright. To.

Han Yu’s mouth twitched for a few times before he spoke. “Zhao Wei, I haven’t seen you for a long time...”

Zhao Wei looked at the outside and quickly came in. He approached Han Han’s ear and whispered. "The master, the guards of His Royal Highness tell the old slaves, the master is relieved, the old slaves will call you the princess after the predecessors. The old slaves are not The people of Dongqin are not the people of Xiqin. The old slaves are you and your Highness..."

She said, couldn't help but giggled twice, barely stopped, and then continued, "The future is also a small master."

"Little master?" Han Wei did not understand.

Zhao Wei laughed again. This laugh can really be regarded as joyful and joyful. It is celebrated in the sky. "Hey, Princess, His Royal Highness is looking for an old slave. You can tell the old slave clearly."

"What did he tell you?" Han Hao suddenly felt a little scared.

"His Royal Highness to the old slaves, these days, and the next days, must be nourishing the princess's body, can not let the princess have a trace of discomfort!" Zhao Wei answered truthfully.

Han Hao heard that "these days" and "the next days" almost went to the wall. What does Dragon Night mean?

Zhao Yiren is an old man, and he is still a palace woman from the deep palace. The dragon is not a subtle expression of the night. She can understand it thoroughly, even if the dragon does not have the meaning of night, she can extend infinitely.

Zhao Wei sat down on the tatami side and said with a heavy heart, "The master, His Royal Highness is so anxious to find the old slave. These days will definitely make you tired? You see, your face is white. The old slave has already told you that His Royal Highness is young, bloody, and energetic. At his age, ordinary people have long been married, and he is one of you, don’t toss, who toss? You yell, don’t listen to the old man’s words, and lose money in front of you? The old slaves have not guessed wrong. In these few days, your Highness will be tossing you all night and night?”

Zhao Wei said, snickering, eyes began to look at Han Han, while looking at it, while saying, "Princess, the old slave reminds you again, your age is like a wolf-like age, you have to understand ......"

"Stop!" Han Hao hurriedly shouted, her face was really white.

Zhao Wei is not the Huanghua big niece female Baili musk, but the old palace woman who has become a fine woman. How many shy people in the palace are the women who are taught by the old palace. Even if the dragon doesn't understand anything, she must understand!

Long Fei night found Zhao Wei, is it really just to stew the old hen soup to give her nourishment? Believe him, she is not surnamed Han!

"Princess, the old slave has not finished yet, the old slave means..."

"I know what you mean, don't have to say more, bring your soup over, I will drink it."

"Princess, drinking is a must! But now, unlike the past, the old slaves have to say something to the princess." Zhao Yan looked serious and even serious.

"How is it different now, I can't drink it..."

Han Yu’s words have not been finished yet, and she regrets it. When she stops, Zhao Li immediately picks up. “Now, of course, it’s different! In the past, the princess was unconscious, and the Highness gave it to the princess. But now, the princess is... ”

"What about soup? I am hungry and hurry up." Han Han was interrupted.

Zhao Wei quickly brought the good old hen soup over. "Princess, this day is bright and bright, and the time is too fast. I only licked the old hen soup. The old slave brought a lot of herbs and ten old mothers. Chicken, from Ming Dynasty..."

"You are not afraid of being discovered by Baili Yuanlong?" Han Han's face is really white.

Zhao Yu smiled very mysteriously. "Princess, the old slave has been mixed in the palace for so many years. I have never had any bad pools, let alone the military. Rest assured, the old slaves have their own way."

"What is the way?" Han Han is not at ease.

"The old slave came over to serve the fragrant girl? The fragrant girl stayed next to the temple, not a big role, the old slave came to serve her, of course, the generals of the hundred miles are too happy to come!" Zhao Xiao smiled.

Han Yu understood.


"I will drink soup first, will it be?"

"Chengcheng, the old slave does not bother the princess, the princess slowly drinks."

Zhao Wei said that he did not bother, but it was not the meaning of retreat. She sat down and watched. Han Wei drank very slowly, but after a large bowl of soup, there was still time to drink.

As soon as she put down the bowl, Zhao Wei took out two books with black covers from her arms and gave them to her.

"What?" Han Yu did not understand, and opened it at once, and he was really ruined.

This book is nothing else. It is the enlightenment book used by the palace for the emperors, similar to the chun palace.

See Han Han face red, Zhao Wei depressed the voice, "Princess, although your Highness spoils you, but you also have to understand the pleasure of your Highness, understand! The next Highness will be the Lord of a country, the Third Palace and the Sixth House, for the royal family You can't learn the leaves. You don't learn to be a bit. It's hard to guarantee that you will be younger and better in the future. For the old slaves, you can't listen, men, are greedy."

Han Wei looked at Zhao Wei and suddenly found that Zhao Wei was like an old man who had experienced countless storms in the palace.

She is right, men are greedy, and the dragon is not the only one of the royal family, and there must be responsibility for the royal family. A woman who is more favored will have to accept it.

However, this law is not used by her! She is going to be jealous, what will the dragon do in the future!

"Princess, you can understand." Zhao Wei pointed to the two books in Han Han's hand.

"Know know, thank you." Han Yu said, I will put two books under the pillow.

"Zhao Wei, how is the drug ghost hall over there, and Xiao Yier and the Seven Lady, are they good?" Han Yu asked.

"All the medicine ghost halls are good. On the other side of the Han family, the old slaves have not seen them for some time. The princess is not in the house, and the seven ladies are rarely coming." Zhao Wei replied.

Han Hao nodded. "Hey, let's go out first, I change clothes, and Xu and Dong go around."

Since there is a range of free walking, Han Hao has a good time to go out to breathe fresh air. Of course, he also took the opportunity to open Zhao Wei. Otherwise, God knows if Zhao Wei will ask her and the dragon and the night between the details.

It feels terrible to think about it!

Han Yu and Xu Dong are slowly spreading in the military camp. Han Wei’s hair

Now this military camp is divided into three parts, they are in the center, the main camp and the grain are here, one on each side is the garrison place, and the other is the drill field. Not far ahead is the battlefield.

She and Xu Donglin were close to the main account of Long Feiye. They were immediately stopped by several soldiers. She did not force, and turned and left.

She has a hunch that the dragon is not coming back so soon.

Sure enough, on the evening of the same day, Long didn’t send people to report it in the evening. He had to return after three days. The nearby towns discovered several martial arts masterpieces from the Northern calendar. It’s not clear whether it was sent by the Northern calendar or the Winds. Come.

Han Wei can only accept the heart and concentrate on practicing the third stage of her storage space. However, it is so easy to say that it is close to the heart. She has been insomnia for two nights.

The dragon is not only dealing with the fine work, but also the situation of the Bei Lifeng.

In a secret house in the city, he had just finished two fine works, which made him murder, and the shadow guard came over.

"His Royal Highness, Herlian and his son have already handed over to Xiaogui, and it is expected that the fastest ten days will be able to reach the Northern Crown." The defender said truthfully.

Xiao Guizhen is the biggest chess piece arranged by the dragon and the night next to the emperor of the Northern calendar.

Xiao Guizhen is not only a secret agent, but also all the important news of the Northern calendar. It is also a pillow-side wind that can influence the decision of the emperor of the Northern calendar.

"Where is Jun Yi?" Long asked at night.

"It has been banned in the Tianhe City of the North, and all 30,000 horses are left in the western suburbs of Tianhe City. It is said that veterinary quarantine is needed to prevent the horses."

The dragon is not sneer at the lips of the night, and the action of the emperor of the Northern calendar is faster than he expected. It is feared that Ning Cheng must have a provocation.

The dragon is not in a hurry, as long as Xiao Guizhen moves up, the Beili emperor will not bypass the monarchy. At that time, the old fox behind Jun Yixie had to show up.

Of course, the old fox is also very likely to appear in advance, because the bait of the baixiang musk has long been eyeing.

This few fine works in this city have come from the fragrant scent of Baili.

When he acts on both sides, he does not believe that the old fox does not come out.

"What kind of situation is there?" Long asked at night.

"There was no movement, but the princess sent a letter to Gu Qishao."

Gu Qishao and Mu Linger interrogated Bai Yuqiao in Tianning Huangdu, Han Han told him.

The dragons have always regarded Gu Qixiao as a curse, and they are too lazy to take care of them. If they can judge from Bai Yuqiao’s mouth, they don’t have to wait for so long.

The dragon did not think for a moment, and faintly said, "Painting and serving."

He personally wrote a letter to Gu Beiyue, and transferred it to Chu Tianyin, and then traveled to Chu Tianyin to contact Gu Beiyue.

The truth, Gu Beiyue has the power to know. As for what kind of choice Gu Beiyue will make, he can barely make it. After all, when Gu Beiyue chose to cooperate with him, it was to conceal the identity of Han Yu, and now everything has changed.

After sending the letter, the dragon asked the sentence casually at night, "What about the hundred miles?"

"The generals also personally distributed the weapons in the west, and asked the Highness to review them in the past." The defender replied.

The armistice was prepared for a larger battle. Tangmen secretly sent a batch of new types of weapons, all delivered to the city, and Baili Yuanlong personally arranged it. After he handled it well, the dragon could be secretly distributed after the night. Go to the various military.

And when this is done, they will be able to go back. The fastest evening, at the latest night.

"Tell him that this prince is late." Long finished the night, put on the mask and went out. The shadow guards were puzzled, and when they glanced at it, they found that they were going down the street. Wouldn’t it be necessary to buy something under the temple?

When did the Highness himself buy something?

(End of this chapter)