Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 857: He has no scruples

Baili Yuanlong had an urgent need to find a dragon and a night. He thought that his Highness would rest in the main camp. Who knows that he could not find anyone in the main bedroom. He found a circle around him and he didn't see anyone, so Han Han was not found here.

Xu Dong was not allowed to live in peace. In fact, he had been quarreling with Xu Donglin for a while, but the voice was not as big as this time, but the dragon and the night and Han Han were too immersed in each other, and there was no idea to go outside.

At this time, Baili Yuanlong has been used by Xu Dong, and Long Fei Ye and Han Yu can't hear it. In fact, Xu Donglin was afraid that he could not stop people, so he deliberately provoked the hundred miles and made it awkward, and also reminded the two in the camp.

"General Baili, it is not inconvenient for you to let them go in. It is also inconvenient to ask the army to anger. Forgiveness." Xu Donglin said this for more than ten times, or continued.

"Inconvenient and inconvenient, can it be inconvenient for so long? Call her out immediately!" Baili Yuanlong is smart, don't look for dragons and nights, look for Han Han.

He stayed in the army for a long time, and the set of the soldiers was so tough and barbaric. He is not stupid. He wants Han to come out. It is also a temptation!

"General Baili, it’s not inconvenient for the subordinates to come out, it’s not convenient, but also the generals..."

Xu Donglin’s attitude was a slap in the face, and he was mad at Baili Yuanlong. He was interrupted with anger. “No anger, no sin! Xu Donglin, if you don’t call people out today, this general is only asking you! ”

"The general can only ask if he is the next one. However, before the generals can interrogate the subordinates, they should first say hello to His Royal Highness." Xu Donglin straightened his waist. He succeeded Chu Xifeng as the head of the shadow guard. Although the power of the palm is not as great as that of the general of Baili, the status is not low! He is not a good bully!

"The army is outside, the order is not allowed! What's more, it is to dispose of you as a district guard!" said Bai Liyuan, and he did not talk nonsense with Xu Dong, and pushed him away.

At this time, Zhao Wei suddenly came out from the side, stood in front of Baili Yuanlong, and opened his arms to block. "General Baili, Princess Xiqin is changing clothes, just the ten boxes of clothes she asked for are sent in. This is really inconvenient. General Bai Li, Princess Xi Qin is a hostage..."

Zhao Wei lowered his voice. "But this is after all..."

After the words have not been finished, the command of Baili will open Zhao Yi, and is pushing to the side of Xu Donglin who is coming over. Xu Donglin can only hold Zhao Wei, but she has not let her fall.

The hundred miles of the Longji machine strode into the camp, Zhao Wei looked at Xu Donglin, anxious, immediately chased in.

In the camp, Han Han’s clothes and shoes were filled, but no one was seen.

Baili Yuanlong stood still and stared at the curtain. Although he was reckless, he only dared to find it here, but then Han Han’s bedroom, he would not enter anyway.

At this moment, the eternal consciousness of the hundred miles is as soon as possible to arrange the importance of the prostitute to serve here.

Zhao Wei stood behind the back of Baili Yuanlong. Her old eyes can be pointed very quickly. When she enters the door, she looks at the right side of the curtain at a glance, and a book is stuck in the lower corner, revealing half of it, and she is also looking at it. The book is the secret of her palace to the princess.

In an instant, Zhao Wei did not know whether to cry or laugh. Zhao Wei only thinks that Baili Yuanlong is so embarrassing, it is really a thousand knives!

The hundred miles of Long couldn't be stupid. He and Xu Donglin were so loudly noisy that they didn't alarm Han Han? If there is no ghost, Han Han’s temperament has already come out, not

He can all be here, she is still hiding her head.

There is a 10% grasp in the heart of the hundred miles, Han Han has a ghost; another 80% play, His Highness is here.

If His Highness is here, and he is still in the inner house, that is not normal. The hundred miles of Long thoughts and this, there is already a suspicion in his heart, otherwise he will not be so angry because of a rush.

As soon as I thought about what might happen, the whole person of Baili Yuanlong was not good!

However, standing here, Baili Yuanlong is somewhat overwhelmed, neither advance nor retreat, I do not know how to be good?

Retired, he is not at ease, not reconciled, and there are urgent tasks waiting.

Progress, he can't, don't dare.

No, it’s because of ethics, not to mention Han Yu, that is, the niece’s bedroom can’t be smashed;

I dare not because of my identity, even if His Highness is in it, he does not dare to be sincere. He is the king after all, the Lord.

The eyes of Baili Yuanlong were not awkward, hesitant and undecided, and saw the things in the lower corner of the curtain. However, he knew that it was a book, and it was not clear what the book was.

He took a step forward and was about to see it clearly.

Suddenly, the book actually turned a page!

There is no wind in the camp! Even if there is wind, the wind may not be able to turn the book, and it is not good to flip under the curtain. This is obviously artificial.

So, is the person behind the book turning over the book?

At this moment, Long Fei Ye and Han Yu are still on the edge of the tatami, very close to the curtain.

The dragon lay on the side of the night, holding his head in one hand and lifting it up with one hand. He gently raised his hand, an invisible force was like a gust of wind, and it was applied precisely on the black book, and another page was turned over. A new page of content is presented, shocking and timid!

The dragon is not only a glimpse of the content, but also a little interest. His interest is in the face of this woman in her arms.

Her expression is more exciting than any page of the book!

Han Yu was ashamed that the whole face was burning. The red dragonfly was like a ripe apple. She was very shy with her head down, and she wanted to cry without tears. Even if there was a seam on the ground, she would not get into it because, She wants to hit the ground directly and die!

Too shameful! How can I still live?

She also knows that Baili Yuanlong is outside. She wants to stop the dragon from staying at night, but how can I stop it?

Does the dragon and the night know that Baili Yuanlong is outside? He also deliberately turned the book to cause movement, what did he want to do?

As far as she is, she absolutely believes that he will not let the hundred miles come in, and that Baili Yuanlong is not that daring. However, he turned the book to people, obviously it is black?

Baili Yuanlong could not be sure that the dragon was in the house at night, but she must be sure that she is there! How does Baili Yuanlong see her?

Han Wei only felt that his first name was destroyed in the hands of Zhao Wei, and then completely destroyed in the hands of Long Fei!

Long Fei looked at her with interest and saw her still not speaking, not looking up. His hand was lightly raised, and the little black book was turned over again. At this moment, the Baili Yuanlong outside the curtain finally saw the contents of the book page. In an instant, his old man was also blushing. As for being ashamed or angry, only he knew it.

Soon, his face turned from red to black, and his hands instantly clenched into fists, angered and rushed to the crown, round eyes, and the heart was up and down, and he was a black-faced king.

He breathes in the big mouth, it seems

In this way, I can calm myself. He opened his mouth several times and seemed to want to say something. However, he was so angry that he could not speak.

How much he wished he had guessed wrong, and his Highness was not in it, but there was only Han Han who was a curse!

Finally, he was overwhelmed by the glare of Zhao.

Zhao Wei originally thought about how to draw the attention of Baili Yuanlong and put the little black book into it. Who knows that the two of them actually played like this!

I heard that someone came in, but I could still read the book so calmly!

Are they still watching?

Zhao Wei’s three views were completely subverted. She could not be evaluated for her Highness, and the impression of the princess was a 360-degree change!

The surface looks so serious, privately so **, not shy! The two books are clearly for her to see privately, how is she... How do I take it out with my Highness? I saw it, there are people outside the curtain, how can I turn it so unscrupulously?

Although Zhao Wei did not cry, she did not consciously wipe her eyes, a bitter tears!

Her Royal Highness and the Princess didn’t need to worry about her. Is she so frustrated? She still went back to stew her old hen soup.

In the sight of the raging raging raging, Zhao Yu lowered his head, bent over, and slammed back.

Xu Donglin was in a hurry and asked quickly, "Zhao Wei, what is the situation? What is the situation?"

The hundred miles of Yuan Long dared to rush in, Xu Donglin, but even the camp outside the house did not dare to arbitrarily.

Zhao Wei patted his shoulder and said a long way. "Kids, sly, obedient, nothing, and the princess can't do anything, don't worry!"

When Zhao Wei finished, he left, leaving Xu Donglin with a blank face.

In the camp, the room is silent, but sometimes the buzz of the book is turned from time to time. The hundred miles of Yuanlong was a sinister and fierce god. He stood there and stared at the book.

Inside the house, the dragon is not in a good mood at night, that is, Baili Yuanlong can't influence him.

He admired Han Yu's shy expression, and the curvature of his mouth rose again. Not long after, he finally couldn't help but laughed loudly. "Oh! Hehe!"

He didn't dare to turn over the book. He picked her up with both hands and let her lie on her body. He looked at her laughing, open-minded, relaxed, and happy!

His unyielding laughter is just a bad news for Baili Yuanlong outside the curtain! Baili Yuanlong can no longer deceive himself. His Royal Highness Prince Dong Qin, the only descendant of the Eastern Qin Dynasty, was immersed in the mortuary of the Princess of the West Qin Dynasty.

Han Hao couldn't help it. He hit a fist on the dragon's night chest and whispered. "You are enough! What do you want?"

"The two books, where come?" Long asked the night.

"You let me go! Enough!" Han Yu was in a hurry, so how can he and her play sing? Does he really want her to live on the day of imprisonment? Or does he want to fall out with Baili Yuanlong, a civil strife?

“Don't you?” He ignored her protests and concerns. “I will ask you again, who gave it?”


Her voice did not fall, he turned cold, turned her behind him, and was cold and confused.

Han Han was really scared, and he sneaked a warning. "Dragon is not night, are you crazy?"

Long Fei ignored her warning, and Han Han could only surrender, "Zhao Wei gave it two days ago!"

"You have seen it?" Long asked again.

(End of this chapter)