Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 860: What is this good play?

I saw that stranger stood beside the Baili Muxiang, a young man. It looks very handsome, not tall, thin and very thin, and does not know the specific age. It looks like Xu Donglin.

"His Royal Highness, that is..." The hundred miles whispered.

"She." The dragon is very direct.

The hundred miles were shocked and approached, and they were familiar with it. I didn't expect Han Han to disguise as a man, but he couldn't even knock it out.

I have to say that her women's dress is beautiful, men's clothing is clear, very eye-catching. Even at this time, a pair of guards dressed up, deliberately low-key, but the temperament of the body can not hide, naturally show.

"His Royal Highness, this event is still our army today..."

The words of Baili Yuanlong have not been finished yet, and the dragon is cold and cold at night. "If the old fox makes poison, how can you help him?"

This problem directly makes the hundred miles of Long language stuff!

I still don't know the identity of the old fox before. Now it is very clear that the old fox is not only after the wind, but also after the poison sect. How many strict deployments of the dragon and the night can not prevent the poison of Bai Yanqing!

All over the world, except for Han Han, who can get Bai Yanqing's poison?

The dragon was squinting at the night, and looked at Baili Yuanlong. Waiting for Baili Yuanlong to continue to oppose it, Baili Yuanlong was finally bowed his head and had nothing to say.

Han Wei looked at Long Feiye and Baili Yuanlong, and thought about the two black books before, her ear roots could not help but some hot.

Soon, Baili Yuanlong sat down on the right side of Baili Muxiang, and never looked at Han Wei. Han Yu knows that Baili Yuanlong was unreasonably arguable by the words of the dragon and the night. She only used Baili Yuanlong because she couldn’t look down on her because of the little black book. She didn’t even want to see her again.

Worrying sang...

She sneered at the dragon and looked at the night. She ran into the night of the dragon and sneered at her. She immediately yelled at him. He had her aunt and walked up to her.

The feeling of coming on the road was too familiar. Han Han almost forgot the occasion and greeted him.

However, Long Fei night quickly turned and sat down, Han Han realized the occasion and his identity.

Long Fei night sat down on the left side of Baili Musk, just sitting in front of Han Han.

She is still worried about the Longfei Night Club and the Bailiyuan Long, and the film guards came to tell her that tonight's bonfire party, Long Fei wants her to participate, but she has to wear a man's clothes as a bodyguard to avoid revealing her identity. Because it is very likely that there will be a stab tonight, the dragon is ready for the night, waiting for cheating.

The secret of her staying with the dragon and the night must not be known to Bai Yanqing, otherwise the dragon will not count on the night.

Han Yu wondered, here is the main business, is the military machine heavy land, if it is carefully mixed in, then the hundred miles Yuan Long is too inferior! Assassin, how to stab here?

There is only one possibility, and the martial arts of the assassin are extremely high and can be very good.

When the dragon was sitting down at night, Han Han whispered. "Is the old fox coming alone?"

"I don't know, you can watch the show." The dragon whispered at night.

In fact, there are still a few things that Han Han wants to ask. I don’t want to ask too much about Baili’s incense and Baili Yuanlong. And she’s a “guard”, she can’t rely too close, she can only temporarily Endured.

The bonfire burned, the wine and vegetables continued to come up, and Baili Yuanlong first toasted the dragon and the non-night wine. Then the soldiers got up and came to worship, and the scene was full of excitement.

The lively is the person sitting, Han Han, the "guard" behind the dragon's night, can't do anything, can't ask, the wine is not enough, she is bored, she just hopes that the dragon is not good at night. Play!

In addition to Han Wei, the second woman in the audience is Baili Musk. Unlike Han Wei, Bai Li Muxiang is the only woman sitting, or sitting next to the dragon.

Qin Wangxi has become an unfortunate past in the temple. Most of the soldiers do not know the truth. These days, see Baili Musk often accompanying His Royal Highness, and he will make private speculations. Besides, most of the people who are in the field are the people of the Yi nationality. If the Baili Musk can get the grace of the Royal Highness, and become a beggar, even for the future, the future will be the birth of the royal family, but the great glory of the Yi people!

"Miss Muxiang, you didn't respect the audience all over the audience, huh, huh, not afraid of your sins?" Xie will open his mouth, the tone is faint.

The scent of Baili is not a good show for everyone. She explained without hesitation, "Mu Xiangyi is a female servant, can you toast with your priests?

This is too high for the present owner, demeaning himself, but with the rules and rituals. The audience heard it, the ears were comfortable, and the heart was comfortable.

If you are interested in martyrdom, you will naturally not be embarrassed. However, everyone is not interested in martyrdom, but is interested in it!

Vice-President Zhao opened his mouth with a smile. "Miss Muxiang is serving around the Highness. It is a must for me. Is it that I can compare these rough people? I can't wait for a toast with me! Haha, I don't have a separate cup."

When the voice fell, many people followed suit.

"Miss Muxiang, His Royal Highness will take you for the first time at the military banquet. If you don't perform, you will be boring!"

"Haha, Miss Muxiang, my white girl will not drink even the wine?"

"General Bai Li, Miss Muxiang will not really want to go from the army? You are willing, your Highness can not be reluctant."


Everyone said that they were very happy to laugh, and Baili Musk couldn’t help it anymore. They poured wine quickly. "Your Highness, Yu Xiang respects you for a cup, and the night of good luck, the fragrance is not expected, just hope that your Highness!"

This child is not suitable for explanation, and it is not easy to explain. The real reason why she stayed beside her body was not suitable for telling too many people.

She can only hurry to respect this glass of wine, so that the uncles and uncles can stop the topic, otherwise, if she goes on, she can't imagine what the "guard" behind her will think.

In the face of the toast of Baili Musk, Long Fei night just nodded and did not drink with her.

Baili Muxiang knows this before, His Royal Highness is not addicted to tea. If it is not a special occasion, even a person like her father is difficult to drink with His Royal Highness. Moreover, His Royal Highness will never drink with a woman.

Thousands of musk scented toasts, drinking alone, a delicate and clear heart has long seen everything, but ... but this mellow wine to drink, after all, is bitter and difficult to swallow.

Baili Muxiang couldn't help but secretly turned around and looked at Han Han. She didn't mind when she saw her. She was playing with her head down.

Long Fei night actually turned back twice, see Han Han that did not mind the appearance, his original brows suddenly smashed up, he never looked back, the deep dawn hidden a touch of dissatisfaction.

After three rounds of wine, a lively drum sound came from far away. Everyone followed the sound and saw a team dressed up in a squandering manner. The woman with a lot of style, under the guidance of several soldiers, sang and danced.

There are song and dance performances in the military, which is a way to comfort the soldiers. On the Tanabata night, the bonfire event is indispensable. However, tonight, this group of dancers is different from the usual ones, one by one exposed and the light.

Han Hao glanced at it and felt that the women were wearing bold clothes. Although they had long skirts, they could have openings on the side of the skirt until the roots of the thighs, and a pair of white and white embroidered legs were hidden, especially attractive.

She wondered, who made this arrangement?

Dancing girl

They stopped in the middle of the round field, and they were full of dragons and nights, and they worshipped the ceremony. Only one person looked particularly glamorous and leaned down to reveal a spring.

Luo County, sitting next to Bailiyuan, quickly got up. "His Highness, this is the most famous song and dance troupe from Luohe, the Luoshen Dance Troupe. Special "Tiange" is a song for the Royal Highness, and also the Temple of Hope. Drooping reward."

It turned out to be the Luoshen Dance Troupe. This dance group is not only famous in the Luohe area, but also famous in the entire Yunkong continent. Han Yu heard it, but it was also the first time I saw it.

The place where Long Fei night garrison was located in the Luohe area was originally Tianning. After being captured by the Eastern Qin Army, Luo County Shouyi surrendered.

"Tiange" is not only a dance, but also a general term for a kind of dance. Han Han is boring. Since the good play has not yet appeared, she appreciates the art of dancing. Is it better to sit better than stupid?

Long Fei night glanced at Baili Yuanlong and did not speak. He raised his hand and gestured to start.

Luo County keeps a big joy, and he is busy, and he is slamming the leader of the dance group of the Luoshen Dance Group. "You can give your honor to your Highness, and you will be blessed by your three lives!"

The dancers nodded and waited for the drums to start again. They got up, twisted their bodies, danced and danced with the songs.

"Tiange" is not the average person can jump, the shoulders, the shackles, the cover arm, the swing back, the loose knees, the twisting, the tilting and other actions are the most basic. I have to say that these dancers are really famous. They are sometimes busy, and sometimes they are swaying, the dance is smooth, the pace is light, and the girls are full of grace, and then they are paired with their bold wear, and the time is hidden. The situation revealed that many of the soldiers were fascinated and lost.

Men like the beauty of women, in fact, there are only two kinds, beautiful and beautiful, this group of dancers have.

Han Yu thought, fortunately, the song and dance troupe that can enter the army is strictly selected and reviewed. Otherwise, several women can destroy a large army!

Men, you can conquer the world, but you can easily conquer women!

Just as Han Yu secretly despised the man, the most beautiful and beautiful leader danced to the dragon and danced to the night. She moved the graceful posture of the graceful, step by step, and stopped ten steps in front of the dragon. place.

The ten steps are the latest ones. The foreigners are never allowed to be within ten steps of the dragon.

She threw the sleeves twice in the night, and the long silk sleeves crossed the dragon's non-night table legs, just like a lure, invitation. When the sleeves were retracted, she threw her eyes.

I don't know if the dragon is watching again at night. Han Han is so close to see the woman's flattery. Her every move, even if it is a look, is extremely confusing.

This is dancing, it is to eat fruit and fruit to seduce the dragon is not good!

The woman jumped in front of the dragon for a while, and the dancers behind her went forward and stood in front of the other soldiers. There was a particularly tall woman standing in front of the Baili Musk.

Han Yu wondered, how can this group of dancers even the woman who has been fragrant?

Thinking about this, she suddenly realized the danger and realized that the good show has actually been staged!

However, at this time, the leader's sleeves once again reached the dragon non-night table, not like the last time I touched it, I immediately recovered, but stayed.

The lead dancer daggered her head and looked at her own arm. She looked at the dragon and the night table, and then looked up, looking at the dragon and the night.

Han Yu is full of vigilance, is judging that the danger is in the dragon non-night, or Baili Muxiang, who knows, the dragon is not unexpectedly caught the leader's sleeves, and she took her over...

(End of this chapter)