Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 864: Double repaired sister

Han Yu wanted to wake up the dragon, but he couldn't bear it. He wanted him to rest for a while, and he wanted to sleep in bed with him. He quietly embraced each other for a while.

I have been married for so many years, even if I have been mixed with him for many times, I have never had the feeling of sharing a bed together, and this time, joy wakes up, he is lying next to her. She finally felt like a woman, his wife.

The happiest thing is to open his eyes every morning and see his quiet sleep.

Just as Han Han’s fingertips stroked his lips, the dragon was awake at night. He looked at her lazily and took a bite of her finger.

She frowned and he let go.

"Not tired?" he asked.

She hasn't answered yet, he just turned over.

She hurriedly said, "Dragon is not night, I have something to ask you! What is going on in the double repair? How to fix it? You take Baili Musk to lead Bai Yanqing, reliable?"

"Double repair?" The dragon whispered to himself in the night, and suddenly he laughed. He said, "To combine the power of love and the original internal strength of my body into one, the invincible realm must be assisted by a martial arts wizard. It can be achieved through double repairs. Double repairs are the practice of simultaneous training, both self-cultivation and self-cultivation. The double repairs are not only a combination of martial arts but also a tacit understanding of the mind."

"Whether is your martial arts to be as powerful? Can you follow the practice of synchronization, and you can achieve the combination of two?" Han Yu asked seriously.

Imagine that a martial art of a dragon and a night is so powerful, and then a person of the same level joins the dragon and the night, who can be the enemy in the world?

Dragon nodded noon at night, "Yes!"

"Do you find such a person?" Han Yu looked suspicious, but she did not entangle this problem, she was more entangled in another problem, she asked seriously, "repair, heart has a heart... How to fix it?"

"As with Slim, you must have a heart and soul, you can practice together and reach the true heart." Long answered the night.

Han Hao was anxious. "Dragon is not a night, is the man who is a pair of men and women?"

If it is a man, and the dragon is not a night of heart and soul, there is nothing. After all, confidant and friends can have a heart, as for the woman... Han Han will cry! ”

"Female." The dragon answered truthfully.

Han Han raised his eyebrows and looked at him. He asked for a long while, and asked, "Are you looking for someone?"

Who knows, Long Fei night actually answered with a serious face, "Well, I found it very early."

Han Hao pushed him away and sat up. She didn't talk, she was jealous of him.

However, Long Fei night is not joking with her, seriously said, "A younger sister of Tianshan Jianzong, talent is very good, far better than me and my Duanmu Yao. Because the power of love is not absolutely confidential, Bai Yanqing generation I know very well, so that sister is so far..."

"I have been hidden by you so far? Is the Golden House hidden?"

Han Yu’s cold sound interrupted the dragon and the night, not only by the dragon and the night, but also by his serious attitude. His expression, this tone, is not like a joke at all. He is serious!

Who knows, Long Fei night still answered truthfully, "So far... no one knows."

Han Hao took a sigh of relief and completely fired. "Which teacher, what is the name? You are hiding deep enough! When did you have a heart with her heart? How did you have a heart with her heart? How do you feel with her?" Law? How do you plan to do it with her, how do you know what to do?"

She is completely swelled, and men and women have a heart and soul, they must be outside of couples and couples, and they must be right and wrong.

Chang En love, sincerely love each other, you can have a heart and soul, you must know that the same bed dreams are more!

As for pure friendship, the relationship between men and women? Who is it? And sister, she really should be the word "sister"!

Long Fei answered late, and Han Han stared at him, waiting, and no longer spoke. Only time was lost between the two.

However, after all, Han Han defeated, "Dragon is not night, you answer does not answer me?"

The dragon didn't make a sound at night, and was about to pull her hand. Han Han avoided it. "The dragon is not night, sometimes I can't guess your mind, I think... we don't have enough heart and soul..."

Her heart is full, and there are so many words to say, but I have worked hard for a long time, but after all, I can't say anything, and I don't want to say it.

She was wrapped in silk and was left alone, only to give him two words, "Goodbye."

Long Fei night looked at her lonely and thin back, suddenly chuckled, in addition to helplessness, still helpless.

"Han Han." He called her.

She ignored her and dressed herself.

He took his clothes and wrapped them around the body. When he stood up, his legs became more slender and refined, full of power and infinite imagination. He strode to her side and hugged her waist with a arrogant arm. "Han Han, are you jealous like this? Are you too embarrassed?"


Han Wei is really angry. Who is not angry?

"Goodbye?" The dragon smiled helplessly at night. "Where are you going?"

"It doesn't matter to you!" Han Han was cold and cold. She lowered her head and could not see her face in the night.

"Is it so jealous?" Long asked again.

He held her shoulders with both hands, and wanted to see her board come over and let her see him. Who knows that Han Han is breaking away from him, angry, "Don't touch me!"

This voice is clearly choked, and the crying is very strong.

Long Fei night did not expect that the situation would become like this. He panicked and quickly grabbed her hand. "Hey, you listen to me."

Han Hao still struggled to get rid of it. The dragon didn't know where she came from such a big strength, but she broke her hand. "This kind of thing has no explanation!"

She looked up at him, and her eyes were already red, and all the tears!

The dragon is not explaining the night, but seeing it, but it is awkward.

"Dragon is not night, you lied to me! How many things have you cheated on me? You liar! Do you know how much I like you! Do you know how long I have liked you secretly? Do you know that I have How much more effort is going to take a hundred steps?"

Han Hao angered, "Do you know that even if you are with you, I feel that you are far away from me! I have never known why, I have never known how many steps have been between us. Now I know, I Understand, the person who has a heart with your heart is not me! It is not me! One hundred steps, I will never finish, the dragon is not night..."

"It's over!" The dragon was rushing to interrupt.

Han Hao’s nose and sneer, “I can’t finish.”

"But we have started to double repair... Fool, after the warm soup that night, we have started double repair!"

Long Fei looked at her tearful face at night, and thought about it, and wanted to laugh.

He just wanted to tease her and miss her taste of the acetic acid pastry. Who knows, her reaction is so big.

Han Yu lived.

Long Fei night is not in a hurry to explain, spoiled tears for her, he laughed lightly, even laughing is full of distressed, "Han Han, you are so stupid and so embarrassed, how can I dare to lie to you in the future?"

Han Yudi

Looking at him, he suddenly avoided his hand and wiped away the blurred eyes and tears. "Dragon is not night, what did you just say? What do you mean?"

Long Fei looked at her tearful eyes and was shocked by the small face. She couldn’t help but laugh. "It’s pretty cute."

"Dragon is not night!" Han Hao was in a hurry. This guy just said that they have started double repair? what happened?

"You just got jealous?" Long asked stubbornly at night.

"Yes!" Han Yu admitted that "Dragon is not night, you are lying, you bully! You bastard!"

Han Yu’s mood last night has been like riding a roller coaster. Now I don’t know what happened to the double repair. I only know that he played her once again. He only knows what little sisters are lies.

She doesn't know what is going on, she wants to cry a lot!

"I just care, just like it! But, you can't lie on me, I like you, just lie to me, I bully me! Dragon is not night, how can you be so hateful! You give me a roll! Go away!"

The dragon is not the night, but he does not roll, but he hugs him. He is satisfied and distressed.

From the beginning of the mentor, he looked back several times to see that she did not care, and he was not happy so far, so she had to put an attitude.

Today, he is satisfied. Can be very distressed, do not know how to marry her. Does he abuse her or abuse himself?

Tossing each other, tormenting each other, the same is because of love.

Han Han did not reject the arms of the dragon and the night, and she did not have to ask more questions. The dragon did not explain the matter clearly at night.

It turned out that when Tang sent her hidden weapon, he discovered her martial arts talent, far better than him and Duanmu Yao. It can be said that it is the most empty cloud martial arts. It is what he and Master have been looking for. people.

He has always concealed and even lied to her that she is a waste material, precisely because she does not want her martial arts. Once she learns martial arts, the martial arts talent will definitely be exposed.

At that time, he was still alert to her and would not tell the truth. Later, he concealed the power of the love, concealed the identity of the Eastern Qin Prince, and also did not tell her the beginning and end of the matter. This has always been hidden since then.

Until the mystery of identity was solved, the misunderstandings of the two men were solved. He began to try double repairs. The result was very successful. However, in the past few days, he did not have the opportunity to sit down and explain this to her.

Today, she did not ask, he also intended to say.

There are countless kinds of double repairs in the world. The double repair of the power of love is actually a double repair of lovers. You must first cultivate your heart, and then you can begin to practice martial arts.

After the rain in Wentangchi, he borrowed her from a coma and tried to pass on her internal strength to help her through the several acupuncture points on her body. It is because of the reason of the mind that her body does not have any rejection of the power of love and the power of Brahma, and these two forces are strengthened in her body.

If Han Yu knows Wu, she will have discovered that she now has at least 20% of her internal strength. In a sense, Han Yu also learned the inner strength of Tianshan, and he was able to go out with his teacher.

As long as Han Yu has cultivated 10% of his internal strength, he can officially begin to work with him to practice himself. Everything has been practiced!

This incident, the dragon is not even the old man of Jianzong! In order to keep my identity secret, it is even more protective of Han Han!

Even Bai Yanqing, the only savvy fox, can't guess Han Han, a scrap that won't be martial arts, is the highest talent of the emptiness of the emptiness of the mainland!

After listening to the explanation, Han Yu looked at the dragon and the night, and at the end of the day was a rage. "Dragon is not night, you, you... you are a big liar, don't wait to be so deceptive!"

(End of this chapter)