Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 865: Want to see the light

Can Han Han not collapse?

In the past few years, she firmly believed in her own martial arts waste materials. She once felt depressed for this. She did not expect that she was actually the most talented person in the emptiness of the mainland.

She is simply... it’s been thoroughly pitted!

That is the dragon non-night guy, can hang her like this! Changed to someone else saying that she is martial arts waste, she will still doubt, but the dragon is not night...

Han Hao was so angry that the whole face was white, and the words were incomplete. "Dragon is not the night! Dragon is not the night you...you! Long non-night, do you know that I will not be martial, how long it has been depressed!"

After several times, she dragged her back, how much she hoped she would martial arts!

"Penalty teaches you the internal strength, and when your internal strength is equal to me, we begin to double repair, I..."

Long Feiyue said, took a cheat from the cupboard and handed it to Han Wei. Han Han opened it and saw that it was a martial arts cheat of a tablet.

She won't look at the cheats, and it looks like a hidden weapon in the above picture. She carefully looked through the head and found that this was really a set of hidden weapons, teaching people how to use internal strength, with special techniques, using dark needles and other hidden weapons.

"I spent two years to create it, apply your poison needles, start tomorrow night, teach you an hour every night, as long as you need good tricks and eyesight, once you improve your internal strength, you can kill the enemy with one shot. You and I have successfully repaired, the power of your needle will not be less than the rain pear needle." Long Fei night said seriously.

Han Hao stared at him and suddenly he was silent.

Long Fei night certainly knows how much she hopes to learn Wu. He thinks that she has seen this tailored cheat, she will be deflated, who knows she is so silent.

His eyes passed a complicated and faint road. "No more lie to you, really. I will leave the last secret and tell you. Han Han, if I cultivate the third order of the power of love, it is invincible. Only you can kill me all over the world. The power of love is cherished. If you face my sword, I will lose my strength."

Even if they will meet each other in the future, he still tells the secret.

Han Wei, now, isn’t it a hundred steps between you?

In fact, if he can, he does not want to be so deceived.

Who wants to bear this lie, so tired to live?

Keeping secrets alone is the toughest thing. No one knows how much patience, how much tolerance, and how much persistence in the face of this woman over the past four years.

"Oh, I..."

The dragon is about to open the night, Han Han lives in his mouth. "You can lie to me like this, the dragon is not night, I recognize! We will have a day of war, but there will never be The sword is facing each other! Good or not"

Seeing the soldiers, it is the thing of the East and the West; the swords are opposite, it is their own business!

Long Fei night licked her bangs, "must."

I once said that I will deceive her once and be a hundred times.

However, even if he deceives him a hundred times, she must not complain, can not hate.

In this hand, he wrote it himself step by step, and the cheats he painted showed the goodwill of his deception over the years.

Without his deception, she and he may not be able to go to this step today, and she may not be able to live to the present.

Recalling the days when he used to walk around and fight side by side, he didn’t know anything. He didn’t have to think about anything. It was so easy and worry-free.

If, if he can, as always, hold her identity

She will not have any apologies and responsibilities to Xiqin at this time.

Han Hao doesn't blame the dragon for the night, only the heartache... It hurts him over the years, and he alone bears everything.

"Dragon is not night, you teach me the internal strength, what do you do yourself?" Han Yu asked seriously.

"Every time I am, I can recover, rest assured." Long is not a night of self-discipline.

Han Hao was relieved, and she smiled helplessly. "Bai Yanqing must have thought that the person he was looking for would be me!"

The dragon was not cold in the eyes of the night, "It’s a pity that he didn’t come alone last night, otherwise... everything is over!”

"You left the scent of thyme, and she is not very dangerous?" Han Yu asked seriously.

"Her's best candidate!" Long non-night picks Baili Musk is also a thousand choices. Baili Muxiang is a Yi people and a woman. Although she did not serve him, she used to The identity of the prostitute entered the Qin Dynasty, and it was still a sensation in the Tianning Emperor.

As for Bai Yanqing's suspiciousness and caution, these things will definitely be investigated.

If he creates the illusion of the scent of the scent of Baili, Bai Yanqing will doubt it. It is precisely because these things are unclear, Bai Yanqing will doubt the Baili Musk.

"She is the daughter of the Yi nationality and died for the great cause of Dongqin. It is her privilege." Long Fei said coldly.

I have to say that Han Yu has a soft heart for the people beside her. She is not as good as the dragon and the night, and there are not many people around her.

She smiled. "I managed to save her life, and I have to give up for your Dong Qin."

"She has something to deal with Bai Yanqing in her hand. As long as Bai Yanqing does not make poison, she can live with Bai Yanqing. If she can survive, she may be her life." Long is not a night.

"What?" Han Yu was curious. She came over and the dragon whispered to him at night.

"God!" Han Wei was very surprised. She thought that in the following days, Baili Musk would follow them. If she was there, she was not afraid of Bai Yanqing’s poison. If Baili Musk could use her things, not only There will be nothing, but it will be meritorious.

"Dragon is not night, Baili musk will be meritorious when you get there. You can reward her with a rank. Don't let her be a prostitute." Han Hao said so much, the face of the dragon is not so stinky, he Very satisfied.

"Dragon is not night, tell me when you were young? How was your parents... passed away?" Han Yu seriously asked, knowing so many things today, I don't think it is enough.

"It’s all over..." Long said at night, while finishing the hair for her, he brought her three thousand inks all over to the back and gently smashed it up. "Don't mention it... I only have you now."

"Dragon is not night..." Han Wei still wants to know.

"Oh... it’s all gone, let’s talk to you when you have time.” Long is not talking at night.

Happiness can be shared, but some pains cannot be shared, because some pains become two when shared. Those things that have already been drowned on the ground with the passing people, no one can change, can't heal. More than one person knows, one more pain.

He couldn't bear to let this woman know his bruised past and never want her to know.

Long does not say that the night is not strong, Han Han did not force, can not participate in his past, she must participate in his present and future.

It was dawn, Xu Donglin and Zhao Wei sent breakfast, "His Royal Highness, it is time to eat, and I have to examine the dancers in the morning."

Long Fei Ye and Han Han wear and put together,

Han Wei is still dressed as a bodyguard. Xu Donglin glanced at it and snickered. The princess is definitely the one who has been closest to His Highness in the history of the film guard group!

Laughing and laughing, thinking of his Chu boss, he is still sad, do not know how the Chu boss is now, if you know that His Royal Highness and the princess, Chu boss can want to open?

Long Feiye and Han Yu took a meal, Xu Donglin and Zhao Wei were guarding themselves.

"Right, I wrote to Gu Qishao, he... has the right to know." Han Yu said seriously.

The dragon is only cold and laughing at night, nothing to say. For Gu Qishao, his attitude is like this.

"In these few days, Gu Shaoqi should receive a letter..." Han Yu said.

The dragon did not speak at night, and Gu Shao had to enter his military camp, impossible! At the beginning, the two said good, Gu Qi less concealed the mother-in-law, he concealed the secret of the seven dead.

Since the contract was concluded, it can't be violated anyway. Gu Qixiao told the truth to Han Hao. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to explain clearly with Han Yu. Otherwise, he would never let go of Gu Shaohao!

Han Wei knows that in the long-term premise of the dragon is not a few, it is purely white!

The dragon was quietly eating the morning meal silently, only to be faint. "I still can't contact Gu Beiyue. Can you find a small thing? I want to know Gu Beiyue's choice."

If the dragon has friends all night, Gu Beiyue is one. Although there is speculation in his heart, he still wants to know what is Gu Beiyue’s opinion and what choices he will make in the face of the current situation.

Han Hao shook his head helplessly. "I was afraid that I was in the hands of Bai Yanqing. I went back to the North Moon and asked Chu Tianyin to give a letter to Long Fei. I didn't mention the little things. It only shows that he didn't see anything. The little things don't follow Gu Beiyue, and only Bai Yanqing may be trapped in his storage space."

I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss the little guy.

Dragon nodded noon at night, "Go, go to the water."

Long has no clue in the hands of the night, can find Bai Yanqing, but since there are a few dancers, he has to review the first trial, maybe there is new news.

Han Han followed the dragon out of the camp and found that it rained last night. They all said that the day of the Tanabata would definitely fall, it was the tears of the Weaver Girl.

The air after the rain is particularly fresh, the morning sun is bright but not glaring, and Han Han’s heart has a feeling of rain and fine weather. She turned back and moved out a few pots of yang flowers in the camp and placed them outside the camp.

She deliberately took the dragon for a night and stood for a while. After seeing the sun in the morning sun, she gradually raised her head and greeted the east.

She wants their love to see the light, look up, sunny, brilliant!

After all the sunny flowers were raised, Han Yu was satisfied. She let go of the dragon's hands, like a small guard and Xu Donglin followed him and went to the water.

How many people are still dreaming in the early morning after the Tanabata night?

In a bamboo house in the valley of the mountains, Gu Beiyue has already woken up, a white shirt wins the snow, and is thin. In the green mountains and green hills, it seems that the wind will go away at any time, and the feathers will become feathers.

He stood at the window and looked at the green hills in the distance. At this time, a flying eagle was hovering over the top of the mountain.

Until the flying eagle flew over the top of the mountain and disappeared into the sky, he took back his sight. The pale mouth was filled with a faint smile, just like the spring breeze in April, gentle, gentle, gentle...

"Northern Moon Yin Xian, wake up early today!" A low voice came from outside the door, not others, it was Bai Yanqing.

(End of this chapter)