Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 871: You don't have to go

The hundred miles of Yuanlong is to fight for the old life and hard support, and can not be stunned in this section of the bones!

"Zhao, deputy, fast! Let the two tanks go down, one person to drink, can prevent snake venom! The whole army is on guard, search for snakes!"

After the order of Baili Yuanlong, it immediately seemed to be Xiying. When he rushed over, Long Feiye and Han Yu had arrived.

I saw the corpse of a local, more than two hundred people, and hundreds of white bites, have been urgently taking the antidote. Fortunately, Han Yu’s detoxification system temporarily prepared a bunch of antidote. Otherwise, no one can survive when the drug is temporarily found.

Han Wei was still dressed as a shadow guard. He was on the sidelines for several senior officers to apply detoxification. Xu Donglin and several film guards stood around and did not allow anyone to approach and bother.

The hundred miles did not see His Royal Highness, and when he saw Han Han, he rushed over, "Han..."

He almost said that he missed his mouth and rushed to correct it. "Flying clouds, the situation..."

If the words have not yet been exported, Xu Donglin will be interrupted. "Your Highness has orders, disturbing the flying clouds, killing innocents!"

"This general is wanting to ask..."

"General Baili, Feiyun is trying to rescue the soldiers. Every moment is very precious. It is a human life to delay a sentence with you. Can you afford it?"

Xu Donglin asked for a question, and he did not forget to remind "General Baili, the life of this place, you can all bear it! You still save energy!"

The heart of Baili Yuanlong stunned, and he was silent.

He looked at Han Wei, only to see her expression dignified, serious, and the movements on her hands were simply and fluently. I did not think that your situation was urgent and flustered, nor did it reduce the steps of treatment because of human life.

She was calm, calm, and decisive. She didn't waste a little time. Even a drop of hair was also helped by Zhao Wei. Every moment she spent was saving people.

Baili Yuanlong originally wanted to let go of the gap, sincerely and Han Yu asked for advice, how to remedy, how to find those snakes, was stopped by Xu Donglin, he was very dissatisfied, but looked at it for a while, see the bodyguard saved by Han Yu, a face of the face He is convinced.

Of course, he did not stand for too long, and asked the people on the side, "His Royal Highness?"

"His Royal Highness brought people to catch the snake, and the princess gave the medicine to His Royal Highness, which can lead to the snakes." Xu Donglin answered truthfully.

The hundred miles of Yuan Long have to go, but they have confessed, "Be careful, don't let anyone bother!"

Xu Donglin was so angry and funny, and he ignored him.

In this way, Long Fei night brought people to find the lurking snake, Han Han rescued the wounded, Bai Liyuan and several deputies sent the antidote to the soldiers in the whole camp, and the chaotic scene soon became orderly.

The toxicity of the white-necked golden snake is too fast. Han Han is moving fast. The number of people who can be rescued is limited. Fortunately, the situation of poisoning in the Xiying area is found fast. Some soldiers take detoxification in time and do not need Han Han. Also saved his life.

After Han Han completed the rescue work, the water did not take a drink, and immediately went to Changlong to stay in the night. After learning about the search situation with Long Fei, he split up with him.

It is much easier for Han Wei to find a poisonous snake than a dragon. It does not require special drugs to bring out the snake. She only needs to start the detoxification system to find the location of the snake.

Until the afternoon of the next day, everything was basically over.

"His Royal Highness, 375 people died, 130 people were wounded, and one hundred and then others took medicine. Feiyun rescued twenty-nine people.

Inform the family of the deceased and arrange for appeasement. The injured are all arranged to recuperate in Dongying. All the soldiers in the army are taking antidote and taking precautions. ”

After a hundred miles, Long said, kneeling down, "The end will violate the military order, become a disaster, please the temple to sin!"

The dragon was sitting on the tiger-skin chair in the night, and leaned forward. The fingers crossed and buckled on the lips. A pair of cold and deep secluded, staring at Baili Yuanlong.

For a long while, he did not speak.

Han Wei sat on the side, holding a dead white-necked golden ring snake in his hand, and did not know what to study, and did not pay attention to the side of Baili Yuanlong.

Seeing that the Highness did not make a sound, Baili Yuanlong looked at Han Han and his eyes were gray.

"Is it regret?" Suddenly, the dragon opened his mouth cold and cold.

Bai Liyuan’s heart was shocked. He only felt that the black eyes of His Royal Highness could see him through and see through.

He hesitated for a long time, still did not answer.

The big camps were three of them, and they were so quiet that they could hear the sound of a needle landing.

The quieter it is, the more the eternal mile is, the more he wants to slap him, slap him a few feet, and he can't resist the silence of His Highness.

Long Fei night only asked, Baili Yuanlong did not answer, he did not ask again, waved his hand silently, indicating that Baili Yuanlong retreated.

"His Royal Highness..."

If the hundred miles are full of words, but I don’t know how to say it, I am still silent.

He didn't leave, he was so squatting, waiting.

The dragon slowly picked up his eyes, and his hands gradually became a fist. Baili Yuanlong felt his anger and bowed his head to wait for the storm.

Han Hao seems to have noticed something. Looking up, at this time, Xu Donglin suddenly ran in. "His Royal Highness, Princess, those snakes... those snakes are crazy! Go and see."

Last night, in addition to more than 600 snakes killed on the spot, but also imprisoned more than 300 activities, the reason why did not kill, it is Han Han kept the lead, to find out in the snake cave.

The habit of the white-necked snake and the ants are very similar, not only in groups, but also after a snake, responsible for production.

Unlike the queen, the snake is not only very horrible, but also has a very powerful attack.

The military camp is still here, and it has not been attacked by the snakes. It was suddenly attacked last night. There must be a reason, either someone is malicious, or the snake cave is nearby, and it is stimulated by accident.

No matter what the reason, we must find out the cave as soon as possible and find the snake. Otherwise, after she and the dragon leave the night, no one in the military camp can resist the toxicity of the snake.

"It must be summoning them after the snake! In the past!" Han said seriously.

Long Fei night did not pay attention to the hundred miles of Yuanlong, striding out with Han Han, rushed to Xiying, Baili Yuanlong hesitated for a moment, or chased the past.

In addition to parking the body, Xiying is empty.

The dead snakes piled up in a pile, and the living snakes were tied in iron cages. They were climbing like crazy cages, biting iron cages, and spewing poison gas from time to time.

Han Hao was not close, she noticed that the breath was not right. She stopped Long Fei and others. "Don't rely too close, poisonous!"

She stopped the dragons from the night, but they were close.

Long Fei night was quite dissatisfied. In the face of Bai Liyuan and several film guards, he licked the clothes behind Han Han and did not speak, but everyone knows that he meant not to let Han Han

Go ahead.

Han Hao smiled back and whispered. "Nothing, the poison that attacks me will be owned by me."

I have repaired the second stage of the storage space. She is equivalent to a hundred poisons and does not invade.

Han Hao is close to the iron cage, closes his eyes and seems to be smelling the poison in the air.

Long non-night and everyone watching behind, even the dragon is not afraid to disturb the night, let alone other people.

For a while, Han Yu opened his eyes and suddenly got close to the iron cage, and at this time, a white-lipped golden ring snake came cold and screamed and opened his mouth.

"Be careful!"

Long Fei night pulled Han Han back and scolded, "You are crazy!"

"I'm fine! Really! The iron cage stopped it and couldn't bite me." Han Yu said helplessly.

When she was working, she hated other people, but she was helpless. It was the dragon and the night that disturbed her. She could only bear the temper.

"What are you doing?" Long asked at night.

"There are two kinds of toxicities in the air. One is the poison emitted by the snakes. The other is the poison emitted by these snakes. The characteristics of the two poisons are different. However, they can find each other in the air and merge into one. A new kind of toxin, which is distributed to a hundred miles."

Han Hao said as he gently pushed the dragon's hands beyond the night and leaned against the iron cage. "The poisonous gas behind the snakes is very strong. The poisonous gas of these snakes has not yet dispersed. The poisonous gas after the snakes finds them. Iron There are already new toxins in the cage, and they start to go out again..."

"Then everyone will not be poisoned?" The East Qin army can not only be stationed here, but also a number of scattered camps, distributed in a hundred miles. Moreover, after the armistice, the number of people returning to their hometowns has gradually increased.

In the event of the spread of poisonous gas, the consequences are unimaginable.

When the words of Baili Yuanlong were exported, they regretted it. Han Hao does not take the opportunity to marry him, only to blame!

Who knows, Han Han has no extra nonsense, cold and cold, "No, this poison is the signal of their communication, equivalent to the human language, will not hurt people. General Bailey assured."

Baili Yuanlong himself was a little embarrassed, nodded, did not say anything.

"As far as poison gas is concerned, this snake must be over a hundred years old, and it is difficult to cope." Han Yu said seriously.

"Princess, the giant python that you killed with your Highness is said to have a millennium. How can you deal with it after a hundred years of snakes?" Baili Muxiang couldn't help but speak.

"It's a good response, and the snakes that guard it are not good." Han Hao sighed.

"What do you mean... there are poisonous snakes in the snake cave?" The dragon was shocked at night.

"Yes!" Han Yu nodded. "The snake caves after a hundred years of snakes must be more than a thousand poisonous snakes. This is a rare phoenix. Once the poisonous gas is scattered, it is perceived by the snakes and snakes. They are afraid to rush out. This is the white-lipped golden ring snake that is difficult to deal with!"

This time everyone understands what is going on.

"Princess, then we can control the poison gas, not let the poison gas spread out?" Xu Dong asked urgently.

"It's okay to kill these snakes! But, we can't find out where the snakes are, so we can't find the reason why these snakes attack the military camp. The endless troubles!" Han said seriously.

"Hundreds of Yuanlong, go to arrange the staff, always help." Long non-night ordered. However, Han Han stopped. "No, I can go alone."

She said, turning around and looking at the dragon night, "you don't have to go."

(End of this chapter)