Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 873: Leave his sight

In the face of the stubbornness of Baili Yuanlong, people with such a good temper are all angry. "Hey! If you have three long and two short, who will lead us to the East Qin army?"

The eyes of the hundred miles have passed through a bitter bitterness. "His Royal Highness has its own arrangements!"

Han Hao was so difficult, and His Royal Highness was silent. Can he continue to lead the East Qin army? Not long ago, he threatened His Highness by "returning to the country", but he did not expect that he would fall to this end today!

"Hey!" Baili Musk was very distressed. She had never seen her father so helpless and sad.

One hundred miles of Yuan Long looked like a dead, thinking, vengeance for the brothers to die, always after the return to the camp, was downgraded and downgraded, lost face to be strong.

"It's all this snake-like thing!" Baili musk cried. In the face of the father is about to be in danger, life and death, her temperament is mild, and will be anxious! How much she hopes that the princess is not true.

Baili Yuanlong suddenly looked over and muttered to himself, "How do you make this snake disaster so sudden?"

"The princess just said, can get the snake cave to find out." Baili Muxiang replied.

Baili Yuanlong was silent for a long while and whispered. "She wants to attract a snake. Is that just a matter of thought?"

"Hey...hey!" Baili Muxiang was shocked, for fear of being heard by the two people in front. If you do not trust, you will not make troubles today.

The hundred miles of the ups and downs are not afraid, pondering for a moment, and again, "a thousand snakes are still rare, how big is the snake cave? So big snake caves must come out, her poison is higher, how can one respond? Got it? Don’t let everyone keep up, afraid..."

"Hey, don't guess!" Bailey's scent angered and interrupted. She never tempered her temper in her father. This is the first time.

"Musk, you don't forget her Western Qin Princess! If she knew that she was a Western Qin Princess, she might not save your life in that year!" Baili Yuanlong reminded.

"Hey! I..."

"What are you, you are a girl, what do you know? She is waiting for you, you are..."

"Hey, I believe in Your Highness!" Baili Muxiang interrupted the hundred miles.

"For the father also believes in His Royal Highness, but the heart of the defense is indispensable! I shoulder the life of tens of thousands of people in the entire East Qin army! For the father can not afford to gamble," said Bai Liyuan.

Baili 茗 索 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别 性别

Han Yu and Long Fei walked in the front, tracking the forest in the west of the gas camp. After five miles, I have not found a snake cave.

"So far away, even if the snake cave is disturbed, it may not find the military camp?" Han Hao whispered.

The white-necked golden snake does not attack people casually, either being brought out or disturbed. She had thought that the snake cave would not be too far from the military camp. It was suspected that the daily activities of the military camp interfered with the snake cave. Now it seems that this snake disaster is more artificial.

"The villagers around did not appear in the case of snake venom. Five miles away, all the snakes went all the way to the military camp, and it was strange!" Long Feiye also obviously became suspicious.

At this time, Han Han’s detoxification system issued an alarm and she suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Long asked at night.

The hundred miles and the Baili musk also stopped, and the shadow guards that followed on both sides also stopped.

"There is poison in front, everyone does not move."

Han Hao said that he would go forward, and Long did not hold her at night. She is helpless. "It's not a poison cave. It's not far from the front. You can see me, it's okay. I will handle it and come back soon."

Dragon is not the night, this is like the annoyance of Han Yu. At this moment, he is also particularly annoyed. If he is poisonous, how good it should be.

Han Hao really did not go far, the figure has always been within the scope of the dragon's night vision, I saw her looking for things in the grass, as for what to find, everyone did not know.

Soon, she got up and Chonglong waved at night, "Keep me a half-mile away, keep up!"

"Why?" The dragon shouted at night.

Han Xiao smiled happily, and did not know if Long Fei had seen her smile, she said, "You promised me, everything listens to me! Just do it!"

The dragon is not afraid of the night, and the smile on the corner of the mouth is extremely beautiful. I don’t know if Han Han has seen it clearly. If he used to, he would not agree, but now with his martial arts, as long as he is within his line of sight, he can keep her worry-free.

He waved his hand to Han Han and motioned her to move on. He agreed.

Han Hao all the way forward, from time to time on the ground, do not know what to look for, what? The dragon is not curious at night, and Baili Yuanlong is even more suspicious.

After walking five miles, Han Han finally stopped. The dragons stayed up late and they followed up. They saw a huge pit not far from the front. Although it was not as big as the poisonous ban, it was too small.

They are about ten meters away from the pit, and Han Han is very sure. "The snake cave, we are here."

The dragon didn't feel a little at night, but Han Wei noticed the strong poison in the place far away. The detoxification system detects the toxin value of the entire snake cave, and estimates the toxin value of a common white-necked snake, estimating at least 20,000 snakes in the snake cave! More than twice as expected by Han Yu!

Moreover, due to the influence of the poisonous gas in the air, the bottom of the entire snake cave has already boiled. The snakes of thousands of thousands of mountains are crawling up the wall of the cave, madly climbing up, and they are lurking in the bottom of the snake, they are all around, constantly Squirting poison gas.

Rao is a poisonous teacher of this level of Han Yu, and she is shocked. She is very fortunate that she has already repaired the second stage of the storage space. Otherwise, let alone her power, even if the dragon calls all the guards to help. It may not be able to get this huge pit!

She collected all the information that she could collect, and looked back at everyone and seriously said, "This deep pit is 20 meters deep, more than 20,000 snakes, a snake..."

The words are here, everyone is discolored, what is the concept of a snake after a snake? Even if they are not afraid of poison, they can't kill it! Once the snakes are allowed to escape from the snake caves, they will go to the military camp in private, and it will be even harder to find them! The antidote given by Han Yu is time-limited. Once the effect is over, if it is not replenished in time, the snake will not be prevented.

Long Fei raised his brow and walked to her side. However, Han Han pushed him away and pushed him to the side of the hundred-year-old father. She continued. "They have already smelled the poison. They are all climbing up. It is estimated that they will climb up in a short time. Our situation is very dangerous and there is not much time. I finally said once, everything listens to me, otherwise, The consequences are at your own risk!"

Han Hao stood alone at the edge of the snake cave, with a serious expression and a cold silence. He exuded the authority that could not be offended. Even if there were more dissatisfaction and doubts, the hundred miles of Yuan Long were shocked and did not say anything again.

Dragon non-night fundus

Passing a touch of complexity, seriously, "Well, you are careful."

Han Hao nodded, she took out a few packets of antidote to hand over to the 20 poison guards. The 20 poison guards were selected by the film guards and personally handed over to the poison. They can still come in handy at the crucial time.

"There may be poisonous snakes escaping in the future. You five people will protect them. Then they will retreat 50 meters. Be cautious, understand?" Han Yu seriously explained.

Although they had taken antidote prevention before they came, she did not know how much time she had to face in the face of such a large poison cave.

The biggest thing she has ever received is the poison pool. The poisonous pool is one, and there are 20,000 poisonous snakes in the snake cave, which are not one. She is confident that she can survive this cave of viper, but she has no experience and no unexpected situation. Therefore, we must be fully prepared to protect the safety of the dragons and nights.

After they retired from the night, Han Han let the remaining poison guards spread out, standing on the edge of the snake venom and encircling the snake cave. She only left a poison guard at her side.

"Try not to let the snake escape, use poison to attack, understand?" Han Hao asked.

"Understand! The master is assured!"

After all the arrangements were made, Han Han looked back at Long Fei’s night and saw that Long Fei was staring at her.

She smiled slightly and he was still serious.

She gave him a reassuring look, and she turned decisively and closed her eyes.

The four people are very quiet, and the people with good ears have heard the sound of the snakes getting closer and closer. Long Fei night can't understand Han Hao in the end how to deal with this cave snake, is it intended to attack with poison, poison? Still intend to put these snakes into the storage space? How to collect it?

Baili Yuanlong and Baili Musk are also curious, waiting to see what Han Han is going to do. Even Baili Muxiang does not believe that she can cope with so many snakes, and Baili Yuanlong has three more points of caution.

After a short while, Han Yu whispered to the poison guards beside him. "I am ready, go on."


The poison guard led the life, suddenly pulled Han Han, took her to the snake cave to jump! In an instant, her figure disappeared into the sight of the dragon and the night.

"Han Wei, what are you doing!" The dragon is not a big night, angry!

He didn't even think about it, and what Baili Yuanlong seemed to realize was very shocked and chased out. "His Highness, be careful and deceive! Your Highness, this is a trap! Trap!"

Such a snake cave can spread to the military camp, obviously man-made! Han Yu didn't let the temple down at first, but now he jumped on himself and his behavior was very different. It was clear that he would lead the temple to the cave.

This must be a trap!

The figure of Long Feiye and Baili Yuanlong soon disappeared into the snake cave. Xu Dong was panicked and did not know how to be good!

The princess has a life that is not allowed to move, but the temple has been chased down. What should they do? Hesitated for a moment, he fell off everyone to catch up.

The scent of thyme chased the cliff and eagerly forgot the number of ceremonies, shouting, "His Royal Highness! Father! Don't mess up the princess!"

No one answered the fragrant scent of Baili. Her heart was stunned and she jumped and jumped. However, when she chased the bottom of the snake, there was no glimpse of a snake.

I saw the princess under the temple, leaning against the wall, the father and Xu Donglin, they all looked around and looked like a fog.

What about snakes?

(End of this chapter)