Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 874: Really disgusted

What about snakes?

Everyone looked at Han Wei and waited for her to answer.

Han Hao was stunned by the dragon at night, with one hand covering his mouth, his face pale and white, it seems that a mouth will spit out, there is no way to speak.

The speed of the dragon is not the fastest. When he chased it, Han Han and the poison guard have not yet reached the bottom of the cave.

He saw that the walls were full of poisonous snakes. The intensive scores were unclear which snake heads which snakes belonged to which snakes, and the slippery ones were all intertwined. The flat heads were densely packed and crowded together. Red letter. I have to say that when I saw this scene, the dragon was vomiting at night.

He just saw them, they all leaped from the cliffs to the Han dynasty, to attack Han Han, and the poisonous snakes under the poison caves continued to spray poison gas, almost all the snakes of the caves rushed over to Han.

However, this scene is only an instant, he will still be able to grab people from the hands of the poison guard in the future, all the snakes will disappear.

When he guarded Han Han to the bottom, he did not see a snake. He couldn't blame Han Hao because she had to retire as soon as she landed. It is better now.

Seeing that she was uncomfortable, his temper came up, but then he was too big, still suppressed, and whispered, "You are all in the storage space? What happened to you?"

Han Hao wanted to answer, but she couldn’t help but vomit, and she hurriedly waved, indicating that they were leaving.

Seeing no one moving, she was anxious. "You all leave, fast! I can't hold it! Fast!"

When the voice fell, she vomited and spit in a mess, but while she spit, she did not forget to wave and let everyone leave.

"All go up to wait!" Long is not cold in the night, help Han Han, help her shoot back. Too many people here will only get in the way. He understands this truth.

Xu Donglin and the poison guards did not dare to violate the order, immediately retreating, but the father and daughter of Bailiyuanlong did not leave.

"His Royal Highness, what is going on here?" Baili Yuanlong asked anxiously.

Han Yuqiang resisted nausea, looked anxious, couldn't speak, and waved his hand and let them go. She pushed the dragon out of the night and let him go.

"His Highness, let's go!" Baili Yuanlong was very decisive. This incident was too strange. The conspiracy was too strong. Han Han also said that he wanted him to play in front of him. Who knows that the situation has developed like this? Regardless of the situation, leaving this ghost place is king!

"You two will leave immediately!" The dragon is not a big night.

Baili musk hurriedly took his father, but Baili Yuanlong waved away. "His Royal Highness, Princess, leave it alone. This is not a place to stay forever!"

Han Yuzhong was angry and raging. She was so cold that she pushed the dragon to the hundred miles and was angry. "Dragon is not night, go! I have no time to explain to you!"

Long Fei night can't do it...

At this time, Han Han couldn't help it anymore. She only saw her eyebrows screaming. She suddenly slammed her back and shook the earth and raised a large amount of dust.

Han Hao suddenly fell to the ground, nothing can be taken care of, mad spit.

It’s too disgusting!

After 20,000 poisonous snakes and a giant snake, the income of the storage space was filled with storage space and moved in a dense manner.

Even if there is no harm to the storage space, she can't stand it, can't ignore it, and all her mind is a snake, a densely entangled snake body, standing up and crowded into a group of snake heads.

She really felt that her body and mind were filled with snakes.


Han Hao will endure for a while and will definitely go mad! She did a good job of precaution, but she did not prevent it. I did not expect that I would be disgusted by these poisonous snakes.

This is definitely her career, the history of the glorious battle, the first big failure!


The scent of Baili suddenly screamed. At this time, the dust that had risen was already scattered. I saw a huge fog standing behind Han Han. It was like a giant white-necked golden ring snake. It was full of three people and was thrown on the ground. Han Han is very small underneath it.

This is the snake in the snake cave!

It is full of demon red, spit red letter, the most disgusting thing is that it is still covered with dense snakes.

Han Han really can't stand it. He can only let the snakes and some of the snakes come out first, so that they can get better, and let the detoxification system quickly make the snakes into medicines and poisons.

Anyway, as long as she attacks her poisonous snake, she will be earned by her storage space. She is disgusting at most. At most, it is repeated here and released several times. The detoxification space can always make these snakes into drugs.

But the dragon is not dangerous at night here! Don't say the poisonous snake that was released by her. This snake cave is full of poisonous gas. Although they all take medicine, they can solve the drug for a time limit, but the medicine may not be enough, but the toxicity of the poison cave.

In short, it is too much trouble.

After the snake was released, it was still embarrassing, unknown. So, I heard the scream of the scent of the scent of scent. Although it was mad, it was as crazy as the scent of the scent.

Han Hao is in a hurry, "Dragon is not night, she is going, fast!"

The dragon has not yet started the night, and the nearest hundred miles from the Baili Musk has opened the scent of the scent of the scent. The snake rushed to the ground and slammed into the ground, and immediately stared at them. The poisonous snake hanging on it fell to the ground and moved as an opportunity.

"Dragon is not night, you know the storage space, you go! I won't have anything! There is a hole in this snake cave, I have to keep it, otherwise they will run away." Han Yu pressed his temper and said seriously.

"Hundreds of Yuanlong took your daughter to go, this is the order!" Long is not a night.

He will not go, although he will not be poisonous, but his speed has escaped, and he has responded to it, even if it has been a snake. He can't stay with Han Han alone, even if her ability is good, he is not at ease.

Moreover, Han Han had taken a poison pool for a few days before, how can he be assured? Is she not feeling uncomfortable now?

Moreover, this snake disaster is someone who deliberately does it, in case there is another ambush in this snake cave?

"Musk, you go! Your Highness does not go, I will not go!" Baili Yuanlong cold and cold.

"You don't go, musk doesn't go!" Baili musk also smashed.

When the voice fell, the snake suddenly attacked again. Although it was big, its action was very fast. I have to say that it is very smart, it does not attack Han Han and does not attack the dragon and the night, it attacks the father and daughter.

The hundred miles of Long had no time to hide. Fortunately, the dragon was pushed away by the palm of the night, and he fell to the side of Baili Muxiang.

After the snake did not attack Han Han, Han Yu could not clean it up. The big man, it was very difficult to poison the poison with poison, and he could only clean up by the night.

After the snake saw the hundred-year-old father and daughter fell, immediately fell a head, his head facing the dragon non-night, the snake tail rolled over to the hundred-year-old father and daughter.

Han Yu is going to be mad by the father and the daughter, and the snakes are smarter than their father and daughter! How can you get a snake after the martial arts of Baili Yuanlong and Baili Musk?

Han Wei

I resisted the feeling of nausea and suddenly rushed to the side of the hundred-year-old father and daughter. No one expected that she would do this. It was very unexpected after the snake. The huge snake tails quickly attacked the hundred miles, but they stunned. stop.

Obviously, this snake is very jealous of Han Yu.

The father and daughter of Baili had Han Han's protection. After the snake, they immediately attacked the dragon and the night, and the huge body suddenly came over, and it also spewed a poisonous gas!

"Dragon is not night, be careful!" Han Hao yelled, and several needles came out after the snakes, but the fine needles couldn’t help this kind of giant.

The hundred-year-old father and daughter were also shocked. The hundred miles of Yuanlong rushed out, and the sword was stabbed into the snake's tail. Han Hao wanted to block it.

This thorn can not hurt the life of the snake, it will only stimulate it. Sure enough, after the snake was crazy, the snake tail swayed wildly and swept.

Han Yu is so angry that he has to be swearing!

This kind of attack is not a poison attack, and the storage space can't keep her! Baili Muxiang and Baili Yuanlong are still practicing the family and can avoid it. She does not know what to do.

Seeing the huge snake tail coming over to her face, between the electric light and the flint, a black shadow ran through the poisonous gas ejected from the snake and flew over. Who is this besides the dragon and the night?

Almost at the moment when he opened Han Han, the snake tail squatted, and he would surely find a big hole.

Long Fei Ye and Han Yu fell to the right side of the snake tail, and Bai Li Yuan Long and Bai Li Muxiang fell to the left of the snake tail.

The hundred miles rushed up, "His Royal Highness, you are fine!"

The dragon is not angry at night, "I will roll out the prince immediately, otherwise the prince will kill you!"

The dragon was poisoned by the night, and it was very deep. His cold light shone with the coldness of the monks, and the father and the daughter were all stunned.

However, the father and the daughter looked at his black lips, but they could not go.

In this speech, the snake tail suddenly rises high, the speed is fast, so everyone is horrified, the dragon's non-night reaction is the fastest, and Han Han is evacuated in an instant.

"Dragon is not night, there is no way, go up first." Han Yu can only use the best policy, so that the snake can not escape after the escape.

However, when she finished speaking, her face turned white. The detoxification system reminded her that she must immediately detoxify the dragon, otherwise he would end up with the same soldiers who could not be rescued.

Even if the dragon is not treated with antidote, it can't resist the poisonous gas after the snake! The toxicity of the snake is several times stronger than that of the half snake.

"Detoxification! Dragon is not night!" Han Yu panicked, his hands trembled.

She will not panic in the face of anything, and she will face the dragon and the night alone. She can't imagine what the world without this man would be.

She panicked out the three decomposition drugs to make the dragon not to wear the night, "Dragon is not night, you must detox immediately, otherwise ... or you will die!"

Along the side of the hundred miles and the Baili Muxiang heard this, they also stunned. At this time, the position of the snake suddenly rushed to Han Han and they went sharply!

Long Fei held Han Han to hide, Han Han unexpectedly pushed him away. In an instant, the snake tail squatted on Han Han’s leg, and Han Han sat down in an instant. This strength, the bones of the legs continued to blame. It!

Everyone was shocked. The dragon was slowed down at night. He didn’t expect Han Han to push him away. Is she stupid? ! Although he is poisoned, his skill is especially good!

She couldn’t say anything about her legs. She never thought that she could endure such a great pain. She shouted, "Dragon is not night, you must not exercise, you can’t move your breath, otherwise you will save once you accelerate the spread of toxins. Can't you! I beg you!"


(End of this chapter)