Poison Genius Consort

Chapter 875: I can't think of the past

It turns out that this is the reason why Han Yu pushed the dragon out of the night! In such an urgent situation, she had no choice at all. Just if she didn't push him away, he was lucky enough to let her fly away and he was not saved.

Long Fei night looked at the woman who held her favorite in her hand, so she was so stunned in front of herself that she could not change. His deep sorrow and anger are eternal and cannot be extinguished forever. The sword in his hand seems to feel his anger and squeak.

"Dragon is not night, I beg you! I beg you!" Han Hao is crying, she is afraid of him an impulse, everything can not make up.

Baili Yuanlong and Baili Muxiang were so stunned that they never expected this result. What is the reason for Baili Yuanlong to suspect Han Hao!

Han Han’s leg is broken! broken!

After the snake, you can't pity anyone, see Han Han injured, see the dragon staying up all night, the sly snake seems to have noticed something, one turned, and the tail attacked Han Han.

At this time, Bailiyuan flew over and took Han Han to avoid it. He flew to the dragon and the night. He shouted, "Musk, go up and rescue the soldiers!"

The scent of thyme slowed down, and immediately flew up, shouting, "Xu Donglin! Xu Donglin!"

However, soon, a poisonous snake jumped out of the cliff and threw herself on her. She was so scared that she screamed and fell directly. It was discovered that the snakes that had just hung on the snakes had climbed onto the cliffs.

The thyme is afraid of the snake, very very scared, but she resolutely flies up again.

At this time, the snake has already launched an attack. The ability of Baili Yuanlong is limited. With Han Han and the dragon, the night is not far away, and he can avoid the two attacks after the snake. He will not work.

"Hundreds of Yuanlong, take us to the right side, no matter how to help me fight for a cup of tea time, I can help my detoxification!" Han Hao, even if angry, can only rely on Baili Yuanlong.

"I will do it! I will make a military order at the end!" Baili Yuanlong replied firmly.

He bit his teeth, and with the dragons and nights and Han Han, they were attacking the snake tail and sent them to the corner of the right side of the cave.

"Hundreds of Yuanlong, you don't want to leave too far. After the snake, you don't dare to attack me with poison. Just dare to use the snake tail! You will stand behind me and you will not be poisoned!" Han Yu said.

"Good!" Baili Yuan immediately agreed, thinking that he was the only one in the Central and Southern Governor's Office.

I can't think of the past, I will cry when I think...

Han Hao can't control how much time Baili Yuanlong can fight for her. She only has one thought, helping the dragon to detoxify the night, and Baolong is not a night's life.

He lives, everyone can live; he wants to go wrong, who can live?

To confess to the good hundred miles, and turn around, Han Han will meet the cold eyes of the dragon and the night, full of suffocating, seems to destroy the earth!

She was shocked and quickly hurriedly held his hand. "Night, you are obedient, you are calm! I am fine! Really! That is... the leg is broken, it can be cured!"

She didn't know if he would suddenly rush out with a sword. Once that, the blood rushed to his heart, and all her efforts were in vain.

Sure enough, the dragon stayed up late and held the sword. Han Hao hurriedly pressed, "Dragon is not night, my life is in your hands! If your poison is not solved, we all have to die! I have only a pair of legs, can you be worth two lives?"

"Dragon is not night, I beg you!"

Han Hao has no time, and it is definitely no time for the dragon to go to night.

Han Hao took his clothes belt to help him untie his shirt, and held his hand tightly in one hand, for fear of his use of force.

As soon as the clothes were untied, she had to take the needles with both hands. However, he still stared at her squatting legs, and his murder was getting heavier and heavier.

Han Hao took his hand and held his heart. "Dragon is not night, I need you to give me strength!"

In the words, she let go of his hand and began to find acupuncture needles on his belly, forcing himself to concentrate.

Long non-night presses the sword with one hand, and one hand presses on Han Xin’s heart. One hand is violent, one hand is soft, one hand is cold, and one hand is warm.

His self-control has always been strong, but he has never been so impulsive like this one, and he can't wait for this life to destroy the earth!

Several times I wanted to let go of Han Han, but after all, I couldn't bear her heartbeat. He completely walked away from the edge of control.

Suddenly, the abdomen was cold, and he looked down and saw Han Han crying, and tears dripped in his lower abdomen. At this time, he was shocked to know that she was always strong and calm, and she had already burst into tears.

Han Han, while holding the needle, endured the pain of his legs, while worrying about the dragon's non-night impulse, and worried about whether Baili Yuanlong could stop the snake, he could not concentrate on it. It can be solved in a while, but now I feel that I can't finish it.

She is about to collapse!

Long non-night, this is only from the temper, how can he get out of control at this time, how can it collapse? Han Han needs him!

No matter how strong their respective abilities are, how high their status is, and one thing, he will always overcome her, that is the power of the heart.

No matter when his heart is stronger than her, he can talk about protection!

He finally let go of the sword, his hands on her shoulders, soft voice, "Hey, hey... nothing will happen!"

"Trust me, it must be fine."

How did Han Hao want him to give strength, and when he heard his gentle voice, her heart settled down. As long as he is calm, she can calm down.

Wiping away tears, she converged her mind, a needle, action, beautiful!

At this time, Baili Yuanlong had been smashed several times by the snake tail. Although he was shackled in the front chest and back, he used the internal protective body to protect the bones.

His sword has been taken to the side, and he has internal injuries. He can only rely on this remnant to resist the tail.

He slammed his strength and activated all the internal strengths. He stood in the distance behind Han Han and stood still!

If the snake tail hurts Han Han, they must first hit him.

"嘭" a loud noise. The snake tail slammed down and a blood spurted out of his mouth. Although he was crumbling, he still stood still.

Soon it was a "squeaky" sound, and the snake tail squatted again. The body of Baili Yuanlong shook a little and almost went back. Baili Yuanlong only felt a whirlwind, and his eyes were dark. He simply closed his eyes, forgot everything in front of him, and forgot the wounds on his body.

In the mind, there is a scene in which Han Yu’s tongue is in the middle and south of the family, and he fights for the rights of the Baili Army. At that time, this girl had nothing to do with Xiqin. It was purely Qin Wangxi, the heroine he was proud of.


After the snake, he fell madly, once more than once, once faster than once, and the blood of the hundred miles was spilled on the snake's tail.

He was ready to die here, so he died and he was relieved.

How long is the time for a cup of tea?

Baili Yuanlong did not know how long it took. He only felt that his internal strength had almost disappeared. His legs were almost out of strength, and the whole person could not control himself back.

"How long has Wang Niangniang?" He muttered to himself, not knowing that he had called "Wang Xiiang Niangniang".

If His Royal Highness is only the Royal Highness of Qinning in Tianning, Han Han is only their Princess Wang, is it all simple? He is a soldier, taking soldiers to fight, attacking and killing the enemy, strategic strategy is not the guidance of His Highness, that is, the counselors negotiated. He wants more than anyone else, everything is simple.

His daughters, a pile of marriages are involuntarily, his most painful daughter is incognito, far from the North. So far, apart from himself, no one in the Baili Army has known that the Baili Army has a big lady. The little daughter of Muxiang is the one who stays by his side for the longest time, but it is the most bitter.

These kinds of things are for revenge and hate, Guangfu Dongqin!

He is wary of Princess Xi Qin, what is wrong? He has already acquiesced in the waywardness of His Royal Highness. Is it not allowed to be guarded?

But now, he doesn't know if he is right or wrong.

Just as Baili Yuanlong slowly fell down, Xu Donglin hugged him. He faintly heard Xu Donglin say, "Come, send the generals of Baili to go up first."

Then he was not awake.

The scent of Baili has already reached the ground. Xu Dong’s rate of twenty poisons came to the rescue. Others had long wanted to come down, but under the command of His Royal Highness, he was afraid that he would hinder His Royal Highness and the princess and drag them down. The Baili Musk has not yet reached the top of the cave. As soon as he heard her shouting, he knew that the situation was not good. He immediately rushed down and rescued Baili General in time.

The princess also helped the lower house to detoxify. He kept it aside. After the 20 poison guards joined forces to block the snake, they won time for the princess, but it was more than enough.

At this time, above the snake cave, the shadow guard is delivering a true gas healing treatment for a hundred miles of blood. Even so, the blood continues to flow out of the mouth of the hundred miles. Several of the film guards were a little panicked.

The scent of thyme fell to the side, and the tears seemed to break the levee, and it kept going.

"Hey... you can't hold it!"

"Hey, you said that you have to personally take the troops to step on Tianning to kill the Northern calendar. You said you have to see your Royal Highness on the throne!"

"Oh... oh, I promised to pass the people, and wait for the highness of the temple to recover the East Qin. You have to go to the water to salvage the scorpion bones at the bottom of the Shajiang River! You promised to find a family for them, and make a name for them!"

"Hey, you can't die... you can't die..."


I don't know how long it took, the dragon's non-night poison was successfully ruled out, and the twenty-two soldiers and Xu Donglin guarded Han Han, and the dragon was not swearing after the sword!

Without hesitation, under the guidance of Han Han, he easily avoided the poisonous gas after the snake. Within three strokes, the three swords smashed the huge poison into three pieces, and then killed the poisonous snake on the wall.

Standing in front of Han Han, he hoped that Han Han would stand up and circle his neck as before, but Han Han just sat on the ground. He didn't dare to check her legs, for fear that he couldn't bear the consequences.

Really... just broken?

Han Hao smiled at him blankly. "It's okay!"

He didn't say anything, and the light stared at her deeply, so I didn't talk for a while.

In the face of each other, who is more powerful?

(End of this chapter)